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Magical Girls! (Wiki and Ban)


Mar 19, 2016
"No...." A simple word of protest, weakly, faintly escaping a womens lip's as she fell to the ground. After all this time... After everything... She was still so weak. He was still leagues ahead of he... She still needed the help of others... Except, there was no heroes this time. She did not have her fellow Fea, the Dwarves, Arthur was dead, ruled his own kingdom till it's sad end. And Merlin, the love of her life, now rest's in death with the ancient dragon Bahamut. She was alone, she failed to live up to their names...

"Ha ha ha ha. This is all you had Celeste? Thousands of years later and now your so weak. And I, I have not changed one bit. Your still as beautiful as the last time I had seen you. But really, youve grown old my dear. Your blades gone 'dull'." Spitefull words, booming from the armored figure towering over her. "I can not pass through to earth, as of now the rift from this dimension is weak. It has gone cold in my absence. However, I can still wreak some havoc while I wait. Send some of my men. And while I do that I think I want you back on earth."

As he continued to gloat, he bent on one knee. His hand slowly gripping against her dress, ripping it slowly. "Noo" The elven women said once more, as she recoiled, blocking her breasts from view." Or... I could, keep you in my Dimensional Fortress, deep in the dungeons below.... Use you to my hearts content... But why do that now? I think I can do that later. For now it would be more cruel to let you see your precious earth die. Suffer the way you made me suffer all those years ago. And then, then I will keep you as my trophy."

A tear roll's down the elven womens eye, as a darkkness consumed her. Leaving in it's wake, the form of a black cat. "Now flee Celeste.. Ha ha, show me what little you can do. Try to save your earth, keep me from my return. I will enjoy watching."

..............Japan, one week later.

" Come come now, you will be late for school." A elegant, intelligent voice rang out over the alarm clock. Above the figure, of a cute, sleeping girl. Was a black cat. So ordinary, so small, one would call it forgettable. If not for the odd shape of it's ears. Sharper then that of a normal cat's, slightly longer to. Soon the cat began to sit on the pillow next to the girl. It's paw lightly patting the girls nose, rubbing it's face softly into the young girls red hair. "Come on...." Slightly annoyed. The cat then makes a quick swipe at her, scratching around her collar bone as not to make it show. After all, a face scratch to school would be to cruel. "I said wake up!" The cat said, a vein of rage comically appearing next to it's temple. "You have to go to school, then we can worry about facing the forces of evil. That was the deal!" Of coarse, it was what Celeste wanted. A girls scout even to the detriment of her own duties. She wanted the young girl to continue her education. Even when it would be more important to face the Dagda Knight head on!
RE: Magical Girls!

Haruki, a normal average girl that anyone could call her, an average girl with hopes and dreams and her own secrets, but one secret that mattered most of all to her now, something that could be rested only on her, the fate of the world being ruled by the most evil that has ever existed, cruel and merciless. For now it was a normal usual day, at least that's how it usually started with her only wish wanting to stay in bed for as long as she could rather wanting to miss school like always. She was still asleep as her long red hair laid behind and over her shoulder looking messy as it always did.

As the girl continues to sleep she turns to the other side ignoring the voice behind her now. "F-fine..." She groaned with a long yawn before sitting and scratching her head. " jeez your always so grumpy aren't you..." Haruki stands up and stretched being in her blue and white pajamas she heads to her closet to pull out a silver plated armor one that was a knights armor. Slipping it on she goes over and brushes her hair, putting it down on her desk with a sigh, "re-equip!" She says, a blue skirt and white collared button up shirt appears on her. " this armor is pretty useful...screw changing..." More time passes as she eventually goes out the door and on her way to the school.
.......One week earlier

As the knight withdrew, a small black cat weakly raises it'self onto it's feet. With teary, emerald eyes she looks over at the man. Confidently walking away. No longer recognizable, no longer the man she once knew. A monster.... She knew it then and she knew it now... A monster had taken his place.

Slowly she walk's down the main hall, a large bridge slowly moving down. Opening the castle outward, to the portal... Weakly, she crawled away... Like a rat looking for somewhere to hide... However, she was no cowardly rat. With determination, as she fell back down to earth, Celeste was ready to form a new plan. She would have to make her self an army of her own.

..... Present Day

Celeste gave a slight sigh as she sat down upright on the young girl's bed. "Tch, Tsk tsk." She purred out. If only she had a finger to wag, it would make her seem even more condescending. But, as for now, a tail would suffice. "I cant just let you sleep, you are turning into a ripe young women, and with it comes many a responsibility." Purring, she leapt off of the bed. Trotting towards her bathroom door. "Now, when we get to school, I need you to be one hundred percent aware of your surroundings. I know I sound like your mother... But... It's dangerous. Right now, we are still to weak to strike. So, until I can regain enough strength to bolster our numbers I want you to well... Just dont be brash. " Soon Haruki had put on her armor, the manifestation of her magical power which Celeste had bestowed. It is different for everyone when a mage did this. But in the end, while Haruka was the one behind the wheel of her own power, Celeste was the source of it's manna. "Yes, convenient right? A lady can never be to prepared when it comes to dressing for an occasion. School, dancing, parties, dates! ... Oh, yes and battle. Of coarse."
She stretched her arms again then turned to get her bag, " well I can't say for sure still you know...the villains" she said making quotation with her fingers for the last part " don't play yeah I will but I'm just saying that if I see something then I'll definently try to kill it right there..." Haruki was a person to hit fast and hard if she was the first to attack or not, going over drive and engaging her enemies without stopping sometimes being careless as the cat always reminded her of it being dangerous.

Soon she would get something to eat and start walking down to school seeing that for now she wouldn't have to worry about anything much than getting her things like normal and going to class. As they reached further to the school she would turn into a building and down a hall to her locker, getting her things and slowly closing and turning to head for the class now.
With a sogh Celeste nodded. Following the young girl to school, but keeping her distance as to not be noticed by any of her friends.

As she entered the school, she would notice the new transfer student, Jacob. His locker being right next to hers. "Hi, your Haruki right?" he asked as he closed his locker and walked to meet up with her. "Names Jacob, We have not met officially yet but I've seen you aro_" before he can finish the boy tripped over something on the ground. A fat? What was it doing in school. Almost as if Celeste intended this, the boy fell on top of Haruki. His face planted firmly into her chest, his hands gripping her hips as they both hit the ground. "I'm so sorry, that cat came out of nowhere!" He said. Seeming to be in no real rush to get off of her. With a good grip against the hips he pushed himself up. Finding that her clothes had an odd strength to it... As if they were near impenetrable. Standing up with a blush, he helped the girl up. A smug smile on his lips but, who would blame him? Haruki was attractive and he just got a free pass to feel her up.
She sighed just standing there for a moment before she would turn to leave, it was always a long day for her even when everything seemed normal, if it wasn't a monster it was something else that was even stupider than a monster. Haruki finally turned to go when she saw a boy next to her, " umm..hi?" Was all she could say already confused. The girl stood thinking about it before she felt his weight on her as she fell to the ground though a bit against the locker to stop herself. She looked down feeling something moving on her chest and it was him! With a blush of embarrassment and anger she waited for him to be off before helping her up.

again she stood up and grabbed his arm pulling him toward her then pushing him back away from her. " what the hell!!" She turned and started running down the hall, disappearing instantly in the crowd. " you really like to piss me off sometimes don't you! Are you doing that so I can fight better or something?!" The girl was really annoyed whenever she did that. Haruki made it into class and now started the day.
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