The Earth of Tomorrow (ClearSight x Javorcek)


Sep 20, 2013
United States
Year 0: Nuclear Apocalypse

Billions died from nuclear explosions and exposure to nuclear fallout. Humans who lived away from the blasts but downwind of the explosions either died from radiation poisoning or had their brains severely altered. These creatures became light sensitive and sought refuge in underground caverns and caves, or the depths of ruined cities. During the night they hunt irradiated animals, or humans who wander too far into their territory.

1000 scientists, politicians, and military personnel retreated to a bunker that had been carved into a mountain, escaping the impending doom.

500 scientists and NASA personnel flee in a space station. The station's interior systems were not entirely finished. It was designed to carry 1000 humans into space in order to colonize a new planet, it became their home, orbiting the Earth.

Initially, millions of people survived worldwide. After several years though, many died due to radiation sickness, leaving only a few hundred people on earth.

Year 500: The 100 are sent to earth

The scrubbers on the Ark are failing. Attempts at colonizing other planets have failed. 100 criminals, incarcerated prior to their 18th birthday, are sent to Earth. A last ditch effort to see if returning home was an option...


‘An honor they said, as if we had a fucking choice. I remember the day they made their decision… They approached us and stated our fate. We were to be sacrifices. Not definitely, they hoped the world below was safe, but they didn’t know. All of us were their test subjects, guinea pigs to be thrust down into a world we had only heard stories about and observed. Jokes on them, it didn’t take long for those of us on the ground to have ideas of our own.’

It had only taken a day for the idea to cut contact to come up, not a surprise considering how many pissed off teens had been sent down together. Most people wanted nothing to do with the people on the arc, seeing themselves as expendable in the eyes of their elders, which they were. It led to the beginning of what was supposed to be freedom, but it ended up being a mistake. At first the 100 reveled, their ability to survive and the abundance of green, fresh air, and things that existed in fairy tales easily captivating them. However, before long one thing became apparent… They weren’t alone. Less than a week had passed since they discovered the other presence, a small group moving towards a cache of supplies they had been briefed on before departure. Before they knew what was happening several died by spear, and the few that came back never even saw their attackers.

It wasn’t the last time, the attacks continued, as if they were being hunted, confined to their own space. Internal struggles broke out, a murder, attacks, selfishness. They were, after all, kids. Perhaps some could be considered adults, but experience was a fickle thing, and none of them had any experience. They turned back to their people above, trying desperately to repair the communications and establish contact, all the while surviving in any way they could.

Leaders emerged, but one in particular, Lara. Not that Lara was particularly exceptional, she merely had the qualities that appealed to the people in the situation. She was brave, bordering on foolish, opinionated and well spoken, knew enough about medicine to play a vital role in the days that followed their arrival, and she was one of the few on the ground that didn’t have questionable morals. Well, perhaps not few, a majority of them committed minor crimes, but her imprisonment for exposing the truth was by far the most innocent. If only they knew it was more out of petty anger than the goodness from her heart. Regardless, it put her at the top and as time went on decisions fell at her feet more and more.

She wasn’t the only one responsible for their survival and unification, aside from leadership, there was a need for soldiers. Two stood out, a male with survival and tracking skills, and a woman, an ex-security enforcer with actual combat experience. She was the one everyone looked to when it came to safety, and the one Lara turned to when action needed to be put ahead of words…

Emma let out a long sigh. Being responsible for protecting a bunch of children was already wearing on her. It wasn’t like she was completely trained, she was proficient combatant but actual high pressure situations hadn’t exactly been embedded into her yet. It made it difficult to lead even if she still had enough nerve to shoot straight and stop a knife or spear from putting an end to her. So, in order to keep herself from exploding, she often went out on her own. It was irresponsible but she didn’t give a damn, she needed the time to herself, and exploring alone was safer for her than parading around with a handful of untrained, uncoordinated morons. It really made her feel like a babysitter, as did being he oldest of a group of kids playing grown-ups... Herself included.

With a soft, frustrated huff she leaned back against a tree, eyes alert but mind already wandering to more relaxing subject matter. It had been forever since she had any relief… And for some reason she had been horny non-stop for days. It wasn’t enough for her to foolishly try anything in the middle of the damn woods, but her mind was clearly more mischievous than her hand. A bit of day dreaming, it wouldn’t hurt anybody. Besides, if she didn’t have a little release in the form of an active imagination, she was likely to jump one of the things back at the camp, and being promiscuous had already landed her on Earth as a test rat, best not let it interfere again.
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