What happens when a hammer meets a gun? (Krystal x How_is_you)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Harley was sick of this shit. She was pouring her heart out to help the man she loves, and all she got in return was broken promises. "I'm sorry puddin' but I just can't do this anymore. I still love you, but in being friends with Ivy, I realize I deserve better." She told the joker softly, her red and black heels clicking as she started to walk away. Her heart couldn't take this abuse anymore, and she needed out. Little did she know, it wasn't as easy as just that.

The joker in his unrealized feelings took it out on Harley in the only way he knew. Violence. The pretty clown woman was about to be beaten brutally with a crowbar, then given the laughing gas.
When the usual expression of his feigned love didn't keep Harley with him, the Joker went to course of action number two. If his words didn't keep her in line, then the violence to her person usually did. He had thrown Harley to the ground, and was busy walking across the room to retrieve the crowbar, that crowbar. The crowbar that had tortured Jason Todd before the explosion that had killed the old boy wonder. Red Hood recognized that crowbar. He had been hired for surveillance, to just watch the Joker and Harley to see if they did anything. Bruce Wayne wasn't a usual client, but hell, his money was green, and there was a good bit of it coming his way of he did this.

He wasn't going to submit someone to the same fate he had to endure, known accomplice or no.

Using a grappling hook, he swung in through the large window of the factory the two of them had called home for a little while now, causing Joker to turn in surprise before giving that sickening smile.

"Jason, my boy, how are we doing? How are those broken ribs healing-"

He didn't even have time to finish that sentence before there was a hole drilled through his head via a 10 mm round from one of Red Hood's pistols. The purple suit wearing freak fell to the floor, the eyes already rolled into the back of his head, that smile replaced by a slacked expression of resting. Jason lowered the smoking gun and looked at Harley, the red face mask hiding his neutral expression. "Did he hurt you?"
Harley wasn't all surprised by the fact that joker shoved her down. He always did that when he was trying to make her submit. She was sickbof taking his shit though, so she just let him push her down and do what he wanted to do to her. She no longer wanted to be the crazy clown's accompice. It had never given her anything she wanted, so the brilliant doctor was ready to throw in the towel and be as normal as she could.

When the red hood swooped in and killed thenjoker, Just like that, Harley was both terrified and impressed. No one had ever had the guys to do that, even her. "No, he didn't, mr hood. You saved me before he could. Thank you." She replied softly, almost afraid the man would hurt her now, so conditioned she wasbro abuse.
Jason smiled a small bit, glad that he was finally able to help Harley out with the Joker. Maybe she would finally think for herself, now that her one shackle had been released. Nodding his head at her answer, and also seeing the terrified look in her eye, Red Hood removed his face mask and clipped it to his belt, also talking off the white hood to reveal his black hair. Then, gently, he approached the woman.

"Well, Harlene...I could take you to a hospital, if you need it." He gave a reassuring smile and knelt down next to her, placing a friendly hand on her shoulder.
Harley sighed in soft relief, taking in a breath. "I never thought that I could be free of him." She said softly, standing. She was a little bit bruised, but nothing a hot bath couldn't cure. She watched curiously as Jason took off his helmet, noticing that despite the second mask he wore under the helmet he was very handsome. She smiled softly at the hand yo her shoulder turning to face him. "No, thats not necessary, mr hood. I'll be healed in a few hours. If there's one thing that piece of shit clown gave me, its quick healing." She explained, simply watching him. She wasn't sure what he might do, but she knew she liked him.
Jason heard her say that she would heal quickly and he smiled some more, nodding his head and removing the hand from his shoulder. He gave her a quick once over to make sure she was telling the truth, and his eyes did...linger on certain areas of her body, but it was clear that he was merely trying to make sure she wasn't seriously hurt. "Well...if you want to be left alone after...all this, I can understand." He put the face mask back on and pulled up the hood, waiting for any indications that she wanted him to stay.
Harley smiled softlg and blushed. Even if it was clear his main motive was making sure she was okay, it was kind of flattering to have someone checking her out. She watched as jason put on the helmet again looking curious. "Do you a place I could stay, mr hood? I don't much want to stay here in old mista jay's lair." She asked, playing with one of her pigtails. She didn't much want to be left alone either but wasn't quite sure how to ask. She could never ask joker for anything.
Jason grinned and hears her use her old name for Joker. While that might take quite some time to get her out of a habit, he knew that soon enough she would get over Joker...soon enough probably right now. "Well...I do stay somewhere. I guess you can stay with me for a while if you want." He offers her a hand, the leather of his gloves stretching and creaking as the hand reaches for her.
Harley smiled smally, playing with her pigtail. "I'd like that. I hope I won't be to much trouble." She replied softly, really just wanting to repay him for helping her. He was showing her a kindness she hadn't seen in many a years, and she was greatful. She would make his life better, or so she hoped. She didn't expect anything in return, but if love came along with it, she wouldn't complain.
Jason chuckled at the notion of her thinking she would ever be trouble in the first place. "Harlene, if all you do is clean the place, and all that happens is I get some good eye candy out of this, then I would say you aren't trouble at all, and probably never will be." Nodding his head, he walked over to the window, and when he arrived, he gestured for the girl to come join him.
Harley grinned at him, following to the window. "Well then I'm glad I won't be." She replied, w atching curiously. She wasn't quite sure what he wanted her to do. She was just waiting for instruction, her large hammer strapped to her red and black midriff showing corset.
Red Hood smiled as she followed, and heard her reply that she was happy to not be trouble for once. When the two of them arrived at his entrance point, he wrapped an arm around that exposed midriff, and fired his grappling hook, swinging out of the place and across Gotham. The wind rushed by his face, over the mask. It was quite the distance to the motel, and Jason has yet to gather the money for a motorcycle or something. The pair continued to swing, but shall way there he took a break so the woman with him could catch her breath.
Harley grinned as they flew through the sky. It such a freeing experience. She understood a little better why bats di it so much. When they stopped, she caught her breath. "That was exhilarating." She admitted frankly, grinning. She liked him even more now.
Red Hood smiled slightly as she exclaimed her liking of swinging through the buildings. He was sure that she wasn't quite used to it, and the first time was always the best...kind of like a few other things. He walked over to her and leaned against the wall, the corner cut out of the building they were on just the right size for maneuverability for two, but any more and it would have become cramped really fast. "I tend to forget that Batman always drove you around when he captured you. Never even offered the chance to swing like that." He looked around, seeing his motel in the distance. "See that motel? That's our destination. Once you have caught your breath and picked up your jaw off of the floor, we can get going again." He nodded his head. He hoped hos voice carried the cheer and happiness, because she couldn't see shit for facial expressions through his mask.
Harley smiled softly, chuckling. "No, the Bats never did. But then again, I guess I never asked either." She admitted, stretching a bit. Her hammer was still attached to her back, and she leaned against the wall. She took in another breath, looking to the motel he had pointed to. She smiled again softly. "We can go now."
Jason nodded hos head, wrapping his arm around her waist. However, they had to take a different route. Since they were higher than the rest of the buildings, they had to drop. So, he picked her up, and hopped off of the building. After about five seconds of falling, he fired one of his grappling lines, swinging one long, gigantic swing. They landed in the street, a good walk away from the motel, allowing them a chance to talk. "Alright. It's a small walk."
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