(Long_Shot x wiki234) Sekirei - Chapter One: Even the Best Laid Plans...


Feb 22, 2014
South Korea
Downtown Tokyo
God, why did I do this? Why? I knew it would be hot. I knew this...

The internal monologue of Satoru Akio seemed to lance on through the blaring heat of the brilliant summer day currently underway. He didn't usually leave the inside of the offices or his one-room apartment for things like this, but the power had gone out and he'd been in need of some form of coolness so his empty mini-fridge back home was going to need restocking once the power came back on. Checking his phone again as he rounded a corner, he noted that he still hadn't heard back from the landlady. He sighed.

"Why doesn't she call me asking why I turned on the damned heat so I could yell right back at her for not fixing that damnably old machine she calls an air-conditioner. Cheap old hag." Muttering under his breath as he carried on down the street, the sounds of the various vehicles passing him by filled his ears, much to his disdain as did the smells of the gasoline burning in their inefficient engines. He did nothing in response though to the repeated assaults upon his senses as he focused wholeheartedly on the phone in his palm as another drag of the vape-pen hanging lazily from the corner of his mouth played out a thin wisp of a ribbon of vapor that seemed to only last but an instant before the all-obliterating heat of the unforgiving sun ripped it away.

Another turn according to his phone's GPS had him walking down a small corridor between buildings, he sighed in relief as the heat finally seemed to relent, but only for a moment as suddenly a blast of warm air seemed to fill the atmosphere around him, growing in gradual intensity as he suddenly looked up in shock at a sight before him. Heat seemed to be radiating off of the open-back top of a woman just before him, but perhaps even more terrifying were the two absolutely massive wings sprouting from her back and the wings coming from the back of the girl across from her as he tried to slam on the brakes. Too late.

"Oomf!" It was the only word he could get out before the searing heat coming off the woman had him suddenly flying back in shock and minor pain, the yelp that accompanied his short-lived flight had the two women looking over their shoulders at him. His eyes grew wide as he held up his hands defensively and tried to take up a semi-feasible martial arts stance. All he elicited was a smirk from the further girl and a glower from the nearer one as they both turned to face him, hands on hips and clothing revealing quite the healthy (or perhaps unhealthy with all of the sunlight now seeming to stream down from above as the building's brief respite gave way to the Earth's natural rotation and lit up the corridor in bright light.

"You want to fight me loser?"

He looked at his hands, then at the girl, and smiled sheepishly," Ha, haha, no?"

"You sure look like it..."

The nearer girl's statement had him putting his hands down quickly as he tried to defend his sudden defensive posture," No no no, it's not like that, I just was startled and I was lookign only at my phone and I didn't think to look up as I rounded the corner-"

"I think he wants to fight sister..."

"I think so too-"

"-No wait! I don't fight girls! I'd hurt you two, I'm bigger than you two and besides, I'm a fan of cosplayers! Seriously! All for it!" Suddenly the two girls locked eyes and nodded, their expressions turning instantly dour.

"Did he just-"

"-call us-"

Then both sets of brilliantly blue eyes were on his as they raised their hands in a typical martial arts fashion as he tried to hold his up non-threateningly, backing slowly away with phone tucked in his coat pocket," Hey now- I don't want any-"


He didn't quite recall what happened next, but the sudden appearance of Tokyo's skyline on the horizon and the wind rushing past his ears as two hands gripped his collar firmly and sent him skyward with an almost certain intent to not release him, yet, had him yelling in fear.

"Leave it to losers like you to think our wings are fake. How about you try and grow some asshole!"

And then their grip relaxed and the direction of his flight changed... drastically. The ground now was tumbling closer and closer and the cars and the reflecting sunlight seemed to only grow brighter as he got closer and closer to what was certain to be the end of his life.
RE: Sekirei - Chapter One: Even the Best Laid Plans...

Mineme had been one out of millions of people to be put on this earth, things were different about her on the inside than the out. Her emotions and personality everything, being that someone could easily compared as one of pure curiosity and excitement and around her. That was the nature of all living things to learn more about their surroundings. That was the nature of things that were not supposed to exist on this earth. More than plants, animals, and humans lives another race known as sekerei.

Being powerful but also like humans unique beings that were created for the protection of life, for the protection of one life that they were destined to care and fight for, one human who would be the only thing that mattered and not scare them away from death. One such girl was mineme (pic in thread) a rather short girl of 5"5 white snow hair with bluish highlights, a rather quiet...sekerei for the most part.

As another day had drawn to a close mineme had been out for a bit again with her curios nature exploring though unlike others of her kind acting like a normal human, staying low and out of sight trying not to show off her primal side at least for now. After making some rounds through the rooftops she looked up to the clouds though interrupted by a sudden cry of help.

The girl slowly tilted her head looking to see another sekerei with the power of flight though it also told her of another girl figuring it was a sister or a friend. Slowly she just watched though at the same time her body moving her for a closer look. Mineme watched as he fell closer and closer to the ground wondering if he was a human, though deciding to save him as it would be easier to ask him if he was nice enough.

Slowly she squatted as she ran faster and faster to reach him before she jumped off a building as a small tower of smoke could be seen, a forming appearing out of it with flaming dragon wings. Now she closed in knowing she had too much distance still left, she pulled her arm back shooting it like a grappling hook as it flew toward him, extending into sharp tendrils where it pinned him to the wall of a nearby building, extended out to where the edges of his pants and coat where pinned leaving him hanging there safely as she continued to close in. Finally mineme closed the distance where she could drop him for just a second and swoop in to save him from his death, carrying him and dropping him off to the nearest rooftop as she joined him with her wings disappearing and her arm turning back to normal.
This is it, he thought. Wind rushing past his ears, arms hanging limply to his sides and pushed close back against himself by the aerodynamic forces at play, he could only stare with squinted eyes at his ever faster approaching eventual pancaked-fate. He didn't actually worry about it hurting, he knew enough about how the human body to realize that any pain he would feel would instantly be numbed by the intense amounts of adrenaline being pumped through his now fully blood-engorged veins. No, in fact he only could find himself wondering, was anything I ever did worth it?

tons of people gave bullshit on how these near-death experiences brought back ages of dormant memories, but all he could find himself thinking about was his breakfast slowly making its way up his throat in spite of every aspect of centrifugal force pulling it back. They said they could see a white light, or felt calm, but all he felt was bored like nothing had really happened to justify his existence. He'd only ever won second best in the competitions, came in with average grades in school and just showed up to work simply to continue existing his meaningless and ultimately uneventful life and if this one event was to actually be the one that ended his life, all the better.

He had no family, his mom had died of cancer two years ago, his father was a drunk that had run himself off a mountainside road when Satoru had turned nine. To every respect, the twenty-something year life he'd lead had been the boorish chore of an uninspired youth simply running dead on his feet. No bounce or spring carried him on, just momentum started from that first kick in the ass out of his mother's womb all those years ago. This was a fitting end to such a wasted life.

As he slowly began to enter into the final seconds of his fall, the glinting of the many various mirrored windows of the offices he was passing showed his reflection, a poignant picture he thought about as he fell. It was true though what they said about everything slowly passing you by in your final moments. It was your brain trying desperately to record everything like a black box and preserve some sanity. A way to try and still think your way out of an ultimately demise.

A flash.

No, not a flash, it was something else. It was dark, like smoke or shadows. It felt like a locomotive had struck him a moment later as a strike to everywhere slammed him backwards, effectively killing off most of his momentum and transferring it sideways as he suddenly came to a full-stop a good eight or nine meters above the ground. Below, he could see the cars all still going about their business, but it didn't matter because that wasn't what had his attention the most as he realized where the spikes that had pinned him to the wall originated. Another figure was closing fast and the tendrils seemed to be coming from her. Then they weren't.


The fall caught his words and his pleading in his throat as he felt the fall begin again, the tendrils seeming to slip back with inhuman speed towards the girl whom was closing at a likewise unrealistic speed and he couldn't help but stare on fascinated with her. Who was she? No, what was she? His question could be answered later though as he felt her slam into him and suddenly use her surprisingly powerful and unchanged momentum to divert his fall to the roof of the small convenience store he'd been about to walk by only moments before. She dropped him perhaps as gently as she could manage, but he knew how to land from at least a meter fall and took it lightly as he braced himself. He grimaced as his torso reflexively hunched over and he could feel the cracks in his ribs and the beginning of a nosebleed from the sudden changes in pressure he'd just suffered, not to mention that his ears felt all stuffy.

Turning his head to look over his shoulder as the girl's arm and the wings slowly returned back to-

Wait, wings?

They were gone, but a moment ago, they'd definitely been there, just like those two women before. Their wings had been white and quite present, but hers had been a raven black and- what? What about them had been so off-setting? Why hadn't he seen them before when she'd saved him? Well, saved was a relative word, he ruefully thought as a sharp pain through his chest warned him of another rib that was cracked slowly bending further and further into the no-no zone over his heart. He straightened up and did his best to maintain such a pose as he shifted his whole body to look at her.

She was an innocuous appearing girl, strikingly pretty, but he'd never figure just by looking at her on the street that she was... well... superhuman? He didn't quite know for sure, but something in his mind told him this was all wrong, that not even a superhuman could do what he'd just seen, what he'd just been through. No, they couldn't be Human, or were they? He let his gaze fall as he tried his best to consider his options before settling with the best one. Looking up at her, he did what he could to look into her eyes and gave his thanks.

"Thank you."

The shadows that blotted out the sun behind her though had his eyes widening as he recognized the snow-white wings which gave off their distinctive halo as the sunlight filtered around them. These two women were incredibly beautiful as well, but the feeling they gave Satoru was just a deep-seated fear. Dropping someone from a definitely lethal height of well into a thousand or so feet did that to the psyche. Not that they cared.

"You ruined our fun!" It was the one he'd run into first, the one with the incredible amounts of heat coming from her, eyes glowing bright blue like the hottest embers of a flame in a campfire.

"We weren't going to kill him, we were trailing behind just far enough so we could recover him when he got low enough," snickered the other, both sets of wings seemed to match as did the two glowing blue pairs of eyes looking accusingly at the white-haired girl in front of him. It was at that point he noted that her hair was indeed a brilliant white sheen. He'd only ever seen stuff like that in cartoons and whatnot, in fact, he hadn't even believed that such girls existed before. Come to think of it, nothing in this last minute seemed real as he tried to compute just what in the hell he was hearing or seeing.
She sighed as she put a hand on her hip glancing back at him then back toward the two sisters. "Right....actually I was nearby and I did manage to hear your conversation and plus you two could be seen so easily with your wings, if your gonna kill someone don't be so dramatic about it..." She looked at them with an annoyed face as she punched bet fist in her hand with a wicked grin, " now....since the games are gonna come soon might as well warm up..." She just stood there for a moment wondering what form to use agains them, " hmm your more ranged...closing the distance with wings...so...I think I'll go with..." She lifted up an arm as it slowly turned black then forming a new shape into what looked like her arm turning into the neck of a dragon and the hand turning into a living head...

" actually I'll go full range then for now, she lifted her other arm as her fingers started to fuse together, then what looked like black crystal shards started to appear. Her wings appeared again as she looked over at him, " hey...ill take you to the hospital, please just hold on for a bit ok? And your welcome..." She tilted her head with a light smile as she turned to face them again, jumping up and flying to their level still a few feet apart.

She looked over at them with a creepier grin, " let's see how you like falling from the sky..." Suddenly she charged over at them, shooting shards at one of the sisters and fireballs from the dragon head aimed at the other sister. Knowing they would easily dodge she would keep following them around still attacking, waiting for them to make their move.

" come on guys fight back..." She said with a wide grin already having a plan, if they both rushed her directly, she would be able to block of them with her shield easily dealing with the other being open, if they attacked her from both sides it would give her an opening to rush either one of them, if they waited too long or somehow distract them she would be able to unleash a barrage on one of them. " I know my options, and both of you are lucky I can only kill one at a time...this is my kind of fun..." After a bit she stopped in one place deciding to let them attack her now. " I'm free..." She teased waiting for an attack.
"Sister, she's looking funny."

"Indeed, very funny. Little girl, move out of the way so we can play with our toy. We're just playing with him for now, right sweetie?"

The grin she gave as her two blue eyes wavered with some sort of internal heat seemed to be strangely mesmerizing to Akio was off-putting to him, but for some reason he wanted to get up and walk towards her. She was, fading? No, she was getting farther? He couldn't quite place, but every word in the conversation around him seemed to hang emptily in the air like he was just dreaming it all up. Not that he couldn't see what was happening though, and the sudden reappearance of incredibly strange forms from the girl whom had taken his life into her own hands had him quickly stumbling backwards.

"hey...I'll take you to the hospital, please just hold on for a bit ok? And you're welcome..."

Nope. Nope nope nope. This wasn't happening, this wasn't real, this was just some sort of fevered dream, something he'd seen on the television or something, maybe it was in a video game he'd played, but nope, this wasn't happening.

"I'm, I'm uhh- good. I don't thi-" he was hardly speaking and within moments he gave up even trying as his lungs hurt and she was airborne too, great big dark wings filling up the sky behind her as she met the two twins before them in seemingly open combat. Suddenly there were fireballs of darkness weaving through the sky, sending the two twins scattering lightly on the wind like sparrows, but neither seemed to be struck as this strange girl continued her attack.

"I know my options, and both of you are lucky I can only kill one at a time...this is my kind of fun..." She was taunting them, slowly weaving back and forth, but nothing was anywhere near the level of terror that now was beginning to build, not in the twins hearts, but Akio's own.

Death? Kill? Why? Perhaps the inner-most red-blooded male aspect of him just didn't want to see two pretty faces go to waste, but the fact that their lives were on the line meant hers was too, and there were two of them and one of her. She seemed all-too confident in her own abilities, but they were playing rather reservedly, their quick, flitting movements letting them easily weave and duck and dodge mid-air as whatever stand-off that was occurring stretched on.

"Wait! C'mon, it's okay. I'm good, I'm fine! Rea-aaargh!" He let loose a quick groan of pain as he tried to stand up, his ribs still hurting as the movement aggravated his wounds, but he still pressed on and to his feet. This pain was nothing...

"Please, stop this." he gasped between pained breaths.

"Oh yes, stop this nonsense little sister."

"We'd hate to have to kill you and spoil all the fun too. Our master is hardly a forgiving person for us leaving our playthings in the open, but if we have to, we will." A flash of heat from the right one as her eyes flared seemed to cause a rapid shimmering in the light around her and her sister also appeared to be wavering, but in form rather than atmosphere. Suddenly the two raced forward, the wavering one up front and the shimmering aura sister in the back. These were winged Sekirei, stronger and faster and more capable than unwinged Sekirei.
She sighed, " damn...their winged..." She thought spinning in a circle to send a hail of shards flying outward around her though careful to not hit him, slowly she formed her arms back to normal, "well yeah...I do have to say you do have a point...well luckily for you I have dieing as later on my to do list...so..yeah actually your fun is over..." She flew down to him, grabbing his arms to carry him away from them. She should have known though doubted a bit that they were both claimed already, but still it didn't really make sense why they would be here...

After a bit she would seem to be a bit farther away from them for now, setting him down on the roof of another building. " I forgot to think about that they were already awakened..." She facepalmed, " yeah my attacks didn't do shit that's why...but your safe..." She gave a sigh and put a hand on his forehead, " hey...I'm sorry but this might hurt a bit...please trust me..." She turned an arm into her dragon form putting the arm in the mouth, " the wounds of my soon to be.:.the pain and the blackness of death shall be washed away from this body and the darkness shall manifest this body as its guardian... She leaned over to his ear, "please forgive me..."

The dragons mouth bites into the arm as the dragons teeth sink through. She covers his mouth as his veins turn black, a liquid could be seen coming through the dragons fangs into his arms as she slowly opens the mouth watching as the bite began to work on him. The cells in his body seek out his wounds, the black cells eating his broken bones and forming new ribs as the wound from the bite turns black and slowly starts to close and heal itself.

Mineme sighed and sat down beside him, " it's called infected transfusion...but it's only works for minor stuff...that bite..I infected your body with the cells that I use for my weapon. I targeted the cells of the skin to decay and allow the cells to be pumped into your body...with that the cells ate and consumed the nutrients from the broken bones as well as the information of the cell and formed copies of that cell. Basically stem cells..." She said putting it simply. "Just rest and your body should get used to it...." She gave a light smile to him.
Again he was in the air, by this time it was beginning to settle in that perhaps this was less a dream and rather some terrible drug-induced trip. His arms were burning as she carried him through, now causing him to look at both of his shoulders where one of the winged girls from earlier had grabbed him. The skin was severely burned, blisters forming as the nice suit he'd been wearing had been apparently scorched away. His eyes settled on the sight of his mangled and charred flesh for but a moment as suddenly the stinging pain of it all set in and he gritted his teeth against it. Soon enough the nerves there stopped their incessant screaming in agony and just shut down leaving an overall stinging and numbing sensation. He would have sighed at this point too save for suddenly being deposited once again upon another roof.

Recovering from one almighty blow and moving to the next, he was already beginning to grow tired of whatever messed up game this was, but the girl before him had his attention without holds barred. She still had two massive black wings, sinister in appearance and look. He felt a cold feeling crawl up his spine as he sat there wondering what he had just seen. The shards of darkness flying out from her, the fireballs, the wavering women with the white wings. He couldn't believe that any of it really had been done. Was this some sort fo crazy movie they were filming for perha-

"I forgot to think about that they were already awakened..." She facepalmed, " yeah my attacks didn't do shit that's why...but you're safe..."

Wait, what? What was she talking about? What did she say she'd forgotten? Why in the Hell was there attacking going on in the first place? He was just some salaryman making his way through the world and attempting to just stay alive in a situation that had gone from worse to confusing and now to almost feverishly insensible. If that wasn't enough though, suddenly she was looking at him, and he smiled sheepishly as he attempted to hold his hands out in front of him. The movement aggravated both of his shoulders, but at least he got the hands up to a point between himself and her.

It didn't work.

Sighing as she seemingly made up some sort of decision in her mind, she suddenly moved towards him. She moved one of her hands to touch the top of his forehead, the touch strangely cooling and soothing, but what happened next tripped everything in his body that could panic him," hey...I'm sorry but this might hurt a bit...please trust me..."

I don't trust you! I don't trust you! I don't trust you! his mind began to scream out in defiance as suddenly the arm that wasn't at his forehead shifted its form into the strange dragon-like entity from before when she'd been fighting and he realized that this was it. He was as good as dead now. The beast's form was enormous, at least at this close proximity and he tried to tell his body, still frozen in fear, to move. His brain was recording every second now and perspiration was breaking out across his forehead, not jsut from the sweltering heat of the summer sun overhead, but also from the intense strain his body now perceived itself under.

Then the head moved forward and took one of his arms, that were still lamely attempting to gain some distance from the horrifying appearance of the girl before him, gently between its teeth. His spine was in chills and he was desperately wanting to run right now, but she seemed to be holding him in place, or rather his fear of her was. She was a pretty one, that much was certain, but everything about her and the dragon's head accompanying it had him quite definitely mortified. If I get out of this in any way alive, I'm never leaving the office or home again, I don't care. I'll just go straight there, straight back, don't need anything else because I'll just order pizza every night.

His pleading went silent and unvoiced and so what she said next had him about to break that silence as his body went cold," the wounds of my soon to be; the pain and the blackness of death shall be washed away from this body and the darkness shall manifest this body as its guardian..."

His eyes went wide as he tried to look down at his arm. What the hell was she saying? Wounds of her soon-to-be? She was talking like some damned girl with a wife-fantasy or something, and pain and blackness of death? Wasn't she morphing parts of her body into that same darkness? What the hell was going on- as he tried to look moreso at the teeth holding his arm firmly and yet surprisingly gently in place still, he saw the girl lean in even closer and whisper into his ear.

"Please forgive me..."

For what? She hadn't done much else than save his life from now seemingly uncertain death than by breaking a couple of ribs, carrying him by his burn wounds well into a kilometer from the winged ladies who apparently had every intention of saving him from his near lethal fall. She had his arm in the vice that was some mutant dragon-creature's mouth and that dragon was somehow connected to her body and-

It felt like a series of nails had just slammed into his arm as he felt the fabric of his suit tear away under the pin-point sharpness of the needle-like teeth in the dragon's mouth and then worse came. Heat and pain radiated up along his arm and he let out a horrified shout as he watched black ichor seep up through his veins and crawl through his body. When the ichor had travelled far enough up his arm to reach his burned shoulders, he watched it ooze out from the thousands of veins running exposed and the visuals of the damage done being pushed out as the ichor slowly turned to new and fresh flesh had his stomach churning.

Then it hit his torso and the feeling of himself burning away from the inside took him by the most intense ride of pain he'd ever known, and falling lamely onto his side, the gravel of the rooftop area they were in offering minimal comfort in the movement embedded itself into his cheeks as the waves of pain rushed over him and he could only help but groan and shout in pain and agony. It felt like he had just been slammed in the gut after breaking his ribs and now he had food poisoning and the feeling of bones dissolving away and leaving new ones. He was past the worst of it now it seemed as the dragon's mouth left his arm and the wound no longer hurt. Tears blurring his vision, he let his grimace slowly fade away as the near instantaneous pain settled into an overall soreness across his body.

What the hell was that? Who was this girl, why in the hell did she do that?! He could've gone to a hospital and been perfectly fine!

He got his answer soon enough, or at least an answer to the first of many of his questions," it's called infected transfusion...but it's only works for minor stuff...that bite..I infected your body with the cells that I use for my weapon. I targeted the cells of the skin to decay and allow the cells to be pumped into your body...with that the cells ate and consumed the nutrients from the broken bones as well as the information of the cell and formed copies of that cell. Basically stem cells..."

What sort of damned pseudo-science was that? That wasn't even possible, doctors in hospitals didn't use it but it had worked which left him sitting on the edge of Occam's Razor. So he went with what she was telling him as he attempted to recover from whatever the Hell she'd just done to him. He tried to nod but the pain was still aggravatingly strong and he settled for a simple pain-ridden grimace as the last bits of the wounds he'd suffered from before gave way and the soreness seemed to fill his body where it had broken.

"Just rest and your body should get used to it..."

"I think it just did. Who are you?" His question was simple enough, but perhaps it held more of a meaning in just wanting to know what was going on. Nevertheless, the extent of the girl's answer relied solely on how she interpreted the question itself.
She shifted her arm back to normal as she sat next to him crossing her legs with a sigh and a stretch, though giggling a bit with a smile, " I'm glad, I've never really used my infected transfusion on anyone before so your the first..." She looked over at him again with her blue eyes as she now crossed her arms leaning back a bit to relax, " of course I would get this question eventually..." She teased, " but it's more of what I am actually....I'm what's known as a. Sekerei..."

Slowly she looked up at the sky and started to explain, " what's a sekerei, well....basically we are like you humans accept unlike you we have one purpose one life goal that's programmed in our genes...like a permanent instinct, we have no goal of jobs or money or anything like that, no...our goal is to find out destined partner...sekerei were created to be the guardians of all humans but there's one problem to that...we only live, love and serve one human...one sekerei to one human, a bond, a contract of protection for that one destined person...but also we accomplish the goal of opening our true power and we use that to protect our master as you call it but we call them ashikabi..."

The girl sat up a bit, " every sekerei is unique and different from another so you'll never know who you will run into...my name is mineme, sekerei number 72 also known as deaths toolbox...those two girls were sisters who have one ashikabi that they serve and they are stronger than me cause I haven't claimed an ashikabi....anyone can claim me, simply with a...kiss...when that happens I serve and protect and only care for that one person with all my body heart and soul...ill die for them as well if that means they can live..."
His eyes slowly growing wider as she talked, looking first to his left, and then to his right as he tried to weight the potential outcomes of trying to make a run for it right here and simply waiting out the girl in front of him. She was sitting here rambling on about Ashikabi and Sekirei and how she supposedly was one and that was supposed to explain everything to him. Akio, could hardly believe what his eyes had seen in the first place, getting his ears to understand what they were hearing was as throwing a blind man into a television store. Sure he could comprehend what was happening, but none of it seemed to matter to him. It appeared he'd not even heard the craziest of stuff yet when she suddenly fixed him squarely in her gaze, her voice pausing for a moment as though deciding on what to say to him before continuing.

'anyone can claim me, simply with a...kiss...when that happens I serve and protect and only care for that one person with all my body heart and soul...ill die for them as well if that means they can live...' her tone was seemingly matter-of-fact about this which immediately made his spine go numb. Was she trying to say she wanted him to kiss her? She was cute, but again as he looked at her arms, he'd seen what had just happened a moment before.

"Huh, yeah? That's, quite something there miss. I, I hope you find your- umm, Ah-Shi-Ka-Bi? Is that how it's said? Ashikabi? Yeah, best of luck, thanks for the whole saving my life thing but I got a meeting and those two girls are going to be looking for me so I gotta go." He began to get up to try and dust himself off and leave, he'd had his fill of crazy for the day and by no means was he going to let it be the end of him. Nope, he enjoyed his boring sedentary life now that he came to think about it in detail. Excitement was overrated and nothing beats peace and quiet when the alternative is some sort of life-or-death scenario.
She quietly just stared at him, "b-but..." She said going suddenly to a scared shy little girl like personality. " there's something that happens though I didn't tell you about...." She looked down as her hands are on the ground, " every sekerei has a destined one, someone chosen for them already, fate...I felt...something...I felt a drive to serve and protect my ashikabi..." She stood up looking up at him innocently, " I felt the....drive to protect someone that I care for....you...I don't have this feeling with anyone else but you when I'm close....maybe your my destined ashikabi..." She replied going up to him and holding his arm, " your...even just gonna leave me? Actually I don't have a real family, I'm alone. Your my ashikabi, and I know it...."

She pulled his arm and his body closer to her, his arm against her one of her breasts. Mineme eagerly waited for his answer, looking up at him and wondering. "I want you protect...you and care for you with my life..." She blushed and laid her head against his chest, " please...don't leave me alone...I'm weak without an ashikabi..." She begged closing her eyes.
I've lost it, I've actually lost my mind.

That was all his mind could conclude as it sat there and watched as this girl in front of him pour out her heart to him, telling him- wait... what? She felt something about him? Couldn't it be she just wanted to avoid giving some street cleaner a bad day? He had been falling from well into a thousand or so feet in the air. This wasn't just some little thing, she was the only one who could help. Well, besides those two other winged- Sekirei was it? Perhaps she just acted on that knowledge?

She didn't actually need him, she was mistaken, confused. This wasn't some cheap Manga where the main character had some girl attach herself to him because he was somehow special, his entire life was a testament to that. He was out of school, hell, he was probably old enough to have graduated high school before she'd even joined. He was almost twenty one and she didn't look a day over 18 which also meant that this was a no-no. He looked up and both directions as he debated now whether or not to try and make the run for it with all seriousness. This had to be smoe sort of trap and he wasn't havin' any of it.

His blood pressure likely had shot through the roof a couple of minutes back, but now he could feel it with the Adrenaline running out and reality coming back into play-

"I felt the....drive to protect someone that I care for....you...I don't have this feeling with anyone else but you when I'm close....maybe your my destined ashikabi..." She now was approaching him and he froze as he watched her every movement with the uncertainty of someone very much out of their comfort zone. Then again, if having been dropped from cloud-scraping heights and then saved by some shapeshifting girl who'd then had a fight full-on with a pair of two winged girls mid-air and then been healed of all his wounds by some serpent in her own arsenal of different forms was within anyone's comfort zone, they were loony. She suddenly was right next to him and she was holding his arm, close. Really close.

" your...even just gonna leave me? Actually I don't have a real family, I'm alone. Your my ashikabi, and I know it..." everything in his body now was saying run for it. She was guilt-tripping him, this was a trick, no one didn't have a 'real' family, maybe she just didn't see them as such. She was bait for some sort of trap and saying big words to try and confuse him and get him to play along to whatever damnably perverse game this was and he didn't want to have any part of it. Damn right he was leaving, as soon as he could find where the door was. A pang of guilt did stick in his heart as it weighed the sincerity of what she said with what she'd just spent the last minute describing and explaining, probably to try and avoid the outcome Akio was trying to force now.

As he turned his head away from her, trying to not let himself get suckered into helping her, he felt her lean in and now he was certain he'd ruined his heart as the softness of her breasts registered even through the torn shreds of his suit sleeve and the warmth from her body had his head throbbing with ideas of such a nature as was certain to get him into trouble if she had even been his age. Hell, he didn't even remember her name now that he came to think about it and looking back towards her he found himself caught by the trap he'd tried to avoid just moments before as her gaze met his momentarily. She continued her pleading," I want you protect...you and care for you with my life..."

Run, she's gone loony.

Here was a beautiful girl, her head now laying against his chest and his arm drawn into her awkward embrace now pressing into her remarkably matured bosom (okay, so now his mind could at least relax about the underage bit, but seriously he had been more worried about that than anything else strangely enough). She wasn't done though," please...don't leave me alone...I'm weak without an ashikabi..."

God, why did he always have to be a sucker for the abandoned ones, his previous girlfirend years back had been his childhood friend from a young age and she'd been in a similar situation. She'd been left by a previous family and so her foster family had adopted her. It hadn't ever healed over that wound and it had been the basis for their friendship and eventual relationship. Now here he was, years later falling head over heels certainly enough for a similar girl with incredible looks and the sweetest of faces and his heart was melting under her touch (though the breast thing didn't hurt her case against him). Looking up, he could make out two small specks far off, but probably coming closer and most likely being the two girls.

"How do you know, how can you be so sure I'm this Ashikabi person? I never was told I was one, I doubt I'm even one given the normality of life I've had. Why don't you find some better guy who could actually- well, defend himself or something? I think you're mistaking some sort of adrenaline rush from saving my life for- well, whatever it is you think you felt. I'm sorry, I can't help you."

It was breaking his heart to say these things, but this wasn't his fight, it wasn't his place. She had to be mistaking him for someone else because this wasn't his life. He didn't want this. He really didn't.
She held her arm against herself still with a sigh, " like humans we have a destiny, we have a destined one...but unlike yours our destiny is made into us...to find our destiny one and re-unite with them so we can become stronger and use our awakened powers to protect them...I know that it's wasn't your choice or anyone else's, accept fate...." She couldn't help but give a small smile thinking of what it would be like to know her own true power and use it to protect someone she fell in love with not because it was part of her but because something that could make her life something worth more to enjoy finding love and happiness.

" I know that you don't believe anything that's happened but the world has changed and we are here, not by choice but by the reality that you can help us find our true selves...we don't grow by ourselves but by the passion and emotions of our destined partners. A sekerei and ashikabi become one, we share thoughts, emotions, passions..." She continued to explain to him.

" Father minaka is the only person that pushed me into trying to find someone who could help me find myself....he told me I could find my true power if I went out and did something than just sitting around and waiting..." She smiled feeling a burning passion in her heart, putting her hand to her chest. " I know your my ashikabi because I feel a strong bond toward you, you might not feel it but I do...you are the person that I want to protect and the person who can help me find my true power..." Mineme looked up at him, " w-will you be my ashikabi?" She asked again slowly letting go and standing there waiting for an answer.
"I-I uh, uhm..." There she was, going on again all about this Sekirei and Ashikabi business and he had no desire to really get attacked here on this rooftop. Thinking back to what he'd heard a while before, if you ever met someone dangerous and possibly crazy, it was better to play into the delusion, so if he managed to do so- well, actually, wasi t a delusion? Again, she seemed pretty convinced that this had all happened on purpose and to be entirely frank he shouldn't be outside in the first place. There were a lot of coincidences that had led to this moment and- and he was just looking for reasons to justify any of this now. He sighed.

She was just standing there, wanting him to say yes, to somehow make her into this stronger version of herself. He cast a look up and over her shoulder in the direction they'd just come. The two other girls with wings were closing fast, he could now pick out their individual limbs on their airborne silhouettes. Looking from them to this girl in front of him, he tightened his hands into fists, curling them into each other until his knuckles turned white and his palms began to ache from the pressure. If he was going to make his decision, it had to be now. He looked up at her, she couldn't have been that much younger than him, right? He stepped towards her and put his hand on her shoulder as he spoke up now," Alright, but if this doesn't work, you'll leave me alone, right? How does this work anyways?"
She sighed waiting for an answer, even now thinking about giving up a bit but she had to still try until her feelings stopped. Suddenly she looked at him with a creepy dark smile as a strong black aura appeared around her, then with a giggle. Mineme closed her eyes and leaned in to kiss him on the lips as a bright purple light started to appear, along with purple wings.

"Bacterial contamination Let's make this into an infestation..." She gave another creepy giggle singing the small line as she turned and staring at him with a frown as her arms and head dropped down in front of her, with her hair covering her face as she looked up at him, the right side of her face covered in black dots and her right eye being a red eye. " stay back then and watch them scream..." Suddenly her left eye started to spaz around in her head as her mouth became black fusing into her neck which only left her upper jaw as long mandibles started to appear and her body started to shift completely

Suddenly she dissappeared already going off to meet them for a another fight but in a very large and twisted form that scared not just both sides but everyone that could see her form or look at her face clearly.

(Form based on my avatar, sig, and there's a vid for this https://youtu.be/tktcOUi-x-A)

(Could give you in English if you want)
He couldn't speak, he definitely wanted to, to try and figure out what had just happened... but what was happening now completely overrode any previous thought. She was, changing... grotesquely. He had to stifle the urge to lose his breakfast, as little as it had been as he watched her slowly and hideously begin to change before him. Mandibles sprang from her top jaw and wings colored dark violet came out from her back, he lifted an arm to shield himself as she lifted off and stumbling back, he briefly wondered if she'd even noticed him beyond that moment. She'd just, taken off, like there was nothing left for her. He quickly brought a hand up to his own mouth to wipe away her saliva, whatever she had he didn't want. She was a monster, there was nothing that could change that and he didn't want to try and do so. He'd made a horrible mistake and he needed to leave.

Turning his head to the side, he saw a small fire-escape ladder hanging over the edge of the roof, that would have to do. Off in the distance the monstrosity that had been the girl just kissing him now was also scaring the daylights out of a local flock of pigeons alongside the two other Sekirei. He could see her plainly, a dark silhouette against the blue backdrop of the afternoon sky, but that didn't mean he was going to stay and watch. To be more than fair, he felt sorry for the two girls that had assaulted him already, but that didn't matter now as he grabbed both rails to the ladder and swung himself over to make his quick escape.
She slowly started to climb and jump across buildings as she came closer and closer to them, standing there with her huge form, the only thing being human was the general feature of her face, figure, and clothes with her arms and legs changed and only half her face. She sighed and used her three clawed arm to support herself, swaying a little as she waited for them to meet her already. Mineme looked over at them with a bored look on her face waiting for them to attack as she just stood there. It was fine to just leave him as since already being bonded she could just sense where he would be and it would have been better for him to get out anyway.

She was even bigger than both of them combined, leaning back a bit and swinging her arm with the claw at them already. Soon she looked up at the sky the feeling of being alone coming back again as she raised her arm looking to grab something with her eyes closed for s moment before she looked back at them again being ready for anything.
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