Battle for the heart of a spellmen (Krystal x Felicia Florence)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Salem Saberhagen was a warlock who had it all. He was handsome, devious, smart, and cunning. Witches everywhere wanted him and warlocks wanted to be him. He had big aspirations. He wanted to take over the world. Salem had come so close, but it was all for naught. When the witches council learned of his plans, the turned him into a cat. Now, he must wait 64 years until he can be the man he ince was and hopefully learning from his mistakes.

Salem has been been the familar of Sabrina since she was 16. Now that she was a designer off in boston with her Boyfriend Harvey, he barely saw her. It was making him feel so very depressed. "I miss my sabby..." he'd wimper in the night when he thought no one was listening, wishing that he could see her. The penthouse she lived in though didn't allow pets, so he would just have to wait until december to see her. It couldn't come fast enough for the cat. He missed having adventures with her.

Snow started falling early that morning when Salem awoke. It blanketed westbridge and the cat felt like he could see for miles from Sabrina's old bedroom window. He let out a soft sigh of relief when he saw the date on her alarm clock. December 1st. Sabrina would be coming home today, and Harvey would be onbthebother side of town with his parents. Things were hopefully going to be perfect.
"Harvey! Are you sure you're going to be okay? Did you pack your earmuffs? Extra underwear? Um....extra toothbrush?" Sabrina fumbled with her purse, going over a mental list of things she'd packed before hand in her suitcase. Uncrossing her legs from the uncomfortable position she was forced to sit in; The Taxi being cramped and small due to the mass of extra bags piled up. The young witch nervously shifted further towards the door, eager to jump right out into the snow the moment they made the first stop to her home. "Jeez louise, you're starting to sound like my mother." That comment alone should have been degrading enough to get Sabrina to give Harvey a dirty look. However, this coming from him meant that she had to loosen up a bit. And why you ask was she so nerve rackingly fiddlesome? Reason why was because it was the holiday season. Meaning they'd be coming home to their hometown after years of being away. To think, she'd come to live with her aunts when she was just a little girl, no more than 6....Riverdale was all she'd ever known. Saying goodbye was the hardest thing she'd ever had to do. Coming back after all that, she didn't expect it to be....difficult.

What in the world was making her feel so apprehensive? "So you're gonna call me as soon as you get to your parents house?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry. Gosh, you're so jumpy today...." Leaning over, Harvey planted a small kiss along the upper portion of her cheek. Causing Sabrina to look up from her twiddling thumbs and give him a small smile. "Thanks, Harvey..." Returning the kiss, she found herself not wanting to linger like she normally would....Their kisses had become somewhat dull over the last few weeks. Since the day they decided to return home. Of course Sabrina thought nothing of it. Purely coincidental. Their relationship wasn't in jeopardy, they were just weird about where they were right now. Harvey especially, he'd been getting the jitters since last month. Observing her in silence, looking over her during their morning coffee, and even going as far as to help wish dishes. Fingers dancing around the sides of her stomach as he pulled her close from behind. There was nothing wrong with any of this. It's just, this wasn't the Harvey she was use to. A change was occurring within the man she loved. As to what the change would ultimately pertain to...she had no idea....She'd have to quietly observe him right back. Unfortunetly, they'd be having some serious time apart to deal with their families before any of this came to play.

A little time away from each other wouldn't loosen their bond. They'd grown close enough as a couple to know that distance wasn't a destroyer. That's at least what she kept telling herself as the car slid a little on the iced road. Skidding right at the edge of the pavement. Harvey had been gentlemanly in his actions, taking all her luggage to the door. Offering to bring everything in only for Sabrina to retort back. "I'll just take everything in myself. Don't worry." Sighing deeply, she turned a little to watch him trot off to the car and speed down the road to his parents place. A sadness eched into his eyes, but also something he was holding something back.


Oh, that must be Sabrina~" Zelda quickly paced out of the kitchen with a big smile when she head the doorbell ring. "You didn't tell Salem she was coming home for the holidays, did you?" Hilda followed behind her sister with a scowl across her lips. "NO...." That long pause was meant to be followed by a maybe, but Hilda specifically remember keeping a tight lip this time around so she could surprise the feline. Before the witches could answer the door, Hilda shouted from downstairs to the 500 year old upstairs who was sulking or just taking a long catnap. "SALEM, we have a surprise for you! Come on down! I think you're gonna like this!"
Salem yawned as he stretched. He wasn't so keen on moving from his spot at sabrina's pillow, but he would see what the two older witches had in store. Curiosity hadn't killed this cat yet, so what could a little surprise do? "Coming!" He called down from Sabrinas's room, yawning again as he walked down the stairs. He looked confused at the sound of the doorbell, wondering what might be in store. He really was expecting to see the witch he'd been pining over silently since she left.

Salem waited for Zelda to open the door, tilting his head. Who could be at the door?
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