Choice (Mordredxlilithsboy)


Mar 2, 2016
Lost in Time and Space
A Percy Jackson/Luke Castellan RPG
Rating: (As if it's needed) NC17
Genre: BDSM
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
At the end of the Titan War Percy Jackson, Hero of Olympus watched his Best Friend and Enemy take his own life to save them all, and was offered Godhood for it. Selflessly turning it down; risking Offense of the gods, he brought equality to the gods, but even Demigods aren't immune to selfishness. Instead, wiry and grieving Percy asks not for equality, but for the life of his Friend and nemesis Luke Castellan; Percy's intent only to save his friend; however, because of his choice of words, "The Life of Luke Castellan, son of Hermes", Luke's Life is now bound to Percy. Luke Castellan, servant and Slave to Percy Jackson; his life and fate bound to the will of a 16 year old boy with ADHD

~Percy Jackson~

The Great Hall of Olympus was in shambles, the scares of battle throughout: fissures of cracked marble flooring, busted statues, and broken pillars. The only things that had miraculously remained untouched – thanks to Percy and his friends – were the twelve thrones that were the focal point of the hall. The center of western civilization had been shaken to the very foundation, but would remain for yet another day. Chronos’s forces had fractured, Percy knew that. He could feel it somewhere deep inside of himself, like an animal that knew that a predator had passed by. After their leaders defeat, the Titan army would have disintegrated fast and the Gods binding them tighter than ever in Tartarus again.

He heard the doors slam and the Gods’ storm in, even Hades who rarely interacted with his family – Nico must have convinced his father to act – but Percy paid no heed. Luke was gone; that left a pang in his chest he hadn’t expected, he cared for the other boy more than he cared to admit, and even though he didn’t condone the boys actions he couldn’t fault the older boys disenfranchisement. It wasn’t fair, and he’d been tempted on more than one occasion to accept Luke’s offer himself. Though he wasn’t sure whether that was because of the Gods’ or Luke himself.

Now Luke was dead, a hole through his breast from Annabeth’s dagger, laid out in front of the thrones like an offering to the gods he despised. The Scythe was gone. Percy didn’t know what had happen to it. All he could think of was what his father had said to him years ago when he’d stood in this very spot returning Zeus’s master bolt. How he was so sorry and would not have chosen this life for Percy, how it was a hard life of sacrifice and death. Back then – seems ages ago now – while he had known the gravity of the situation he had been young and wide-eyed and hungry for glory.

Now he was just tired…

The voice of his father, Poseidon, drew him from his gloom. He blamed all of this on so many things, but not his father. Unlike many of his cousin’s parents, Poseidon had always been as supportive of his son as was possible, and Percy knew that. “Does our conquering hero not deserve a reward brother?” Poseidon asked his brother and king with a pointed look.

Zeus looked disgruntled at the reminder, but grudgingly nodded. He had never liked Percy – product of his brother’s broken oath; never mind the hypocrisy that he had done the same. “I suppose you are correct brother,” Zeus said haltingly. “Very well, you may make whatever request you wish of us Percy Jackson, and if it is within our power to grant then you shall have it, even if you wish to join our ranks as a god of Olympus.”

Percy froze, shocked at the proclamation. He had not done it for reward, but it was amazing. Anything he wanted; it would be foolish of him to reject such a thing, but what to ask? Godhood was tempting; he could do so much with it, and be with his father, but he would have to leave his friends, watch his mother die, and worst of all – be beholden to Zeus. Adversely, he thought about all that had happened, the war, everything. He could change it all with one request, make all of his cousins’ equal under Olympus and make sure this never happened again; but as he looked at Luke’s prone form the sadness returned and he felt a pang of selfishness. He only wanted one thing, and wasn’t he entitled to a moment of selfishness? “I want the life of Luke Castellan, son of Hermes."

His request was met with a heavy silence, and for a moment Percy thought he may have overstepped. They said ‘anything’, but the Olympian Gods’ were petty and vindictive at times. His friends were shocked, and the Gods’ all looked amongst themselves as if silently conferring. Zeus looked especially at his brother Hades. Hades nodded shortly. “Very well Percy Jackson,” Zeus accepted.

Meanwhile, Hades stepped down from the dais and pulled a vial filled with red dust from his pocket. He uncapped it and sprinkled some in Luke’s mouth. He then placed his hand upon Luke’s chest and it seemed to glow. He then stepped toward Percy. “Give me your dominate hand,” Hades commanded. Percy did so curiously, and like they did on Percy’s chest, his hands glowed. After a moment Percy felt pain, as if the flesh of his hand were being seared and he gasped out in pain. When Hades released him he looked and a Mark like a trident overlaid with a diagonal bolt marked his hand. “It is done.”

“So be it,” Zeus continued. “The life of Luke Castellan now belongs to you Percy Jackson. You are as his god. Whatever you command of him he must oblige; but beware Jackson, for just as his life belongs to you, so You are responsible for him: His care and future transgressions are your responsibility.”


OOC: There you have it, first post as promised. I included the Command clause so that he’s not just a puppet. In order for it to be a command he can’t disobey, Percy must say “I command you…” Contact me if you have questions or need help
Luke sighed and looked about the gloom that surrounded him as he fingered the coins in his pocket. Charon would want his gold and Luke had prepared for death. He watched as the ferryman came closer and boarded careful not to touch the waters of Acheron. He wondered if that last ditich effort would allow him to maintain his spot in Elysium. "Im sure dear old dad won't do much to help down here. Not that he ever really was to begin with." As Luke attempted to pay his way into the underworld he felt the strangest sensation of burning down his throat suffusing his whole being.

Charon's head snaps up "I charge extra for the living." comes a voice akin to steel sliding across granit.

Luke is being wracked by pain and is unable to answer but the words get through some how he is still alive. Then with a painfully sharp tug Luke is flung into the either slamming back into his body on Olympus.

In a fit of coughing he expels blood from his lungs and lays their retching on the floor for some time. As his head begins to settle from an overwhelming bout of nausea he looks up to see the gods and demi gods assembled staring at him. As he tries to sit up he mumbles "What happened?"
~Percy Jackson~

Sometimes we forget what the beings in the room are, forget that they are more than our mothers, fathers and relatives. After a while, when the feeling of awe and exhilaration fades, after routine forms and you've made a couple of trips to Olympus you forget that your dad isn't just your dad and that he's a God: A god - a being who can manipulate the very powers of nature and life and death. That thought occurs to me briefly as I watch Hades work, but it's quickly lost as the implications of Zeus's words set in.

I'm getting Luke back! I know, somewhere in the back of my head that I should be shocked, that I should worry, but all I feel is elation. Just this one time somebody lives. Just this one time I get to save someone instead of having to watch helplessly as the fates cut their thread. Anything else can take a backseat to that.

As Luke actually moves, wracked with a coughing fit, I hear Annabeth cry out and rush to his side. I follow a step behind, smiling as she flings her arms around him. Good... It's no surprise that she's happy; she probably knew Luke better than anybody at camp - next to Thalia. In a rare and telling moment, Annabeth is so focused on the fact that Luke's alive that she misses the signs of pain as he struggles to set up. "What happened?" He croaks.

Oh that's a loaded question and I'm not sure how much he remembers. You died, the Titans lost, I brought you back...? I take Annabeths bag from her, careful not to jostle them and take the Ambrosia she keeps in there and hand it to Luke as kneel beside him. "You're alive," I say to him settling on simplicity, grasping his shoulder with a soft smile. "...Go on, eat that. It'll help."
"Ouch Ow Annabeth don't kill me again." Luke takes a quick assessment of the situation and grabs the Ambrosia from Percy and begins consuming it hoping that the pain will soon stop. Luke is watching Percy he isn't saying something and that can only be trouble. As the Ambrosia takes hold and his pain begins to subside Luke gets a bit braver taking Anabeth's hands and looking at both Percy and her he addresses them equally least he not get the whole story because Percy gets destracted by something shiny.

"I can see that I am alive but why is that and more importantly how? The underworld is not know to give up it's people on a whim. It is not like my last few days earned me a special reward... I did not even know exactly where old Charon was about to ferry me. So... Mind telling me what is going on?"

Luke looks beyond the pair at the assembled Gods noting Hades close placement and his eyes narrow suspiciously.

"What did you do?"
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