♥Never Deceive Me♥ [Soul Eater][Sin and Ban]


Jan 31, 2015
Ugh. I'm not so sure if I got the address right...This place looks haunted...And it seriously creeps me out...

The wind howling in the remote area indeed sounded threatening. Once again, her eyes returned to a small piece of, by now distressed, paper with an address scribbled over. In a matter of seconds, it was buried inside her fist.

It must be right. And I must get a grip over myself. I'm a deathscythe now, after all. Right! The real life starts now, and I better start it good!

A stray cat knocking the lid of the bin off, however, made her determination shrink at once and the freshly assigned deathscythe had to collect all her will power to restrain from fleeing. It was starting to get dark...And she pretty much spent the past three hours standing in front of this odd and, for some weird reason, stitched all over building.

It's been two days since she, Celeste Vincent, was finally titled as a deathscythe. Both, she and her partner, worked hard for it to happen, but the event which was meant to strengthen their already flawless bond had separated their ways instead. The reaper, although they've proved to be capable of growing up and improving together, insisted for someone more skilled and experienced to team up with her. Celeste wasn't too keen on the idea.

She wasn't too good with people and struggled to make friends. For what she remembered, she's always been this way. There were ones such as her, now former, partner who seemed to know where the right to push buttons were and would find their way with Celeste at once...But they were so rare she could swear she only met three in her entire life. Getting a new partner was a bad idea...If they couldn't match their wavelengths, it'd be useless. And trying to match it would take time - probably the same time it would take her previous partner to master his own skills to be compactible with her newly obtained title.

No, this kind of thinking won't get me anywhere. I must see it as an opportunity and I must take that opportunity. Right! I can do it this time!

She stopped for a bit, waiting for another sound to discourage her again, but for once nothing happened. Upon inhaling deeply, Celeste finally knocked on the door, already keeping the sweetest of her smiles ready while trying to suppress a nervous twitch of an eyebrow. And the door had opened, making the weapon bow her head and quickly mutter without even facing the person.

"Professor Stein? It's pleasure to meet you. I'm Celeste, Celeste Vincent. I've been assigned to be your new partner."

* * *​

The day had just started, but Maka's mood had already hit the lowest point. As if walking into Soul with his face between Blair's bare breasts wasn't bad enough, her idiot of a father decided to barge in so early in the morning, too. He babbled something about cooking pancakes for her, but the moment he had encountered the scene she had been trying to stomach, the plans and herself were forgotten.

"Oi, Maka. How long you plan on ignoring me? It's not even my fault. That's not cool at all."

Soul complained as he followed her, bandages covering his entire head. Anger management had not been the best of her qualities... But all three idiots deserved her rage and so she felt no guilt over choosing physical violence to be a solution.

She didn't answer and kept on walking through Shibusen with arms crossed over her chest. For now, she was still fuming and not in a mood to talk to the weapon. It was his fault! The thing Maka's ever learned from her father was that women won't be clinging onto men unless the men made an effort. Therefore, it was all clearly Soul's fault, although the cat's morals were quite questionable, too.

And after them crawled Spirit, leaving a trace of blood after himself while weakly calling out for Maka through the tears. And yet she mercilessly ignored him, too. The deathscythe probably had the worst of her anger, but again Maka had no regrets. If he was there 'just to see her', he wouldn't have jumped into the bed with those two, instantly forgetting what he claimed was the purpose of the visit.

Men are truly the worst.

Still stubbornly ignoring her partner and her father, she followed the same routine as always. Just like every morning, Maka traditionally stopped in front of the announcement board to see if there was anything interesting going on. There was probably nothing to make her day worse...Or so she hoped.

There was a lot to this house that showed the many dimensions of the mans mind, from the stitches of it's walls and furniture to the near vacancy around it. Very little life could be seen, it's emptiness shown through by the slight mess of it's surroundings. And more so what little life you did appeared frightfully harmed. Stitches along it's body, even the cat that had given the girl such a fright was a victim to the surrounding madness. Under it's black fur, was hidden the stitched reminder of it's own... Di section.... The air was deep and ominous and unbeknownst to her, she was being watched. For sitting in the dark, in front of the bright blur of the monitor, her future host had observed the girl's slow and nervous approach to his own doorstep. His hand tinkering away, spinning the bolt on one side of his head, as he waited for her to knock.

Once she did, the door would just.... Open. And, the only sound creaking from the dark house, was the sharp, light clicking of his bolt as he wounded it up, click, click click.... Like something out of a horror movie. Soon the sound came to a frightful silence. Only broken a few moments later by a loud thud, the sound of rolling permeating through the air until the image came clear through the darkness of the house. The man was rolling back on his chair. And with the click of his wheel hitting against the door frame, he fell back, a vacant expression upon the man's stitched face, his cigarette still held between his lip's. Now laying inches away from the girl's feet, he looked up, the vacant expression still present as he raised his hands up in the air like a camera. Trying to align them towards something, but it wouldn't be clear exactly what he was trying to align them to... "Hmm, not quite. Stay right here." He said as he stood up, dragging the chair back into the darkness... Was he testing something? Not to long after, the thud banged through the air once more, this time louder, a slightly stronger push perhaps? Followed by the rolling and click of his wheel, the man began falling back once more, this time his head resting on her feet. The vacant expression now turns to a slightly devious smile, his eyes narrowing in a very serious and observant manner. With a click of his tongue, he raised his hands, closing one eye as he alinged his finger's right under the girl's skirt. "Success." He said boldly and plainly, before jumping up off the ground. Smoothly lifting the chair up with him to show years of experience in.... Well, rolling. "You must be Celeste, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am glad you cooperated with my little experiment, it would seem your already quite the assistant. But I digress, Allow me to introduce myself." Experiment? He just... He only snuck a pantie glimpse! Was this a joke? Prank? Or was he seriously seeing if he can land with a perfect view of her undergarments? It was hard to tell, as the man emulated emotion quite well. Despite his friendly smile he now showed, it was still some what vacant, leaving any real intentions an enigma to say the least. "I am Doctor Stein."


His smile grew wider, as he closed his eyes. Slightly cocking his head to one side as he tapped his right foot against the leg of his desk chair. "Now I am certain you have many questions and, while I would be glad to answer them, no matter how dull they are, I have some of my own. So perhaps we can go inside, where you can serve us some tea?" He said so with that same smile across his face. Was she not his guest? Why would she make the tea? He was odd, slightly rude and his smile seemed so fake. He perhaps was not off to a good start as far as first impressions go. But something she would likely come to find out, is that Stein is simply a multi faceted man. On the flick of a switch he can be in a new mood, new mindset, a new... Psychosis.

Slowly he kicked his feet back, rolling towards his front door. With his wheel clicking against the frame once more, he fell inside his house. The man simply standing up afterwards as if the blunder didn't even happen in the first place. Picking up his chair, he simply renewed his entry. Kicking his feet once more and rolling back into his house. A out stretched arm reached out, his finger's pointing out to flick on the living room light as he passed it by. Dragging his feet, he narrowly stops next to his coffee table, reaching to his face to straighten his glasses out. "Hmm, on second thought, ask your questions first. I am your host after all and It is rude not to accommodate... By the way, the kitchen is over there. I don't know what Tea I have in the cupboards but hey..." With a shrug, the man gave her a confident toothy grin. "Surprise me."


With a sigh, Jacob continued to walk down the street, shutting down his ears practically to every sound he heard. He was tired of this guy, the boy walking at his side. This guy couldn't be any more annoying, but Jacob was sadly kind of stuck with him. " Are you even listening to me!?" his Meister asked, as he placed a firm hand on Jacobs shoulder. Pulling against him, Jacob was dragged into place, groaning slightly at this sudden burst of his personal space. "Ok, what is it Jesse. What is it, that is so important about avoiding missions with them." Jacob was tired of this argument. For the past few months, they have been receiving missions that paired the two with Maka and Soul. Jacob loved the set up, after all they were two of the best out there right now. Not to mention, the two were not half bad to hang out with. But Jesse keeps insisting they deny missions with them for now on. "Because Jacob, they out class us! How are we supposed to make a name for ourselves when almost every mission is with them. They take the glory, by default. Because she is the damned Keshan slayer. Any thing we do, has that attached to it. " Jacob sighed as he tried to walk forward, a visible vain growing on Jesse's forehead, as his scowl was unmistakable to not notice. "'Oh, but you had theeeir help.'" He said in a mocking tone. As obnoxious as ever. "Is that really still your only reason why? Who cares!? If we end up working with them, then that is just what we will do. I dont want to avoid them, act like they dont exist and go for different missions." Jacob proclaimed as he began to walk backwards. "Who cares!" Jesse was upset with that, but Jacob persisted. "I didn't chose to use my gift to find fame and glory. I'm here to do whats right, i'm here to protect others, im here to actually do my job and learn!" Jacob proclaimed as he continued to walk backwards. "Oh, how noble of you, but how are you supposed to become a death scythe with them around!?" Jacob couldnt really argue with that. " Tch..Whatever man, we have class. Worry about glory some other time you tool." He said with a click of his tongue. Jesse tried to say something, but Jacob blanked it out. Turning around so he can now just see where he was going. But it was to late, he already blundered into some one. Walking his forehead right into Maka's, he fell foreward, pushing her to the ground... His hand's now resting on her rather flat chest in his attempt to catch his fall. His leg's were straddled around her hip's, his hands slightly pinning the young women to the ground as a visible blush grew across his cheeks. Quickly retracting his hands, he was already onto his excuse. "So so sorry, I was just distracted by a conversation with...." Looking to his left, Jesse was already gone. He can practically see the puff of dust in the air from his retreat. Jesse knew as well as any one else, Maka didn't see accidents when it came to the exploitation of the female form... She only can see punishment, retribution, and righteous fury. A bead a sweat roll's down his cheek, as the man raised his upper body. His hand reaching to scratch the back of his head. "Well it was just an accident I swear." He said nervously. His thoughts however were some what impure. He was happy it was her...He liked Maka. She was fun, energetic and well... Cute. Even when she was acting like a complete Tsundere, she was adorable. And to him, she was beautiful. He didn't care if she was not as well equipped as other women, or how petite she was. To him, there was no one he would rather have fallen on more. Slowly, he stood up, reaching down to grab her hand and pull her up. He was ready for her onslaught, but proceeded to try for some kind of idle chit chat none the less. "So what are you up to, looking at the board?" He asked. As if he had not just have a good feel of her... Well, there was not much to 'feel'. However, she more then likely did not like the reminder of it, or the fact that he now felt how flat she was. He knew he embarrassed her he just hope he did not offend her. It really was the last thing any man wants to do, to a cute girl they fancy.
It took a few moments for her to realize that there was... No one behind the door which had just opened in front of her. Celeste swallowed hard, trying not to lose her cool. A small drop of sweat rolled down her temple as she straightened up from the bow. The hallway was empty and far too threatening for her to dare to step in. The deathscythe looked around nervously, her entire body tensed almost as bad as the atmosphere of the place was. What was that sound? It was horribly unsettling, threatening even.

I don't like it...I don't like it at all...Eh?

It was deadly silent again. Celeste bit onto her bottom lip as she narrowed eyes a little, hectically trying to make any shapes she'd be familiar with in the darkness. Unfortunately, her eyesight would not get used to the dark as fast as she wished. Squinting she leaned forward slowly, just to instantly jump backwards, nearly tripping, as the silence was broken. Something was moving throughout the darkness, and to her horror, it was moving towards her.

Celeste was seconds away from breaking into a run which could have been the fastest in her life, until the object met and obstacle and fell to the ground. Only when the unknown was at her feet, a small path illuminated, the deathscythe could recognize a human. And, to be more specific, her new partner.

Now that's an interesting start...Wait. What is he--

Before she could even react, still deeply shocked by the wave of terror that ran through her a brief moment ago, he was already going back into the darkness.Celeste tilted head to the side questioningly as the man retreated, then blinking in disbelief as she heard the chair rolling again. What on the earth was going on? The day could not get any weirder. A sweatdrop appeared on the side of her head as the scientist tripped again. What an idiot...But, slowly, the realization of the new position of the man started sinking in, and so the colour of Celeste's face started to change into a deep shade of red. Although she muted a squeak (or rather the shock and understanding of how absurd the situation was did), she gripped onto the corners of her skirt and pulled it down hectically. It took some time to realize it wasn't much help, but this painful fact only hit Celeste when Stein raised.

Experiment?! What kind of an experiment was that?! I've heard he was a weirdo, but no one warned me he was a pervert!

"I-it's a pleasure to meet you." Somehow, she still managed to smile. Although the muscles of her face would twitch a little, identifying clear confusion and nervousness.

It didn't take him long to startle her again,and Celeste only blinked at the request to make some tea. Being paired with a pedant before, she never had to do any housekeeping. To think she complained about being told off for accidentally splatting some water around, or something! Back in a day, it would annoy her to the bone.

I'm sorry, Graeme. I was such nuisance. I'm sorry I did not appreciate you the way I should have. Take me back. Please.

With a dramatically expressed sulk, she simply followed. Celeste didn't even bat an eye when he tripped again, sincerely wishing she had not become a deathscythe. This man was nuts. To think she thought her partner was bad! As the light flicked on, she looked around. The house was a weird as the owner of it... Not to mention, it was stitched as well. For once again she remarked his weirdness, and after being given instructions, walked to the kitchen where Celeste finally allowed herself to sigh. It was a handful of mess she's got herself into...Once she had dismissed as rumours stories Stein had been experimenting on his past partner...But now, after meeting him and knowing him for such little time, it actually made sense.

She opened the cupboard and her brow twitched. The only item in there was a vial with what she assumed to be tea leaves rammed in. Not to mention, even the glass had stitches. The entire cupboard was so deserted it had spider webs in every corner. The more she stared into this sad picture, the sadder it was getting. Suddenly, the view started changing. Something big started trailing down inches away from her face and stopped exactly at the point of her nose. Celeste blinked quick, trying to focus her vision on the thing in front. This once, she finally failed to suppress her emotions, letting out the loudest and the most desperate high pitch scream known to the history. It was a spider.

* * *

It all happened far too fast for her to have enough time to react. One moment Maka was peacefully walking down the hall, reflecting on all the events of the day that had just started, and next moment she was... On the floor, with someone heavy pretty much pinning her down. She only blinked, genuinely lost and taken by surprise - it was obvious the young meister did not quite acknowledge what had happened yet. The utter confusion could be found in her blank green eyes, and only when she was returned to her feet, the realisation was starting to sink in.

Both, Soul and Spirit, who followed her throughout the entire building, froze as well. It seemed as if time in the room itself stopped. It was filled with tension, a painful awaiting of what was to happen. The dark sensation coming from Maka were starting to increase as the fact of what happened was finally finding it's way to her mind...But the entire moment was absolutely ruined when Jacob spoke.

Before Maka could even react, Spirit, crying, had absolutely forgotten about his injuries. He jumped in between of them and grabbed Jacob by his blouse, starting to shake him violently. "YOU DIRTY PERVERTED PUNK, HOW DARE YOU SEXUALLY HARASS MY DEAR MAKA, I SWEAR I WILL KILL YO--"

He was not given a chance to finish. Maka literally punched him away, and Spirit flew right into a wall. The impact knocked him unconscious. The tension quickly filled to area again, now when she proved her rage was only developing to the level before she could unleash it. With one swift movement, Maka raised her head to pierce her eyes straight into Jacobs orbs, and without a second of hesitation, she smacked his head with a book, with power no worse than when she punched her father. "MAKA CHOP!!!"

"Woah, that was harsh. It's not cool at all." Soul commented, and regretted that straight away. Slowly, so painfully slowly, Maka turned to him. "Hey. Hey. What's up with that look? I didn't do anything. Don't give me that lo--" She cut him off, too. Soul had received a kick in his face. Only when all three nuisances were brought down to the ground, Maka sighed with relief.

"Jeez...What a day." She muttered and shook head, a small smile playing on her face as the audience this little show had collected stared at her in awe. Humming some melody and looking in a much better mood, Maka finally started skimming through the announcement board.
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