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Liltih: Queen of ‘hell’ and of the dark and of vengeance


Apr 9, 2016
Back and Beyond
ooc: I've been musing for awhile on a version of Lilith, Adam's first wife, where she isn't the evil creature made out in various tales and such. I'm taking bits here and there from things, mashing them together, and adding my own narrative. She is obedient in that she never ate the Apple so never had original sin. She has disobeyed god but also been treated poorly by him and his creations. In the end she got stuck with ruling Hell while Lucifer became the tormentor of humans at god's command.

Here's a taste...

Lilith's Hell

Souls that aren’t automatically taken to heaven, which is most, get sent to her care. Most spend time in hell waiting. Time passes differently so it seems much, much longer than on earth. If they can perceive it, its like standing in a queue that leads to another queue and to another and another... You get a good long time to think about yourself and what you did wrong. When she thinks they have learned their lesson they are kicked upstairs to beg forgiveness. Before they leave hell, they are stripped of their attachments and made pure for heaven. If you're holding on, you'll see demons tearing your life away by burning and slicing. But if you've made your peace, then the devils are really children of Lilith, freeing you from the earth.

For the truly evil, they find out what true hell is. No fire or brimstone. Just...nothing. Your soul rests in the equivalent of a box where you think. Time passes and you know time passes but you don’t know the rate. It’s not just saying that it’s a long time. It’s longer than you are able to think. It’s so long, all you are able to do is think. Think. Think. Time ticks by, each second firing synapses as you try to process the infinite and infinitesimal with that bundle of energy that contains all that you are. Time passes, seemingly without end. A blink of an eye to those that are alive. Inside the box, you run out of thought before you run out of time. You exhaust your memories. Your imagination can only create so many new lives to lead. Captain Picard in the episode The Inner Light experienced a lifetime in a day. He was forever changed because of it. And that was only one life. Inside the box, you have time for nearly countless lives. Whatever your imagination can dream up. That is, until it runs out. Eventually, your mind cannot coherently create a stable timeline or comprehensive reality. Beyond imagination lies dreams, and within dreams, nightmares dwell. An increasingly disjointed and strange world of terror and misery, the only things your mind can craft. Forever trapped within a private Hell of your own creation. But even that isn’t the end. Past Hell is Oblivion. Your mind shuts down. You no longer think. All you do is exist, and all you have is awareness of your isolation. For what may be a near eternity, isolation is all you have, all you are. It’s longer than you think.
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