Until Dawn: A different story (Malfrost and Felicia)

Blackwood Moutains, there was no doubt in Sam's mind that this place would haunt every nightmare. A tragedy she desperately tried to prevent. The man she'd come to coven loosing both his sisters on a dark night similar to the one they were experiencing tonight. Not only that, but the blizzard was strangely eerie because it was reminiscent of the same one that had taken hand in spiriting away Beth and Hannah. Sitting by the side of the worldpool tub, clearly installed into the mansion-esk lodge as a comfort to up the sale price. Sam leaned over the tub and admired the shiny white procaline. Going to grasp the handle of what she'd hope to be hot water, the voice of the same man she'd been thinking about constantly on the hike up to the lodge. Voice echoing throughout the moonlit house. The nickname he'd playfully bestowed unto her rang through the air. Music to the young blonde's ears. There was always this anticipation that built up and hit like a overwhelming blindsiding tsuname the second she heard her name roll off his lips.

"Whaaaaa?" Sammy, that's what he called her. She remembered when they first met, how he'd tried countless times to give her a nickname that would stick...then...Sammy. It sounded right when he said it, nobody else, she didn't feel comfortable with anybody else calling her Sammy.

"You wanna help me get this fire going?" Last time she'd drank in the sight of him was when he was huddled under the fireplace, fiddling with the gas.

"Uuuuh...well...I was just...getting into the bath." She didn't think much of her answer, she was just being honest. However, when he came back with a cute little 'oh'...and then a pause...she couldn't help but blush lightly, peering out the bathroom door in the direction of his voice. "Well do you need any help with that?" Being a smartass wasn't something unusual for him, but what Sam said next would probably throw him off his pacing. Teasingly she chuckled under her breath, grinning lightly as she responded proudly with.

"I'd say yes, but...there's no hot water and I don't think either of us nor anyone else in the house wants to be shoulder deep in ice water." Checking the water, aaaaand...the prediction was correct as she settled down on the marbel surrounding the tub only for feel the bonechilling water that was as cold as a river in December...drench the young 20 year old's right hand. Turing off the water with a sigh and walked out of the bathroom, thinking about roaming around and wondering if she'd finally silenced Josh with that little suggestive comment.
Josh was in the middle of trying to settle the last pieces of his revenge plan up when Sam called out to him. He wasn't sure what it was with her, but whenever he was around her...he felt calm and at ease. All the voices left him, all that he could hear was her, and it was comforting. He was wondering if there was someway he could exclude Sam from all this he had planned or not.

When he teased her, he expected her to call his bullshit...but her response actually surprised him. Did she really have feelings for him? Or was she just messing with him, like they had done with his sisters...he wanted to know. His eyes locked on Sam's figure when she walked out of the bathroom and he gave her his trademarked grin.

"We need to turn the furnace on in the basement to get the hot water going. Tell you what....you come with me to turn it on, and then, maybe, I'll consider your invitation to join you in the tub." He gave her a playful wink as he offered her his arm, acting like her playful comment wasn't a big deal, when in reality, it had his heart pounding on the inside.
Walking downstairs, she kept her eyes locked with him, ignoring the comments of both Ashley and Josh's best friend Chris. Who'd been in the room the whole time. Chris explained that he and Ashley were going in search of a Spirit Board. The same one that Josh had allegedly used with his sisters before....There was a sudden saddness in her eyes as she crept closer to Josh. Grabbing onto his arm eagerly, wrapping around it like she belonged there. Not intentionally of course, but when he playfully winked she was overcome with a sudden feeling...almost like a thirst to dive right into him. She missed the days when their normal greetings consisted of hugs. Those days were long gone, since the passing of the twins Josh had grown distant....despite how he kept in touch with her and Chris. Sam could literally feel Josh slipping away....little by little...so of course when he offered up his arm she felt the emotional need to latch onto him before he completely disappeared...to secure herself to him.

Loosening her hold a little, the cheek that was pressed lightly against his arm disconnected to look back up into his eyes. Silence filled the air as Chris arched his eyebrow, grinning teasingly, giving the other man a look that was similar to the one he'd given him not just a half an hour or so ago outside when talking about Ashley.

Ashley got the hint as she scurred away waving her hands back at Chris as she went into the other room. "Come on, Chris, let's go find it. It'll be a scavenger hunt." The boiler room was a little ways downstairs so Sam relished in the fact that she'd get to cuddle with Josh the whole time.

Chris, meanwhile, smirked like a little devil as he whispered. "Not so easy when the shoes on the other foot?" Referring to the bonezone and their previous private conversation. Sam's eyes widened a little as she looked from Josh to Chris. "....?????" As if waiting for an explanation.
Josh blushed slightly when he felt Sam latch onto his arm and hold him tightly. He wasn't used to this kind of physical interaction. He had been alone for so long, he had almost forgot what the physical touch of another human felt like, and he had to say, he was enjoying Sam's presence quite a bit at the moment.

He gave Sam a small smile before scowling at Chirs for his comment. Still, he couldn't stay mad at him. After all, they were best friends...and he had a very long night planned for Chris if he went through with his plans, so he could let him slide for now.

"Oh, it's just stupid guy shit. You know how we are." He played off the comment with a laugh, trying to get Sam to hopefully drop the issue. He flicked on the flashlight as he made his way down to the basement with Sam.

"You aren't scared of a creepy old basement in the middle of the night are you. Who knows what kind of ghost or creepy pervs might be lerking down here." Josh teased her as he gave her hand a squeeze as they reached the furnace area.
Letting go of the subject, she knew even if she pressed Josh wouldn't budge. There were topics that were just so difficult to discuss around him. Like where he'd gone during his long leave of absence away from everyone, including breaking contact with her as a result. That seemed to build up a proverbial mystery around the man more than anything. Not that she didn't like a little mystery. Josh gave the impression he always knew more than he was willing to say at times. Very calculating, very smart,....very handsome...very sweet....and funny. God he was cute when he teased her with his words. Making it more difficult as they grew older to hide the slight blush peaking behind locks of hair that hung slightly to the sides of her face.

"ghosts and pervs, huh?" As the traveled downstairs, nearing the furnace. She couldn't help but notice how he lightly squeezed her hand, causing her to once again rest her head against his shoulder. "Ghost, I don't believe...but pervs? The only perv I see here is you....." Lifting her head she smiled meekly up, adding. "I never said that was a bad thing though." God, the last thing on her mind was how they tricked Hannah into stripping naked. She wasn't even apart of that whole mess, she was the one trying to stop it! Of course, Sam figured Josh still didn't believe her to this day.
Josh let a blissful sigh as he felt Sam rest her head on his shoulder again. "What can I say, Sammy. I'm a guy. All guys think with are one thing....just ask Mike if you don't believe me." Josh laughed as he slowly slipped his arm out of Sam's "As much as I hate to abandon a lady, I do need to turn this furnace on for you."

With that, Josh went to work turning on the furnace, pulling and turning the knobs he needed to. "You know....I'm really happy you decided to come, Sam. I mean, I'm happy you are all here, but I'm happiest you are here, if that makes any sense to you." Josh spoke nonchalantly, his tone normal, but hiding his true emotions for the girl deep down. He just hoped she would be able to see them. He was too broken and scared inside to admit them to her himself.
Josh always spoke with the cutest little lisp, Sam could never get over how sexy it had become as she'd matured into a blossoming young woman. His manner of wording his, his undeniably cute little lisp, and that signature smirk...took her back...to a time that was somewhat more innocent. Reminded her that this man before her, she could trust him, and he had entrusted her in turn to come up here and comfort his troubled heart. There was hardly a thing she didn't like about Josh, but then again periods of separation tend to make you admire even the most troublesome faults, mostly Josh's way of pushing at her buttons.

All flirtation aside, when the subject of why they were all here came up. Josh slipping away again, teetering on the edge of the mist that shrouded him in a blanket she couldn't unwrap him from and his social links to all his friends and loved ones. "...We're here for you, Josh..Really...whatever you need...whenever....We're all going to make it through this...together...And....I missed you.." Words couldn't describe how much she missed this warmhearted, tender, source of utter joy. One that had been unexpectedly sucked out of her life and all of a sudden brought back in almost completely.

Watching him work she took a few steps closer. "Like...a lot..." The corner of her eyes she spotted a baseball bat...the same one that Josh use to use when playing with his old man....before he got too busy for him. "...." There was a second where she registered how turbulent his life had been at home from the very beginning. "Josh....Do you need some help?" Clearly she was pinning to ask something more personal than that but somehow it came out as a question of if he was having trouble tinkering with the furnace.
They were words Josh had heard often, but when they came from sound, it sounded like she actually meant it. She wasn't just saying it because that was what was expected of her....she sounded like she really did care. "Thanks, Sammy. I appreciate you all being here for me." His thanks were sincere and not sarcastic in anyway as he turned to face her, giving her a large grin.

"Yeah....sorry I dropped off the grid there for a while. I missed you a lot too. We'll just have to spend a lot of time together to make up for lost time." Josh turned a final knob and gave her a playful wink. "Like...up in that tub together, in some hot water." Josh decided to keep the comment from earlier running, just to see how she would react to it...he was curious.
Shifting back a little, there was a bewildered look in her eyes when he mentioned the tub. Having completely forgotten about the offer she'd made to him upstairs. "......" There was a long pause, Sam swore Josh could hear the beating of her heart...or maybe that was just her? Eardrums thumping slightly as she picked up the sound of a quickening blood rush in her veins. Before long Sam had forced the words out of her mouth. "I-I..I..." Unsettling gastly moans echoed through the basement as the machine bustled loudly. The immediate response Sam gave came as an aftershock to even her, practically tackling Josh down as she wrapped her arms around the core of his waist. "What the fuck was that?"
The silence was getting awkward and quickly becoming too much for Josh to bare. He'd clearly made the wrong move here, and he was getting ready to say he was joking when the furnace roared into the life. Josh was expecting it, but Sam clearly wasn't as she wrapped herself around him. He stumbled slightly under the sudden force but managed to keep them both up right as he wrapped his arms around her waist and laughed.

"It was just the furnace, I didn't know you were such a wimp, Sammy." Josh teased her, giving her a playful wink and sticking out his tongue as he patted her on the head gently. He was enjoying the sensation of her in his arms, but after that awkward silence, he felt it wouldn't be good if they were so close for too long, so he sadly let go of her, but offered his arm once more. "Lets get you back upstairs so you can take that bath then." He stated plainly, trying to forget the moment that had just happened.
"Dude, i'm serious, that's not the furnace...." Sounded like someone was beating on an Old Native American war drum. Feeding into the paranoia set in motion when Sam had read up on how this place use to be sacred land. Building a lodge up here was disrespectful to the spirits residing in a graveyard located somewhere on the moutainside...probably. Sam had only skimmed through the history of the place, but based on what she was hearing and what she knew now....No, this didn't look good. "Josh, stop screwing around...if this is you..." Ah-oh, this was Sam's 'I'm fed up with your childishness right now, cut the crap' voice. Meaning whatever joke he was playing had gone too far. "The rythim is like....weirdly regular...M-Maybe we should go check it out?" Meaning, 'if someone is trying to brake into the house I don't feel comfortable getting naked'
"I swear, I'm not doing anything!" Josh raised his hands in exaggerated innocence. He let out a sigh as he grabbed the baseball bat from nearby and took a few steps forward. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I'll check it out. Stay close and stay behind me." Josh decided if he was going to play the knight in shining armor, he might as well play the role seriously.

He kept walking forward slowly, checking corners and doors, all to help Sam feel better and safe. He hated seeing her worried, or sad. He just wanted her to be happy. Soon, the reached the end of the room and hadn't found anything. "See, you are just hearing things. Don't worry about it." He patted her on the head gently. After all, he didn't really believe in any of that supernatural shit.
Hanging her head low, she felt her heart sink to her stomach. Never was there a time where she looked sillier than this, Josh patronizing her slightly due to the situation by patting her head lightly only made her feel more like a 'whimp'. Protesting could have been the next course of action, if not for the fact that right when she looked up a shadowy figure in a Hockey Mask and Monk's robe crept out from the darkness. Screaming a high pitched wail as he charged at the two. "AAAH!" Sam's automatic reaction was to grab onto Sam's arm, urging him to run back upstairs, she didn't want to be tourture rapped in a basement. "I TOLD YOU! DIDN'T I TELL YOU!?"
Josh saw the figure jump out and he couldn't help but smile to himself. He recognized the props well enough and he knew by the build of the person that it had to be Chris. Still, he decided to play along for now. He let Sam grab his arm as they took off running up the stairs, Josh knocking down a few things to slow their 'intruder' down.

"Who the fuck is that!?" Josh asked as they ran up the stairs. When the reach the top, he 'struggled' to get the door open, all the while, the 'intruder' approached them. "Stay back!" Josh decided to play brave and stepped forward, pointing the baseball bat he still had at the figure.
Struggling with the door like the cut-scene of a breathtakingly real horror game, Sam took the reigns and struggled with the knob as she shouted. "OH COME ON! Why are these doors locked!?" Of course she knew the answer: To keep out strangers. By the time the 'intruder' had reached them, he stopped short of one stair and held out his arms as if he was going to hug the pair. "Heeeey~" Giving a friendly greeting like the Fonz from Happy Days. "HUH?! WHA?" Sam's heart at this point had taken a trip to Tahiti, it was long gone, the beats per-second off the charts. Back pressed against the door as she examined the stranger who took off the hood. Only to reveal. "CHRIS?!"

"You just got monked!" REALLY?!?! Were the finger guns necessary?! "BOOM!"

"Why would you do that?!?!" Emotionally distraught didn't bode well with Sam. Getting all worked up over something like this wasn't normal for her unless there had been a nervousness already clouding her judgment.

"There's all this cool Hollywood shit down here, what did you expect me to do?"
Josh couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the words Chris let out. He had to admit, the guy was pretty fun at times. Still, it was clear that Chris had upset Sam, and he was trying to get on her good side this evening, so he decided to chastise him a bit to try and not lose TOO much face with Sam.

"Alright, Friar Douchebag, you had your fun and you got us pretty good." Josh chuckled slightly as he managed to get the door open. "How about you get that fire going though, I'm freezing my ass off." Josh gave Chris a gentle tap on the back with his bat so he left the area before he turned to look at Sam.

"Hey, you alright, Sam?" He used her real name, not the nickname he gave her. It was to show he was actually worried about her as he wrapped a small arm around her waist and pulled her into a hug.
"No, that was bullshit, you guys really aren't funny. I didn't come up here to be punked by wanna-be Ashton-" Venting her frustrations out on Josh as Chris, without even batting an eyelish, walked away from what he thought was going to turn into a hurricane. Or maybe a ticking time bomb ready to explode. Leaving then behind at the entrance of the basement to duke-it-out. Fate would have different plans in store as Josh wrapped an arm securely behind the small of her back. Practically going limp in his embrace when her breasts squished softly against his chest. "...." This silence wasn't awkward to Sam....it was calming...how Josh saw it was probably different, but Sam wasn't complaining. Before he even had the chance to pull away from the comforting touch...Sam wrapped her arms under his arms, holding him close as she rested her cheek against his pecks. "...Josh..." There was longing in her voice as she whispered out to get his attention. Eyes shutting closed as she soaked in his warmth. "I wish you'd hold me like this more often."
Josh blushed as he felt Sam's chest molding against his chest. He fought down his arousal as he gently stroked Sam's head. The silence wasn't as bad this time, but he still found it to be pretty awkward. Still, it was a peaceful silence, the voices didn't plague him in the comfort of Sam's embrace.

He felt Sam tighten the embrace as he considered pulling away, and her words clinched it. Surely, she had to have feeling for him. Why else would she be acting like this. "I'd be more then happy to, Sam...but..." Josh smiled as he took a hand and gently tilted her chin up. "Do you want me to do something more than just hold you?" He asked her playfully, but his tone serious at the same time as his eyes locked onto her own.
Nothing got passed Josh, his finding out about the crush she'd been harboring for him since the day they met....Looks like he'd brilliantly pieced together the puzzle, dangerously close to finishing it ...or maybe....he already had...Judging based on his playful tone, the meaning behind those words...the lustrous shine in his eyes as he looked down into hers awaiting an explanation only to have her stupidly mumble out. "I was serious when I asked you to take a bath with me..." And the truth shall set you free! There's what she'd been holding back that whole time in the basement, how she really felt. What she wanted to spew out when they were alone down stairs...well...kind of. Regardless of if Chris or anyone had heard this or not, she needed to tell him that she wanted him that way...in so so many ways. Most of them ending with them kissing or sharing each other's company.
Josh grinned, happy to hear Sam confess like she did. Sure, it wasn't a really confession, but it was a very Sam way of doing it, and that is what he liked. He leaned forward and pressed his lips gently against her own, the kiss very light and brief, just a teasing taste of things to come as he whisked Sam up into his arms.

"Lets go get up to that tub then, my princess." He grinned, feeling the happiest he had ever felt in a very long time. He opened up the door and quickly ran up the stairs with Sam in his arms, to avoid catching the attention of Chis and Ash. Better that they have some time for themselves before everyone else found out they were a tool. He gently set Sam down in front of the bathroom and opened up the door. "Just...let me know when you are ready for me to come in, or if you change your mind." Josh blushed as his mind was now catching up with him. He wanted to give Sam some time to think as well, he didn't want to force this on her in the heat of the moment or anything.
Sam's way of carrying about differed from how Ashley or Jess did with the men that caught their fancies. She happened to be a bit more shy about it, hiding it in little hints here and there that so far had been too subtle for Josh to pick up on. But FINALLY luck had panned out! That one little promise of a bubble bath was all he needed to know that, yes, she had feelings for him...because by now they'd grown close enough for him to know that Sam never slept around. She was more of a Demisexual than anything. In order to sleep with someone she needed to have feelings for that person, same definition for the relationship.

The kiss, unbelievably mind blowing, like there was a volcanic eruption ever second they smacked their lips. Tilting her head off to the side to deepen the kiss, causing an almost electrical jolt to vibrate through her body. "?" Pouting, she'd bite her bottom lips and hold any protests when he suddenly pulled back. "J-Josh." Hushed tones where exchanged as he picked up like a princess. The knight in shining armor before had immense upper body strength and apparently wanted to be a gentleman and whisk her away.

Cold feet weren't attributed to Sam at all, never, not even when she was five and had to climb a tree for the first time in order to save her favorite kite. If they were going to do this, they were going to do it tonight. As he carefully set her back down before the door. And listening to his reasoning...a smiled crossed her lips. "...How about you come in instead?" Grabbing his hand, she started to plant soft kisses on his knuckles. "I want you Josh....I've wanted you for a long time....Everyones off doing their own thing....I think it's time we have a little alone time of our own..don't you think?"
Josh couldn't help but blush with how forward Sam was being now. He certainly didn't mind though. He grinned as he walked into the bathroom with her and closed and locked the door behind him. "Well then, since it is just you and I for awhile, why not take it slow and have some fun then?" He asked with a chuckle as he pressed his lips up gently against hers again for a brief moment, teasing her again before he sat on the edge of the tub.

"I've always wanted to see you naked, Sam...you are so beautiful after all...why not take it slow though...give me a nice strip tease and dance for me to enjoy." He gave her a wink, wanting to see just what the girl could do. "We have this iphone and speakers over here...you can play any song you want." He suggested, eager to see if she would pick a song or not.
"Usually anything that involves you and 'fun' has something to do with liquor and...more liquor...so much liquor...haha." The man before her, sitting at the side of the tub, he could drink an Irishman under the table. Then again, since what happened 'back then', when he was so drunk off his rocker that a freight-train couldn't startle him....Sam wondered if he'd had even a drop.

Sam, slouched a little, hand on her thigh as she nodded her head then shook it in disapproval. "Do you really expect me to give you a strip tease?" The black jacket that clung to her shoulder slid down softly to the ground like wilting petals from a rose. Walking towards him with a smile spreading across perfect pink lips, she began to unbutton her top. "After Chris scared me half to death?" Revealing the cleavage underneath a silken black bra, begging to be shown off to the young man. Nipples bearly stiffened as she worked on each button at a painful pace. Grasping Josh's attention completely, hopefully, as she settled down into his lap. "I could have you..." Tracing over the set of knuckles on his right hand, she laced her fingers with his. Bringing his hand to rest under the blouse she wore. Allowing him to feel the silken softness of her bra, and the steadily stiffening nipple that aroused from a slumber from his touch. "...strip me down like an early Christmas present..."

Switching hands, she wrapped her right arm around his shoulder for a little leverage...grinding down unintentionally along his left leg as she got comfortable. A teasing massage of the back of his neck before her free hand traveled up behind his scalp. Running fingers through his hair as she tried to dive back in for a deep kiss, eager to taste his lips. Only pulling back to see if what she was doing was working for him. Curious little eyes battled at him as she kept giving his scalp a spine tingling massage.
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