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LF Adventure/Romance Rps With Males/Maybe Females (yay for my new dom girl)

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Apr 21, 2016
I am new to this site, so I figured I start by doing some rps with my OC, Fellash. You should know now that I only rp third point of view and my posts are semi-lit or higher.

Link To Her F-List

As you can see, she is blind. She is basically immortal (though she can still be killed), however, she BECAME immortal around the age of 18.

I love adventure romance rps, what kind of adventures and romance? Well that is up to you my friend! Do you have a dark character you wish to rp with her or a more up-beat one? Just throw a character at me and we shall see! Fellash herself is pretty jolly and upbeat.

For rp ideas there is always the one of her getting separated from Mookums, the monster that guides her around. Without her guide, how will she not stay out of trouble? If you want it to be more realistic too, Mookums can be a human as well that is named Albus. Anyways I got fantasy ideas that have to do with monsters and Gods to more realistic-like ones that have to do with jealousy and greed. So send me a message if you are interested and I will throw ideas at you.
Or message me if you have an idea you think Fellash would be good for. Commenting always works too.

UPDATE 4/21/16

So I am adding Magdalena too
As you will see her profile is not completely updated however it doesn't really matter because she adapts to whatever setting you want though she is best with fantasy if you want her to be fully developed. She is also ancient but she's like 19 or 20 or something by default age, I don't remember these things (im such a good character owner). She's up for just about any kind of adventure romance rp. Also if you have ocs you want to rp with her that belong to you, Magdalena is currently not paired with someone so if our rps go quite well I might think of asking you if we could pair them.

Link To Magdalena's F-List

UPDATE 4/25/16

So I decided I am adding Mariya too. Now please note that Mariya is only for fantasy settings and she is extremely religious, dominant, and sadistic. I don't have her kinks worked out yet but seriously, just think of a crazy dominant sex addict. Also keep in mind that she is NOT a good person. She will either corrupt your character into insanity or more likely kill them in the end somehow. If you can accept that then an rp would be awesome, she needs a king figure for her nation. And that's the rp idea I have for her. Feel free to suggest your own ideas though or edit this to fit your character. Also her rps are mainly smut and dark so in the end I'm just saying she's only up for mature rps man.

Link To Mariya's F-List

(make sure to read her f-list profile first)

Now finally having slain her half-brother and getting to parade around with his dead body, he who was the leader of the nation of the northern wolves, Mariya the tyrant, who is the ruler of the rebirth nation, marches her armies towards the north-west. She knows her younger non-identical twin sister, Magdalena will be grieving their brother's death, and since he’s dead now that means Magdalena is now in charge of the northern wolves, which means it will be absolute chaos in that large nation as everyone tries to adapt and get back into order and deal with having a new leader. Mariya has decided to take advantage of this opportunity and now heads over to the allied nation of the wolves, the nation of the western deer. She seeks to take control since the northern wolves will likely not be fully functioning by the time Mariya’s army is done with the deer. To add an advantage, Mariya’s nation is allied with the nation of the southern foxes and they shall help Mariya take over the deer nation by attacking them head on while Mariya and her group go around and attack the western nation behind, hence why they're heading northwest. Meanwhile the nation of the eastern coyotes is planning on finding opportunities to snag from this situation. What happens when your character gets involved with this whole world domination problem?

UPDATE 4/29/16

Okay I am adding probably my two saddest female characters, Blodwen and Apple. Blodwen is a dom while Apple is a sub. I have one plot in mind for them. It's a very dark plot though so keep that in mind. I dont have their info typed out yet but if you are interested I can type up a better description of their personalities.

Link To Apple's pictures

Link To Blodwen's pictures

A long time ago in a fantasy world

Two girls from different backgrounds met

They were very different from each other

But soon they became the best of friends

Best friends are always forever

One day a messenger came to vociferate

Covered in sin

One of the girls gave the other girl an apple

It was rotten

The next day she died

Then the next day there was nothing

The End

So I have a plot idea!!!

It has to do with a fairy-tale book that is passed down from generation to generation, causing it to gain magic probabilities with time. There is a short story in the book about two girls who become best friends that betray each other. Imagine the story being repeated nonstop everyday. Then one day, one of the two girls do something different, disrupting the magic in the book. The law of physics gets messed up and the two girls are sent out of the book into real life. However there are a couple of problems.

Their souls were swapped so they switched bodies.

They are on opposite sides of the world

They are missing important memories
Now this is the story about two girls who want to meet again, both wanting their original bodies back and something more
To do that they must find their creator if they are still out there, encounter other peeps who escaped the book, and deal with a world that is far too cruel
I was thinking that someone could play two characters, one each that accompanies each girl on their journey to find the other girl while having their own problems to deal with. I figured this would be a fun adventure/mystery rp. In the end, who killed who in the story?


She is a hyper strange girl who has speech problems. She is obsessed with apples. She wants to find her old best friend to get her body back as well as their friendship and return to their story


She is a serious spoiled girl with a nasty temper. She aims to get her body back and to destroy her old best friend for revenge because she thinks Apple is to be blamed for all their problems.

Preferred Requirements
-Males or females (females count as well if you're looking to rp with Mariya)
-Adventure Rps
-Romance Rps
-OC's are best but they don't have to be OC's
-Must have a picture (characters with pictures help me rp, they really do)
-Third Person Point of View Rping only please
-Semi-lit or more is preferred when it comes to how much you write but quality over quantity I say
RE: LF Adventure/Romance Rps With Males

You could call this a bump I guess, but I just wanted all of you to know that I added Magdalena to the list. I probably won't update this again for a couple of days or I might update it tomorrow, who knows?
RE: LF Adventure/Romance Rps With Males

Updated the list with the crazy dominant/sadistic Mariya. Good luck with that girl.
You could call this a bump. But I just wanted to say I forgot that Mariya does femalexfemale rps too.
Mm, I have to say, I like what you've got set up here. ' v ' b You seem to be putting a lot of things together and like making a continuous setting. It's pretty awesome and I've gotta give you serious credit.

Spooktificate said:
Mm, I have to say, I like what you've got set up here. ' v ' b You seem to be putting a lot of things together and like making a continuous setting. It's pretty awesome and I've gotta give you serious credit.

Ah, thank you so much ;3;
I like to think my characters are all connected and have story arcs and thus they are constantly developing and such so I love rping them to get a better understanding of my precious babies uwu​
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