The Plot Harem (M/F)

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Mar 8, 2016

- I tend to post pretty sporadically since my work gets really busy at times. So if you're looking for someone who can post on a daily basis, I won't be able to provide that unfortunately.

- You have to be literate. By this I mean good grammar, spelling and decently sized paragraphs

- I usually mirror my replies; The longer your reply is, the more I would have to write about resulting in a longer post and vice versa. I don’t, however, expect my partner to mirror me. We all have our days where writing anything seems like a pipe dream.



Ok, so hear me out, at first I just wanted a regular sugar daddy/huge age-difference type plot but the more I thought about it, the more it turned away from the simple huehue would you be the lolita to my humbert humbert vybe it had to something with a lot more cuddling, hand-holding and even some fake dating thrown in for good measure because why the hell not.

So my character (mc) is probably one of those live fast, die young, bad girls do it well kinda gal. She’s not out-and-out destructive but admittedly spends more of her time hungover at parties/clubs than not, tumbles in and out of beds (sometimes just plain tumbling out of them and onto the floor) and likes her cheap thrills wherever she can find them.

So basically whenever one of the notches in her bedpost start giving hints that they want to pursue something a little further than the sheets or if anyone from the parties she’s gone to starts trying to hit her up again, she’s all hahaha sorry babe im byesexual as in goodbye and usually jetting the hell out of there seems to work fine in these kind of situations. But perhaps one of them is a little more persistent than usual, even bordering on stalker-ish, and when he insists on re-enacting police’s every breath you take in public mc decides fuck it and pulls the closest person at hand and goes Surprise mothertrucker! I’ve actually got a boyfriend joke’s on you.

Your character (yc) of course is just minding his own business and while he usually doesn’t take well to girls who could almost be his daughter suddenly dragging him into an impromptu relationship, he plays along with it because mc really does look desperate enough to resort to this on order to fend off the creep who’s been tagging her.

Since yc’s cute, mc decides to convince him to go to lunch with her as a treat for helping her out. That should be the end of it but fate lends a helping hand and they somehow bump into each other a few more times and each time mc does the whole heeeey! look who’s here it’s my lovely boyfriend teehee :3c even in front of other people.

What starts out as a charade soon turns into ~something more~ and mc is dropping over to spruce up yc’s dump of an apartment and tricking him into going ikea shopping while he cooks for her and makes sure that she’s taken care of when her friends call him on speed dial if she’s passed out drunk somewhere.

Looking for:

I usually give free reign to my rp partners as to what character they’re playing beyond a few keywords, but for this one I’d like something a little more specific. Since I want the age-gap element to be there I’d like someone in his late 30s or early 40s?

In my mind he’s a buff, grizzled lone wolf war-veteran type. Someone who’s been through some shit, is a bit of a recluse because of it, and really should be taking better care of himself.

He doesn’t necessarily have to have an army background, but has to be someone who’s gone through some sort of personal event that has left an emotional mark on him.

Optional (+):

- So yc clearly has some sort of baggage to him but what if this baggage involves him having been involved in something that just might have caused more than a few people to shuffle off of their mortal coil. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And there might be a few shady people after him. Mc being who she is, will cut you up if you dare lay a finger on her squad. You might be a bit of a monster but if you’re her monster, then she’s down to helping you hide whatever bodies need to be hidden and deflecting whatever suspicion that needs to be deflected.

- The one where mc is also a bit of a masochist and gets into terrible hook-ups with people who don’t practice safewords or enforce limits. Yc somehow finds out about this one day and possibly freaks out a little when he realises that he might enjoy the thought of hurting/commanding her? They begin to explore this in a way that is just as terrible as what mc is used to. It a) stays this way or b) evens out into something healthier when they finally get their shit together and actually talk things out/do some proper research.


we are brave and good
even though we are selfish
and kill each other and
kill ourselves,
we are the people
born to kill and die and weep in dark rooms
and love in dark rooms
and wait, and
wait and wait and wait.

This part of the poem hooked into me and would not let go. What came into mind was the image of a small peaceful village steeped in magic-users and two childhood friends. It will be set in an AU wherein sorcery and rational science clashes for supremacy. MC heavily practices the former while YC is one that is at the forefront of the latter. Despite this, he has always enjoyed cordial relations with the villagers.

However, this changes as rational science begins to amass more and more supporters. As this goes on, YC’s visit to the village decreases until it eventually stops. Soon after, magic is branded as dangerous and any one caught practicing it will be branded as a heathen and sentenced to death. War breaks out as the empire strives to rid its land of blasphemous influences and mc’s village is raided. A small village such as hers should have escaped notice, but the fact that it is rumored to have contained quite a few powerful resistance sorcerers in its midst (including MC’s parents) prevents its safety.

MC is captured and about to be distributed as the spoils of war/executed when whom should she meet but YC.

YC acquires her and keeps her because, despite his now negative outlook on the practice of magic, the strong memory of their friendship before compels him to keep her by his side. This decision, however, would test the both of them as accusations abound on MC having seduced him to gain advantage, MC having to come to terms with who yours really is, taking the small steps towards tolerance for each other’s abilities…etc.

I want grey moral boundaries here. No one knows what actually sparked off the war, but neither sides are completely unjustified in their hate. The fact is, there will always be corrupt users for both magic and rational science.

Looking for:
Your character should be the former friend/prince-general of the main city that is attempting to eradicate magic. If being royalty doesn't suit you, he could just be some sort of a high ranking commander in the army.

Optional (+):

- For extra tragedy! One of the incidents that might have contributed to sparking off the war was the death of yc’s sibling at the hands of a less than savoury magic-user who promised to heal the his sibling’s ailing sickness only to end up in the latter slowly wasting away.

- For extra polyamory M/F/M goodness! I’m not too sure who the extra character should be. A high ranking soldier close to YC who’s always had a supressed fascination for magic? A lowly grunt who comes to have a soft spot/obsession for her? Another captured magic user?? This is entirely open to discussion.


This plot will be really indulgent for me but basically I want the whole normal-girl-mysteriously-gets-sucked into an alternate universe kinda thing.

The character I’ll be playing will be the typical queen bee to be found in many a high school, with a posse of friends only with her because of her status and a line of adoring guys who only adore her because of her looks and a generous physical endowment concentrated in the chest area.

She titters with her close companions over the latest inane piece of gossip and fashion trends, makes fun of those not in the 'in' clique, and finds it excusable to skip school because of a bad hair day or a pimple alert.

Lesser known facts:

Everyone knows her marks are only on the average side but no one knows that she has been deliberately suppressing her scores so she can go for extra lessons. This has nothing at all to do with the hella cute teacher, nope, and anyway it is easier to keep people wrapped around your thumbs when they think you are intellectually challenged.

She also has a fondness for GASP sff novels but this side of hers has been ruthlessly squashed. IT’S FOR RESEARCH OK.

I was thinking that the setting of the world she has been dumped for reasons unknown would be sort of a… multiverse one?

In short, it is over-the-top, colourful, scary and fucked up all at the same time. It is a land with no reason nor rhyme.

You can find yourself in a desert, a fairy-tale-ish atmosphere right down to a typical American suburb. The people and monsters that populate the lands are just as varied.

The setting is really just an excuse to be able to play out as many tropes/archetypes as possible. So maybe there could be one where mc finds herself kidnapped into a seraglio and yours has to prove he is the rightful owner in order to bust her out again. Maybe in another there are groping tentacles. Sex pollen that calls out the attention of amorous monsters. Idk, the scenes to be played out can be discussed.

The character that gets saddled with mine is probably some sort of wandering merc? Somehow, despite repeated attempts to try and lose mc, he is inexplicably annoyingly stuck with her. MC claims that she needs a man to protect her frail constitution but. yc thinks this is bullshit because the first time she hurtles into the world near the area where he is, she scares off the beast prowling there with a blinking, trilling multicolored metallic slab.

In any case, what I want are madcap capers/shenanigans and sexytiems to bolster it.


They have been best friends for as long as anybody can remember. Inseparable ever since [mc] saved [yours] from some bullies when they were young. They have been through skinned knees, tears, joy and the events of their life are invariably intertwined with one another. Fights, as well, but almost everybody knows that those get resolved in the end. However, when adolescence hits them, one moment causes everything to change.

Ah, adolescence. A time of raging hormones and heart ache. Despite the the fact that each notices the other is not quite the young boy/girl they used to know, everything mostly goes on as normal... Till [mc] gets herself a boyfriend. Several in fact, as she goes through one after another. The unrequited feelings that [yours] has tried to keep a lid on eventually bubbles over and culminates in a horrible act: [yc] violating [mine].

The focus of this would not just be on the rape itself, but on its aftermath as well. We can discuss what eventually tips [yc] over the edge that causes it to happen, but I'd like to see what the both of them will do to try and heal things after that. It would be interesting to see how the severing of a formerly close bond may slowly tie itself back together again.

Optional (+):

- The no-healing version. The both of them tumble into a fucked up codependent manipulative relationship where jealousy and possessiveness reigns. Despite yc's best intentions he can't control himself when everyone keeps pawing at what should be his, and mine can't keep herself from coming back/severing herself completely from him and/or provoking him as well.

- The i fought the law and the law won Mafia AU

Same as above, except they're both trying to live their lives out as normal people despite having a criminal organization for a family. After the incident, they both try to avoid one another but [insert life threatening incident that befalls The Family] that causes both of them to go on the run. But how could [yours] protect [mc] from the [law/rival family] when he cannot protect mine from himself?

- The Fantasy AU
Same as above, except as noble and bodyguard


In this world, dragons choose their riders and once they do a lifebond comes into place. As the term implies, this means that they would be nigh inseperable and should one die, it would be likely that the other would follow suit, go mad or simply waste away.

MC comes in as the Fantôme Bijoux, someone who has been getting rather infamous lately for her thieving exploits of precious jewels among the rich and famous. She decides to strike out for an establishment that would be the hardest stake of her life: The Trevalion Covert, the largest and most prestigious area that houses and trains all the dragons and their respective riders for the rumored stash of gold and jewels that the former hoards.

However *dramaface* this ends badly when she finds himself accidentally locked inside the pen of [insert dragon's name]. This dragon is near legendary, both for his battle feats and the fact that he is mostly considered mad/prone to anger after his rider's death. He is too unstable even for breeding purposes so the covert simply keeps him around as they can't very well dispose of a former hero. Through various circumstances (maybe mc reminds the dragon of his previous rider idk), an odd sort of friendship is struck up and, horrifyingly enough, the re-enactment of the lifebond.

How could such a thing happen twice? Wouldn't this be a betrayal?

Cue angst and flailing everywhere. Give me lifebonds, awesome flights through the air, scandals abound and a few explosive battles thrown in for good measure.

Looking for: I'll be looking for someone to play the dragon.

Influences: Uh. Any dragon-related media really but mostly the His Majesty's Dragon series?

TLDR; Thief who just wants some more shiny jewels in her life somehow gets embroiled into the dragon-riding world when a life bond is struck up between her and a broken dragon.


I've not fully thought this through yet but mc who is the princess/queen of some small but peaceful kingdom/land is captured by a warlord upon the sacking of the city. The warlord has something special planned for him as a symbol of his dominance over the kingdom.

The princess/queen is strapped/mounted to the underside of his horse, to be paraded around the city and fucked by his steed while he surveys his new kingdom.

Other punishments in line for her (probably because she's the mouthy sort) include having to service the entire stable and their riders, being sent to the stocks for public humiliation and paraded around, loaned out to the worst thieves and criminals in prison, a hunting scene in which she needs to run/hide under a certain amount of time and gets a period of reprieve if no one catches her BUT perhaps has to do so with some sort of toy stuck in her so the whole process gets monumentally more difficult...etc.

The only problem with this idea is that it was created just as a sort of setting in which all the nastier kinks can be played out and there's definitely.... not much plot to balance it out haaha. I can see a sort of understanding slowly, slowly being struck up between the two however perhaps and both lands eventually uniting. Even a sort of grudging respect for the other maybe. The reason for the attack does not have to be black n white too, y'know, carried out simply because one person is Just Evil but probably out of a mixture of reasons and both lands could have a checkered history in which they've both done terrible things to the other.

For extra drama, both characters could have also known each other when they were younger and the relation between their lands not as strained.


Monsters and the girls who love 'em. NSFW pics below as this one does not have proper plot attached to it but hoping that they might be able to spark some ideas.






some possible plots:

- mc strikes up a bargain with an otherwordly creature and bites off more than she could chew? perhaps she bargained for another person's life (someone with terminal illness perhaps) OR in a summoning gone wrong manages to convince the creature not to harm the original summoner in exchange for her service instead and now the creature has come to collect

- instead of the usual human summons demon/beast how 'bout having it the other way round where the human finds themselves summoned into an otherworldly realm instead.

needless to say, the denizens of that realm are a bit too interested in this soft, strange thing that has suddenly dropped into their world

(+) optionally, the creature could have known her while she was still growing up. the girl assumes he is nothing more than an "imaginary friend" and when he is no longer able to make visits to the human realm, decides why not just have her directly by my side instead
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