Looking for Literate Role Players

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Oct 23, 2015

A Samurai’s Journey

A Samurai's life is to obey the orders of his Lord and Emperor. A Samurai's reputation from etiquette, courtesy, to compassion reflects not only on the Samurai, but on the Lord as well. And a Samurai who has no reputation, no respect, and takes no responsibility for his actions is dishonorable and useless to his Lord.

A renowned Samurai marches across lands and seas, fighting demons and restoring peace to villages. His Lord has been so proud of the Samurai's work that he calls him to his castle. Once arrived, the Samurai sees a young maiden. Her hands are bound behind her back, mouth covered to silence her, and a seal placed across the front of her mouth so she cannot talk.

Your Lord explains the maiden was caught doing Dark magic, forbidden. He was going to watch her execution, but figured that she would make a fine slave for the Samurai if he so wishes. He can do as he pleases with her, but it's not uncommon for Samurai to take slave Shugenja (magic users) since magic is so strong.


Master / Slave

Mob Boss’ Payment

In a fatal car accident, she had lost both of her parents. Struggling to make payments on her mother who had a chance of surviving but tragically ended up dying anyways, the young teenager ended up making the terrible choice of borrowing money from the mob.

The contract states that if she can’t come up with the money in a reasonable time (decided by the mob boss himself) that various actions might be taken. None of these were specified at the time, and since the teenager was so desperate to help her mother she accepted any terms foolishly. She’s been working two jobs while also attempting to continue attend her schooling, but the small payments she’s been able to make back to the mob haven’t been significant enough.

The Boss decides to collect...usually if the payment can’t be collected, the Boss simply kills them. But upon seeing the teenager himself he decides to go with a different route. With such a pretty face, she could work off the money in his various clubs.

>> Basically a teenager ends up with the wrong crowd! But this setting allows for a lot of freedom. We can have the girl be inexperienced at first, so the mob boss has to teach her a few lessons before she can go out and start working. Or the Boss can simply enjoy a youthful, perky body and use her when he chooses.

The clubs can range from normal ones where people dance and some dancers take people into separate rooms for a good (paid) time, a club where sex is completely public (orgies), S&M club, etc. We can do it all!

An interesting thought I had for this plot is her professor (I assumed she’d be college but we can change it to high school if desired) is at one of these clubs, possibly a strip club. And starts to fail her in her classes. She finally meets with him shocked only for him to black mail her grade AND her job to have sex with him.

I really like this plot because of the flexibility of it - she could even be used by the police to keep their silence as well. This is a BIG plot, and I’m not looking for someone who just sits around and expects me to do the work, I want you to do some work too ;) <<

A Proper Replacement

Her mother had been his maid...though she had certainly been more. He had groomed her to be the perfect pet, sit beside him, on the floor, while he does his work. Be ready for him in the bedroom no matter what. But sadely she has passed away, leaving her only daughter with no one… Instead of turning the poor girl away, he takes her in. To everyone else, he gets the plubicity and fame that he desires (he’s a wealthy guy) for taking in an orphan. But off camera, he gets the task of grooming a new pet.
Her mother worked as a maid, but certainly is more to him than just that. The perfect pet with skill, a total MILF. When her husband passes, she asks if she and her daughter can stay with him while they figure out living arrangements...He agrees, but he wants payment from the daughter as well.

Kink Version 1:

Master / Pet
Any kinks the Master wants (within reason)

Kink Version 2:
Master / Pet
Mother / Daughter (Yuri)
Any kinks the Master wants (within reason)

Alien Breeding

An alien species is short on females due to some sort of virus killing them or making them barren. The alien's find Earth and with the government's permission, are allowed to take 3 females every year for breeding.

Kinks I want:

Pregnancy (obviously)
Eggs (Alien's lay eggs in the womb and so multiple births at once)
Duel cocks
Master / Pet
Cum feeding (Human's can sustain off of alien's cum, absolutely have to when pregnant)
And for those really daring: web / cocooning would be nice.

The Farmer’s Help

A farmer and his wife take in a pregnant teenager who was abandoned by her parents. The farmer gets government funding to do this and money to care for the girl and child.

But the farmer wants more from the 8 month pregnant teenager. Big, bouncy tits full of milk, a tight ass and pussy for him to fuck. The farmer decides he's going to have her work for her stay, and it doesn't have to be just for him, some of the farm animals are restless.

Milking (breast milk)
Sex while Pregnant
Risk of Pregnancy (after the first baby is born)
Animal Sex

Star Wars

She had humiliated him for years. She had caused trouble for the Empire, which caused problems for him with his high status. Every move they made against the Rebels, she had been there to lead the fight and to defend the Rebellion aligned planets. She was strong in the Force, the few times the two had come into contact and fought, he would almost say that she was his equal. Almost. It was clear that she used distractions to allow her Military might to gain favor in the tide of war and even knew when she was going to lose and was able to flee before losing.

But now he found her contact, a storm trooper that betrayed the Empire and tortured for hours. He entered the man's mind the moment he had found the trooper, learned of what he had told her...but he was still angry so he tortured the trooper until he died a pathetic life.

Now the trap was set, she would undoubtedly come still, not knowing that the Empire knew of her tactics. But once he has captured her, would he torture her so that she died? Or use a different and far better means of torture?

>> Would REALLY like my partner to play a Zabrak, while I play a human. The Zabrak isn't really defined much in the trilogies, but I've read some fanfics *blush* and I like the idea of the Zabrak's being very primal and almost animalistic in a way. They go into heat, they use sex as a weapon and to breed (not as much for pleasure), and since it's sci-fi there would be ways to make a human go into heat as well and come crawling so that she is willing for the Sith.


Power Play
Stockholm Syndrome? (Romance develop?)
Sexual Frustration
Sexual Exhuastion
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