Dynasty Warrior - The Forign Chronicle ((Shrink x Sara

The Shrinkman

Mar 12, 2016
It was late evening, a detachment of the Wu Empire army took camp near a mountainous range. The army setting up tents and camp during their long march to meet the attack of their long time enemy the Shu Dynasty. However, the entire army was left unaware of the 6'7 tall man clothed in little more then a fur loincloth and possessing a very broad muscular build with long golden hair drapping his scalp. The sound of a grumble from his stomach rolled out. His hand reached down feeling over his muscled stomach.

"How long have I been walking... how did I come here..." He said his tone grumbling and low. Upon his back was sheathed a massive sword. Its body was that of a claymore but the blade was heavy and blunt, the hilt was crossed and the edges of the cross guard had axe like heads leaving the weapon deadly from slashing or bashing with the guard. The hulking man then caught a whiff of something, food was being cooked. He looked down the mountain slope seeing the camp down below seeing the small men running about they looked like some army foot soldiers their weapons crude and cheap.

The loud rumble in his stomach brought his attention. He was to hungry to think straight. So he began to draw his sword and rushed down the slope of the mountain side. Roaring out a battle cry, he would have to pillage their food. The giant of a man charging down the hill suddenly drew a stir from the watchmen. He began to shout about some strange man charging at them. He used his blade to cut down the watchman and breech the camp he charged straight for the food prepping units and would begin to assault anyone in his way, however he took out a good few of them. A dart blower got him from behind, slowing him down the feel of more darts being buried into his body. Still, he continued to fight, the unknown man was attacking them. Simply for a bite of food, he reached the food storage tent dragging himself that way the darts and their toxin starting to slow him down.

The camp finally united against him before he could reach the tent, and would stand in his way spear users aimed out their spears and the brute was left to stop as he wasn't feeling much fight left in him. One of the Wei officers stepped out from the tent and would begin to speak. "You... brute why are you attacking us... and where do you come from?" The officer spoke. The brute simply stared at the man and raised out his sword in an attempt to attack him "Hungry..." He grumbled out but before he could finish swiping down his sword a hard thunk on the head caused him to crash forward. The man behind him was holding a ladel in hand and looks to the dropped brute. The young man was a kitchen staff member.

"He... just started attacking... what is he..." The officer began to beckon men to bring rope and a cart so they could load the man up for imprisoning. "Have him delivered to the prison tent... Lady Zhenji will likely wish to know we caught a rather rowdy brute...." He then moved to where Lady Zhenji's tent was and calmly cleared his throat standing outside the tent "Lady Zhenji, I know you must be tired but we have captured a rather rowdy guest, I would advise if you visit him you not do so alone." He didn't hear any movement inside and then pulls open the tent front and looks inside. "Lady Zhenji do wake up, it is not becoming for the commanding officer to be spending her day laying about her cot."
"I heard you the first time." Zhenji growled angrily at the officer who intruded into her tent. She was dressed in a white gown and blue undergarments, her cleavage and bra revealed. She rubbed her eyes lazily, these lower ranked officers didn't understand the effort it takes to be a commander and how tired it makes someone. She sighed, "Let's go see this brute you've captured then, how dare you lot disturb my rest." She got up and casually took her chain whip from the table before following the officer to where the prisoner was held.

"Oh my he is quite the big brute isn't he?" Zhenji smiled seeing his large muscular body, "And very interesting hair..." her fingers stroked the man's blonde hair. "You lot can leave me here, I'll question him myself when he wakes up. Now go!" She commanded, she was going to have this big man all to herself. With his arms securely tied with rope, she wasn't afraid of him escaping. While the man was still unconscious, Zhenji took the liberty of exploring his body and tight muscles, her hands roaming around his chest and abs, loving the feeling of his hard muscles. "I'm going to have lots of fun with you when you wake up." She laughed. This day just got a whole lot better.
The unconcious brutes stomach grumbled and groaned still empty. The shaking of his body was a sign that he was waking up. The thump on the head and the darts toxins (which was a lot less potent then the army had anticipated), had left him to wake up a little prematurely. The strong brute of a man sat tied up with rope his arms behind his back and his legs tethered close together so he couldn't kick with them, but he could walk around. He growled when he awoke and shook violently.

"Where.. why... head hurting... need food." His tone was loud and his accent foreign and his size was clear on that. The barbarian of a man looked up seeing a woman looking proud and haughty over him. She had been left alone with him. That may have been a bad thing to do. For when he felt his arms and legs tied up together he began shaking violently his arm muscles bulging out as he tried to force the rope apart. "You... food... bring." He said his incapable of speaking the language they did he spoke simple and words that translated into their language could be made out.

The mans blue eyes were very pretty despite how cruelly vicious he was in combat and looking at her, his eyes showed he disliked her the way she was touching him the way she looked at him. His pride as a warrior made him desire to show her the place she belonged... But he said nothing about these desires instead he let her continue as she was for a little longer.
"Why hello big man, nice to see you're awake." Zhenji kept her hand on his chest as the man came to. "Not so fast," she put a finger to his mouth to silence him, "I have a lot of questions for you and you will answer them, okay?" She could easily tell from his disgruntled look, his anger at his current situation. That a man of his size is being tied up and teased by a woman like her. But Zhenji was a strong woman and was not easily frightened by him. In fact she saw it like a challenge, to be able to bring a man like him down until he begged her for mercy.

Zhenji leaned forward, her lips next to his ear. "I'll make it worth your while." She whispered, one hand continued to trace across his chest while the other moved down towards his crotch. "I'm sure you'll enjoy it." She sucked on his earlobe and began to touch the bulge in his pants. Then she kissed him passionately on the lips, wondering how he'll react as she aggressively shoved her tongue into his mouth.
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