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MxF Love of the Past

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The Princess

Mar 8, 2016
I am looking for those willing to develop a storyline with me. By no means am I amazing, but I will bring twists and turns that will be interesting to any rp. I am literate and expect my partner to be so as well.
Now to the more fun stuff, plots!


Young Lynn was taken from her native land by invaders after her seventeenth birthday. Not a night since has she spent without crying for her home. As the waves of the ocean they traveled acrossed rocked her to sleep her cries subside. An audible thud is herd as the plank is lowered to the deck above her. Sunlight blinds her as she's brought up from the depths of the ships cargo hold and she is taken shackled off the ship. Unknown to her she was to be the newest member of the king's harem, but will she consent to being his newest conquest?
This one could be romantic or forceful

Princess X Prince

The little princess of the kingdom, Aspen, has finally grown up into a beautiful woman. Her blonde hair and blue eyes caught any visitors attention as it was not common. They certainly caught the attention of a visiting prince who was in the kingdom on Royal business. The two kingdoms had been longstanding trade partners, but there had been a recent increase of bandits and the Prince wanted to form a guard between the two to keep their roadways safe. As he was discussing this with the king Aspen enters the room, curious about who the attractive stranger was.

Human X lycanthrope

War had been a part of Jewel's life since she was small. The lycanthropes being the enemy. She was raised thinking they were cruel, vicious beasts who killed for fun. After decades of bloodshed the two lands decided to call a truce and to seal that truce the Prince of the lycanthropes would marry the princess of the humans, Jewel.

Those are just a few ideas I want to develop. I am down for anything in the past though I am quite partial royalty.
Feel free to PM me!
Another idea if anyone is up for it.

Having grown up with the good doctor and his apprentice, David, Jacey was now old enough to realize she had come to care for the apprentice. She remembered her first encounter with him. She had been given to the doctor in the middle of the night unable to breath. Her mother had died from the same sickness. Luckily for Jacey the doctor had managed to develop an elixir to stave off the sickness. The catch was she had to take it twice a day without fail. She was placed in the doctors care so she would always be able to have her medicine. Both the doctor and David hid the dire situation JaCey faced. She wasn't allowed to play with other children for fear she would push herself too far, thus David became her closest companion. As they both aged David invited a lovely young woman over intending for her to be JaCey's companion. The girl only had eyes to catch David's attention. In a move of protest to his bringing of a girl JaCey rushed to her room shutting the door and refusing to come out. She neglects to take her medicine out of spite and soon fell into a fit of coughing and ragged gasps for air. The doctor was able to get to her just in time. Would David realize how she felt though?
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