Fate/Reloaded - Sincat and Ban


Mar 19, 2016
The sun had began to go down, it's vibrant light shadowing down on Fuyuuki city with a brilliant orange hue. And within this beautiful, auspicious moment, Jacob sighed... He was to dam tired to appreciate the beauty of a Japanese sunset. He has lived in Japan for some time now, loving each and every day he was there. A traveler, that's what he was. A vagabond, a jobless NEET who used his own inheritance to travel away from america to explore a country he always adored. See, a year back, his grandfather died... Leaving Jacob his house. The boy regretted it a bit, seeing as it was one of the few things the old man left him. But he needed the money to escape his situation in life, so he sold it. And for a pretty good price to. With 200 thousand buck's to his name, he left america, his family, to go to Japan. And so far it was the best decision he had ever made. From Tokyo to the country side. Jacob has been just about everywhere. And now he has his tourist teeth dug straight into Fuyuuki city.

It was slightly grim, it was like a cloud was held under the city. Like some scar that wouldn't just heal. It took him some time, but after just hearing about it well... He had to go see that park. That open spanse of ground and grass, where half the city once stood. It was a disasster. Not much was known about how the fires took place or how they were hot enough to leave the area into practical molten cinders. But with a terrible day like that under this cities history, not to mention it beinfg so close to the anniversary of that day well... He couldn't blame them for having such a dry spell.

"The hotel should be a few more blocks that way..." Jacob said, as he began to pass a church within the outskirts of the city. It has been a few hours now and he was kind of lost. The sun went way past down. Unbeknownst to him, it was nearing an all important hour. On this hour, a servant is summoned, at it's strongest... The church was so close to that sight he visited, which was kind of ominous. Jacob was a christian but, churches always kind of made him nervous. And this church was no exception. As he passed it, a strange glow began to emanate through it's windows. A curious glow, not like any candle or tv, but something that seemed unnatural. Humming to himself, he walked foreword. But now he can hear sounds. "Tch... Just a peek." He said with a click of his tongue. Walking towards the window, he stood up in the tip's of his toes, peering through the window to see robed figures. One was Kneeling before some symbol on the ground, which glowed in a brilliant, red light. What the hell was happening? It was late, he was tired, but he was not so tired that he would see things. At least, not things like this. Shadows in the corner of your eye, maybe. But this was borderline delusional if it was a trick of his eye!

Noe, he couldnt just leave this be. They were being satanic worshiping hooligans or something. And that was not... It just was not right! As a christian and a kind hearted person. He needed to keep them from messing with the church any further then they already had. Boldly, he walks through the church doors, slowly pushing them open with one hand on either door. "Hey!" He called out, as he walked in, his hand reaching to straighten his glasses.


"What the hell are you guys doing here, you cant be desecrating a church like this!" He called out. The figure at the circle turned around, jumping in a slight fright. With his distraction, he failed to summon his servant properly. And, now it could have come to any one in the room with enough mana to feed it. "I... I dont know what the hell your up to, but I am calling the poli-" As he pulled out his cell phone, a stinging pain sent shocks down his spine. Followed by a sudden numbness.... With a strange stone in hand, one of the taller figures had struck the man with... Lightning?! "Tch... Auugh..." He winced, then moaned, as he dropped to one knee. Looking down, his hand gripping his side... Blood... He was bleeding... He was really shot by some bolt of lightning... Looking up, the figure stared by. Turning to grab the hand of the person he had distracted from the circle. "Come now, we must hurry." He said, as he dragged the person down the churches main hall.... Right past Jacob, he ignored his potential victim and walked out the door. "But! What about the servant!" One of the other robed figures called out. Another sighing, as he pulled out a flip knife. "It must have completely failed thanks to this runt... Guess we should finish him off. We cant leave a single chance. He has seen magic." The other nodded, as they both walked towards their weak, helpless victim... Jacob was to weak from his shot, he couldn't run... "Sorry kid." The other said, Jacob coughing out a few drip's of blood as he weakly tried to protest. His voice was gone... Even if he wanted to, he couldn't argue to being called a kid. He couldn't even tell them he was 21 years old and not some runt... Though, that was not the more prevalent thought in his mind. Aside from the insult, calling him a runt and even a kid, Jacob could only think of fear. And the looming pain that could blade may bring. Falling back, he gripped his wound, dragging himself away and towards the door. These guys meant business... He could only do one thing, one last desperate act in fighting against these bastards. He tried to reach for his phone. Pushing his bloodied tourist guide away, he began to drag himself towards the phone. Bloodied hand prints painting the floor, as he bled against it. He was so close! The police were still dialed into the number pad and all he had to do was press send...Press send and hope they can pin point his position, If only he can grab it. Slowly his finger tip's press against the send button, he has a glimmer of hope. Of retribution. But it was to late, one of the men had already now kicked it from his bloodied fingertip's. The phone spinning across the floor and clanking against one of the church benches. In frustrating, he dug his claws into the stone floor. Dragging his bloodied fingertip's across it in a few, light streaks. He was doomed and he couldn't even get his killers to be punished for their crime... As he cursed them to death in his mind, he could only cough out one thing... "Some one... Help me.."
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