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We Have A School Audience Now ~[Me & Skye Pilot]

Devious Slave

Feb 11, 2009

Pixie didn't know if her brother was around but she had a feeling he was staying hidden to come out when he needed. Walking down the hall she looked around and went to her locker opening it then getting the books she needed for class as well as finding out what classes she had. The school year was starting over for this year and she was already regretting how she had not skipped out on it. She wanted to go back home but at home it was like hell she hated it. Her parents being drug addicts and alcoholics and she didn't want to deal with that all day. She wanted to skip her first day but it would make her look bad. She was a very shy girl so if any guy walked up to her she would be lost for words and not even know what to talk about. The first day was always hard for her it was for anyone even more the shy kids. Looking up as she felt someone tap her on her shoulder she smiled some as she saw a friend from last year.

She blushed some as he started to talk about how he wanted to hang out with her again this year but more then last year. That wasn't going to happen easily or at all. Her brother was someone guys knew not to mess with and knew not to mess with her. She hadn't seen her friend for a while so it was nice to talk to him and get to know how some more. He told her he had a girlfriend but that she was still close to her and she smiled some knowing they were always close. They just never clicked right to be boyfriend and girlfriend and they both knew that. She smiled some more as he teased her and she just pushed him away playfully "Come on not at school much less the first don't want your girlfriend or friends getting any ideas that we are that close..we aren't". She smirked teasingly running a finger up his chest then pulling back. She knew his chest was his weak spot and that it always made him trembled which it did.

Then the worst happened. She felt a cold breeze behind her and then the smell of a cigarette as well as hot breathe going down her neck. Whimpering a little she looked down and moved over to the locker with her back against it. Looking at the guy who was behind her it of course was her brother and he was here to tell the guy off "Bro come on please..don't start in on the first have to let people get to know me at least". She growled some then it turned into a low whimper as she saw that look he gave her when he was pissed off. In the past year her brother had made Pixie his which was bad but in some ways good. No one knew about it but she could soon tell anyone near them would be able to tell them in no time "I think you should leave before something happens". Her friend looked at her then at the brother and didn't leave from his spot which Pixie knew that someone was about to get hurt..or at least she thought "Bro come on..let's go to class please??". She wasn't going to touch him knowing when he was like this it would usually get her back handed or slammed against something.

Micah had always been the class bully, for as long as anyone could remember. Even in the first few years of school, he had made himself well known as the resident troublemaker. It had all started out simply enough, pushing kids out of line to take their spot, teasing, name calling, and things that all kids do when young. But, as the years went on, the teasing had turned into fights on more than one occasion, with Micah almost always the victor. If he ever lost in a fight, he would always win in the rematch. Once high school hit though, things only got worse as he discovered girls. His harsh taunting and teasing fell onto them more than the other boys, though there was still plenty of time to harass them too. Now in his senior year, and having been suspended more times from school than he had fingers the previous year, he was definitely looking forward to an interesting year.

Pixie had moved in with Micah and his parents late in the last school year. He was not very excited about them taking in a foster child like that. He did his best to try and make things difficult for his parents to do so, but all of his plans fell through... although he was sure he had made the social worker wet his pants when he came to visit... his parents only saving grace of the matter was that the worker had come to visit near the end of October. Even before he laid his eyes on the girl, he knew he wouldn't like her. Micah heard she was this shy, reclusive girl... the opposite of him... maybe that's why his parents decided to take her in. Once she arrived at the house, he made it his goal to torment and make her life even worse than it was. He knew she would never tell on him, because the repercussions of that would make her hurt, in multiple ways.

Early on in the summer though, Micah started to devise a plan. He would make Pixie his own little servant girl. At first, he only told her to get him things... water, a soda, a snack... anytime she refused he would slap her face. Each time she refused, he would only smack her harder. Soon enough, she got the idea. Anytime she threatened to tell, he would just come back and threaten her life. By July, he was telling her what to wear. It was a lovely little relationship, but Micah was developing a taste for more.

Micah was already running late for class, not that he really cared to much. It was nearly expected of him to be late on a regular basis. As he trudged through the hall, he saw Pixie standing beside a locker, talking to some guy... most likely hitting on her. Pixie was his, and no one would take that from him. Stepping up behind her, Micah gave the guy a cold stare, almost snarling at him. "Shut up, Pixie," Micah growled, as she tried to get him to step down. He was ready for a fight already, before the first day had even gotten underway. "This punk was hitting on you, wasn't he?" Micah demanded. Not waiting for a response, he pushed the guys chest hard, making him tumble back. Micah stepped forward, taking the ground. Obviously scared, the guy gathered his things, and took off for his own classes.

Chuckling happily to himself, and shaking his head, he turned his attention towards Pixie. Standing in front of her, with her back toward the lockers, Micah pressed himself tight against her body. Cupping her chin with one hand, pressing his strong body against her thin frame, he looked down upon her with scorn. Forcing her look up, he growled at his step-sister. "Did you forget so soon, Pixie? This hasn't stopped just because the summer is over... you are mine..." he hissed through clenched and tensed teeth, some saliva speckling and spraying against her face. With his other hand, he gave a smack to her cheek, hard enough to string, but not loud enough to draw attention. He slammed her harder into the lockers with force enough to make the entire row rattle. Micah hissed, whispering into her ear hotly. "You're lucky I don't cram you into your locker right now..." Letting her go, short on time, he continued on. "You will commit to me... you will be mine..." Micah growled, giving one last push to the lockers, smacking her head to the metal. Letting go like she was garbage, he went off to his classes, plotting and planning their after-school activities with a smirk.
Pixie knew he wouldn't back down and she also couldn't make him back down either cause she would just get hurt worse then she planned. Hearing him tell her to shut up she just stayed against the lockers with her head down not even trying to intervene she was to scared to. Whimpering a little as he pushed her friend back he looked intimidating to even her friend and she knew there was no choice for her to get away "Your a bastard Micah you don't have to treat guys like that..he was just talking". She glared down at the ground some but kept her head down and she didn't move from her spot knowing she was going to get some harsh treatment real soon.

She remembered how he made her life hell right away when she got to his place. Glaring at her staring her down and even pushing her against walls when the parents weren't home. She was intimidated by him big time then but it was much worse now. She had to wear what he wanted for going out or even school but she knew that since their parents even seemed intimidated by him she wasn't going to be leaving him anytime soon. She didn't want to be with him but deep inside something loved how he treated her and love how he did stuff in public. Him showing her her place and where she belonged as well who she belonged to. She belonged by his side and with him but sometimes it got to be to much even more when she couldn't go out by herself much. If she did and she came back he always suspected that she was cheating on him or doing something he didn't like.

Her past was behind her and now her future we going on but not what she wanted to be doing. She wanted to be either a tattoo artist or something cool that would get her noticed. Sighing some as she thought that she wouldn't ever get her dreams done it just made her feel like she was in hell. That she wasn't able to get out even worse was that it was her brother since she was adopted. They had finalized it before school started and she regretted even staying there but Micah had threatened if she left he would track her down and do anything to get her back. She had threatened to leave or to tell and after a few minutes she hurt like hell and was on the ground or on her bed curled up and with a blood nose and lip from hip beating her. He had never gone farther then beating her and he had never touched her sexually or even teased her sexually which was a surprise. She knew though that was going to change. She could see it in the way he acted and the way he looked at her and she knew something was coming.

As he chuckled happily she snapped back into reality and stopped thinking about the stuff she was thinking about. Feeling his body go against hers she whimpered a little and her body trembled showing she was scared. She could feel how he looked down on her with scorn and as he grabbed her chin she whimpered a little more. Her face moved up so they were looking at each other and his grip was like iron but she didn't even try to move her head. Hearing what he said she looked away towards the side and nodded some "I know Micah It's just I need to be able to make friends..I don't want to make girl friends cause they can be total bitches". She felt the saliva on her face and she yelped as he pushed her hard against the locker which did make the whole row rattle. Looking at him then away she yelped lowly as he smacked her not wanting to draw attention at all to them. Feeling his hot breath against her ear she whimpered as he threatened her or at least it seemed like it "We need to get to class..let's go please". She then felt another push and she looked at him as he walked off some and heard what he said. She wanted to slide down the lockers and just break down crying but that would show just how much power he had over her. She looked at he disappeared then she grabbed the books she needed and slammed the locker. Making her way to class she got a late slip and she just went to the seat in the back that was by the window.

She knew not to mess with him and she wouldn't but if she went to far at school she would make a scene and make him back down but being forced to. She sighed some and closed her eyes growling somewhat under her breath "I have to get him to back down on me somehow.just the thing is how". She looked as the teacher started to speak and her cheek was still red and her body still shaken from the some what rough treatment she had just a few minutes ago. She wiped her face off and looked up at the teacher as they started to teach. This day was going to be long and hard but she knew she had to get through it she wasn't going to back down just cause of her bastard of a brother.
Micah ran a few fingers through his hair, making sure it was in place as he walked down the hall. He was a little pissed at that guy, whoever he was, but he was more pissed at Pixie for talking to him, flirting[/] with him even. That was not acceptable at all. Finding his first class of the day, Micah sat in a desk near the back, not really caring only if he was in the right room or not. Instantly, his thoughts went back to Pixie. She needed to learn her place, and how to act when she was around him. Looking over the rest of his schedule for that day absently, Micah noticed that his gym class was last. He had heard Pixie talking about her schedule earlier, mentioning that she had gym last class too. The male and female classes were separate, but the entrance to the locker rooms were right next to each other. A smile spread across his lips, his plan comming wonderfully into place.

The morning went on long and slow, as school almost always did. He looked for Pixie at lunch, needing someone to torment. He didn't see her in the crowd of people, so he just had lunch by himself. Besides, she would get her dues by the end of the day. After lunch, Micah went to the last of his classes. Thoughts of Pixie filled his head, and durring gym, it was all that he could think about. Finally though, class was over. Micah waited just outside of the locker room doors, still in his gym clothes. The boys had been dismissed early, making his plan work perfectly. Finally, the girls came in, heading into the locker room. At first, he didn't see Pixie in the flock that went in, though after a few moments, he saw her walking down the hall all by herself. As she passed by him, he grabbed her wrist tight and firm. "We need to talk..." he told her, before he dragged her into the boys locker room.

Once in, most of the guys were still either changing or showering, not too many noticing her at first. But, quickly he presence was becoming known. "I told you this summer you were mine, and I meant it... did that not get through your stupid little mind?" He questioned her, pulling her down the walkway past the gym lockers. Taking a sharp turn down his row, the got to his locker. Micha slammed her skinny body hard into the metal, the sound echoing through the room. "Tell me then..." he hissed at her, giving Pixie's cheek a firm hard swat, the imprint of his hand turning red on her cheek. "Who do you belong to?" A small crowd was gathering around them, giving them enough space to stay clear out of Micahs way. Another slap came, landing harshly on her left breast, his other hand pinning her to the locker. "And how do you plan to prove it?" he demanded.
Pixie knew something was going to happen after school or even before and that was a big fear. She hated her brother doing stuff to her in public but it seemed she didn't have a choice. Closing her eyes in class she had heard the teacher ask if she could stay behind and she got a scared look in her eyes. The class ended and she looked at the teacher then away not wanting to get in trouble from her brother. If he found out the teacher asked her about the red print on her hand he would really go harsh on her. Looking at the teacher as he came over she growled a little. He asked the question she didn't want him to "Pixie what is up with the red hand print on your face". She just responded like normal but a little shaken "Nothing just had a fight with my brother today it's nothing I..I..I need to go". She quickly got up and went out of the room seeing a group of her brother's friends and she growled some. She stayed hidden during lunch not wanting her brother to know about what had occurred in the class room.

Gym came up and she hated it she didn't like it and was bad at it. By the time she was done she was sweaty and not up for anything her brother had to give her. Almost walking through the girls locker room door she felt her wrist get grabbed and she got a scared look in her eyes realizing it was her brother "Micah please don't I'm begging you". She felt him jerk her and she fell against him then she got even more scared as he drug her into the boys locker room "Micah please..I didn't do anything please". She knew he wouldn't listen and she also knew she was in trouble for something but didn't know what. Screaming as he slammed her against his locker she looked at him then away and down towards the ground "I..I..I..I know I belong to you just stop it please". She didn't want to make a scene but it looked like it wasn't able to be helped "Micah....please". She yelped as he slapped her and she growled a little glaring at him through the corner of her eyes.

She wondered if he knew about the teacher asking her and she shook her head trying to push him away "I didn't tell the teacher anything even though he asked I didn't tell him". She whimpered some and winced as her breast got slapped "I..I..I..I will do anything even get a tattoo to show that I belong to you just stop this please..stop making a scene in front of the guys". She looked at him her eyes practically begging him and she pushed on his chest trying to get him to know she wanted away. Looking at him then down to the ground she didn't want this but she also knew she couldn't help it. If he raped her in front of all the guys he would show she belonged to him and only him. Biting her bottom lip her body trembled some as she thought of what he might do "Please just take me already know you can get away with anything there". She closed her eyes and leaned her head back not wanting to know or see the other guys reactions.
"I don't care what you told a god damned teacher," Micah growled right into her face, gripping her harder. By this point, they were making a scene, most of the boys in the locker room gathering around to watch what was going on. "This isn't about that... this is about the you flirting this morning. You need to learn you belong to me, and you are going to learn that right here, right now!" Micah nearly yelled right at her, his hot breath pouring over her flustered cheeks. "I will make you mine, and we will prove that in front of everybody here," he hissed sharply into her ear.

Micah's hands began to grip at the bottom of her gym shirt, yanking it off Pixie, fighting her flailing arms from time to time. Anytime she struggled, he would just hit her again, hoping that would drive the point into her mind to just stop, and take what was coming to her. After her shirt was off, two of Micah's friends that were in on the plot came over, one on each side. They gripped and held her arms out straight from her body and against the row of gym lockers, keeping her from moving too much or swinging her arms. Taking a moment, Micah looked at her with an evil little smile. "My my, don't you just look so helpless now?" A small laugh escaped his lips, his lackeys giving out a small chuckle. Eyes from the rest of the kids just looked on, never having seen anything like this before.

Next, Micah reached down to her bare little waist, dipping his fingers into the elastic of her skimpy workout shorts. "I don't thing you will be needing these for a bit," He told her, starting to work them down her legs. He stopped just above her knees, letting the shorts act as a restraint, preventing her from kicking her legs very much at all. Pixies sports bra clung to her chest yet, her panties covering up what lied between her legs. A few of the boys in the locker room started to cheer and urge Micah on, saying things like "Fuck her!" and "Teach that bitch a lesson!" Taking off his own shirt, he let it drop to the ground, revealing his strong, toned chest. He wasn't a body builder by any means, but he could hold his own in a fight. And even without the help of his lackeys, Pixie wouldn't stand a chance against him at all.

"So I'm sure the guys all want to know..." Micah started to ask, his hand cupping the front of her panties, slowly rubbing his palm and fingers against the fabric. "Have you made it all this way through school without having sex? Are you still a virgin, Pixie?" he emphasized the word, dragging it out, hoping to humiliate her even further in front of their awaiting audience. "Have you even given any of your little boyfriends a blowjob?" Micah chuckled, pushing his hand against her deeper while he moved it along the curve, feeling the warmth of her body. "Or better yet..." he said, moving his hands to the sides of her panties. "Do you even have pubes yet?" More of the boys were cheering and encouraging him along now. Slowly, he pulled down her panties, revealing her bit by bit to all of the prying eyes that were focused on her now. He let the panties rest at her knees, just above her shorts.
She whimpered as he said he didn't care and his grip got harder. Looking away she bit her lip knowing he would care later since he always did. Knowing that this was about this morning she kicked at him some more trying to get him to back of or something "I wasn't flirting with him damn it..I was just talking to him..we used to be friends until you came into the picture and now your just being a bastard". She knew something was going to come to her after saying that and she also knew that somewhere a long the line he was going to do something she would not want him to do. Again she wouldn't be able to stop her. He owned her and anywhere she went or anyone she tried to tell he was always there scaring the people off or finding her. She didn't like how he was yelling already knowing he was pissed the yelling didn't help her calming down at all "Bro please...don't..not..not..not in front of everyone here please"

She felt his hands go down to the bottom of her gym shirt and she got a scared look in her eyes knowing right then and there he wasn't going to beat her this time. He was actually going to rape her and show all the guys that she was his and no one else could get to her. Trying to smack his hands away she yelped as he hit her and after a few hits she just stopped trying to fight at all. Closing her eyes as she felt her shirt slip off she whimpered a little her bra being black with silver chain and gun patterns. Her eyes shot open as she felt two hands on both her wrists and she growled some as she saw her brother's friends. Her arms being pinned to the locker by them and her not being able to fight at all or even scream. She had screamed before and it didn't help he would just choke her and smack her until she knew to stay quiet. Learning that the hard way she didn't want to do anything to make him more pissed "Fucking bastard..I will get you in prison soon..I promised myself that last year".

Seeing and feeling his hands go own to her skimpy workout shorts she got a terrified look in her eyes and she kicked at him holding in a screamed "Bro damn you". She felt her shorts that were keeping her panties hidden from everyone go down to her knees and she whimpered lowly her cheeks getting a darker tint of red on her cheeks. Her panties had the same pattern as her bra and he would know she was into dangerous guys and things more then he even knew. She heard the guys in the locker room start to cheer him on and she tried to let it go through one ear and out the other but it didn't. Growling lowly as he took off his own shirt she knew he wasn't just playing with her. He was going to humiliate her and make her know who she belonged to and that she could never get away from her..even if she tried.

She looked at him then bit her lip hard as his hand cupped the front of her panties and her eyes went to his locking onto them. Resisting her instinct to make her hips buck against his hand her body tensed up and she whimpered holding back a moan also. Blushing as he asked her if she was still a virgin she looked away quickly and blushed a deep red her breathing starting to turn into a low and slow pant "I..I....I am a ". She couldn't bring herself to say it knowing that he would just make everything much much worse "I..I..I..I haven't given anyone a blowjob". She panted a little harder as she felt his hand rub against her deeper and her hips squirmed trying to get away from the evading hand. She looked back at him as his hands moved to the side of her panties and she bit her lip harder as she tried kicking at him. When he pulled her panties away he would see that she was shaved nice and clean and her cunt was nice and smooth as well as it being a little wet and swollen. Turning her head to the side and looking down at the ground she bit her lip harder making it bleed some. He would know from her reaction that she was enjoying it somewhat but also somewhat not. It was hard to say if it was rape or not. She wasn't going to go to the police knowing that if he got away that he would just hurt her worse and making her life even more of a living hell.
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