Shadowhunting Magic (Naomi David x Pokelover)

Naomi David

May 24, 2013
Hermione Granger, 18, was incredibly excited by her discovery in the Forbidden Forest. She had rediscovered a long lost language, a language so old it was hardly ever seen in textbooks of today. These runes were all over a section of a wall in a cave in the Forbidden Forest. She had managed to drag Harry along with her, her best friend, for this discovery, since her dearest boyfriend Ron was helping out at his elder brother George's Joke Shop, which was experiencing a roaring trade, and couldn't get away because he was so busy. The best part was that she knew what these runes on this cave wall translated to!

She had first come across these runes in some very old books in the Hogwarts Library, they spoke of the magic that angels possessed, the magic they left to their descendants, the Nephilim. It was a real fascinating read, she learned so much from it. She studied on, working hard to understand more of this supposed angelic magic, if it was possible for witches and wizards to wield it. Supposedly it wasn't, the book went on to say that if these runes were applied to people other than Nephilim except in a few rare cases, the runes would drive the non Nephilim mad and die.

"Oh, Harry! I can't believe I found this here! There are so many academic implications for this! So many believed this language to be lost, but here is a whole lot of it inscribed right there for us to read!" Hermione spoke. Her cheeks were red, her eyes were bright, the look she got when she was highly excited, when she was extremely happy. "Lumos!" she spoke, her wand was out, and now the bright light filled the cave, though it was concentrated near the wall where the runes were inscribed. She eagerly translated the runes, going from left to right,"Angelic Power. Clairvoyant Sight. Fearless. Block. Heightened Speed. Soundless. Heal. Foresight. Strength. Equilibrium. Precision. Love. Marriage."

The area around them suddenly began to shake, and the runes before her started to glow a bright, fiery red. The wall where the runes were began to crumble, and she spoke only one word,"RUN!" She ran to the outside of the cave, where the shaking was less, but she could still see the fiery red glow from the runes. Then she heard an almighty crashing and crumbling sound. What she felt was disappointment, she did not have the foresight to take pictures of the cave wall before it got dangerous. Now there was no proof of her wonderful discovery. The red glow faded, replaced with a blue light, and the rumbling faded as well. What came out of the blue glow was something she didn't expect to see. A person, a girl!

Abigail Wayland, 18, held a witchlight in her left hand, and a seraph blade in her right as she went demon hunting. The witchlight lit up the cave she was in, she had tracked a demon to this cave, there would be no way it could leave, it was bright sunlight out. Demons could not stand the pure goodness of sunlight, and they were severely injured if they were caught in it, and died if they were in it too long. She came from America, she was born in the Institute in Manhattan, though she was raised in the Institute in London.

She was a tall girl, inheriting her Mother's height, and her Father's as well, she had never known the man, standing at a perfect six feet tall. She had tanned skin. Her hair was a bright, fiery red, something her Mother also said she had inherited from her Father. When her hair was let down, it was long, thick, straight, and shiny, but right now, it was in a tight bun on her head. Her face was heart shaped, her eyes were almond shaped, and they were two different colors, her eyes. Her right eye was a bright golden color, and her left one was a bright blue. She had a very muscled body, typical of Shadowhunters. It was highly encouraged for them to get as physically and mentally strong as they possibly could. Though in any case, she had a lovely set of curves.

She was highly disappointed. She searched the cave up and down, left and right, but could find no sign that the demon had ever been here. She dearly hoped she hadn't been wrong about the cave location, then again, there were a great many caves in this forest, so that was a high possibility. She sighed in frustration as her seraph blade deactivated, she placed it back on her weapons belt. She had many weapons, all bladed, and extras in the large backpack on her back. Spare equipment, spare everything really. Her backpack had been enchanted to fit nearly everything into it by the nice warlock Tessa Gray, now known as Tessa Carstairs.

She rested her back onto a section of cave wall that she didn't notice that had runes on it, not Shadowhunter runes. She closed her eyes, trying to form another plan. She didn't notice these runes glowing a bright red. She did notice when the wall gave way, and she fell through. She held on tight to her witchlight. While she had several extra in her backpack, she didn't like losing things. She felt great excitement. She loved finding hidden rooms. The London Institute was full of them and she knew she hadn't found all of them yet. She got up, now all dusty from the cave rock. She walked outside the cave, blinking, it was still bright sunlight out, so she put her witchlight back into one of the many pockets in her Shadowhunter gear. Then she saw two people looking at her, a boy and a girl, they both looked to be around her age. To the two people standing before her, her facial features would seem reminiscent of a very good friend of theirs.

The two girls spoke at the same time, and oddly enough, the exact same thing,"Who the bloody hell are you?" The funny thing was, Hermione had the sense that this girl was somehow connected to the runes on the cave wall before it fell away. After all, she did come from the area where the runes were, so maybe she could be a great help later on. Abigail looked at Hermione, then Harry, her eyes lingering on him. He was really good looking. She studied the two. They both had the looks of warriors, people who had fought in long hard wars, though the girl had the studious look about her, somebody who would rather study than fight. Abigail slowly spoke, she had the British accent,"My name is Abigail Wayland." Hermione spoke just as slowly,"Hermione Granger."
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