
Nov 30, 2010
Sam sighed softly as he eased the door open, glancing in as he rolled his eyes a little. He knew Dean had sex. God, did he ever know that. Much like now, Dean just didn’t give him a chance to ignore it well. Glancing at the woman laying curled up on the side of the bed with dean, he resisted the urge to slam the door shut and startle them both awake. Huffing as he shut the door softly he settled at the table with his laptop, trying to find the case he’d heard about in the diner. settling in to wait for dean to wake up, because he knew if he woke him, it would only lead to his complaining for the rest of the day, and he deserved some good sleep once in awhile, even if Sam wasn't happy he'd invited someone back to the motel room they shared.
Dean rested comfortably for a few more hours, creeping out of bed so not to wake the woman asleep next to him. He talked softly. "Morning Sammy." He said as he sat down at the table, looking over Sam's shoulder to see what he was researching. Another case, no doubt. The two of them had been on the road alot lately, especially since therebwas war hoing on amongst the angels. The boys were trying to keep the demons and other things in check.
"Morning sleeping beauty. Good to see you back among the living."sam muttered rolling his eyes."you should wake her up, we need to get going. There's a few murders a few towns over that I think we need to look at."sam said letting dean see the articles about the men who'd found and how sex seemed to be the cause of death.
Dean read them over. "You're right we should. But lets not wake her up just yet. We didn't do a whole lot of resting last night." He admitted, smirking as he sipped the coffee he'd just made before sitting. It was certainly an interesting case, and the two of them would solve it as they always do.
Sam rolled his eyes as he continued looking for other stories, making a face."stop there. Any discussion on what you do in a room we share, is nothing I want to hear about."
Dean chuckled, sipping his coffee. He was mostly just teasing his brother. "Of course Sammy." He replied with a chuckle, finishing his coffee and walking out ofbthe small kitchen part of the motel and into the bathroom to shower. He smeltbof sex, and knew Sam and probably his impala too wouldn't like that.
By the time he got out of the shower the girl was gone and sam was packing up, holding up a piece of scrap paper."just in case you ever come to town again. She said it was a awesome time. Might want a repeat."
Dean smirked, towwing his hair for a moment before taking the note. "I'll keep that in mind" he said with a chuckle, finishing drying his hair before buttoning his blue flannel shirt and slippinv on his signature jacket.
"You are horrible you know that."sam made a face as he pulled on his jacket, sighing a little."you ready to go?"
"Somedays, I'm not sure why."sam said making a face before nodding as they left. Looking amused as they headed for the car.

When they got there, he sighed softly as he slipped on his suit jacket, looking at dean."coroner or police first?"
Sam nodded as they headed into the polcie station, holding out his FBI badge. "Agents Stark and Banner. We're hear about the sex-related murders?" "Oh!You mean the accidents. guys, it's accidents, but if you want to look into it, you better talk to the chief."The officer on duty said, waving them towards the back where the chief was sitting.
The chief tilted his head, sighing softly. "not sure why the FBI wants to get involved. they're fairly normal murders." "People with their hearts torn out is normal?" "Well, when they all turn out to be cheating, and having sex with others rather then their wives?Yes. We're looking into it."The chief frowned a little. "But if you want to look into it, go for it. what can I tell you?
Dean kept a straightvface, breathing in calmly. "Anything you know would be helpful, Chief. We intend to visit the coroner's office after we're done here. The more information we can get on this the better." He replied, being as nice as possible. The nicer they were, the more information they could get.
“What we know is that both men’s wives had very good reasons for wanting them dead, but was at home at the time. Their lovers likewise, were cleared. They were there, but neither was strong enough to pull a man’s heart out through his chest.”
"Indeed."the chief said getting up to get the file and handing it over."have you had any other similar cases in other years?" "No." "Huh...let's go. We'll see if we have better questions after we see the bodies."sam frowned a little
Dean shared a look with his brother before taking the file. "Thank you chief. I'm sure this will help." He said, starting to walk away. He was ready to go see for himself these bodies, and hopefully find an answer. He hated that he had to do this, but knew in the long run it was what was right. Without the winchester's hunting, the world would be infested with evil.
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