Criminal Minds (randomname x greywolf)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
For the past four years, Derek Morgan has grown into a successful FBI profiler for the Behavioral Analysis Unit. As a senior agent on the team, Derek earned the respect of his colleagues and has saved countless victims. Working this job provided opportunities to be surprised every single day. No matter what happened up to this point, however, would not prepare him for the surprise he was in for today. Hotch announced to the team earlier that day they would have a new case and they would also have a new member to the team. Little did Derek know it would be an old friend of his that he never thought he would see again.

While waiting, Derek sat behind his desk at the BAU bull pen and just relaxed. All his paper work was finished and filed away, leaving him ready to get going on work today. As of now he was dressed in a dark blue t-shirt and nicely fitting jeans. It was always exciting to meet someone new and Derek could not wait to see who this mysterious person would be. Hotch did not disclose any information to the team so everyone was just left wondering who this might be.

Meanwhile in the media liaison's office, Marcus and JJ were sitting together. They have been in a relationship four years and working together did not damage their relationship like it did for most relationships. Working together brought them even closer and it allowed some time to just sit back and relax when they had a tough case. Marcus knew they would be heading out soon to Arizona so while they waited, he helped JJ get everything in order for her to present to the team.

By now, everyone was used to them being a couple. Gideon was the leader at the time when they joined and made it clear if this became a problem, he would separate them but nothing ever became an issue for the couple. Marcus sat beside of his lover, just adoring her while she flipped through some papers. His exact words to her that day when they had to make a choice for their job was "I am never leaving you" and to this day he stayed true to what he said. Marcus had no regrets. "Is everything ready, JJ?" He asked curiously, leaning close to her.
While the BAU people were all sitting around waiting, Garcia had been excited to meet the new person she had looked to Derek and smiled. "What's going on?" She asked. She had loved Derek for a while, she loved how easily he talked to her and had these nicknames for her but Garcia was already taken and loved her man. "You excited to meet the new person?" She asked as she had smiled and sat beside him drinking a coffee. "I mean when do we ever get a new member?" She asked as she had chuckled as she was picturing what the person would look like.

JJ had been getting the papers ready but the new person would be bringing in what they had. "Yes I have what I need" She added as she had smiled and looked at Marcus as she had leaned in and kissed him. "Lets get the team in the meeting room" She added as she had gotten up and called everyone into the room as she had looked around the new person would be here soon. JJ had smiled as she had read some papers on this person, she was very high skilled and was recommended for the team.

Haley had smiled as she had gotten the elevator to the right floor, Haley had on her glasses, a purple blouse along with her tight business pants some night boots she could run in if needed along with a black jacket, she had done her hair up in a nice lose bun as she had a few strands hanging off to the side. She had soon heard the ding as she had walked toward the door and into the room as she smiled holding a large brown envelope. "Hello I'm Haley and here are the rest of the paper's, I have been tracking this sub for a while the sub started in Miami, then travelled to Arizona, where these cases are coming from, I have already spoken to the police chief there and he will be waitin for us when we land" She spoke as she had looked around
In the conference room, everyone had their seat where they always liked to sit. Since JJ controlled the projector, she always sat at the head of the table. Marcus sat right next to her at the very top of the table on the left side so they could be close. Derek enjoyed sitting further back and it just happened another chair was brought inside today right beside of him. Whoever this new addition was, they would be sitting beside Derek. After the happy couple arrived to the conference room, Marcus allowed his leg to gently rub against JJ’s under the table, a common gesture they gave here all the time.

Then, Derek was one of the last members to file in and when the new addition entered, he could not believe his eyes. He knew this woman. Her name was Haley and they used to be really close until she moved away and they just happened to fall out of contact. She looked just like he remembered and he wondered if she remembered who he was as well. Hotch thanked Haley and then went around the room to introduce everyone from JJ down the table and finally to Morgan. “You will all have time to chat on the plane but now we need to talk about this case.” Hotch said while looking to JJ for her to bring up the pictures.

They were going to Flagstaff, Arizona where it seemed brunette women were being targeted and murdered. Still, though, Derek could not concentrate on the task at hand, the folder in front of him containing all the files they needed but he kept looking to Haley again and again before she could sit down. Derek did not know what to say to her. Usually Derek was so good with women and so confident but she was always an exception. He did not know how to react right now and his heart was hammering in his chest wildly.
JJ had smiled as she had brought up the picture. "This is the sub we believe we are after, this shot was taken outside of a liquor store not to far from Flagstaff" She added as she had smiled as she would go over the details of the case before everyone would get up and leave and head toward the jet that would be waiting for them.

Haley had gotten up and looked toward Derek as she had smiled. "Derek Morgan, it has been so long" She whispered as she had looked at the man she had come to known as a child as she had smiled as she took off her glasses. "What got nothing to say to me?" She asked looking a little upset with him that he hadn't said anything to her this whole time.
Derek definitely did not intend to upset Haley. After realizing what he had done, he gasped and quickly, almost instinctively, touched a hand to her forearm. “No, no, it is not like that. I just, I was surprised to see you. I was afraid I could never see you again.” After she moved to Miami, she seemed to answer his calls less and less. That was about the time he began working with the BAU so it got to the point where he struggled to answer as well and they just both naturally fell out of contact. The meeting was soon over and Derek stood to his feet. “Can I walk with you and carry your bags to the plane so we can talk?” Derek asked, hoping she would agree.

When JJ finished, Marcus closed his folder and stood up. Like usual, he laced his fingers with JJ’s and led her out of the conference room. Their go-bags were always together in her office so they quickly grabbed the bags and walked out to the plane. They were the first to arrive and Marcus led her to their normal spot on the couch where he plopped down and pulled JJ close into his body to start cuddling up with her.
Haley had smiled as she had chuckled before she had gotten closer to Derek and wraps her arms around him unable to reach his neck as she had pulled back. "Of course come on" She added as she had smiled as she would walk out of the room with him since they would be the last ones to leave. As they went to the plane she had smiled. "We really do need to catch up Der it has been far to long" Haley said as she had smiled at her best friend who she loved more then he could imagine.

JJ had smiled as she would leave with Marcus and soon they would head toward the plane, once on the plane she had taken her spot next to Marcus on the couch as she would lean against him and smiled as she had rested her head on his chest as she had looked up at him. She was so glad to have Marcus around with her.
The wonderful Derek Morgan honestly felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach when Haley smiled at him. This woman continued to amaze him even after all these years. They boarded the plane and the final two seats open were right across from each other at a small table, a perfect place to talk and have a bit of privacy. Derek kindly put her bags away then allowed her to choose what side she wanted before joining her. As badly as he wanted to talk to her, they needed to discuss the case first for the first minutes after take-off. The rest of the time during the ride was free to spend however they wished.

Marcus returned the smile at his girlfriend and continued snuggling close to the blonde. Staying with her over going to Los Angeles was easily the best decision of his life. Never did he regret doing so. “This never gets old.” The male murmured while the rest of the team piled on, referring to how she fit so perfect in his arms. Besides, the couch was so comfortable and there was so much room for the young couple. Even though some cases were tough, he always could count on JJ with helping one another through any rough patches that work could cause.
Haley had smiled at Derek as she had felt her stomach doing flips even at this age he was still able to do such things. It has been a long time since she had last spoken to him and they needed to catch up. She had smiled as she had looked at the files. "So I was thinking when we get there I have already talked to the police chief and everything we should hit the crime scene were the last body was found and go from there" She said as she had looked at the dark man who made her heart flutter.

JJ had smiled as she had looked up at the man. Marcas had always been by her side and she was glad, he could of taken a better job but he stayed with her and she was thankful for that of course she loved this man.
Hearing that soft voice of hers caused Derek to flutter again. It was difficult to even think straight when she was around. It was true before and it was true now. In fact, he caught himself simply staring at her with such an adoring look. His brown eyes were lidded over with pure emotion that nobody could mistake and he could not hide even if he attempted. Ten seconds after Haley spoke, Derek finally registered what she said. If anyone was just watching Derek, they must be blind to not see how he was looking at Haley. Derek just hoped Haley didn’t think he was a fool for what he just did. “Uh, yeah. That’s good. We can do that.” He nodded, hoping that was all about the case she wanted to discuss. Sure it was important but he just wanted to simply talk with her and not worry about the case.

Marcus was a profiler but JJ was a media liaison so they seldom worked together unless Marcus was back at the police station. Hotch directed him to check out the coroner’s office with Spencer while JJ would do her thing with the local PD and work on wrangling the media. It was not much to discuss so after everyone was off in their own little world, Marcus turned his attention to JJ. “Five hours of cuddling. Arizona is across the country. I don’t know how I am going to function without you in my arms.” Marcus teased
Spender had been watching Derek from the corner of his eye as he had seen how the man was looking at the new girl as he had smiled a little as Hotch had looked over and seen the man he knew so long just seemed to blank out and only pay attention to the one sitting in front of him as he smirked knowing all to well of the history between the two. "It seems he is out of commission" spender said in a whisper to Hotch who had nodded in response.

Haley had looked at Derek as she had noticed how he was looking at her as she had giggled as she had shaken her head. "You know you never seem to be the same you always amaze me" she added as she had reached out and touched his hand with her small soft one as she smiled. "It had been years since we spoke about us" she added as she had blinks her cheeks turning a light pink as her skin touched his as she had remembered so long ago how they shared their first kiss. Haley had felt like she was in heaven, fire works had went off and he still made her weak in the knees.

JJ had looked at him as she had smiled as she had heard the game plan from Hotch, she would be working with the police and trying to get the media under control. She had soon looks up at Marcus as she had smiled and nodded. "Yes I know what you mean" she said giving him a small giggle as she had chuckled before she had leaned up and kissed him.
The moment that Haley’s soft hands touched Derek’s larger, rough one, everyone else on the airplane disappeared for Derek. Hell, everyone in the entire world disappeared for that matter. It always felt like they were the only two people in the entire world when they were together and time seemed to stand still. Damn, Derek wish it would stand still because it meant they would have more chances to spend time together and just talk, not worrying about work or anything. Thankfully the ride just began and he knew for the entire flight they would be talking and hopefully rekindling some of that old fire that never died for Derek.

“You’re right Haley. It has been such a long time since we talked about us or talked to each other period. I really missed you. I cannot put into words how much I truly missed you. I thought about you every day and I hated that we fell out of contact but I am sure you were busy and when you finally could call I could not pick up at work. It was just bad but I really do not want that to happen with us again.” Derek spoke, squeezing her hands firmly and looking into her eyes, giving her a soft, charming smile.

Just as everyone else was, Marcus and JJ happened to be in their own little world. After the kiss, Marcus just chuckled quietly and playfully poked her in the noise with his pointer finger. “god, I love you so much. You are my everything JJ. I am so thankful to have you in my life and in my arms.” Marcus whispered and pressed a gentle kiss onto her lips once again. They have been together for over four years now and Marcus did not regret a single minute of their time together.
Haley had looked at Derek as she had smiled, she had felt like her heart would beat outside of her chest with out fast it was beating. She had looked at the man she had loved for so long but she could not express her words to him as she had smiled. "Yes I know and I am sorry for not picking up when you called" She whispered as her fingers had found themselves between his, their hands intertwining together as she had smiled. Her hand and fingers so small and fragile compare to his big ones as she had looked up at Derek, her cheeks still held that light pink to them as she had smiled.

JJ had looked at Marcus once she had pulled from the kiss as she had giggled from the poke with his finger as she had gotten closer to him. "I love you too Marcus" She whispered as she was glad to have him in her life after four years it still felt like they were just starting to date.
Seeing Haley blush caused a similar blush to spread on his own cheek as well. Derek truly could not express how much she meant to him even after all these years. “I think this is us getting a second chance to stay in touch. I will make sure we never grow apart again. I truly missed you so much Haley.” Derek might have said this a few times already but he wanted her to know this truly. “So, tell me a bit about yourself since we talked last. How have you been?” Derek questioned, tilting his head at her curiously and squeezing her hands against his happily. Derek really felt like he was happier than ever before.

“I don’t know how you just look sexier every single day baby.” Marcus teased, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips. His arms wrapped around her tightly and began stroking through her hair. “And you are all mine baby. You are the most beautiful woman to ever exist in the world.” Marcus grinned eagerly at the blonde, always enjoying to just compliment her all the time.
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