Two is Better than One [Harry Potter -- Virginia & Crusade]

Virginia Greene

ᕦ(ò_ó )ᕤ
Staff member
Jan 11, 2016
Pacific Northwest
Maribelle Bouvier came from a long line of Ravenclaw witches. If you were born a girl into her family, you were basically destined to end up in Ravenclaw. It was a little more questionable for the men, and for people from her father's side. She'd graduated with excellent marks, but no real idea of what she wanted to do with her life. It turned out in her push to focus on school and getting through it, she'd not... really thought about where she wanted to go after that. But she still needed a job, so she'd started putting out applications. The place that had hired her though, was surprising. Weasley Wizard Wheezes.

Maribelle knew OF the Weasley twins, of course, she'd been in their year. But she hadn't really known them. Talked to one once or twice perhaps, but never any kind of real discussion or anything.

She was dressed neatly for her job. Black pants, and a white button up blouse, and a black, cloak-like jacket. Witches and Wizards did like their robes. It was pretty common fashion. Her long hair was left loose, because Maribelle was a tiny bit concerned that if she pulled it up into a bun, people would just assume she was a librarian or something. It had happened. No need to look more studious.

Pushing open the door, the eighteen year old witch stepped inside the shop, taking a moment to look around. It was cluttered and full of brightly colored things. She'd made the observation when she'd come in before, but it was still almost overwhelming. Hopefully the twins had some kind of organization system that she just couldn't pick out by looking, otherwise she was going to have her hands more than full for a week or two while she just redid everything. Because Maribelle would redo everything if she had to, in order to get a decent system in place. "Hello?" Her voice was strong but polite as she called into the store. "It's Maribelle. Nobody's at the counter, but the door was unlocked..." The shop wasn't open yet, but it was time for her to be here. Well, she was ten minutes early, but a good employee wasn't ever late and a few minutes early was best.
Fred and George Weasley owed their livelihood to Harry Potter. Had he not been so gracious in giving the boys his share of the Triwizard Tournament winnings, they'd probably have stayed in school without any prospects going forward. Sure, they'd always had a knack for jokes and the like, without that lot of galleons, they definitely wouldn't have the beautiful joke shop and its upstairs apartment to call home.

The business had taken a hit recently, however. The old woman they'd hired to work behind the counter had been a terrible mistake. She was sweet and likable, but her knowledge and turtle-like slowness in getting anything done had annoyed customers and left them with no choice but to let her go.

Anyone at that point would have been an upgrade, but they'd settled on the fact that they needed someone much younger who could breathe some life back into the shop. That was how they'd decided upon Maribelle. She went to Hogwarts with them and although they didn't really remember her too well, she was pretty and seemed to know what she was talking about. That was enough for them.

Fred and George had been upstairs having some tea when they heard the door to the shop open. They had a little alarm in their apartment go off any time the door was accessed and boy of them jumped at the sound.

"Shall we?" Fred asked his brother.

"To Maribelle!" George piped in and they both ambled down to the shop. When they slipped from the back into view, she was greeted by two tall, lanky redheaded brothers, Fred wearing a set of obscenely mismatched dark green and lavender robes, while George sported red and orange in a pinstriped pattern. Their style of dress was a reflection on their store.

"Hello, Maribelle," George said, flashing her a smile, both boys making their way on either side of her to usher her forward towards the counter. "First day jitters?" Fred asked, smirking at George as they took her to her post.

"Not really much you need to know. You seemed pretty knowledgeable during our interview. If you've any questions, just give us a shout. We'll be here. And if you want to switch things around. Suppress the clutter...feel free. We're fully aware that this place is a mess." George finished his spiel and adjusted his robes.
((Apologies, I won't let my time get away from me again! I had a bit of a struggle with my first weeks of school. Also I don't know if you remember the movies, but I'll never over the fact the twins dressed so... not horribly in the movies when they had the shop. Or maybe it was meant to be horrible but they made it hot))

Sweet Helga Hufflepuff. Well, the twins certainly had a... sense of fashion. Some kind of sense of it that wasn't at all normal. "No," she said simply, and seemed to mean it, "I'm just taking a few moments to take in the whole shop. It's very... interesting. Original. Which I know are usually both used as negative words when someone doesn't know how to say anything without being insulting, but I mean them right now."

She stopped at the counter, opting not to step behind it yet. She could get behind it once talking was done, for now she just leaned against it and listened to them ans they told her about her job.

The moment he said she could suppress the clutter, the brunette produced her want from her sleeve, slender and reddish brown. She flicked it in the direction of a messy shelf, murmuring a short incantation to herself, and watched with slight satisfaction as everything straightened, righted itself, and slid into organized place. It was all still brightly colored and ridiculous, but at least that shelf looked neater. "I've half a mind to call your robes a clutter," she informed them, lips curling up slightly in amusement. "Is this a dress code I should be mimicking? Because I'm sure I can come up with... something." She'd rather not, but Maribelle was pretty sure she could make it happen. Even just a spell now could adjust her shirt if she had to.

The twins hadn't really prepped her on a lot. It seemed more like a 'jump in and then sink or swim' sort of situation, and she was willing and able, though a little bit confused. She wasn't sure what would be too much, or what exactly her duties were. General assistance and shopkeeping, she knew that much. Maribelle supposed she'd find out when things she wasn't sure about showed up, at which point she could ask. For now she only had one question. "Okay, so remind me again which one of you is which? I'll do my best, but I'm still figuring it out." Everyone probably said things like that and then couldn't figure it, but she would. She was already picking up tiny little differences, she just didn't remember which one which details went with.
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