Keeping Up With Kylie (Zorrita & jayking1917)


Sep 6, 2013
It was a beautiful day in Calabasas, not that unusual for SoCal. Kylie Jenner was spending the day by her pool. And it was definitely her pool since she owned the house at only seventeen years old. It's to come from a family with their own television. Kylie was looking amazing in her black bikini that showed off a lot of her young body. While not as voluptuous as her sister Kim, Kylie's young body still had serious curves. The way her bikini bottom disappeared between the large cheeks of her delicious ass was particularly enticing.

But in spite of the sunshine, the great house, and having one of the most fuckable young bods on Instagram, Kylie just wasn't happy. As she upload yet another sexy selfie to her various social media accounts, she felt like she was never going to catch up to Kim when it came to followers. Kylie had already passed her other sisters, even Kendall and she was a supermodel. But Kim was so far ahead of them all. Kylie had no idea how she could catch her but that was her goal in life. She had to have more followers than everyone else in the Kardashian clan and she had to do it before she turned eighteen. Otherwise what was the point of living?

The sound of the door to the house sliding open distracted Kylie from her moping. There with a big smile on her face and a large bag slung over her shoulder was her mother Kris. Unike her youngest daughter, Kris was dressed in white. Her pants suit hugged her mature curves in a way that was both sexy and classy. The jacket was unbuttoned enough to show that Kris wore nothing underneath, as her exposed cleavage could attest to. After six kids and almost sixty years, Kris Jenner still looked amazing. Sure she had some work done but it was quality work. And the way she carried herself made it clear it wasn't all for show, she was more than willing to use that body.

"Sweetie," said Kris. "I've been thinking about what you told me the other day about wanting to beat Kim. And since your the baby of the family, I've decided to help you out!"

Kylie sat up with excitement, her teenage tits jiggling.

"Really, mom? How?"

Unzipping the bag, Kris took out a video camera.

"By going back to what worked with her. We're going to make you a sex tape!"

Kylie wasn't sure about what she just heard, especially since it was coming from her own mother.

"A-a sex tape?" the girl stammered. "Are you sure about hat?"

"Of course!" Kris replied. "Trust me, I'm the one who made this whole family famous. Thing is, there's been so many sex tapes since Kim made her that we're going to have to take things up a notch. the fact you're only seventeen helps but we need to make sure this tape gets everyone talking!"

"How will we do that?" asked Kylie, not sure if she wanted to know the answer.

"Like this!" Kris replied gleefully. "Boys... come meet my baby girl!"
Honk hooonnnnkkkkk, the car horn blared from outside. Jay Simmons grabbed his cell phone and headed towards the car, which was driven by a friend of his. Well, not a friend exactly. Travis Bannis was more of a work acquaintance. The guys had met a few years back when they both took shifts at The Horse Barn, a male strip club in the seedy part of Los Angeles. The unlikely duo had gotten beers together on occasion, and tipped one another off to private jobs here and there, so they were on good terms and generally got along just fine. But neither knew what they were in store for that afternoon.

"So what the fuck do you have us doing today?" Jay asked somewhat impatiently as he climbed into the car. Travis had sent him a rather cryptic text a few days prior, telling him that there was a job he had been contacted about. High profile celebrity, sure to make news once it was done, but offering few details beyond that. An opportunity Travis was eager to snatch up, but one that left Jay skeptical and prepared for disappointment.

"Dude, I told you all I know. This chick I know who works in a boutique on Rodeo Drive told me she had a friend of a friend, blah blah blah, needs two guys who are ready for some camera work. Said it would be pretty hot and definitely worth our time. Preferred one black and one white, so I figured you were my guy. Here is the kicker though: the girl who put me onto this, she did some styling for Kim Kardashian not too long ago. I'm thinking there is a connection there!" Travis's excitement was evident; Jay knew and cared little for the First Family of E!

During the short drive to the address he was given, Travis speculated that he and Jay were plants to go on a lunch date with Kourtney and Khloe, Kim's older and younger sisters, respectively. Make Kourtney's ex, Scott Disick jealous, allow Khloe to move on from her troubled husband, Lamar Odom. To Jay, this seemed reasonable enough, although he doubted that two men of his and Travis's background would need to be hired for such a gig. These girls are famous; surely they could rope some other famous men into this?, he figured.

But upon arrival and a quick meeting with Kris Jenner, the attention seeking matriarch of the family, the guys were given their assignment. A real life porno shot with...Kylie Jenner? Jay drew a blank, vaguely aware of the youngest daughter and her connection to some C-list rapper that had eyebrows raised. But wasn't she just a kid? he thought to himself. A minor, even? Jay wasn't a big consumer of pop culture of the Kardashian elk, so he was thoroughly confused as Kris explained Kylie's quest.

Travis could smell the press that would come with such exploits finding a home on the Instagram account of a famous Kardashian sister, and required no further convincing. Jay protested vocally to Kris, who assured him that her daughter "would be" on board, that she was "about to be 18" and that together, the mother and daughter would use their vast network to not only make sure the guys didn't get in trouble, but that they would be given every opportunity to cash in on the afternoon's various goings-on.

The duo emerged from the sliding glass doors and onto the pool deck once they heard the cue from Kris, Travis almost in a sprint and Jay following behind uneasily. What was a mother doing pimping out her little girl? Jay pondered if he could go through with what Kris had laid out for them, let alone enjoy any of it. But when he saw the figure sitting up on the deck chair by the water, Jay was immediately struck by the notion that the female in front of him was no little girl, and that maybe he could find some pleasure in the proceedings after all.
Two strange men were standing by Kylie's mother. Sure, they were both hot. The white guy reminded Kylie a but of Khloe's ex Scott, clean cut with a touch of smarminess. The brother looked tough with his large muscles and tattoos but he had the sweetest smile too. And he was definitely grinning as he checked her out. Kylie didn't mind the attention, she lived for it after all. She just wondered who these two were.

"Mom?" Kylie asked. "What are those guys doing in my house?"

Kris stopped fidgeting with the camera to look look at her daughter inquisitively.

"Duh. They're here to fuck you while I film it! How did you think sex tapes worked, silly?"

Kylie's jaw dropped in shock. Her mother was completely serious about this idea. The teenager couldn't believe Kris expected her to have sex with two total stranger while she filmed it. Filmed her own daughter!

"I... I don't know about this, Mom."

Lowering the camera, Kris gave her youngest daughter a stern look.

"Listen, you ungrateful little bitch! If you want to beat your sister Kim then you have to really up your game. I took her to where she is now. Before I took control Kim was just some chick with a big ass who liked big black cock. I used that to make her a star! Sure, she whined about me "leaking" the her tape just like you're whining but look where she is now! And not just Kim, I managed to get TV shows for Kourtney and Khloe too! All they had going for them before that was that dinky boutique I got for them! So if you want to be the most famous of all my daughters then you need to do what I say!"

Kris paused briefly as her face became gentler and more maternal.

"Now smile nicely at our guests with those dick-sucking lips you bought with the money you wouldn't have if it wasn't for me. And get ready to be fucked by this pool you have thanks to all my work."

Kylie just sat there for a moment, not sure what to do. Then she realized her mother did know best. All she had was because Kris had made their family a household name. Sure, a lot people hated the Kardashians but they couldn't stop talking about them. And they couldn't get enough of Kim's tits and ass. Well, Kylie knew she was just as hot as Kim. And she was only seventeen while her sister was over thirty now. If Kim broke the internet then Kylie would destroy it! And these guys were pretty hot too. Not like this couldn't be a lot of fun even if it was creepy with her mom right there. So Kylie laid back on the chair with a seductive smile on her face. Kris raised the camera and started filming up and down the exposed skim of her teenage daughter.

"OK, Jay and Travis," said Kris. "Now get over there so we can start the show!"
While the two men stood before the reality star mother and daughter, completely different trains of thought ran through their minds. Travis was turned on by everything that was going on. He loved the exploitative nature of what Kris was doing. Hell, Kylie was definitely sexy, and he was ready to get started with her at any moment. But Kris's power managing, her cut throat tactics, her "my way or the highway" attitude towards the family...Travis couldn't help but look on in admiration, wondering which woman was turning him on more in that moment.

Jay, on the other hand, was still conflicted. True, Kylie was definitely grown up; at least physically. But she also clearly had not known the plan for the day, and was dangerously close to being an unwilling member of the dance Kris had set up.

As the mother and daughter discussed their family legacy and Kylie's path to the top of the Instagram hill, Jay and Travis stood at the ready, Travis in board shorts and Jay in gym shorts. Both men had ditched their underwear, shirts, and sneakers inside the house, per Kris's rules. She wanted the guys to entice her youngest with their looks and jump right into the action. And despite whatever objections they may have fostered, neither man could prevent the emerging erections they both had as Kylie effortlessly flaunted her curvy physique poolside.

Almost ready to leave during the contentious back and forth, Jay could barely manage to look at the teenage reality star, afraid to think about how nervous or scared she might be. Travis had no such problem. From the moment they stepped onto the pool deck, his eyes were almost exclusively pinned to Kylie's frame, save the glances he took to admire Kris's age defying figure.

Kris's declaration to start the show brought Jay's eyes up, where for the first time they met Kylie's, albeit through her designer sunglasses, frames probably worth a month's rent to the hired hand. And much like he had underestimated her physically, he seemed to misjudge her willingness to be ravaged on camera. The temptress's smile she had on her immaculately make-up'd face, the curve of her impossibly plumped lips; it all pointed to a woman who was up for the challenge.

A challenge Travis decided to kick off. Sliding over to her deck chair, the lighter skinned stud took the star of the day's shoot by the hand, leading her to stand before them. "My my Ms. Jenner. What a pleasure it is to be one of your lucky co-stars today." While Travis laid on his somewhat scuzzy, lecherous charm, his hands began to roam. Left hand moved up to remove her sunglasses, while his right hand toyed with the strap on the starlet's intricate bathing suit, sliding from her torso and around her hip until his fingers passively grazed the high side where her hourglass figure sloped into her familiar Kardashian backside.

Jay stood and watched patiently, silently imploring Kylie for a reaction, and more importantly, the go ahead that she was ready for what her mother had gotten her into.
As the stranger's hands roamed her lush teenage body, Kylie felt her reservations fade. Both the guys were hot, her mother had chosen well. And judging by the bulges in theirs shorts this could be a really good time. Kylie loved that just looking at her made their cocks so hard. It proved just how sexy she was. Smiling at Travis with her bee-stung lips, she reached down to start rubbing his erection through his cargo shorts.

"Oooo... nice to make your acquaintance!"

Meanwhile Kris had the camera out and had started filming. She was pleased that her baby girl was showing such enthusiasm for her plan after being such a bitch about it at first. Sometimes Kris wished she could still take her daughters over her knee and spank their bare asses when they got like that. But now things were going great except for one small problem. Kris glared at Jay, who still standing off on his own.

"Hey, asshole! I didn't bring you here to watch! Get you and your big black cock over there and on my daughter!"

Kris didn't know what the hell was wrong with him. She could see that slab of meat in his shorts was good to go. At the same time, Kylie had unzipped Travis and was stroking his exposed cock.

"Look at you. You wanna fuck me so bad, don't you? You know I'm only seventeen, right? It would be so wrong for you to stick your big dick in my tight little body... "
"Holy shit, this woman is for real!" Jay thought to himself while Kris wielded the camera and began to capture some action. He still couldn't wrap his head around the scene unfolding before him, couldn't fathom how a mother could treat her own daughter like Kris was treating Kylie. How could he be involved in something like this? Sure, Kylie was sexy and seemingly into the idea, but the whole project seemed wrong.

And then Kris barked an order at Jay, calling him an asshole for good measure. "Jesus what a bitch" his disgust turning to anger. "You know what? If this monster wants to see her youngest child violated by more cock than she's ever laid her pretty eyes on, she's gonna get exactly that" he resolved, a vindictive impulse taking over as he approached the reality star.

Travis was having no qualms about what he was hired to do. His hands roamed Kylie's body, focusing on her shapely thighs and sloping ass cheeks, and she reciprocated by releasing him from his shorts. With a plump and lengthening cock in the star's hand, the raunchiness of the shoot was ratcheting up in a hurry. With Travis holding her attention in the front, Jay approached suddenly from behind, his shorts covered erection leading the way as it poked the teenager's behind to signal his entrance in the menage.

"Seventeen? Get the fuck outta here." Jay interjected in a scoffing tone. "This ain't the body of a damn teenager. Nah, nah, you a grown ass woman."

While he kissed her shoulder and then her neck, the black stallion's hands moved determinedly from her jutting hips and over her torso. Finally he had ample Kardashian cleavage in his hands, cupping the young star's breasts is a ravenous fashion. Jay glared in Kris's direction while he did so, but the mother seemed more preoccupied with getting the lighting right than she was with her offspring being sandwiched by two male escorts.

Jay's hands on her tits, Travis groping her ass, the youngest Jenner was now enveloped in a tangle of squeezes and hard ons, the men closing the space between them and pressing onto the bikini covered figure they were set to defile.

"If you think one big dick in this work of art is wrong, I don't know what the fuck you're gonna do when we team up." her white beau taunted, a mischievous grin on his face. While he was warning the teen, Jay began the process of unwrapping their curvaceous plaything, sliding the strap of Kylie's bikini top down her right shoulder in a slow but steady motion.
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