
Apr 16, 2016
The sun had started to slowly fade into the darkening sky, the moon had started to come out from behind the sun as the sun started to go down. England was starting to calm down after a busy day people going home after work, kids getting out of school as everyone would go home. But out of the library a girl had come out as she had smiled at some people passing by, she had carried her back on her right shoulder. She had some books in the back along with her drawing and art supplies as she had sighed. It getting late as the sun had finally caste the last light as the dark sky was now visible as she had started to walk down the lit side walk as she had stopped. There was a short-cut she could take to go back home but it was through a very long alleyway. Ellena had smiled as she had pushed the thought past her as she had turned to walk down the alleyway unknown that there was someone watching her movement, red glowing eyes a huge smirk on his face.

Meanwhile Integra had called Alucard and Seras into the office, she had a case for them as she had Walter light her cigar for her as she had nodded toward him. When they eventually got there she had looked at them both. "There is a vampire in a small town outside of Cheddar, go there and rid of the vampire scum" She ordered as she would sent the two on their way
The ancient beast, the cursed man that was given a fate worse than death to forever roam the world as the first but most powerful vampire known to man. It had been so long since the last time he served, integra was for this time his only master to serve though also the master himself to Seras. He sighed with a wide grin as he held his guns up and turned to leave the office having a cruel excited smirk of killing something again.

Slowly they eventually made it to the town as Alucard took to the roof jumping from one building to another as the moon presented his form as what could be called as an angel or shadow of death. Finally after a while he stopped as he slowly stood up and looked around, " this is the place, where are you hiding, who do you think you are calling yourself the top predator when you are being hunted yourself..." He said thinking out loud.
While Alucard was jumping from roof to roof Seras was following him on the ground of course, keeping an eye out but nothing seemed to show up, that was until some loud groans was heard as some ghouls were seen. Seras had looked at the ghouls as she had looked up toward the roof her master was on wondering if he would give her the orders to kill them. Soon the wind would blow as they both would catch a sweet Cinnamon like scent coming from the south as Seras had smelt it and smiled sniffing the air.

Meanwhile the two vampires were away, Ellena had smiled as she had soon stopped as she had looked at the male who stood in her way. "W-Who are you?" She asked as he had a smirk on his face. "My name is no concern right now, queen" He smirked as he had come at her and pinned her to the wall. "What are you talking about, let me go" She said as the male smirked. "You smell so delicious" He grinned as he had leaned in when Ellena had slapped him which caused him to back up as Ellena had taken off running as the male smirked and chased after her ordering his ghouls to get the girl. "Help someone!" Ellena yelled as she ran as fast as she could until she stopped by a very large tree.
Alucard could hear the sounds just as easily as well, standing there in the darkness as his jacket blew slowly against the wind. He gave a grin a mouth full of sharp demonic razor teeth, " you know what to do..." He said tilting his head to signal her to go off and kill the ghouls. As she dissappeared off he went to the sound of the voice again appearing on the rooftop behind the tree, as soon as the vampire came into his sight he started aiming and firing his twin pistols so he couldn't get closer to her. " well...you picked the wrong time and place for something like this..." Jumping down from the roof he appeared next to her holding his guns up waiting. " now there's a rock and a hard place for you...but in this case it would be better to say there is a tree and something that's going to kill you..." He walked forward a bit toward him waiting for him to attack him.
Ellena had looked to the guy as she had soon looked as he had looked over at the male. "Oh come on let me have this one, she smells so good" he asked as Ellena had struggled soon leaving his his side as she had soon been knocked out by something as she had passed out the ground as the vampire looked toward Alucard trying to con him into looking the other way. "Come on guy your a vampire, I'm a vampire" he called as he had smirked getting a little nervous
" and vampires like other animals and monsters fight for prey...whoever is stronger can challenge anyone else if he knows he will win with whatever hand he has...but it looks like I'm the top predator here unless you either want me to kill you now or you want to prove it to me..." Alucard crossed his guns waiting for him, " if you don't give me an answer soon...then I'll choose for you..." He kept looking over at him wondering what he would do.
The guy had soon looked at Alucard and then toward the girl by the tree as he had grinned. "Well then I guess I'll just have to kill you" He yelled as he had soon ran at Alucard as he had snapped his fingers but no ghouls came as he had looked to Alucard and growled wanting to fight this guy who thought he was all that. The guy would pull out his own gun and fire off rounds as Seras had come by the teen pulling her away from Alucard.
" have fun and good luck...can't wait for my turn though..." He just stood there, before slowly walking back a bit by the force of the bullet pushing back as it went through him, blood flying to the ground around. His body started to be torn apart by the force of the bullets as the pool of blood started to flow more and more around him. Alucard just kept taking the bullets walking being pushed back till he leaned against the tree the bullets keeping him up against it making more holes. Finally after a few moments after the rounds were empty Alucard collapsed on the ground looking like he was dead, but of course playing dead was just a fun way to get himself started.
The vampire would still continue to fire as he had yelled out while Seras had stood by the knocked out girl who she had put by the tree now as she had looked to her master as she had seen the vampire firing at him knowing that Alucard would not be taken down so much. "Come on master" Seras called cheering him on.

(P.S. Everything that is in This means dream or vision
Meanwhile is Ellena's mind she had seen a place she had not recognized. The sun was setting as a large castle was off in the distance as a maid had come toward the woman. "M'Lady his highness wishes to speak with you" The maid said and soon would lead the girl toward the castle and into the thrown like room were a man with long black hair, a mustach and beard sat as he had looked toward the woman and smirked. "My queen" He spoke as he had gotten up as he had come close to the girl before leaning in
He slowly got up with holes still in him as they began to close, " well...it's my turn then..." He raised his guns and started shooting at him, doing the same as he used all of the clip for the monster. He sighed dropping the empty to reload waiting to see if he would survive. " well looks like we're done here, let's go already..." Slowly he would turn and go back to them, jumping up onto the roof and waiting. It seemed boring as always but they were done now and going back.
Seras had taken the girl as she had looked down at the girl wondering how old she was she didn't look very old as Seras and Alucard would get back to Hellsing as she had looked to Integra. "Who is this?" She asked seeing the een in Sera's arms as Seras had looked at Sir Integra. "This girl was attacked" She added as she had looked toward her master wondering he he would add anything to it.
"And how boring as well..." He said thinking back to the fight, "like damn always..." Alucard looked over and sighed crossing his arms and sitting down, " so who's the next idiot to be killed, I really want something fun..." The vampire now just started to relax waiting for something to happen now.
Integra had sent Alucard off as she had sighed as she had looked at Walter. "That girl there is something about her" She added as Walter had nodded in agreement, Integra had needed to find out more about this girl that Seras had brought with them. Integra would go to her computer and search up anything she could but it was in a way pointless unless she knew the girls name. Integra had left to go and check on her.

"W-where am I?" Ellena had asked as she had sat up to see a blonde hair woman beside her. "Your in the hellsing manor" The woman said as the person beside her that was dressed like a butler had said as she had nodded. "How did I get here? When can I go home?" She asked as Integra had looked at her. "You can never go home you know to much about us, considering you were attacked and you were brought here" She said as Integra would talk to her for a while learning her name was Ellena.


Unknown to anyone somewhere a chubby man dressed in white with short hair and glasses had smirked. "No life queen is alive" he said as he had smirked as he had looked at his servants as he grinned. "She is vith hellsing" He spoke as a child like figure with cat ears chuckled. "What shall we do Major?" He asked his ears twitching. "Get me Jan and Luke" The major spoke. "The no life queen will be ours soon enough" He laughed
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