Heart of the Knight (Applepoisoneer - Finx)

Batman/ Bruce Wayne
Age: 28


B.B. Bellingham (Bea)
Age: 27
English professor at Gotham University


(Her bangs are a little shorter and her eyes are blue, but this is the best I could come up with. Everyone else loosks too young. She's also not usually wearing a kimono around campus. It's usually a tweed jacket and skirt with a green tie and matching ribbon in her hair )
Batman pulled the rope a little tighter in it's knot around the top of the lamp post, ensuring it wouldn't slip. A poor knot could be the difference between a calling card and an unintentional murder. He poised himself on the edge of the post and slid down, darting off into the night's shadowy void, just as sirens turned the corner and headed toward him.

Rounding the corner into an alley, he found a fire escape, climbed part-way and grappled to the building on the other side. From there, he could see several men in uniform cutting the man down from the post and loading him into the back of a car. He nodded and moved on, leaping between a few more buildings to put some distance between himself and his last established crime bust, before checking his radio scanner for more trouble in the city.

Bea sat in the empty conference room, awaiting the start of the board meeting. As the very newly elected head of the English Department, she was there to represent it in the decision-making process. She was there about fifteen minutes early, as was heron practice. One of her many little private rules was, "If you're 10 minutes early, you're 5 minutes late." And so she sat with her coffee, absently watching the steam dance to the beat of the air conditioning vent above her head.
Name: Lori Archer
Age: 27
Picture: http://eskipaper.com/images/anime-girl-with-bird-1.jpg

Name: Edward Nigma
Age: 28
Lori who had been asleep groaned as her pager went off. She glared as she checked the message then with a sigh got up and began to dress. Some times being a lawyer got annoying especially with Batman around "Hey Harvey you hear about the new one that where trailing?" she called her boss Harvey Dent well he wasn't a boss so much as the person she was learning from. "I know another gang member. Just once I want to sleep threw the night." she chuckled. "Meet you in five." she hurried off.

Edward entered the board meeting and blinked at the girl that was already there. He studied her trying to riddle her out a frown on his face, he smiled a little. "I see I'm not the first one here." he greeted the girl. "My name's Edward Enigma." he held his hand out. He was the teacher of psychology which was hard with his past but he was doing better every day. He hadn't felt the need to be the Riddler in a few nights.
Batman circumnavigated the city, hitting all of his usual points of interest, but found that the city was relatively quiet this evening. But finally, another bulletin suggested there was a disturbence at Ace Chemical. He had originally thought it was the Joker's doing, but was a little surprised to see Mr. Freeze there, stealing several dozen drums of liquid nitrogen. He had a grand total of six thugs with him, several of which were predisposed to loading drums onto trucks. He dispatched them, but Freeze made off with one of the trucks. Batman followed the truck, but could only manage to get close enough to run a plote and track it that way. Frustrated, he returned to the batcave.


"Oh, hello." Bea stood and took his hand, setting her coffee on the long table. "B.B. Bellingham, head of English. Charmed, I'm sure." Bea wasn't 'new' to Gotham, and Mr. Nigma's reputation preceeded him, though, as far as she was concerned, it was an intriguing one. And now he was here, teaching psychology. She couldn't help but be curious as to how that change had occurred.
Aurora went to court in her usual skirt and shirt as usual it was a home run for the prosecution not that her or Harvey would have lost but it felt good to hear the guilty verdict. "So what are you going to do later Harvey?" "I'm going to meet Bruce later." Harvey stuck his hands in his pocket. "You should tag along to celebrate are win." "Do you think Bruce will mind?" Aurora frowned at him. "I'll check." Harvey called Bruce making Aurora frown more.

"I know that look." Edward sighed softly. "Look I'm done with being a villain. I'm done being sent to Arkham. That place is worse then anything you could imagine. If you aren't crazy when you go there you'll be one shortly after going there." his mouth was set into a firm line and he glared at the table thinking about Arkham.
Bruce " , clad in his usual navy blue suit and black tie, had just come out of a meeting when his phone rang. He held up a "one minute" signal to the men he was walking with and ducked around a corner to take the call. Checking the ID, he noticed it was Harvey Dent.

"Harvey! You're not calling to cancel on me, are you?" The young billionaire laughed. "You know you won't get away with it."

"Actually," She smiled invitingly, hoping to smooth some of the rough edges off the start to their conversation. "I was curious as to why you chose psychology, when Iscience and technology seemed to be more your ilk?" She rested one hand on her coffee cup and left the other to sit idle in her lap.
"No actually I was wondering if Aurora could tag along?" Harvey asked. "She managed to get herself a win. OW! Don't kick me." he scowled at Aurora. "Don't talk like it was such a amazing fet that I won." she glared at him. "Alright, alright jeez." Harvey sighed. "I have to put up with this all the time. Say you'll let her come so she doesn't kick me again."

"Well the human mind has always fascinated me." Edward shrugged a little. "It's no different what I was doing before. Only this time I can research things without getting in to much trouble." he smiled. "What makes people tick. Why there afraid of one thing but not another, things like that."
"Of course, the more the merrier." Bruce laughed, leaning against the wall. "Sheesh, no wonder she won. The defense probably valued their shins enough to stay out of the way."

"It is a fascinating discourse." she nodded, taking a sip from her coffee. "I find that a multi-level psychological analysis is what really breaks the superficial from the truly spectacular literature." She gestured politely to the chair next to hers and hoped he would accept the invitation.
"I heard that and if your not carefully you'll be next." Aurora warned scowling darkly. "If looks could kill you would be dead." Harvey laughed. "We'll see you in twenty minutes." he hung up and lead the way with Aurora in tow. By the time they got to the restaurant Aurora had gotten in a better mood eager to meet Bruce Wayne.

Edward sat next to her smiling. "Your absolutely right. What are some of your favorite books?" he asked wondering where the rest of the teachers where.
Bruce had found them a table at the bistro where he and Harvey had agreed to meet a few days beforehand. He ordered a little bottle of champagne for the table to celebrate Aurora's win in court that day, and because it was never a bad time for champagne.

Thinking a moment through all the books she'd enjoyed over the years, she chose a few of her favorites. "My favorite classic author is Poe, so any of his collected works sutes me well, but I also love a number of Lovecraft's novellas." She knew it was a rather vague answer, but she hoped it would suffice.

In the hall, she thought she heard voices murmuring something. She couldn't make out what it was, but assumed it was the other members of the faculty.
Aurora let Harvey lead the way smiling when she spotted Bruce Wayne waiting at a table for them. "Bruce may I formally introduce my partner Aurora." Harvey stepped aside. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mister Wayne." Aurora held her hand out. She eyed the champagne blinking at it a second. She didn't drink ever it threw her off her game but she didn't want to appear rude so she decided to just skip drinking.

Edward heard the noise as well and glanced at the door. "Seems we aren't going to be alone much longer. I would love to finish this discussion sometime." he smiled at her. "My classroom is 120E if you ever want to stop in and watch a lecture."
"The pleasure is all mine," Brusce smiled brightly, taking her hand and shaking it. "and please, call me Bruce. Everyone does." He stepped to the side and pulled her chair out for her. "Please, sit. I've gotten us a little champagne to celebrate your win in court today."

"I'd love to. Do you teach any morening courses?" She asked, her heart speeding up at the thought of being invited. "My schedule is pretty filled for afternoons."
"I have one course in the morning at nine to noon." Edward blinked. "It's not a long class and I don't think there going to learning anything at that hour of the morning." he shrugged. "Half of them are still asleep." he snorted. "I find ways to wake them up though."

"Already Bruce...I'm afraid I don't drink." Aurora admitted. "It's not something I'm into." she felt bad that he went and got the champagne. "You two can sure it. I'll just order sweet tea."
"Well perhaps we could have lunch tomorrow? After your morning class?" She offered as more teachers trudged into the conference room. She supposed it'd be a nice change from eating alone in her office.

"I am terribly sorry." Bruce blurted apologetically. "I had no idea, or I would've gone with something else."
"Sounds good." Edward smiled at her. "there's a great cafe up the street from here." he wrote down the address. "They have great coffee and there cookies are to die for." he frowned when the teachers gave him weary stares.

"No it's alright." Aurora insisted smiling a little. "You had no way of knowing that I'm not a drinker. It's not like you could have know...though I'm sure Harvey's shared all his woes about me." she nudged the man who shrugged.
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