Super Girl Exposed (Mofo, Fate)


Jul 16, 2015
Todd Harkneick was finally released from jail, the thin wiry man with curly red hair, and a freckled and zit filled face stumbled out of the Metropolis Prison doors after serving more then 4 months out of his 2 year sentence on counts of good behavior, and hacking into the police files and shortening his sentence down to 9 Months without any one being the wiser. The 24 year old hacker genius had survived those long 4 months plotting his revenge against the woman who put him there. "I swear I will make her pay the moment I get home... that super bimbo is going to pay." The guard outside the prison stared right at the young man plotting his revenge to the heavens right outside the prison gates, to which he cleared his throat.

Todd looked back at the guard and stuck out his tongue, he couldn't be arrested for any of this, not yet anyways. He boarded the bus with his possessions he was allowed to walk away with, thankfully he decided to take all his computer equipment with him. "When I get home first things first.... remove myself from the watch lists around the country... then make a sandwich.... then.... go for revenge." Todd was clearly not a clear headed individual at the moment as the driver of the police bus had to look back ever now and again because the boy was snickering about something.

The prison suit was still on his frame since he didn't bring a change of clothes to prison, it was comfortable to him and he would wear it up until the moment he had that blond caped bimbo begging at his feet to show mercy. His curly hair and thick frames bouncing with each bump on the road the bus hit. Once the bus reached his stop, Todd stepped out and made his way to the apartment he had rented out prior to his release, turned on all the lights, and started to set up his computer systems.

He was fumbling around with cords and monitors all around till everything was as he wanted it. He booted up his systems and started to use a very encrypted process to secretly remove his name from all the arrest records. "Now then that I am now free of all charges as far as the police database is concerned... I shall make that sandwich while this process goes down." Todd booted up a program that would allow him to search cameras and texts around Metropolise and should he just get super lucky and find the ones sent and aimed right at the lovely if not hated right now Super Girl, well it would be worth it. He hoped out of his chair and went to make a sandwich leaving the program to run and see what it could find.
Harkneick wasn't even a blip on Supergirl's radar. The pretty blonde teen had put the nerdy villain away at some point in her career, probably fairly early on in what was becoming a downright meteoric rise to fame and power. She'd come seemingly out of no where, wearing Superman's outfit and fighting crime with powers that matched the other Kryptonians perfectly. Her very first outing had been a fairly impressive fight against a supervillain, one that had been bothering her cousin and causing quite a bit of trouble in Metropolis. Yes, she very much seemed an equal match for her more famous Boy Scout cousin.

Except Supergirl had quickly become a social media sensation. The perky blonde had no qualms about uploading vids of her dancing almost too joyously or vines wherein she showed off both her incredible powers and utterly adorable nature. The young girl was clearly an American teen despite her extraterrestrial origins, and people responded to her in droves. She'd become one of the top Vine artists, with her regularly updating channel. Krypto, Wonder Girl, Superboy and others became regularly on her Vine, and the public loved seeing superheroes acting like normal teenagers. Plus they kept things fairly wholesome: there never was word about Supergirl or any of her fellows getting drunk or stoned or having sex or anything of the kind.

Not that people didn't want Supergirl. They wanted her bad and made it clear. Blonde haired, blue eyed, and with an absolutely perfect body, Supergirl would've been desired by people even if she weren't a superhero. Classic girl next door looks with a bubbly attitude and constantly beaming white-toothed smile. Her breasts fit her lean frame almost too well. Her flat abs showed some dedication (superhero training), and she'd managed to get almost perfect curves in the mixture. Her tight little bubble butt could certainly move and groove, as her usual dancing videos had shown well. She'd become the target of at least one photoshopping scandal.

Fortunately, she happened to have the world's most protective cousin, who happened to be married to a star investigative journalist. This meant that Supergirl was more protected than STAR labs and the Batcave put together. That worked great for keeping her reputation in order and keeping pervs and skeevos off.

It also meant that despite being an abundantly pretty, vibrant teenage girl, the most Kara had managed was a few kisses with boys. Mostly other superheroes. Talk about frustrating, particularly when you got more than enough looks. Plus Supergirl regularly fought with guys who looked as hot as she did. Gawd, the things she would do to Nightwing if given a chance. Unfortunately, the only ones who could probably keep up with her (Nightwing and other supes) were the ones that didn't want to cross her protectors (Lois and Clark). The ones that only knew Kara could and would get crushed by Supergirl.

So she was left to her own devices and tried to just push sex out of her mind. She poured her energy into making Vines and Facebook posts and YouTube vids and everything. Right now, Kara, dressed in simple lounging around the house tank-top and PJs, was flicking through her computer and trying to figure out what a good subject for her next Vine would be. Her webcam was pointed down at her pretty face, but she didn't have it actively recording or anything. Just staring, pointing at the girl who flicked through a computer like every other teenager. It was just that most teenagers didn't have superstrength and what really looked like a doomsday weapon sitting next to their iPod player on their dresser.
Todd had come back with a can of weak beer, and a tuna fish sandwich on a plate. The nerdy villain really did carry himself in a very civilian manner despite his criminal disposition. He wasn't one to just run out and flail his arms at those stronger then him, oh no Todd was a hacker and likely as good at taking and throwing a punch as the Riddler was. The moment he was back before his terminal munching down on his sandwich. He paused the scanning at a paticular spot, there in he saw videos and photos of a beautiful blond haired blue eyed girl dancing around in an all to familiar blue costume. "There you are, my stupid little blue bird." He flicks his eyes to a new feed of the very girl at her computer. Todd didn't waste a second, he used various hacking tools to get a hold and control of all her private info and site access codes. "Seems the super skanks become quite the idol since I've been away." First thing Todd did with this information, was lock her out of the sites she frequently, and takes some images from her photo sharing sites, and went to work shopping the images of her in cute clothes and turned them into seemless skanky images.
There was some fun to be had in going back through old photos and videos. Kind of like a stroll down memory lane, with all your memories laid out for you. Supergirl did yet again make note that she'd have to talk to Barbara about getting some sort of hi tech camera put together. They'd generate a lot of hits if they could get something like that going. The League technically frowned on it, but they sort of frowned on a lot of what Supergirl did, right up until she got enough popularity and good will to really help people.

"I should check through email, maybe see if there's enough to put together another Q and A vid," said Kara to herself. She pulled up her email, flicking through it with superspeed. She rarely used the whole super-reading thing that Clark did, mostly because it took the fun out of everything. For now, she was going to scroll through the emails, see what popped up. The usual questions: cup size, measurements (like they weren't public knowledge), which villain was the hardest to take down, cutest superhero.

"Wonder what Dick would do if I made a vid where I outed him as being super hot?" Supergirl mumbled to herself. She'd nearly done it once, when people had asked her who her super-crush happened to be. She'd been coy enough that people weren't sure if she was talking about Batman, Green Arrow, the Red Hood, or Nightwing, but still. "That would be a lot of fun," Supergirl said to herself, drumming her fingers and mulling the idea over in her head. She did need something to do, after all. Crime was at an all time low in Metropolis these days, and Clark had all but told Kara to take it easy after her last mission...
Todd would look through all of the images on her photosharing sites. He was gonna start small for now something nice and subtle. The image he selected had Super Girl being snapshotted flying away with her skirt able to be seen under with the baby blue panties hidden underneath, this was possibly the most subtle and easy to alter image he could find. Todd used Photoshop, and edited out the panties under her skirt in the image, seamlessly changing the image. Her image now had her without panties on under her skirt as she flew off the toned cheeks under the skirt perfectly rendered. "Let's see." He edited the image with I do so wonder if I remembered panties today. He then set it up live to one of her sites and locked it so she couldn't remove the image.
Supergirl had just finalized the list of questions she wanted to answer. The one about which super she had the crush on; might as well get him nice and bothered. The one about how she handled her outfits and hair when flying. The one about her favorite band. And the one about which villain she felt the most sorry for. She had them all in order and all lined up, even started scripting, when she started hearing the "pings."

Supergirl frowned, looking around for a moment to her phone. The device was as advanced as any Leaguer would carry: benefit of being a superhero and all. Supergirl's also happened to be connected to all her social media accounts, with updates flying in. She flicked it on, seeing a screen filled with notices from just about everyone. Apparently a photo had gone up that had almost instantly hit viral and gotten her several thousand likes.

"Maybe the one with Toyman's teddy bear that looked like Freddy?" Supergirl wondered aloud. That had been one of the latest. Frowning, she pulled up the screen, hands flying. Soon those blue eyes went wide, then wider, then they started to glow. "What the hell?" Supergirl immediately tried to take it down, but somehow it had been locked. She quickly put up a message using her account, telling everyone the truth: she'd so been hacked and obviously someone was trying to defame her. This probably had to do with some supervillain.

"Honestly, you'd think that they'd have something better to do," mumbled Supergirl, already in the process of informing authorities. No need to get the League involved just yet.
Todd watched the butt flashing image of the heroine start to ping up lots of likes. He cracked his knuckles and saw the girl going for the authorities he could see her through her own webcam. It was clear to him while she was thinking that the authorities would do anything. He hacked into her facebook and as her made perminent slandering marks towards the Metropolise PD, which were along the lines of. "The Metro PD, is so useless, I bet they all got their jobs without any proof of their qualifications." He then attached an image to these posts. The image was a gif of Super Girl but it was modification on another image she had, the gif was of Super Girl bent over mooning the camera, the gif had her bare ass shaking back and fourth. Todd cackled "Let's see the bigot cops help you after this." He sent out other slandering comments out under her name towards her fans.
Supergirl groaned with frustration as it became quite evident that the hacker, whomever it was, was hacking her at about the same rate she went about trying to fix everything. No sooner had she reported them to the authorities than she got notification of posts that she'd been making slandering the Metropolis PD. Fortunately she had the whole image she'd been making up and her preexisting public apologies to make up for it, but it also meant that the PD was going to be locked up and Supergirl was left running in circles there.

Plus, the cops that didn't like superheroes for whatever reason (a rarity in Metropolis thanks to good press) were already jumping on it. Supergirl had little doubt that the League was going to be jumping on this very soon, if their PR people hadn't started on it already. She eyed her phone with some concern, already expecting and suspecting calls.

To preempt that, Supergirl opened up the secret channels and started getting ready to send messages out to Barbara. The Gotham girl could easily handle something like this: she was about at master hacker levels herself. If nothing else, they could wipe out Supergirl's accounts or have the officials freeze them or something.

"I hope I can get my hands on this asshole soon," mumbled Supergirl as she nearly punched the keys of her keyboard through the machine.
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