After Game - Ahri(M)/Ezreal (Gau & captain levi)


Mar 16, 2016
----------------------------------------------------------[img=150x200][/img]Name: Ahri
Sex: Male
Height: 5'7"
Hair Color: Raven Black
Eye Color: Predatory Gold

The nine-tailed fox smirked triumphantly upon hearing a booming voice announce loud and clearly that his opponents had finally accepted their defeat. The entire match had been nothing short of a farce as Ahri confidently darted around the rift, easily picking off overconfident individuals who charged recklessly out at him, some with their weapons raised… others in a dreamy stupor as the unknowingly were drawn in by his seductive charms. Ahri’s contribution to the team couldn’t be overstated, and enemy and ally alike knew who the true MvP of the game was. A title that Ahri fully intended to take advantage of once he was returned from the rift.

Humming cheerfully to himself he casually leaned back on his thick bushy tails, rocking himself back and forward as numerous faces flickered through his mind. He’d saved Darius’s Noxian hide on several occasions, and the last disgruntled look in the man’s eyes had shown a clear desire to assert himself as the alpha male on the team. Seducing him would be as easy as creating an environment where the two of them could be alone; and like a playground bully, the man would undoubtedly push and shove Ahri around before succumbing to the fox’s true intent.

Or perhaps Talon would be the better prey tonight? While those sharpened blades were quite intimidating, the man himself had been way to stiff and rigid to achieve his true potential, and Ahri wouldn’t mind helping a former team mate relax a bit… assuming his client was willing to pay him with intimate favors. Alternatively it could be a lot of fun for Ahri to wrap his soft loving hands around the man’s heart, and instruct him to use those many blade to assault the poor fox. Ahri wasn’t a masochist by any means, and the shredding of his favourite outfit would be costly… but it’d give him the perfect leverage over the man in terms of blackmail. Reporting the assault to League authorities could get the man in a whole lot of trouble, but manipulating the trust between Talon and the Noxian house of Du Couteau would be so much better. Humans for some reason seemed to have an aversion towards the mating of two males, and while Ahri couldn’t figure out the logic in the slightest, he’d chalked it down as a bizarre human custom the fox would never understand.

Seconds however turned to minutes as the furry eared male waited to be unsummoned from the Rift. And while he ignored it as a minor technicality at first, it soon became confusingly evident that something had gone amiss when a fresh wave of minions marched out from the Nexus to continue what had already been settled.

“Well, this certainly puts a hole in my plans” he mumbled unhappily, flickering his ear irritably upon realizing that he wouldn’t be flirting with either of his two team mates any time soon. Worst case scenario he could always prey on someone of the fairer gender… but from the looks of things the enemy team too had managed to depart the field of justice without any issue. Now that… that was totally unfair.

Propping himself back onto his feet and glaring at the nearest group of minions which had started senselessly beating eachother up, golden eyes narrowed as they sized each and every one of them up. Predatory fangs being barred briefly before a moist red tongue slithered over the fox’s lips. While they were far from appealing, beggars couldn’t be choosers, and Ahri’s sexual appetite was starting to be sated. While he couldn’t count on any of them to fulfil his desire, perhaps they’d be able to offer some satisfaction if they worked on the fox simultaneously.

Prowling closer to the small creatures, a few of them flinched in fear as they noticed the fox’s approach, but restricted by the rules of the game, they were forced to continue nervously battling one another in futile combat. A little taste couldn't hurt anyone, and plus... it wasn't like anyone was watching right?
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Ezreal had battled countless times on the fields of justice so dismissing a defeat came just as naturally to the young explorer as celebrating a well-earned victory. There would always be another time when he'd be summoned on the Rift map to try his luck against a fresh team of opponents. But what were the odds that he'd be matched with Zed again? Ezreal had been pumped to impress his teammate donning a "limited edition" skin, but even that extra show of effort seemed useless against his disastrous KDA score. If anything, Ezreal had been proving to his team and most importantly, Zed, that he had been contributing to their defeat by feeding, as if that was his true role.

"Chin up, Ezreal! There's always next time!" Lux chirped.

Even his friend's sincere reassurance did little to lift Ezreal's spirits because it wasn't her approval that he secretly desired. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted Zed in his banged-up suit of armor, looking pissed beneath his chipped mask. Even if Zed looked like he'd murder any one of his teammates for getting too close, Ezreal couldn't help but sigh dreamily at how focused the assassin looked when he was displeased. If Zed would only look his way, even if it was to murder the young explorer with his glare alone, Ezreal wouldn't have minded their loss for the day.

The shame and embarrassment of having proved himself to be a fuck-up in front of Zed lingered even as his teammates warped out of the map, one by one. Knowing how competitive the vengeful assassin could be, Ezreal mentally prepared himself for the worst (and possibly the best) scolding of his life as he too waited to be transported to the lobby. For a minute or two, he stood in dumbfounded silence in the midst of the Nexus debris, figuring the wait was due to some system malfunction. A minute longer, and Ezreal then knew it wasn't just some ordinary glitch that respawned the minions that went charging in the enemy's direction.

"Seriously?" he muttered to himself, tossing his foam finger to the ground in frustration. If he wasn't going to be transported anytime soon standing near their destroyed Nexus, he thought he might as well follow the minions to see if any of his opponents were also stuck in the system's hiccup.

Since there was no rush for Ezreal to level up on a full build of items, he took his time taking the shortest, mid-lane route towards the opposite end of the map. It was eerily quiet, so much so that Ezreal believed he was by his lonesome. "So stupid," he muttered to himself, kicking a piece of a fallen minion's helmet along the way. "He probably thinks I'm an idiot." In his lovesick stupor, he hadn't noticed that the friendly line of minions had already engaged in battle with the enemy team's, nor did he spot the Gumiho who had very easily trumped him in battle.

When he did, Ezreal lowered the TPA brand headphones and stared at his stronger, faster opponent. If the game was over, there was no incentive to fight, was there? Still, he was cautious and held his ground, eyeing his vulpine opponent for any trick shots that might come flying his way. With Zed monitoring him, Ezreal hadn't performed well under pressure, but he wasn't going to be bested again, not this time.

"You stuck here, too?" he called over the clamor of minions fighting, clearing half of the opposing wave with his Mystic Shot. "Well, that makes two of us, I guess."

But why Ahri of all champions? He would have even appreciated Darius's company a bit more.

[img=300x400][/img]Golden orbs flickered dangerously as they prowled closer and closer to the din of battle. His seductive gaze already focused on a cluster of three minions who looked particularly durable, Ahri could only hope that they’d be able to survive long enough to keep him company for at least a little while… but such thoughts were abruptly ushered from his mind as the sudden sound of approaching footsteps caused the vulpine male to flinch back, and excitedly gaze around to see which unfortunate soul had decided to walk in on him feasting. A pair of dark furry ears perked up and flickered from side to side enthusiastically, absorbing the steady beat of Ezreal’s heart, and attentively listening to the agitated breathing pattern long before the other had come into sight range.

“Ezreal…” he whispered longingly in recognition, the unmistakable scent of the other filling the vulpine’s senses soon after only confirmed it. He might not be as brutish as Darius, nor was he as mysterious as Talon… but Ezreal was a fine young man in his own right. And the mere thought of brushing his own delicate fingertips through the blond male’s amazingly soft hair made the foxy male shudder with delight.

By the time Ezreal had noticed the Gumiho’s intense gaze, Ahri had managed to clear his salivating throat and make himself somewhat presentable. His attention had shifted from the minions to the handsome young man before him, for a moment he thought he heard the minions collaboratively sigh with relief… but their worth had plummeted into insignificance the moment Ahri realized the error had been kind enough to curse one other.

“Not necessarily stuck anymore” Ahri smiled cheerfully, leaning his head to the side playfully as he vaguely hinted that he didn’t quite mind being left behind on the Rift as much as he had moments prior. If the game authorities weren’t looking, and all the other champions had been successfully unsummoned… there was no reason Ahri couldn’t have a little bit of fun right?
“Though…. Just the two of us?” Ahri asked, lowering his tone into an almost pathetic whine as his intentionally flattened his ears and let his numerous tails limply sag to the ground.

“You say that as if it’s a bad thing, I know I hurt you a bit during that last game… but I was hoping you wouldn’t hold it against me…” Ahri mumbled dejectedly, lowering his gaze from the other and feigning a hurt look. In truth the brief look Ezreal had given him was all Ahri needed to be sure that the other was none too impressed to see him, and in a way… such sentiments did sting, if only a little.

“I-I was hoping we could work together, I mean there’s no reason for us to keep fighting, and… I’ve always wanted to get to know you a bit better” Ahri stated, faking a stutter and shyly flickering his golden eyes from Ezreal’s beautiful eyes, down to the ground, and back up again. Gnawing his lips for a bit, Ahri continued to feign helpless submission for a bit longer, taking a small but emphasized step towards the other male. Outstretching his own hand out in a gesture of peaceful friendship, and waiting to see if the other would fall for his ruse. It was pretty obvious that Ezreal was still a bit cautious, but considering how Ahri’s reputation as a sly cunning fox preceded him, and contradicted the imagery he was putting forth, that couldn’t be helped.

“I trust you Ezreal, don’t you trust me?”

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Ezreal might have been a sore loser in the last match, but he wasn't foolish enough to fall for the Gumiho's seductive tricks a second time! Taking a few cautious steps back, the blonde kept himself guarded behind a couple of ally minions; after all, it was better safe than sorry at this point. He had no idea what Ahri's motives were for pulling the friendly card on him so suddenly but there was one thing the bright explorer was certain about, and that was Ahri's lore. Ezreal knew what deceptive, ulterior motives lay prowling beneath an artfully construed facade of submission, but even as he knew, Ezreal still detected a hint of sincerity in Ahri's pitiful tone of voice.

"Hurt me a bit?" he exaggerated dramatically, the rouse working oppositely in Ahri's favor to rile the blonde towards an aggressive route. "You were practically focusing me!" If it hadn't been the opposing team's ADC that had shot him down repeatedly, it had been Ahri's orbs that had drained the last of his health every single time. He remembered those pains too vividly for him to simply forget how unfair the game had been from the start.

And Ezreal, being quite the impulsive and emotional character, grew even more frustrated thinking of how their team's loss and this glitch had sabotaged his chance at mending his nearly non-existent relationship with Zed. "I mean, if it weren't for you, Zed could have..." Ezreal trailed off, pursing his lips shut the moment he realized it was too late. Ahri hadn't even used his Charm shot on him and he had gone ahead blabbering his secrets out of anger! "Zed could have taken that last turret, I mean."

He huffed, too upset about his failed attempt at impressing his crush to take Ahri's peace offering to heart. Instead of taking the open hand that had been extended to him, he kicked a minion that only came up to his waist, watching it topple over and seethe aggressively despite its small stature.

"No, I don't," he answered the other male's trademark question passively, eyeing the vulpine nails that posed like daggers on Ahri's open hand. Like hell he was going to shake something that looked like it'd tear him apart! "And until we find a way to get out of here, you're not stepping over this line." With the toe of his scuffed boots, he marked a messy line through the dirt that separated the two champions but not the minions that clumsily shuffled over it.

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Now the coy fox was showing his true colors, wasn't he? It had taken him long enough playing that deceptive facade even if Ahri must have known that every champion knew of the vulpine mage's grim lore. Ahri was the last champion Ezreal would ever trust if he still retained the sanity to make his own decision about it.

"Well!" Ezreal barked, catching himself in the middle of accusing his best friend, Lux. In all fairness, he wouldn't have tipped the scale in the enemy team's favor hadn't his support missed all of her important shots, but blaming her entirely for his mediocre KDA score was also unfair. Instead of blurting out the swears that seared like venom in his throat, he swallowed it down and clenched his jaws instead. There was no use arguing with someone who clearly had a silver tongue and could outwit anything the blonde had to say.

But, as soon as Zed's name left the fox's lips, Ezreal's eyes widened just a fraction of an inch. He knew damn well that the vulpine champion was only baiting him for a reaction but Ezreal was helplessly vulnerable when it came to Zed, and even if the shadowy assassin wasn't present, he still felt an obligation to defend his honor. "Shut up! Don't talk about him like that!" he seethed, obviously more peeved about how Ahri had objectified Zed than he was about the fox taunting him about his embarrassing defeat. He could lose a hundred First Bloods and a thousand more matches and the combined losses still wouldn't have riled him up more than hearing how lowly Ahri spoke of Zed.

It boiled his blood so much so that the blonde momentarily received a boost of confidence purely fueled by his rage. If Ahri wanted a fight, he'd get a fight! Even if Ezreal knew that he was clearly weaker and less skilled, putting up a fight and losing was better than the humiliating repercussions of retreat.

He took a few steps backwards to dodge the incoming balls of energy, firing an arcane shot of his own that exploded from his bow of materialized force. His aim still needed improvement but it was considerably better than it had been during battle trying to target several opponents at once.

Fighting Ahri and only Ahri meant less distractions and far less chance of error if only he focused on his opponent. But he didn't want to fight! The battle had ended long ago with the ally Nexus in shambles, so what else did Ahri want from him but the sick pleasure of killing him repeatedly? Was the Gumiho really that twisted? "I don't want to fight you!" he shouted, even if he was still upset at Ahri for tainting Zed's reputation with his filthy words. "There's no point!"

[img=300x400][/img]“Don’t talk about him like that" Ahri mimicked playfully as Ezreal fiercely leapt to defend Zed’s performance once more. A deviously sly grin gradually began to spread its way across Ahri’s lips as he became more and more certain that he’d found the sensitive opening he’d need to claw down the blond boy’s defences. While Ahri had never heard of the two getting along, the way Ezreal was behaving reminded Ahri of an overprotective mate, and while he couldn’t confidently draw a romantic connection between the two, there was definitely something more than simple friendship going on between the two.

“You don’t want to fight me, but you don’t want to trust me either~” Ahri sung mockingly, twirling around on the spot in carefree playfulness. Ahri had seen the extent of Ezreal’s ability and accuracy during the last game, and he really wasn’t all that concerned with Ezreal getting the first move on him. “So what do you want from a poor little fox boy like myself?” Ahri snickered, putting on a seductively alluring smirk before reaching into his sleeve and procuring what looked suspiciously like an Oracle’s Elixir. Though the vial was different, and the bright pink fluid almost seemed neon in color.

“Wait, you’re not here to steal my precious little potion are you?” Ahri asked in exaggerated surprise, Gasping, and violently shaking his head to emphasize that he wouldn’t part easily with whatever the vial of pink fluid was. “I mean, what would a handsome young man like yourself need a love-potion for?” Ahri asked, swirling the contents of the supposed love potion around a bit before tucking it back into his sleeve. “You could have any girl you wanted if you so much as asked, Have you seen the way Caitlyn looks at you? How Sona blushes every time you leap into combat? Or even how Lux stares at your ass whenever you’re standing infront of her?”

“Though…” Ahri paused thoughtfully, placing his forefinger on his cheek and tilting his head to the side in thought. “I suppose the same could be said for me… It’s just that there’s a few prudish guys out there who need a little bit of convincing. I mean have you ever seen the cute puppy dog look Zed gives me when I charm him? It was so cute when he begged me to fuck him earlier… I suppose I could drop by his place and give him what he wants, but I need to get out of here first~”

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Ahri's taunting reached deaf ears at first, but it became increasingly difficult for the blonde to ignore everything the damned fox uttered about Zed. The assassin was a sore weakness Ezreal couldn't hide even if he tried sifting Ahri's words through one ear and out the other. The explorer, being as adventurous as he was, was often too reckless and impulsive for his own good and tended to act before thinking. If he had stopped for one second to realize that his dramatic reactions were only fueling Ahri's playful nature, it would have saved him a ton of trouble.

But, no matter how sorely his fingers itched to draw back another arrow of arcane energy and fire it at the unsuspecting Gumiho, he stayed true to his words: he wasn't going to entertain Ahri with meaningless battle. Besides, it wasn't a fair match, and there really was no point in him trying to defeat a champion who had already been too fed (thanks partly to himself) their previous game. Ezreal was dimwitted at times, but he wasn't that dumb to go charging at a fed opponent after so many failures.

He did pluck some minions off the lane while he could, just to stack some experience to be somewhat up to par with Ahri's level. Eventually, he stopped mid-combat to stare at the vial the other male had fished out from his oriental robes. A love potion? It figured someone as deceptive as Ahri himself would be well-stocked with those. "It's not like that," he denied. "They're friends." Well, at least he knew that he and Lux were friends after a confession gone wrong. Ezreal had known then that women might not be for him and he thought he had already made that stupidly obvious by how he defended Zed's honor like his own. He just couldn't stand there and take everything Ahri said about Zed without a grain of salt!

"Figures you'd need a spell to get people to like you!" Ezreal shouted, not even minding one bit how much like a bully he sounded like, even if those words were reflective of his honest thoughts. "Can't do that yourself, can you?" He calmed himself before he could rant about how Ahri had no true allies and friends, not even a single lover who had not been hexed by the Gumiho's spell beforehand.

In a blink of light, he teleported across his line scribbled across the dirt and right into Ahri's face, withholding a burst of energy to try and swipe the potion instead. His blind charge into Ahri opened a window of opportunity for the spell-caster to land any of his skills with perfect accuracy, but Ezreal didn't care for any physical repercussions. He could die ten times over and he'd still be trying to seize that damned potion from Ahri, if only to save Zed, his Zed, the trouble of having to face the sly fox again.

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