A Binding Mission (JmBz and Lillythelez)



Sakura Haruno let out a growl of annoyance as she struggled to hook the straps behind her back together. Ever since her bust had fully developed-and rather unexpectedly, to boot-she always had trouble putting her bras on. There was the subtle, but satisfying, feeling of the fabric linking together, and her breasts were contained at last. Cha!

No time for celebrating small victories, however, as she had to hurry up and finished getting dressed! Lady Tsunade had requested her presence today, and that-more likely than not-meant that the Hokage would be assigning her to a mission. And Sakura couldn't help but feel a tad of excitement, as she slipped the black gloves onto her hands. It had been a while since she had ventured out of the Hidden Leaf Village. Red top came next, followed by skirt, socks, and boots. And a mission, no matter how boring its objective, would be a welcome change of pace.

She finished up by adjusting her forehead protector against her forehead, a few tufts of her pink hair popping in front of it, which she quickly smoothed down. Looking towards the mirror, she gave herself a small smile. Ready to go! With that, she headed out of her apartment and towards the Academy, where Lady Tsunade's office resided.

"Um, h-hello, Sakura-chan..."

Sakura slowed her walking at the familiar sounding voice, turning her head to the side. Walking beside her was Hinata Hyuga, her head downtrodden and a few strands of dark blue hair brushing against her face. She was dressed in her usual purple-and-ivory jacket and jeans, which were less than capable of hiding the generous womanly curves that she had acquired with time. Sakura had never really interacted that much with the shy member of Team 8, admittedly, but she thought that she was a kind, sweet girl who was more than capable of defending herself and others if necessary. If only the same could be said about her attempts at gaining Naruto's affections...

"Hmm? Hello, Hinata," Sakura said with a smile, which caused the blue-haired girl to blush for a moment. However, she slowly looked up to meet the medical-nin's gaze with her milky white eyes (a result of her possession of the Byakugan), returning the expression-if a bit reluctantly. "Going to s-see Tsunade-Sama?" Hinata asked, keeping her pace with the cherry-blossom haired girl. "S-she wanted to speak with me as well..." she added softly.

That got an eyebrow raise out of Sakura. Lady Tsunade had requested both her and Hinata to meet with her? Were they going to be assigned to the same mission, or was this simply a coincidence? "Well, I guess since we both seem to be heading to the same place, would you mind walking with me?" Sakura offered, that smile returning to her face. "Um, s-sure," the chunin murmured, her cheeks tinting once again.

And so they resumed their walk towards Tsunade's office in earnest, with Sakura leading the charge and Hinata quietly following along, at a bit of a slower pace...

If Lady Tsunade was indeed going to assign them to the same mission, Sakura thought, it could certainly be interesting...
Tsunade Senju had been watching out of the large window at the back of her office. Adjusting her top a few times as her massive breasts bounced around on her. "I think they got bigger again what do you think Shizune?" Tsunade asked her, before Shizune got a little cross.

"Lady Tsunade! This is not the time to be worrying about that the shinobi will be here any minute to recieve their mission!" She scolded the Hokage before Tsunade, pouted out her lip and simply sat down at her desk. Watching the door till the sound of a knock could be heard at the door. "Enter." She said, and if Sakura and Hinata had arrived on time, they would bare witness to the large two stall doors opening up for them. The Hokage looked to them, and flashed a smile. "So, I see you two managed to get out of bed okay on this lovely sunny day, I bet it wasn't easy, oh and Sakura... you look like you've had some growing this morning." She flashed a smile to her before Shizune gave her a scolding look.

Clearing her throat Tsunade holds out the mission scroll. "Here, you three have been assigned to guard a small town in the Land of Valleys while the workers tunnel through a mountain side to open a trade route, the city has been plagued with bandit raids and a few bits of a rather nasty sickness here and there, so I want the three.... oh that's right Shuri you can come in now."

With that declaration, Shuri made her way in, the girl had long black hair, and smooth pale white skin, and carried her self elegantly, dressed in a short Kimono bound at the waist by a rather large red rope. Her pale green eyes drift about the room, looking at her would be companions on her first mission since arriving in the Leaf Village. "Hello I am Shuri Ramino, heiress to the Ramino family, pleasure to meet the two of you, and your pairs of lovely fun bags." Yes, Shuri just said fun bags in a way a dirty old man might have, but the look Shizune shot her, did not affect her any. "Now then, lady Tsunade, you may continue to explain the mission if you so desire." The girl had an obvious attitude, a sort of snarkiness to her, she was shrewd and rude it seemed.
Sakura and Hinata entered the room as soon as Tsunade gave the word, quickly bowing their heads to her, Hinata's a bit slower than the medical-nin's. Sakura raised her head up with a smile, which quickly faded at the Hokage's remark about her bust size. Her face turned beet red, resembling Hinata's, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to muster up the energy to respond.

Thankfully, however, Shizune's glare brought Lady Tsunade's thoughts back to the subject at hand. Sakura gave a small sigh of relief before listening intently to the Hokage's explanation of their mission. Guard duty? Well, it admittedly wasn't as exciting a mission as she hoped it would be, but then again, she would take anything over the increasing monotony of her training...not to mention dealing with Naruto...

Wait? Did she say, "you three"? Sakura realized, blinking in confusion as she looked around the room. Aside from herself, Hinata, Lady Tsunade, and Shizune, there was no one else in the room. Hinata appeared to have reached the same line of thought, her eyes darting across the room with a perplexed look, before her expression turned somewhat hopeful.

M-maybe Naruto-kun..., the Hyuga girl started to think, a blush forming on her face, along with a small smile. However, it was interrupted as Tsunade called for the third member to join them, Sakura and Hinata both turning their head to the newcomer, the latter's optimistic look fading away before being replaced by one of curiosity. Ramino family? She had never heard that much of them...

Sakura, on the other hand, smiled at the black-haired, porcelain skinned young woman. She opened her mouth, about to extend a greeting in kind to her, when she froze up at Shuri's rather lewd remark, the color in her face blanking. Unlike with Lady Tsunade's earlier comment, however, she was able to muster up enough willpower to angrily sputter out, "W-WHAT?!", Hinata cringing gently besides her as an angry vein appeared on the pink-haired girl's forehead.

"Settle down, Sakura," Tsunade stated sternly, standing from her chair with her hands on her desk, and glaring at the cherry-blossom haired young woman. Almost immediately the medical-nin clamped her mouth shut and straightened her posture, turning apologetically to the Hokage. Shizune gave the same chastising stare of disapproval to Shuri that she gave Tsunade, though the latter seemed more annoyed at Sakura's outburst than the perverted comment of the Ramino heiress.

"Now," the Senju continued, sitting back down in her chair, the movement causing her breasts to jostle. "This will obviously not be an easy mission, nor will it be a short one. The tunneling efforts, depending on any shortcomings the workers come across, will take a couple of months at best." Folding her fingers together, she looked at the three shinobi standing before her. "You are to send us weekly status reports, no matter how little activity goes on. And under no circumstances are any of you to leave the town until the trade route has been completed. Is that understood?"

Sakura and Hinata replied simultaneously with answers of "Yes, Lady Tsunade", bowing their heads quickly once more.
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