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Haganai Fandom: Yozura's Confession



DISCLAIMER: Reading this is most likely a terrible waste of your time. You have been warned. Enjoy!

The warm summer breeze whistled through the pine trees, as Yozura’s long black hair danced in the wind. She walked along the cleared path, hearing the soft crunch of a twig breaking beneath her feet as she stopped at the agreed upon location; a clearing in the middle of the woods, with an old tree-stump in the middle.

“Hmph. Late as usual.” The raven haired vixen sneered, in reference to her childhood friend, Kodaka, who she’d spoken to earlier about meeting at this very spot in order for her to confess her feelings toward him. “He better not be ditching me for that pervert Sena-chan.” She mumbled under her breath. Yozura’s cheeks began to show an embarrassing hue of red just as Kodaka showed up, dressed in his school uniform.

“Hey, Yozura-chan.” Kodaka ran up to her panting, nearly out of breath. “Sorry I’m late, I was helping the student council with something.” His naturally blonde hair shined in the sun, as another gust of warm wind blew past the young members of the neighborhood club.

“Kodaka-senpai… Remember when we were kids, and there was something I wanted to tell you, but I never showed up that day?” Looking away, with tears forming under her eyes, Yozura blushed as she stumbled over her next words. “I…I wanted to tell you how I… I’ve always…”

“Always what, Yozura?-chan” He cocked his head to the side, with a loving grin. Deciding to make a bold move, the blonde haired boy moved in and planted his lips onto hers, not allowing her to finish her sentence. It seemed as though the moment was frozen in time, as Yozura’s eyes widened, startled by his forwardness, but not breaking away. Instead, she opened her mouth around his, returning the enthusiasm with sensual passion.

“Kodaka-senpai…” She looked up at him, smiling. Still savoring the way his lips tasted, not wanting to let go of the beautiful moment they had just shared. It was as if space and time itself stood still, in honor of their first kiss. Burying her face into his chest, she embraced him, feeling his warm body next to hers as if it were igniting a flame inside her once empty heart.
Is this…. Love? She felt his firm hands rubbing up and down her back, pulling her closer to him, almost as if they had become one at this very moment, standing silently, alone in the forest. Lost in a world of passion.

“Shh.” He whispered quietly. “Just enjoy the moment, Yozura-chan.” His words added fuel to the flame in her heart. It was then, that she decided to latch on to his blood-filled honker. Yanking down his boyshorts, right there, in the middle of the woods was the perfect way to initiate the ritual of claiming his tight, virgin yaoi-hole for herself.

Kodaka’s butthole puckered, as a sly grin appeared on Yozura’s devious looking face. Squatting down, she was now eye level with his groin, with her long finger knuckle deep inside his un-lubed anus, and the other still tightly gripping his long, succulent manhood, she swished the finger around, dodging turds, attacking his prostate.
“If you don’t do as I say, Kodaka-senpai, you’ll be sorry.” She said, pulling the finger from his chocolate starfish, and sniffing it with an entire deep breath, inhaling the swamp-rot butt stink of his anal-nether. As her eyes rolled back into her head, she began to slam her mouth onto his heated, muscular man-pecker. Bashing her head into it over and over, the blood, grease, and pubic hair caked into her teeth.

“Y-yes, Yozura-chan. I’m going to be a good little hamburger slut for you.” The beautiful, blonde haired Kodaka’s pupils drifted apart, as his tongue fell out, escaping his lips, flopping around like Scooby doo ready, and willing to partake in a delicious Scooby snack. He grabbed the back of her neck and passionately thrusted down her throat, feeling her esophagus gobble up every inch of his hairy meat sack. “Fufufuuuuuuuhawhawhawhw.” He blurted out, before he pulled out, leaving behind a thick wad of ripped out pubic hair stuck in her teeth like a bit of uneaten cabbage.

“If we continue..I’m going to climax. I want you to bust off first, Yozura-chan.” Stuffing his purple headed shampoo flinger back into his boyshorts, he helped the black haired female back up onto her feet. “Yozura-chan.. Your vagina is like a succulent eggplant, pickled in the moonlight.” Kodaka blushed, as he attempted to impress her with his romantic poetry, which he had practiced to himself infront of a mirror prior to this evening.

“Oh, Kodaka-senpai. You’re so sweet.” She smiled, or at least he thought she was smiling. One of her teeth fell out, just as his long, inhuman tongue dropped to the ground, and slithered up her skirt. Conveniently, she was wearing no panties, and his slippery appendage found itself jabbing against the virgin girl’s tight, wrinkly fart box.

“Eeee, Yoyura-yan. I can’ harly fuh fih’” The romantically, passion filled young student struggled to speak with his tongue in this position. Soon, he gave up, and chose to violate her bodacious gooch-hole instead. Yozura’s mind was blown, as she felt the alien-like tongue do the nasty, easily gliding inside her sopping wet girl-parts, thrusting wildly, lapping at her G-spot as if Kodaka were a rabid, deformed weasel on bath salts. Pumping her fists in the air, making noises that sounded similar to a Tusken raider, Yozura collapsed onto the ground, as the waves of pure erotic bliss crashed over her in a climactic euphoria. It was like a waterfall of ecstasy, cascading down into her soul, while she convulsed and flopped like a fish, uncontrollably for around 30 seconds.
“That felt amazing, Kodaka-senpai, now it’s your turn. I’m going to let you dunk my queef-machine with your fuck stick until you shoot big globs of white stuff in it.” Yozura’s words were barely understandable, seeing as how she only had but 3 teeth left. However, Kodaka somehow knew. His massive, throbbing wiener burst forth, ripping his shorts right off, and knocking the last of her teeth out. She turned, positioning herself onto her hands and knees, as the nervous girl moved her hands to her butt cheeks, spreading them for her blonde haired stallion. Making sound effects not unlike the Tasmanian Devil taking a shit, Kodaka began to cram his meat bat between her hungry goochie-flaps. “ARGGHH!” She yelped in a squeaky pirate voice, as his thick fleshy corncob filled her up. Kodaka’s violent thrusts caused the girl’s sweater bazookas to flop back and forth underneath her, until he unloaded the legendary ejaculation that will be written into history books for generations to cum(lol), complete with smelly fizzles from his yaoi-hole. His greasy man pecker blasted jizz into her, creaming her insides until there was literally nothing left of his body. Eventually, every atom inside Kodaka’s body was converted into seminal fluid, which was furiously ejaculated directly into Yozura’s now ravaged, succulent front-butt. Clenching hard, careful to not spill any of his hard-earned seed, she pulled her shorts up with an innocent sounding sniffle. Tears began to stream down her flushed, beautiful, battered face.

“Kodaka-Senpai… You’re gone… Why did you have to leave me… All I wanted to say was… I love you.” And then she died.

The end.
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