SuperSluts By LexCorp: BDSM Pleasures {darkest_fate&Google}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The quasi-sidekick known as Batgirl blinked heavy eyes as she tried to stare at the walls around her. Black edges hovered in her vision, blocking out a good portion of the room around her. Years of training under perhaps the strictest taskmaster alive had left Batgirl more than capable of taking in details with limited information. She could definitely see something on the walls around her, probably torture devices of some kind. She could just make out some possible lights hanging around, or maybe it was all dark? Okay, so that wasn't quite clear. She should stop focusing on things away from her and start trying to piece together the immediate.

She was still Batgirl. That sounded almost ludicrous, but when you had a secret identity there was always that possibility. Barbara Gordon and Batgirl were two distinct individuals. One was a high school student at Gotham Prep, learning right alongside a few other "Bat" wards. That one happened to be the daughter of the police commissioner, not to mention a straight "A" student, computer whiz, and halfway decent at martial arts. The girl's other identity just happened to be one that had earned the right to don the cowl and wear the symbol emblazoned on her chest. True, Batgirl's original outfits had looked decidedly amateur, with some stitches showing and a slightly crooked symbol on her teenage chest. But she'd gotten a lot better dressed since then, due in no small part to being officially indoctrinated into the Bat family.

Which also made her one hell of a target. Babs had lost count of the number of villains who figured that the girl would be the easiest to kidnap out of the Bat family. most of them learned the hard way that it probably would've been better to go for Dick or Tim or safer yet, the Butler. But noooo, the villains had to go for the perky teenage girl sidekick. They did so love to tie her up. Batgirl couldn't remember how many times she'd had ropes looped around her breasts. Honestly, it wasn't like she was Power Girl or something. Heck, in Babs line of work, having smaller ones was actually more of a blessing. Okay, yeah, she still had perky teen boobs and, yeah, she wasn't flat: they were noticeable in the suit. But, again: Not Batwoman. Batgirl, and with perfectly modest breasts too. Of course, sometimes the villains would tie ropes around her tight little butt instead or test the limits of her flexibility.

This time, Batgirl didn't feel any ropes or anything on her immediate body. So she had that going for her. And again: still Batgirl. They'd left the cowl on her head and she seemed to be in her usual costume. Though she didn't quite remember some of the details of this particular outfit. There seemed to be some kind of zipper around the crotch area that she didn't remember being there before. Maybe that was a new addition that Alfred had added as a joke or something? Or maybe Dick had messed with it? He was known to be the humorous one of their family. It was weird, because Babs couldn't tell if she had her usual underclothing on either. Nobody wore nothing under their tights. Hell, Wayne Enterprises had pretty well started an entire line of underclothes just for superheroes. Babs often preferred the tight boy-shorts herself, and she thought she could feel them but she wasn't sure.

So someone probably stripped me, quite possibly put me into an alternate version of my costume, drugged me, which actually came first now that I think about it, aaaand, yep, Batgirl's hand went to her throat, the gloved fingers feeling around, I have a collar around my neck. Seriously, a collar? At least there's no bell this time. Feels really thick so... probably explosives. Wonderful.

Batgirl moved, realizing that she'd been laying on some sort of bed? She winced, not wanting to think about that. Her red hair fell around her shoulders as she rose up, and she could still feel a bit of her cape falling about her. It didn't feel quite as long as it should be; no surprise there. In fact, this outfit actually felt about a size or two too small, like someone had found the one she'd started in and squeezed her into it. The colors felt slightly off too, but that could just be the lights.

Batgirl knew she needed to figure out where she was and who put her here. She remembered being on patrol, something about a call that required her attention. Was it at the new LexCorp building? It felt like it was. But maybe Batgirl was just projecting or something. All the capes knew that something was up with Lex Luthor but it wasn't like anyone could actually prove anything. She started walking in the room, feeling more steady than she'd figured. What was the game here? And, more importantly, how could she get out before one of the Bat family followed a tracer and tried to "save" her...

Alexander "Lex" Luthor hated Superman, in fact he hated Superman with an intensity that seemed all consuming at times, the hatred had become an obsession, no longer was it about killing the so called Man of Steel, it was about hurting and humiliating. Of course over time that hatred had expanded, he now hated all costumed heros.

Of course it wasn't just because they often got in the way of his actions against Superman, it was because they had taken their inspiration from the Kryptonian hero. They were now a part of the problem, they had worked their way into his head and were now just another distraction that kept him from helping mankind. And like Superman it wouldn't be just enough to kill all of them, that would only inspire more, instead he needed to break them, humiliate them, bring them low so that even the average person would look down upon them... And without their shadow to obscure his own brilliance Alex knew that he would be seen as the rightful hero and saviour that mankind needed and craved.

He had plans of course, so far there had only been partial successes and varying degrees of defeat but he learned from each one and had countless more just waiting to be tried. Lex was patient, brilliant, and richer then nearly anyone else in the world... He would find the answer he needed.

A new idea had occurred to him recently, touring a subsidiary of Lexcorp he had been shown some promising new developments when it came to improving mental health. One in particular stood out, a device that would make a persons pleasurable and enjoyable experience more intense as a way to fight short term depression. The fools didn't know what they had though and so he had fired them all, reminded them of the confidentiality contracts they had signed, and confiscated every prototype and note they had on the project before burying the entire program behind so much red tape and data that it would be near impossible for someone to track down.

It had been inspirational too him, a way to humiliate all the so called hero types by striking out at relatively few of them. With a few tweaks to the technology he had been able to make the pleasures it provided almost addictive while it would slowly rewire a persons brain until the effect would continue without the tech. Next had come testing, local prostitutes has worked well and because of his own tastes Alex worked the technology into a heavy collar... Bdsm being a favourite little indulgence of his.

It had worked like a charm, just as he suspected and that meant all he needed was his first subject. As enjoyable as it would be to start with Wonder Woman or Powergirl he knew that it was too risky to start with a super powered subject, patience would pay out.

Using the same technology that Batman worked into his police scanning equipment Luthor had found a way to send a single untraceable call for help right to any member of the Batcrew. Batgirl had been his target of course and after luring her to his new Gotham tower he had Mercy ambush and drug the girl.

From there it had been simple enough to strip her, making sure to photograph her face and get finger prints, and then dress her into a latex fetish costume that resembled her own.

Then, waiting for about ten minutes, the time he had calculated it would take for her to wake up, Lex entered the room, dressed in his very best of course. "Batgirl, so lovely to have you join me tonight." He greeted her, a sneer marring his features slightly.
The noise had Batgirl swirling, dropping immediately into a low combat stance. This did mean putting her head at roughly the same level as Lex's crotch, but that hardly mattered to Batgirl about now. Much more important was the strange noise she could've sworn she heard her outfit making. Why the hell would it make some sort of noise like that? She frowned, but daren't look down, not with someone entering into the room.

"Lex Luthor?" Batgirl spat, her brow furrowing as she looked up at the man. Of course she knew who Lex was. Occasionally Batgirl had to deal with him through her work outside of Gotham, generally with some group of teen superheroes, either Titans or the Team or something along those lines. Babs knew him as the intelligent, admittedly handsome scientist and entrepreneur. If you were at all interested in science, you had to know who Lex was and what he did. he'd revolutionized technology and was by far one of the savviest businessmen in the world. Plus Babs had to research him for a project once.

And Batgirl knew him as a villain... who usually fought against the Super family. How often had she heard Kara whining about him? More specifically: about how Superman might as well be more in love with Lex and dealing with him than his family.

"So... why capture a teenage girl?" Batgirl asked, keeping still, skipping her thoughts and everything else. "You know it'll just tick Batman off, maybe alert the League to your presence, and you're too smart for that. So I'm betting there's some sort of actual..." she looked around for a moment, before barking out a laugh. "Are you going to try and get me to sleep with you? Because that's not going to happen. I'll probably crush something," her gaze fell to his crotch, then looked up at him, arching her brows as she did so.
Lex was in excellent shap, though he was forty three he was fit enough to keep pace with the young woman who served as his personal trainer. In addition to this he had studied several different martial arts to further hone his body, sharpen his mind, and of course make him all the more dangerous in his battle armour. Even taking all this into account he was not sure if he could win in a fight against Batgirl. She fought dangerous men all the time, people far stronger or more deadly then he was and she had come out alive... Maybe he could prevail but the uncertainty wasn't something Lex liked.

Besides, he didn't need to fight if he just used his mind and the tools at his disposal.

With a slight with, as though finding this display entirely tedious, he reached into the pocket of his suit coat, drawing out his LexPhone and spending a few seconds typing on it. Of course he was still half watching Batgirl for any sudden movements but what he was up too would likely be far more effective then just fighting her.

"Barbra Gordon." He said, arrogance dripping from his phone even as he kept his face straight. Slowly he turned his phone around, showing the girl that he had pulled up her FaceBook page. "Daughter of Commisionar Gordan of the Gotham PD, an honor student at Gotham Academy, likes sushi, very talented behind a computer oh and she just happens to be the vigilante known at Batgirl." A smug smile now. "Ran some facial recognition when we had your mask off and we also happen to have your finger prints on record now."

Turning the phone back he closed out FaceBook and opened up a custom app that was linked to her collar, turning it on and raising up from the lowest setting, not pushing it to the half way point but ramping it up enough, as he judged, to be effective. "This information, images of you unmasked, even images of you stripped naked... It can all be leaked at any moment. My assistant Mercy is watching and is ready to leak it, through an unconnected proxy, to several tabloid sites. Your life would be over, beyond the simple shame of the act your every enemy would know where you live so I suggest you cooperate with me."

Reaching down he adjusted the sizable buldge in his pants, meeting her eyes as he slipped the phone away. "Now be a good girl and come over here, Daddy wants a kiss."
Batgirl kept her attention on Lex, searching for any possible openings. Often supervillains, particularly the intelligent ones, got a little too full of themselves, believed that they'd established too good of a plan. It was just a matter of waiting them out, of paying attention, of staying on your toes long enough and outlasting them.

Still, it was hard to keep too much focus when Lex prattled off her secret identity as if he were reading it from... yes, there was her FaceBook page. Babs could almost hear Bruce's mumbled complaints about it, how it was a bad idea for any superhero to keep up that kind of social media presence. He'd been almost furious when Batgirl had opened a page or two, but when Babs pointed out that it would happen anyway, he hadn't had much choice. Still, having some villain literally show her the page with some of her info on it, not to mention some of her friend's comments, hit hard. The facial recognition was a little expected, and Babs knew she'd have to try and hack the computers or that Bruce would. Besides, everyone pretty well knew that Lex knew just about everybody's secret identities.

Again: knowing that and having it rubbed in your face were too different things. Babs seriously just considered attacking him outright then and there. He probably had some sort of device on him to put her down, but if she could push through it, and she often could, then she could just deal with it. Except that he kept going on about his assistant and how they could release info. The League could probably counter it, and the Bat family could probably handle it, but it was all stuff Babs didn't want to deal with. And there was Lex, actually calling himself Daddy and asking for a kiss. Wow, just... wow, seriously?

Babs rolled her eyes but stepped closer all the same. Might as well. If she moved closer, but got herself ready, she could spring to action and best him. Hell, a lot of her fellow supers had actually gotten training on how to turn a kiss situation to their advantage. Black Canary and Huntress almost made themselves off this. So Babs just had to look demure, lower her eyes, play up the obvious age difference and pretend like it didn't make her want to vomit. Just get a little closer...
Lex loved to gloat, he really couldn't help it. He was smarter then anyone else around and it was a great deal of fun to let people know that when he had them cornered. True his record against the Kryptonian and the Justice League was far from perfect but in buisness, against b-list heroes, and even against the public of the entire world he was exceptionally successful. He had been caught red handed committing countless crimes ranging from terrorism to attempted world conquest and yet he got away with it time and again. It helped when you had some excellent lawyers, an immense fortune, and lived in a world where evil twins and alternate reality versions of yourself were known to happen. Lex Luthor put Gordon Gecko to shame in terms of drive and greed but the public still adored him and lined up to get their hands on anything his company put out.

The information he had wasn't just sitting in his servers, it had been uploaded to a private and exceptionally secure cloud server. It wouldn't work just to hack his computers and delete it... He had the evidence and he wasn't likely to let someone else getting their hands on it.

As Batgirl approached him there was still that smug smile on his face, he was well aware that several superheroines were known to use seductive charm in order to gain the upper hand on their foes. It was entirely probable that Batgirl had been taught a thing or two about this. The plan in his head and the soon to come pleasure excited him to no end, he needed to fuck the teenager before him.

But he could maintain patience and as she drew closer he spoke up again. "Oh I forgot one little detail Barbra." Using her name to drive home the power over her that he now held (sure he knew his fair share of secret identities but the Bat family and the Kryptonians were particularly good at remaining hidden from him). "I don't want you to kiss me on the lips." Reaching down he unzipped his fly and after another moment pulled out his swollen cock, letting it hang before her. He wasn't fully engorged, not yet anyway, but even at half mast his cock was a respectable nine inches long and quite thick.

"A slow lingering kiss on my cock or else the world will learn who you are, he'll Buzzfeed would probably sell their souls for this story."
Ugh, did he have to use her name like that? At least that let Babs know that Lex was planning on messing with her personally instead of whatever Bat-related issue he may have. The teenage redhead couldn't quite figure out the why there though. Her only relations to the Super family were a friendship with Supergirl and a few dates with Superboy, neither of which had to rank fairly high on his list. But no, he had to lord his power and use her real name, drop it as if they were casual friends, as though she were a student who had come to interview Lex Luthor for school.

The hand went down and Babs tightened. Seriously? That did happen... more than most people seemed to realize. Babs nearly rolled her eyes at his insistence on her doing something down there. Didn't he realize that this was phenomenally stupid? Batgirl dealt with Killer Croc and Clayface for crying out loud! Lex's little willie would look downright cute next to theirs. Just to check, Babs looked and, okay, it was rather impressive. But less "monstrous" and more "porn star." In other words: manageable for a woman, but perhaps not for an inexperienced teenage girl.

Except this one had gotten some training. Enough that she knew to fall to her knees. She knew to fight the urge to roll her eyes at the mention of Buzzfeed. She reached a gloved hand up, carefully, gingerly taking the cock within to hold it steady. No attack, all meek and mild, at least for the time being. Batgirl swallowed then, stared down the tip of the thing in front of her. There were a few seconds of hesitation while she mentally psyched herself up. Sometimes the females even bragged about stuff like this. Apparently Bane had once gone down thanks to Huntress nearly twisting his off mid-blowjob or something. Batgirl licked her lips, leaned forward, and gave the cock a kiss, holding herself there, forcing even as she felt her gag reflexes starting to kick in.
Confidence, the ability to stand in front of a crowd and show them that you were someone worth paying attention too. The world was full of immensely smart people but he stood at the top of the pile because he was sure of everything he did. It was helped out of course by his brilliant mind and a strong physique, he knew he was well hung but he was not above using some of his super science to improve what he had been born with.

The sight of Batgirl in that tight fitting latex kneeling before him was enough to finish hardening his cock, in the end it measured twelve inches long and thicker then that girls wrist. The swollen head was a deep purple color, veins standing out across its length that seemed to throb, and of course it was leaking clear precum in volumes enough to drip from the head, some running down the shaft and some dripped down to land upon her latex covered thigh.

"Is that the best you can do?" Luthor asked, contempt and boredom dripping from his voice. "I tell you that I will reveal your identity to the world if you don't plant a nice and lingering kiss upon my cock and you just give it the slightest left. Batgirl, you don't have much of a choice in the matter, if you don't start sucking my cock properly then I will make sure the entire world knows who you are."

Once again he drew out his phone, wanting to see what the collar would do to someone with a stronger will then the earlier test subjects, turning it up to medium power where he was sure it would start to show some affect. "And while you are at it why don't you rub your little pussy for me, I like having a show."
Ugh, that cock didn't even look appealing. Everything about it looked just off to Babs' eyes. Maybe he'd done something to "improve" it or some nonsense like that? Babs had encountered a few super villains that did stuff like that. They seemed to think that adding horse genes or something would help in the bedroom. It certainly didn't help the smell or the taste or anything.

And of course Lex had to keep going, talking about how he'd reveal her identity and blah, blah, blah. How was it that villains even sounded boring when they were talking about stuff like this? And didn't he get that the League and the Bats and just about everyone would jump to defend Babs given a chance? Hell, he'd tied up a teenager and dressed her in some sort of fetish outfit. he'd be lucky if he didn't get arrested just for that. People had been brought down by less.

The phone fiddling was a bit new though. Babs understood the urge to check your phone or whatever; she sometimes succumbed to it herself, usually at school or during a particularly boring stakeout. But why do it when you had someone kneeling in front of you? Kinda weird, but if that's what he got off on, that worked for her. his next command nearly had her laughing. Like she'd start masturbating just for him. Batgirl knew she needed to at least show a little more enthusiasm, or at least fake it, with regards to the kissing.

So she swallowed hard, closed her eyes, and tried to give it another kiss. Just the head, and even that was pushing her internal limits, making her want to start vomiting all over again. Babs let her tongue slide just out, flicking the tip. The added stimulation usually helped with this, particularly as she aimed her tongue at the slit she knew guys were so proud of. She pulled back after a few seconds, nose wrinkling, mouth working as if she'd just tasted something awful.

"So this is your big bad scheme? Get a teenage girl to give you a beej?" Batgirl asked, adding a laugh. "Can't you just get some random girl to do this? You're Lex Luthor! I've got, like, two or three friends who'd hang posters of you on their wall," Her nose wrinkled, the disgust evident on her face. Still, she gave him another little stroke, figuring that she should at least try to humor him.
She looked at him as though he was something unpleasant that she had to deal with for a little while, as though he was just going to let her back out for the night and she could delete the information that he had about her or perhaps she would be able to fight her way clear. Neither was likely of course, should she try to fight him then the room could be sealed off until some of LexCorps elite security division arrived with Mercy to put the girl down and he had enough security hiding the images he took to make sure no one would be able to get rid of them in time. Once they hit the internet at large well... nothing could be done about it then. He would let her have hope for now, hope was a powerful thing and so long as she had that little bit of hope it would be all the more fun to take away from her later on.

“Oh little girl, you have no idea what my ultimate plan is, my fun with you tonight is little more then a way to pass the time.” True he was the sort who liked to monolog but that tended to give away far more information then was necessary and often bit him in the end. He could gloat later, he knew that once she was properly broken in he could let her know that she was only the start and he would be expecting information on her friends that might help him deal with any others he desired. She was the first domino in the row and when she went tumbling down she could bring all the others with her.

Another little kiss, this time he felt her tongue dance along the slit and that was enough to bring a genuine smile to his face. This girl seemed to have a least a passing knowledge of what men liked, maybe not first hand but that hardly mattered. She could learn, he could teach her and would do so happily.

“I'm pretty sure you aren't listening to me.” He scolded her, the smile still on his lips though now his eyes were filled with list. Crouching a little bit he reached out, easily finding where the nipple on her left breast was through the thin and tight latex she wore, flicking his fingers over it before pinching, feeling the nipple begin to harden from the stimulation and standing out against the latex. From the earlier testing he was aware that something as simple as this could often cause some rather intense sensations and cause the uncontrollable arousal to start. “I want to see you fingering your pretty little cunt and you are going to do exactly what I want.”

Quickly he stood up again, using the hand that had just been teasing her nipple to grab her jaw and force it open. His other hand wrapped around the back of her head and in a moment he had shoved his cock into her mouth, ignoring her gagging as he began to fuck her mouth, hammering away at the back of her mouth and the entrance of her throat, knowing she would have some trouble breathing but not caring in the least. The lesson for her was a rather simple one, he could hurt her, he would fuck her face and make tears stream from her eyes if she wouldn't obey some very simple instructions. “Why don't you unzip the crotch of your suit for me Batgirl, if you do then we can go back to letting you take your time.” And of course once she started to finger herself the technology in the collar would really be able to take hold and magnify the pleasure.
Selective Listening, actually, was what Babs was tempted to point out to Lex. It was almost as if he'd never dealt with a teenage girl before. She'd done at least part of what he'd asked of her and certainly didn't intend to do any more than she absolutely needed to. His reaction had been all but expected, really: standard male behavior, particularly from someone like him. The reaching for a breast caught Batgirl by surprise. She fought back a little squeal, managing to flinch but otherwise remain still and quiet. Thankfully Batgirl knew how to push through sensations, to let only certain things affect her and all. Sure, she couldn't do it nearly as well as, say, Batman, but she could at least fight against the tingling she felt in the breast from Lex's fingers.

But even Batgirl's training couldn't stop her body from reacting. The nipple still swelled, still made itself even more of a target for his fingers. Lex didn't seem too keen on doing anything with it, either that or he had another plan. Batgirl braced herself as she felt the hand moving, her own body tensing. Sure enough, his hand gripped her jaw, forced it, and soon she found something filling her mouth. Spit flew almost immediately, bits of it flying out of her mouth. Batgirl yet again refused to make any noises, keeping that part under control. She couldn't stop the gagging, however, which had been bad just from teasing the cock. Now she could feel her mind informing her body to reject, to start trying to vomit or do who knows what. Spit started flying out of her mouth. A few bubbles formed at her nose, swelling as she pushed through it for breathing. Once more training kicked in, and she fought to remain calm and breathe, doing a decent enough job of handling herself. There were still tears streaming from her face, but only a handful, certainly not enough to draw too much attention.

While she adjusted, Lex continued, acting as if Batgirl were a common street girl that he'd picked up. As far as she was concerned, enough was enough. You'd think a villain would know better than to stick one of his most sensitive spots into an area with weapons, particularly with a girl who had some training.

Batgirl bit down, hard, clenching her jaw tightly in an effort to do as much damage as possible, possibly even rip the cock completely out. her hand flew up to seize his balls, planning on twisting and working them over as well. As if she'd really just roll over and let Lex molest her like this. He was going to lose everything down below, and see if he had the frame of mind to try and send some signal then.
She bit him, the god damn little whore had bit him. Again Lex had made the same mistake he always did, he had become arrogant and because of that had been blind to any danger there might be.

There was pain, oh yes blinding pain replaced the pleasure that came from fucking the face of Batgirl. Immediately he knew she was going to try and rip off his cock and he released the back of his head to intecept her hand at the wrist before it reached his balls, tightening his grip on her jaws so he could force her mouth open just enough to get his cock out and then lashing out with an open hand to her face. Breathing heavily, enraged now, Lex glanced down at his cock, pleased to see that aside from the marks her teeth had made it was entirely entact, no blood and certainly no signs of tearing. His little enhancements had paid off, given a few more moments she may have hurt him but the improvements he had conducted had toughened his cock considerably.

He had no choice but to take a few steps back from her, gaining a little distance until seconds later the heavy wooden door burst open, the lights in the room brightening automatically as part of the security details (allowing Batgirl to see all his wonderful toys), and Mercy Graves stood in the doorway with a large bored energy pistol pointed straight at Batgirl.

"Thank you Mercy." Lex grunted, clearly still enraged but putting back on the mask of calm control. "Why don't you shut the door and stay here with us. I suspect that pistol in your hand will keep Miss Gordon from trying something foolish again." Mercy on smiled at him and then gave Batgirl a crueler smile. Sure Batgirl might be able to defeat Lex Luthor in a fight but he didn't like her odds against the much more extensively enhanced Mercy.

Upon straightening his tie, appearing entirely in control unless you met his eyes Luthor turned and made his way towards on of the bedroom walls, selecting a hitichi want with a specialized head attached to it, adding a small and delicately curving little projection from the surface of the head, built just right to slide just an inch and a half into a woman's pussy and stimulate the g-spot. "On the bed now Barbra, I want you to lay spread eagle on your back and if you give me any trouble then you will be punished." His eyes tracing over any number of leather latex and wooden corrective implements on he wall before looking back to Batgirl.
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