ClearSight and Javorcek Make a One-Shot Thread! [FxF] (ClearSight X Javorcek)


Jun 19, 2013
United Sates - NY
The Purpose of This Thread:
ClearSight and Javorcek have short attention spans. They have made many, many threads, and many, many characters together. Sometimes they would like to go back and play with old characters and old stories, but can't because then the old plots wouldn't make sense.

In order to keep the story lines of those threads linear, rather than creating a cluster fuck of randomness, they're going to post flashbacks/plot jumps and all sorts of random encounters/one-shots/things in here.

The Golden Rule:
ClearSight and Javorcek HAVE TO finish the current scene before moving onto the next one.

Universes we will be dabbling in:
Mass Effect
The 100

Characters of our own creation that have been established and will be returning:
War and Greed
Tragedy Unfolds
An Even More Psychotic Biotic (Jack X Miranda)

Hope she's home for once... Jack mused to herself as she got off the elevator that was taking her to the high rise apartment that she was sharing with Miranda Lawson. They weren't -really- living together...Jack still had her quarters down at the Alliance section of the Citadel, but Miranda's space was bigger, Jack didn't have much in the way of personal belongings, and the young biotic's pet varren, Eezo, liked this apartment more...there were way more shoes to chew on here than at Jack's. Plus, Miranda was hardly ever home, so it wasn't like they were inconveniencing her. The older biotic was always down in the Research Labs, working on the Crucible that was supposed to be the answer to the Reaper War. She worked long hours, longer than even Jack did, and seemed to like to come home to leftovers of whatever Jack had made and the young biotic sleeping in a bed that was nice and warm for her.

When Jack entered the apartment and didn't get her ass floored by a very excited varren, she started to grow concerned. "Miri? Eezo?" The young biotic called. Eezo hadn't eaten her girlfriend...had he? Yeah, he played rough with Miranda, sometimes put her in a singularity field, one time bit her so bad that they had actually had to go to the hospital (but that had been when he first met Miranda), but he wouldn't just maul her to death... Miranda pissed her off too sometimes, but the Cheerleader was still intact and Jack had an even shorter temper than her pet varren. Guess they're out playing... That thought seemed less probable than the one of Miranda and Eezo killing eachother, but it was the only one that made even a little bit of sense.

"Guess I'll go shower..." Jack muttered to herself as she took off her combat boots and then traveled further into the apartment. She lit up the Omnitool on her wrist along the way, just to double check her messages to see if Miranda had said where she had gone and taken Eezo.
Miranda knew a lot of people, and one of those individuals was quite powerful, Tevos. At one point they had been enemies of sort, pitted against one another in backdoor dealings Miranda had often taken charge of as part of Cerberus. After changing allegiances Miranda found herself on more common ground with the woman and they would often meet to discuss things they couldn't share with other company. They weren't exactly friends, Miranda didn't make many of those, but they were convenient sounding boards, occasionally they worked together, and just one time they found themselves sharing a bed, but that had been before Jack and her separation from Cerberus, a night after too many drinks and some lip... Guh, Miranda hated thinking about the few times she lost control, but it had still been Tevos who made the first move. It was before their serious romances however, and that was far behind them, far enough that the last time they drank together it had become a rather childish, my girlfriend is more dominant than yours thing. Jack against Aria, it really was quite the comparison. Powerful, young, dominant Jack against experienced, sadistic, and clever Aria. Even Miranda wasn't sure which one would win, but she had insisted it was Jack no matter what.

What Miranda hadn't expected, was opening up her door a few days later and being slammed against a wall by powerful biotics, a smirking Aria and calm Tevos in front of her. Even Eezo was subdued, being put in a back room by Aria while Tevos nipped at Miranda's ear, a gentle "We'll see who's more powerful..." Miranda growled, absolutely furious, she hated being taken advantage of and barely stood for it with Jack, because of love, but with Tevos and Aria, she was glaring and angry, angry enough to act if she found an opportunity, but it was one that never came. "Don't, unless you want me to be rough with the sapling when she gets here." Aria gave her a glare that drove home the meaning, threatening harm to Jack in order to keep Miranda in line... There were only two people she would put her pride aside for... Her sister, and Jack. Jack... Maybe she would have a chance when her lover got home, Jack wouldn't go down without a fight after all. Tevos had other plans however, turning Miranda around and pulling her hands to her back, moments later a click of cuffs being placed around her making Miranda turn her head with fire in her eyes. "Just in case, I would hate for you to do something silly. Besides, I still owe you for that one night..." Tevos was always composed, calm beyond measure, and it made it difficult to read her.

Aria was much easier to read, grinning as she looked over and watched as Tevos secured Miranda, licking her lips as Tevos' hand brushed across Miranda's delicious curves. Miranda Lawson, a gorgeous whore if ever she had seen one. She had thoughts about her when they first met, if not for Shepard and Miranda having use she may have tried something... She never liked Cerberus, reason enough to try. So the moment Tevos had told her about the conversation between herself and Miranda, Aria had been intrigued... Mainly because nobody was going to be more dominant than her, but also because Miranda and Jack were both... Rare women, enough to inspire quite appetite for the Ruler of Omega. "Tevos... Go play with her on the bed, when Jack comes in and sees her being toyed with I'm sure she won't be expecting me." Aria grinned, excited and arrogant, but not stupid, an element of surprise was only smart with a psychotic biotic that rivaled herself... In both power and insanity.
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