Good Intentions { insufferable & Enigma_x }


Dec 13, 2015

      • So far it had seemed like a productive day, Talia had made her final move to Starling City from the next city over, River View, for a job interview and a chance at a new life. However, it wasn’t just a job interview; it was for a placement at Queen Industries. Well, the placement wasn’t as one would think. The job advertised was for an assistant. Talia had been in several admin roles for several years on and off. It was something that would have been all too easy; even if it was for a position for Oliver Queen’s assistant. Talia had to practically barge her way into the office for the interview. Despite being head hunted for the position, it seemed they were open to applications. As soon as Talia was filled in on her official role she learned that she had been specifically picked after being watched for some time, the others were simply making it seem real.

        Oliver Queen was attractive, that was needless to say. He was handsome, not to mention he’d returned recently from surviving on an island, alone. What was more attractive than a man who could survive nature? It seemed many single, attractive women felt the same. No doubt that was the cover reason for Moira Queen picking her son’s assistant, to find someone for the brains and not the alluring outer shell that would’ve lured in her son. However, it seemed Moira’s true intentions were so much more… controlling than one could imagine. The luxurious position was offered to Talia with a few requirements. One of the most important seemed to be under no circumstances, sleeping with Oliver. The second was to monitor him; well, she was really going to be a glorified nosey assistant, really.

        The idea of being hired for a job to spy on the woman’s son wasn’t appealing; however, the cash was. Talia couldn’t deny she needed it. The young woman couldn’t conceive why Moira Queen would waste such a paycheck just for her to spy on Oliver, it seemed excessive. Then again, they valued money differently. Talia had always struggled for money. Her parents had moved from Norway with she and her sister Sara. The girls had been young at the time so it was safe to say they passed as American with a hint of an accent. Through the years of struggle, Talia and Sara’s parents were taken in a rush of violence; a robbery. It was a night the girls would never forget.

        Talia was on her way back to the small home she rented in the Glades. It seemed to be the only place she could afford to live. Of course there was a bad reputation, but it wasn’t as if she had much of a choice. Sara had ended up in hospital after a freak car accident. Her joints and muscles gave her endless grief, but they couldn’t seem to figure out what was wrong with her. It seemed they were more than happy to keep on providing care for her pain, at a cost. A cost Talia needed to pay. Sara had tried without pain relief for some months; it was the worst months of both of their lives. Talia decided that she would do anything to provide Sara with the treatment she needed.

        It felt as if she’d finally gotten a break. Sure, it wasn’t one she had dreamed for but it was a pleasant change to the way her life had been threatening to turn. At least now she could sleep well knowing she’d be able to keep paying for the treatment.

        It was only when Talia began to cross the bridge into the Glades that she noticed the way her car began to groan, a slight thudding noise rumbled from the hood before the machine gave a final loud ‘clunk’ before halting. A soft oath left her pink tinted lips as the petite framed woman slipped from the old, beat up ford. “Oh come on,” She huffed softly as she noticed the smoke rising from the creases in the hood. Talia was hopeless with cars; all she did know is that it’d cost her more than she currently had to get it fixed; it always did.

        By the time she had tried restarting the car twice a light trickle of rain began to release from the sky above; droplets soared down and splashed along the dirt covered barely red Fiesta. The blonde offered a muffled sigh as the rain soon began to pour. Great. Not only did her car give up, the rain was getting heavier with every second. There’s no way she’d reach home without being soaked. Talia wished she could remain positive and looking toward her seemingly positive future, but somehow she just couldn’t.

        The young woman was approximately five foot six, fairly slender with a curved form. And of course the long blonde curls that she had pinned up in a bun. It was needless to say she was pretty, despite the constant battering of fresh rain drops cascading down her crisp white shirt and her navy skirt suite. After locking the car; she simply attempted to step around the swiftly growing puddles as she began to dial a pickup service. Multi tasking was never a good skill of hers.

        As she was walking through the dark streets she bumped into something hard, and somewhat warm. “Oh, I’m sorry,” She breathed softly as her green orbs flashed up toward the person she’d knocked. “Mmm, well, you can make it up to me.” The man was older than her, which would mean he was in his thirties as Talia was twenty-seven. The tall, beefy looking man just glared down toward her. His lip looked as if it had been busted several times in a specific spot, causing coarse tissue to form the upper lip into a strange curl. “Where are you going this late?” His voice boomed down toward her, just as she was backing up to take a short cut home. There was no way she wanted to be trapped in a dark street with this oaf.

        As Talia backed up, once again she hit something hard. “Hey!” She snapped as she felt a warm, rough pair of hands grasp her hips and shove her up against a cold, wet wall. Immediately her pace was racing, adrenaline began to flow freely through her veins as she felt callous hands begin to grope around the lining of her skirt. “GET OFF ME!” She hissed viciously, attempting to throw the men off despite her fear; but at no avail. There had only been several times that Talia had been truly scared; currently she knew what she was feeling was real fear. There was no way out. From the way she felt the heat of skin on skin brush against her thigh she knew whatever they had planned wasn’t going to magically stop.

The man woke with a long and pleasant groan, his naked form twisting within the silken embrace of his expensive cotton blankets. His toes curled into the softened sheets beneath him, his muscles contracting as he stretched slowly outwards, feeling the draped hand of another sliding warmly down his chest. Careful not to rouse his sleeping companion - whatever her name was - he sat into an upward position, feeling the warm grasp of evening sun filtering through the curtain’s crack.

He slipped out from the messy sheets, a tired yawn as his feet sank lightly into the below carpets. He reached for the lamp by the bedside table, a soft click as the room was warmly illuminated in its glow. Getting up onto his feet, he drew the curtains slightly to the side, allowing the settling sunlight to ebb into the hotel bedroom, the last remaining hints of day fading slowly in the distance.

He stared out towards the darkening skies, as heavy clouds threatened the bustling city from the east. The Starling skyline was visible from where he stood, an expensive view, from an expensive suite. He heading into the living room next, where he found half a remaining bottle of whiskey, and poured himself a cup. Using the hotel’s provided pen and papers, he scribbled a note for his sleeping companion, telling her that he had business elsewhere to attend to, that he enjoyed himself last night, and that the room was paid till the next morning if she wishes to stay.

Removing the locked baggage case he had with him, Oliver Queen exited the room, and within the next few minutes, was speeding down the highway in the direction of the Glades.

He had a target in mind that night, a music store at the ends of Railroad Street, located in the center of the Glades. He knew that many of the crime families laundered their dirty money through legitimate business fronts. No one still listened to music CDs nowadays, much less from a store located so deeply within the crime infested slums of Starling.

Most of the roads he sped past, were vacant and deserted. The residents knew better than to roam the Glades at night. The nearest police post was at least half an hour away, and they knew better than to respond to calls from the Glades; they were in as much danger as the ‘victims’, if there were any in the first place.

Hours later, he stopped at the side of an empty street, alighting from his vehicle and moving to its trunk. He seemed radically out of place, exceptionally overdressed in his expensive suit. Popping open the vehicle’s trunk, he unlocked the case that he brought along, revealing a darkened suit in its exterior. He thought for a long while, before considering otherwise. He wasn’t a hundred percent sure that the music store was laundering money, and the last thing he wanted, was to charge into an innocent man’s store in his hooded attire. If possible, he wanted to avoid unnecessary attention.

Leaving his gear behind, he headed in the direction of the store, as dried leaves cracked beneath his polished shoes, like the wealthy and corrupt of this city, stepping onto the poor and underprivileged. The crime, the riots and the marches for change, they were undeniable testaments of the city’s growing unrest.

There were two muscular figures standing by outside the store, their darkened features hidden by the pathetic exterior illumination. But even from the opposite sidewalk, he could feel their ominous presence; the way they were sizing him up, and the dozens of gang tattoos that became visible as he approached the store. Suddenly, the money laundering theory no longer seemed too farfetched.

As he stepped into the store, the first thing he noticed opposite a few shelves of CDs, were huge stacks of cash and drugs sitting by the side of the room. There was a noticeable click next, as the two thugs outside followed him in and locked the doors behind them. He turned, feigning ignorance as the two blocked his exit. The first approached him, a menacing presence.

“Are you lost pretty boy?” His wide grin exposed gold plated teeth.

Oliver took a step back between shelves of CDs, preventing the other thug from flanking his rear.

The one that spoke however, mistook his cautionary retreat as a sign of weakness, thinking that Oliver was nothing more than a lost businessman of some sort, his surging adrenaline and excitement clouding his more rational mind.

“That’s a nice watch…” a threatening smile, “don’t you think it’ll look nicer on me?”

A penknife appeared in the thug’s grip, his feigned helpfulness replaced by an intimidating growl. “Now, why don’t you hand that nice little watch over to me before someone gets hur-“

The thug would soon realize how hard it was to finish a coherent sentence and dodge an approaching strike at the same time. Oliver darted forward as the thug spoke, the heel of his palm impacting squarely into the man’s chin, a powerful strike that forcefully snapped his jaw upwards, sending the bigger man stumbling backwards, blood gushing rapidly from his lips; he must have bit onto his own tongue.

Without giving the tattooed man time to recover, Oliver took another step closer, his arms snaking around the one that held the knife. He pulled it away from the thug’s body, locking and stopping its deployment, then he twisted, and pulled. There was a loud snap as the man’s elbow dislocated, followed by agonizing screams. The knife slipped from his weakened grip, allowing Oliver to catch it mid fall, and instantly returning it into the side of the man’s leg.

As the knife penetrated flesh, Oliver noticed the other thug reaching into his jacket, undoubtedly for a weapon of some kind. With zero hesitation, he pulled the blade out of the thug’s thigh, sending the blade flying straight for the second man. It struck the man fully in his shoulder, sending him staggering back into a row of CDs, as Oliver pivoted and swept the first thug’s legs from under him, sending him slamming heavily onto the ground. His skull cracked loudly against the polished floors, not enough to kill him, but more than enough to knock him out.

After making sure that the second thug was not getting up anytime soon, Oliver dragged them out of the store, leaving them unconscious by the side of the road before heading back to his vehicle and returning with two large cans of gasoline. He poured the flammable liquid all over the building’s interior, over the cash and the drugs.

He then stood outside the store, admiring his handiwork, when a sudden yelp caught his attention. It was a panicking cry for help, a female's voice.

Oliver headed to one of the moaning gangsters, removing his jacket and wearing it himself. Then, he took the lighter he brought alone, and threw it into the building. It caught fire instantly, a powerful blaze of heat, as Oliver pulled the jacket’s hood over his head and started in the direction of the screams.

It did not take him long to access the situation. Two more thugs, and a lone woman; she was pressed up against the wall, one of the men were roughly groping at her, while the other was rummaging through her dropped purse.

Oliver headed over to the first, who looked up from the woman’s purse a second too late, and found himself unable to escape the incoming swing of a metal pipe that Oliver had picked up. There was a loud clunk as the man’s head snapped violently to the right, his body toppling over right after. The sound got the attention of the other thug, who roughly shoved the female aside as he turned to his fallen companion.

“What the fuck?!”

The man reached for his strapped gun, pulling it out just as Oliver met his weapon with the downward swing of the pipe. There was a loud crack as the weapon discharged, harmlessly firing a shot into the gravel beneath. The man yelped painfully, before his cries were abruptly replaced with the sound of Oliver’s pipe smashing into his face. The man toppled backwards, falling beside a few of his broken teeth.

Tossing the pipe aside, Oliver moved over to check the crouching female, his face turning as hers darted towards his. Their surroundings were dark, and the hood hid most of his visible features. Even still, his face slanted downwards, away from hers. He took a single glance at her, and was satisfied that she did not require further help.

“Go home,” he said, his tone almost strict. “The Glades is a dangerous place to be alone at night.”

Before she could reply, he turned and walked away in the opposite direction.

      • Talia hadn’t even noticed that one of the men who’d attacked her seemed to disappear. The female cursed lightly as she was cast aside, her creamy, soft skin catching against the brick wall behind her as she fell down onto her knees. It all seemed to happen so fast, as if it all flew by her face without her being able to take in everything that was happening. Talia wasn’t able to see very much considering how dark the alley was, however, she could blatantly see a man fighting her attacker along with a seemingly knocked out thug not far from the pair. Who was he? Talia watched in awe as the vigilante seemed to take on the thug with ease, leaving him in a mess on the floor.

        The blonde was pressed up against the wall of the alley, her arms folded over her chest defensively as she noticed him approaching her. What, was she also going to get a beating? Not to mention, before walking over he’d tossed a pipe, it felt more of a display. From what the light glistening down on them from the street lamps illuminated, Talia could see a strong jaw line, a slight hint of stubble, so far a very handsome face. It was pretty clear considering the clothing he wore that he wasn’t someone who lived in the Glades, or near it. He no doubt lived in the middle of the city, thriving like most of the wealthy did. So why the hell was he here at this time?

        Before Talia could snap back that she actually lived there, he was already half way down the road. A soft oath escaped her lips as she leaned down, scooping up her purse and beginning to shove her things back before rushing from the scene toward her home. There was no hint of sympathy for the men who attacked her. If anything, she hoped a rabid dog would come along in the night and make a meal out of them. The mere threat of being raped was enough to make her furious and petrified at the same time. If her mysterious saviour hadn’t been there, then she wouldn’t have been okay. So really, she should have thanked him. Not that she could. He had sounded familiar but she just couldn’t place his voice or the glimpse of his face.

        The next morning was tougher than she’d anticipated. Not only did she have her car collected and taken to the shop but she’d slept very little. The fear from the situation the night before seemed to creep into her unconscious mind, forcing its way through into her dreams and tainting them. More importantly, she couldn’t help but wonder who had saved her. In fact, she’d been lying in bed for several hours, unable to sleep just thinking about who her saviour was. Sure, it had been a horrific experience; that pretty much went without saying. Yet Talia found herself focusing more on the vigilante than she did the thugs he’d dealt with.

        Regardless of her eventful evening; Talia had to focus on work today. Moira had hired her for a specific reason, she couldn’t neglect the only life line she had right now, especially not to day dream about some hunk who she’d barely seen. What kind of logic was that? So, once she’d grabbed a cab into the city Talia kept her mind on work. Slowly, she began to stalk through Oliver’s social media sites. It would be easy for her to play the assistant, so she figured she’d begin the process of pinning Mr Queen down.

        Once she arrived at Queen Consolidated Talia was met swiftly by a woman Moira had sent. She was the head secretary and clearly acted it in the manner she breezed through the lobby. Talia was a beautiful girl; but she couldn’t afford the branded clothing the other woman, and most likely the rest of the company, could afford. She wore a simple, short dress that stopped three inches above the knee. It was a sleek black dress, the material hugged her curved frame perfectly. It was almost amusing to see the way the head secretary, Tessa, react with near enough disdain just from viewing Talia. Clearly she didn’t like other attractive women working there.

        As Talia was being shown around, the female made sure to take notes. It was a large company, Talia wondered how Mr Queen would take to working considering his recent return. “And here’s his office,” The woman announced coldly, pointing toward the glass enclosed area. “Well, your office. His is through here.” She marched her way past Talia, pointing toward the room that was connected to her own. The female was gobsmacked. She had a room with a view better than most of the city. She had a few of every building, the sky spanned around the room; it felt as if she was in the centre of the world.

        “He will be with you shortly.” She added curtly before disappearing. Talia was a little anxious about meeting Mr Queen. He was notorious for living a wild life, so she did wonder what he would have her do. Did he even focus on work considering his recent return? Talia would have thought he’d have better things to do than to sit in an office all day, but what the hell, it meant a good cheque for her at the end of the month. Her fingers brushed along the glass desk as she walked around to reach the chair. Within seconds she settled down on the comfortable leather chair, easing back as she admired the mac seated on the desk before her.

        Little did she know, it was a very good thing that the chair was so comfortable.

        Most of the day had passed; it was early evening and Talia was beyond angry. She was furious, in fact. The whole day she’d been left to finish up her tour with her new boss showing her exactly what she was going to be doing in her new role, yet he hadn’t bothered to show up. Her lip twitched with rage as she sat behind the desk, legs crossed and arms folded underneath her two ample breasts. How was she supposed to do her job if the target of her job was nowhere to be found? The female muttered an oath, rising to her feet. She was about to go for another coffee when she stormed toward the door, grabbing it only to glance up to see Mr Queen on the other side.

        Moira wasn’t far behind. Within moments she appeared in her usual grace, which was minimal. “Oliver, this is your new assistant. Talia Hawthorne.” The woman seemed focused on her son, as she should. “I have a dinner engagement, I expect you’ll show her what is expected of her, Oliver.” Little did he know Moira had already done so. After Moira had left, Talia turned her gaze to Oliver. He was clearly taller than her, by quite a few inches. Not to mention he was incredibly handsome, the way the slight stubble curved along his stern jaw made her heart flutter slightly. It was then that her heart dropped. She knew that face, she’d seen it before. Last night.
Oliver Queen woke the next day with a pounding headache and an annoying stab of pain in his left arm – right where he struck the first gangster he encountered the night before. He should have known that bare knuckle fights tend to result in more negative outcomes, but the adrenaline must have momentarily diverted his attention from the pain come the fight’s aftermath. However, it was now completely bruised and swollen, and the accompanying headaches were not doing him any favors.

He hopped out of bed, feeling slightly irritated by his current state. He should have seen the damage done and remedied his previous state with a few packs of ice and proper bandaging; sleeping only made his situation worst. He shed his clothing and stepped into the bathroom, standing underneath a scalding hot shower as he tried to flush the many conflicting thoughts out of his mind.

He wasn’t always the vigilante of Starling, but a recent development of sorts, stemming from his many years of isolation on that damned island of his. Five years alone on a deserted island – in order to survive, he had to be broken down completely and built anew. The old Oliver Queen was no more, and he returned a changed man, vastly different than the simple playboy he once was.

He had tried to be immaculate in his planning, with every possible contingency accounted for. But yet there were times when everything else just felt overwhelming; his anger, his wrath, it suffocated him and he was drowning in pools of incessant black, where he could see neither start nor end. The journey he initially started, to rid Starling of its crime and corruption, seemed to have lost all its meaning, and was now nothing more than a personal vendetta – a crazed man seeking vengeance.

There was a thin line between justice and revenge, and he knew he was already stepping beyond the lines that separated the two. Years before, he would have been terrified at the thought of taking another’s life. Yet after all the lives that passed him by; the dozens of murderers, drug dealers and gang members that he had encountered and executed, it became somewhat desensitizing, and he now felt nothing more between further torturing a criminal for information, and ultimately snapping their necks.

He knew something inside him was broken, but he could live with that.

He exited the shower, drying himself with a towel while studying himself in front of the mirror. Dozens of scars and injuries crisscrossed his powerful frame, some fading, others newer than most. He picked up a razor and started to groom himself a little; his mother wanted him back in the company, and even though he was never in the office on time, he had to at least play and look the part of a returning son. Least someone else took another and closer look into his late night activities.

A few short minutes later, he was dressed in an expensively tailored suit and on his way down to Queen Consolidated, arriving only after the city was graced by evening’s touch. He wore a glove on his left hand, shielding his visible injury from any curious bystanders. It was drizzling lightly when he arrived at the office, and dozens of umbrellas paused as his vehicle drove up to the building’s entrance.

Tessa greeted him in the building’s lobby – one of the other secretaries his mother had hired, and the same person he pressed up against the windows on the eighty-ninth floor conference room just two weeks back. She was without a doubt, fun, but like most of the other females he encountered since his return from the island, she was just as empty and substance-less. To him, they were nothing more than physical distractions and reliable alibis; there were no emotional connections whatsoever.

She greeted him with a wink, and he returned one in similar fashion. However, before she could follow him into the elevator, her phone started to ring and she looked at him apologetically before heading off in the opposite direction. Alone, he was about to make his way up to his office when a hand slipped between the elevator doors and preventing it from shutting. He looked up – and in stepped Moira Queen, CEO of Queen Consolidated, and his mother.

They remained quiet as the elevator shot upwards, but he knew it was more than a simple coincidence. She must have seen him coming in and caught him in-between. Their relationship hadn’t been the same since his return to Starling; it felt thinly strained, even more so due to her obsession of keeping up their happy façade in public.

The elevator dinged at his floor and the two stepped out together.

“Oliver,” she put an arm on his previously injured shoulder - a knife wound not yet completely healed.

“Moira,” he turned towards her impassively, his features unbetraying the pain that tore through his arm.

“I know you’ve not been in the office much, but I got you a secretary,” she started to say before he interrupted her.


“Really, Oliver?” she sighed, “look at your schedules, look at the time. You’re two weeks behind finishing the Wells Merger and you’re only arriving at the office an hour before nine?!”

Before he could say anything else, she pushed open the doors to his office and pointed towards the young woman who stood suddenly at their arrival. “This is your new secretary, Talia Hawthorne.”

He took a simple look at her, then turned back to his mother, completely ignoring the younger woman’s existence. “I don’t need a secretary, Moira.”

“My decision is final, son,” she said to him sternly, “now, I have a dinner engagement, so I’ll expect you to show her what is expected of her.”

He started to voice his complaints, but she cut him off immediately with a wave of her hand, before exiting the room in typical Moira fashion, leaving the two of them silently behind.

He sighed, before crossing over the secretary’s desk and entering his office, throwing his briefcase onto the table and pouring himself a glass of whiskey. As he finished his drink, he noticed that she had followed him in, and was now quietly waiting for him by the side. He turned towards her, taking a closer look for the first time; his eyes caught her gaze and held it intently, his head tilting as he took a step towards her.

She wasn’t as pretty as some of the supermodels he had dated, but there was something almost appealing, and vaguely familiar about her. But then again, he expected nothing from her – she was just another Tessa, placed here by his mother.

He took another step, and he was suddenly standing before her, towering above her in close proximity. “Miss Hawthorne,” he said softly, his voice a seductive whisper. "Do tell me the things you can do... for me."

      • Oliver’s rather reckless entrance didn’t go amiss. Talia noted every one of his actions, cunningly so. Talia’s job was to be his assistant; she was supposed to know him inside out, so that is exactly what she planned to do. Their gaze connected and Talia found herself feeling as if her new boss was trying to intimidate her. A slow, malicious smirk found its way over her lips. Oh how wrong he was. As he took a step closer, even him saying her name could be assumed as a way of asserting himself as the head of this situation. “Mr Queen,” She returned in a soft, tender tone. “I can do exactly what I’m hired to do. Make sure someone cleans up your act. If you’re looking for someone to sate the urge in your tone, I suggest you go find Tessa.” Oh she’d done her research. With nothing else to do all day, it was safe to say Talia was well read on Oliver and his habits.

        “Now, I can see you don’t want me here.” She began, taking a step backward as she began to dish out some files onto his desk. “But I’m here. Your mother hired me to do a job, and I’m going to do it. Unlike you Mr Queen, some of us have to work for a living.” Her gaze lingered on his for a moment before she opened one of the files. “The merger you’re delayed on. I’ve compiled this file, you just need to review these papers and sign where the crosses are before tomorrow morning so I can send it off in time.” The female took the opportunity to bend over his desk, displaying her curved, petite form as she snaked his glass of whiskey. “When you’re done, you can have the alcohol back.” With that, she turned on her heel and marched herself, and the whisky, right out of the room.

        As Talia gazed out of the window across the beautiful city she’d grown up in, she couldn’t help but wonder if it really was Oliver she’d seen the night before. Surely it couldn’t be? He wasn’t one to care about anyone but himself, the media displayed that quite clearly. So why would he of all people be running around the city putting himself in danger? A muffled sigh escaped her lips as she gazed out; if only this city was as safe as it had been so many years ago. It felt like there were predators everywhere. Not only from last night, but since she’d found her way back to the glades, it was only the beginning, no doubt. She needed this job, she was desperate to escape the glades and all they came with. Hopefully, she could show Oliver that she would be of use to him.

        No doubt Oliver saw her as yet another woman at his beck and call, he had enough of them to assume she was just another temp who would flutter through swept away by his good looks and quick tongue. A soft chuckle left her at the mere thought of that. Talia wasn’t a woman to be swept away; she’d had enough experience in life to know that whenever things seemed to be going too well, they most likely were. Sure, she was a little cynical, but weren’t most people who’d been through a reasonable amount of shit?

        Talia had been waiting in the office all day, she’d prepared as much as she could without Oliver’s influence. She figured she’d done enough, unless he should summon her for a task. The female grabbed up her bag and made her way toward his office, leaning in the doorway as she swung her bag over her shoulder. “Considering how late it is, I figured I’d get some sleep. You have all of the paperwork you need there. Is there anything else I can get for you before I clock off?” Just because Oliver Queen decided to work through the night, didn’t mean Talia was going to. Not without a raise.

Oliver Queen wasn’t the most frightening nor appalling, but there was something intimidating about the way he carried himself; from his inscrutable features to his unflinching gaze. It was the opposite of his usual self, a contrasting version of his carefree playboy façade. Yet unexpectedly, the woman seemed neither daunted nor abashed by his sudden approach. He stopped abruptly before her, his head tilted curiously, his gaze unwavering.

However, instead of yielding to his presence, she met him in a steadfast manner – her gaze held, and a most unexpected smirk started to cross her features. She spoke to him in a gentle and polite manner, exactly as a sectary should, but there was no missing the scorn beneath her professional tone.

She took a step backwards, but it was neither in defeat nor retreat.

He remained impassive, but was certainly amused by the interesting change in their dynamics. When his mother mentioned a secretary, he had expected a glorified servant of sorts – someone who tended to his every whim and needs without complaints. He certainly wasn’t expecting to be criticized by someone under his company’s payroll, much less on the very first day. And she even knew about Tessa too, though it certainly wasn’t a classified piece of information – he was after all, known for his tendencies to sleep around a little more often than he should.

When she returned with the files, he moved out of the way, allowing her to dump the contents onto his desk, following a thinly veiled bout of criticism. He however, wasn’t insulted in the least, but instead quite the opposite. His lips curled into a thin smile, and even more so when she rudely removed his glass of expensive alcohol – like a parent denying her child of his fun.

Then, before he could voice his complaints, she turned and marched her way out of his office, leaving a somewhat astounded Oliver Queen staring after her in a most amused manner.

The next two hours passed slowly by. When he was eventually done procrastinating and playing with the Newton’s cradle someone left on his desk, he reached for one of the files she left behind and flipped it open. Apparently, she wasn’t kidding about crossing exactly where he needed to sign – all five hundred pages of it too, and without even the slightest bit of alcohol. How unnecessarily considerate, he thought.

He was halfway through the files when she peeked her head into his office. He looked up from his desk, catching her gaze halfway across the room. “I would ask for a cup of espresso,” a playful grin followed, “but you don’t seem to be the type to fetch coffee.”

“So, Miss Hawthorne,” he said in a typical Oliver-Queen manner, “unless you’d like to lose the jacket and close the binds while we… or keep them open if that’s your thing, there is nothing else.”

His gaze returned to the papers before him, “Goodnight, Miss Hawthorne.”

      • Talia hovered by the door for a moment, waiting for Oliver to let her know if there was anything he needed. What came from his lips next was something she’d expect from him; Talia couldn’t deny that the playful grin that crossed his lips she felt her heart thud a little harder. “Not unless it’s my own.” The female allowed a smirk to cross her red tinted lips. Her brow cocked upon his next comment. Was he really hitting on her? Talia took a few steps inside, placing her palms on his desk as she leaned in toward him. “Mr Queen, Oliver, if you’d like me to lose my jacket and fuck you in your office for an audience or not, you’re going to have to try much, much harder than that.” The female gave a slight wink before rising and making her way toward the door. Slowly, she turned to glance back at Oliver, “Goodnight, Mr Queen.” With that, she made her way out.

        The next morning began as usual, Talia woke and began her routine of showering, moisturising, blow drying. Working at the Queen business was not a simple task, not at all. Not only did she have to be efficient, which was some effort, she had to look the part. It was far more stressful than other jobs, simply because there was so much media attention on the Queen company. Not to mention, she was working for the boss’s son. Oliver may have been an easy lay, but that didn’t mean his secretary could be less than exemplary in any manner; Moira had made that all too clear. So, as requested, Talia slipped into a well fitted black pencil skirt that cupped her lithe form, a slight slit ran up the back, exposing her shapely, toned legs. Next, she tugged on a satin white bra, covered by a light blue work shirt. It fit her well, maybe a little baggy around her slender form but somewhat tighter as it closed around her ample breasts. As per usual, she finished her outfit with a sleek black blazer and black stilettos.

        Talia didn’t expect Mr Queen to be at work, not this early. So as she’d been instructed, she continued to check his progress with the current work load. It seemed he’d signed all of the papers, which made her somewhat content with her efforts. After all, it was her job to keep him up to date. As expected, Talia began to double check through the pages. Soon enough, she was scooping the files up into her arms and taking them downstairs to be approved and sent off. As she made her way down it was clear she was the object of some attention. Many of the other PA’s seemed to be staring toward her in an uncomplimentary manner. No doubt they despised her, she’d stepped straight into a job working for Oliver Queen. They on the other hand, no doubt had taken jobs at the company to attempt to get closer to him. Talia had seen the way the women in the office looked at him. It was certainly something, the way women flocked to him.

        “Hi, I’m Talia Hawthorne from upstairs. Please get these checked over and sent out.” She requested politely to one of the male assistants that dealt with the mail. “Please make sure they’re sent out tonight, at the latest. They need to be gone by tomorrow.” The man gave her a nod before taking the papers and disappearing into the storage room. Talia was content with the paper work and soon made her way back up to the office. For the rest of the day Talia was calling and arranging various meetings to get Oliver caught up with all of the current projects. They were planned for a week from now, giving Oliver some time to sort out his paperwork and at least get some idea of what was going on before he was thrown into the meetings.

        Talia briefed herself on several of his current cases. Soon enough she made brief notes on each case, highlighting what topics needed his input and which would be best for lower level staff. All Oliver really needed to do was make the hard choices. Time ticked swiftly on, before Talia knew it, nightfall had taken place. Talia gathered up her notes and files, taking them to Oliver’s desk. The female grabbed a glass and poured a double shot of whisky, leaving it on Oliver’s desk beside her notes. There was a curiosity about why he worked at night, surely his playboy antics would be too much to miss? The blonde eventually leaned over the desk, tidying it slightly. She’d position the objects on his desk neatly, making sure her notes were in a straight pile. All she had to do was wait until he showed up.

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