The Force Awakens: Kylo x Rey (newblood & malfrost)


Jul 10, 2013
The last several hours had changed her life completely.

Upon momentary contemplation, she could not pinpoint an exact moment when she knew that her place in this universe had been altered completely; rather, it was a collection of moments. Arguably, it all began when she left Jakku.

Somehow, she ended up here. Strapped to a chair with her heart beating violently in her chest -- the infamous Kylo Ren was the first thing she saw when she woke. She had challenged him, that much she was more than aware of, as she had prompted him to remove his masked helmet. What she saw was not the fearsome man that she had anticipated, but rather someone strangely deep and alluring.

Terrifying and violent, but alluring regardless.

He had violated her; visiting and dancing around in her mind, uninvited and intrusively. The brunette woman protested, writhing and squirming away from him as he exploited her secret thoughts, reciting her loneliness to her as though this was some sort of game to him.

All the while, she felt something strange and unfamiliar building up in her very core. A power that she wasn't capable of understanding or controlling. Her eyes boldly locked into his cold and hostile stare, digging into him as he had just done to her.

"You..." she hissed, "you're afraid. You're afraid that you'll never be as strong as Darth Vader,"

Rey accused him, quickly sifting through his insecurities and finding his deepest one to bring to the surface. She angled herself forward, wrists still restrained. She did her best to show no fear as she awaited his retort, hoping that she had bested him.
She was stronger than he originally guessed. He had felt the budding power of the force in her, but he never expected her to be this potent. She had just awoken to the Force and already, she was able to peer deeply into mind and twist him to her desire. She was good, very good. Even though the haze of anger and frustration, he could acknowledge that much. He wanted her...if he could train her, use her for his own purpose...he'd be unstoppable.

Ren glared at the girl, her accusation spot on. He would never admit to it though...fear was not suppose to be an emotion he possessed. Instead, his mind entered her own again and did what she had just done. Using all his powers to bypass her mental barriers, he found her deepest fear. "What about you, then...Rey?" He questioned her softly with a smile as he learned forward, his face close to her own, his hot breath on her neck. "You're afraid...of being worthless....worst than worthless. After all...that must have been while you were abandoned on that backwater planet. Your parents didn't want you, because you were worthless. A life without purpose...with no meaning. Isn't that what you fear?" He asked with a small chuckle as he used the Force to try and sway her emotions as he spoke.

His thumb gently brushed over her lips as he whispered hotly in her ear. "I can give you purpose...Rey. If you work with me, I will train you. You life will have meaning. You'll be one of the most powerful warriors in galactic history. You won't just be a speck on a no name planet....isn't that what you want." His hot breath invaded her ear, her mind, twisted around inside her like a knife as he tried to get her to see things his way.
Rey's breathing was labored, and as he approached her she let go of a breath that she hadn't been aware that she had been holding. Long eyelashes fluttered, her fight or flight reaction to him making her skin crawl. She wanted to break free and run -- but a strange sensation made her want to see how this turned out.

It seemed that he had a siren song -- his darkness eclipsed her light. He had a pulsating, vicious aura to him that had her ensnared, his very presence dug her claws into her chest. If he caused her to focus this much, what else was he capable of?

She continued to make bold eye contact as he approached her, flinching only at his cruel words that nearly gutted her. The woman's pink pout twisted, grimacing. He was more than correct - he had touched a raw, exposed nerve in her heart. Rey bared her teeth, eyes slipping closed as she focused on anything other than the feel of his warm breath on her neck. Despite herself, her body erupted in goose bumps.

She had never been with a man. Nobody had ever been in her space like this - she'd never met anyone like him. Powerful and strong and... evil.

Rey's eyes snapped open at his offer, searching his aristocratic features. "I am not like you. I will find purpose in things other than power." She challenged, eyes narrowing. With their faces inches apart, it was hard to ignore the electricity between them. A buzzing seemed to fill the air, it was unlike anything she had ever felt.

"It won't be that easy to pull me apart." Rey promised, retreating and settling back into his interrogation chair as though it was the most comfortable place she had ever been. She was playing with fire, she knew that, but she needed him to see that she was not weak.
She was strong and confident, everything he wasn't when he was younger. It made him jealous, but it also made him want her that much more. He could tell he was getting to her, he noticed that small, physiological reactions that she herself could not control. Her body and unconscious was being drawn towards him, even as her mind stubbornly fought back.

"Not power, Rey. Order and control...that is what this galaxy lacks, and that is what we can bring to it if you work with me." Ren gave her another smile, it didn't seem sinister at all. In fact, it seemed to be overflowing with charm. As she tried to fall back into the chair however, he used the Force to pull her forward yet again.

He licked his lips slightly at the sight of her, she was truly a beautiful women...and his male hormones were raging inside him. He kept them in check as he moved his hand forward to cup her cheek, his fingers hot on her skin as he leaned forward. "No, Rey....I don't want to pull you apart. I want to strengthen you...make you stronger." His voice was a low, hot growl as he neared her even more, his lips mere inches from her own as he waited to see how she would react to his advance. All the while, he was subtly manipulating the Force, trying to get her to give into the desires she felt inside, both for a better life and for the touch of a man which she craved.
Rey licked her lips, which were becoming dry from nervousness. The dark haired woman's eyes narrowed at his smile, confused by everything about him. She could see Han Solo's genes in his eyes; he had a certain charm, even if he didn't mean to. This man had a quality to him that was effortlessly intriguing. She hated him for it.

Considering his words, she squared her shoulders and lifted her jaw. She called on the strength that she used when bargaining on Jakku -- Rey knew that she needed to stand her ground, and in a strange way, earn his respect.. Rey was a survivor and she would adapt.

"I don't want to work with you," she told him, her eyes darkening. She wasn't yet sure if that statement was entirely true, however. Rey felt his pull, moving toward him as he manipulated the Force to straighten her out again. She knew she couldn't resist him -- he was too strong. Regardless, she winced.

All pain was almost forgotten when his hand touched her cheek. He was warm and powerful and dark and wonderful. None of these thoughts were present in her expression, though her eyes did widen and soften in the slightest. She felt her mind lull, head tilted to the side as her eyes snapped from his own gaze to his lips. Rey sensed that he was invading her once more, but his magnetism consumed her.

A long moment of stillness passed, and her eyes blinked rapidly as though she was battling some sort of confused inner dialogue. "Show me how to be strong like you," Rey responded, her willpower to resist him faltering by his manipulations. Truth be told, he was correct in his assumptions that she wanted to be somebody important.
Ren could feel the girl's willpower and resolve weakening as he drew her closer. He knew, that with just a bit more prodding and charming words, she would be his. "Not work with me...Rey. Serve would be my apprentice...and I would train you to master your power."

Ren chuckled as he combed his hand through her hair for a brief moment. Their eyes locked onto each other, and Rey was the first to back down. The silence filled the room as Rey's struggle to resist finally ended and Ren heard the words he wanted to hear.

"I will show you how to be powerful, Rey. Before one can be powerful though, one starts off weak. You must submit yourself, completely; to your emotions, your anger, hate, fear...and desires." Ren chuckled at the last part, his voice hot in her ear. "You must me." He nibbled on her ear before a brief moment before his lips quickly found her own. They were forceful, dominant, and passionate on her own. His tongue lashed out at her lips and sought entry to her mouth as his hand cupped and stroked her cheek gently.
Rey did not like the idea of serving anyone -- no, that was certainly not her style. She didn't - and wouldn't - serve anyone. She was her own entity. As such, a flicker of resistance flashed across her conventionally pretty features in protest of his words. Regardless, she wasn't yet able to fully pull herself out of the hypnotic state he seemed to have put her in.

Power. He was promising her power, order and control. All of her life, she had longed for those things. Rey knew that she was ultimately a nobody; could he really elevate her to someone of importance?

Long lashes fluttered, her eyelids feeling heavy at the feel of his teeth on her earlobe. Her bottom lip snagged between rows of pearly white teeth, head tilting to the side. She had to submit to him, he said, and he was making it difficult to resist. This was a good starting point, Rey understood that, but she wanted to ultimately be his equal.

The gentility in which he touched her cheek was bizarre; she knew he was capable of brutal, intense violence. The brunette's head tilted upward toward him, unable to stop her physical response to him. Her heart danced in her chest and her stomach twisted into knots of euphoria, which was both terrifying and wonderful.

Her lips parted and a slight moan escaped her through the kiss. This was all so unfamiliar to her.

Rey parted from him, eyes searching his expression. "Fine," she agreed, "I submit to you.. swear you won't kill me." Rey needed to know that this was not some sort of ruse to ultimately eliminate her.
Ren smiled in the kiss as his tongue entered her mouth. His appendage gracefully danced around her mouth and explored, pressing up against her own tongue and tempting it to play with his own before she withdrew. Ren looked her in the eyes and smiled as he nodded his head.

"Of course, my dear Rey. I would never want to harm you. Now that you are my apprentice." Ren's voice was sincere and happy as he stroked her cheek gently again before pressing a button that undid her restraints. "Now then...your first lesson will be seeing if you can obey simple commands from me."

Ren moved to sit in a chair across the room as he gave her another charming smile, his eyes locking with hers." Dance for me...and strip. I want you to give me a lap dance once you are naked." He commanded her, wondering if the girl could obey such a command.
Rey's curious eyes left his face not once, head tilted to the side as he seemed to be hatching some sort of plan. She felt a shifting in her chest; she had been lulled, that much was quite true, but her inner strength was being regained. The brunette tapped into her well of power, removing his hold on her mind.

She stood, stoic and with proud posture, and a brow arched. Rey had not made it this far in life by allowing herself to be some sort of objectified plaything -- it would have been easy to be wealthy on Jakku if she was wiling to exploit herself as such.

The brunette squared her jaw, observing him. "Certainly I can obey simple commands," she countered, brow arching testily. "I am not stripping." Rey told him, defiant already.
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