Kidnapped [ Bear & MoFo ]

  • Thread starter HeyThereLittleBear
  • Start date


Two sisters that had once been so terribly alike in manner and interests could not be any more different in demeanor on this day. It was not just any day - it was the day that both had waited for a long time. Coronation Day. While Anna was quite literally singing with joy as she ran around the castle, the same butterflies that tickled her sister into a joyful frenzy had turned Elsa into a tense ball of anxiety. Her shoulders were straightened against the world and back stiff. Her brows knit together above her eyes as she concentrated hard to keep herself contained.

No, to keep her powers contained.

Anna was practically floating around like a cloud in celebration of the momentous event, her excitement so plain in her face. Her eyes glittered like perfectly cut diamonds and her face was flush with the exertion of energy of quite literally flinging herself about through the crowds. Elsa watched her from afar, the quiet and stoic in comparison to Anna’s wild and free nature. Even she couldn’t stop a small smile from coming to her lips. It was the small joy of watching her sister enjoy the little things in life that helped her through the ceremony itself.

The ceremony was nothing special, though the entire kingdom had packed itself into the church to watch her. Her gown was elegant and her cape a long train behind her that drug across the floor in a gorgeous sweep. She felt as stiff as the ice that she could create, every movement of her body precise and planned. A smile here, a wave there, the slow murmur and mumble of polite conversation. They were lead from the ceremony hall of the church to the main ballroom, where a band was already playing soft music in the background.

Elsa was thankful to feel the eyes move away from her, people scattering to enjoy the festivities of dancing and eating the food complimentary to the people. She could hear the joy of the people in the way that they moved about her, something she had long since come to understand that she would never know but would always enjoy watching. There was so much activity in such a small room, and with the distraction of the dancing that had now turned to full-swing as the band swelled up the tempo of the music, she had lost sight of the most important thing - Anna.

The soft smile that she had dared to let play on her lips turned downward, worry crossing her features before she reigned herself in. She strayed away from her designated place, hands twisting themselves slowly as she searched the crowd. And there - in the corner - she thought she could see her. Just beyond the crowd was a piece of familiar green fabric, her worry melting into relief. Elsa crossed the crowd, sliding mostly unseen through the people as she made her way over there. “Anna?” She called out once she was close, “Is everything okay?” She got around the last bit of people and her frown returned.

The green fabric was nothing more than part of a painting partially hidden by a decorative curtain, her eyes moving back to the crowd. Anna had to be among them… But in a crowd this size, it would be easy to lose anyone.
On the outside of the large crowd a group of men of various sizes was now making their way inside. The group had been wearing lavish clothing that didn't seem to fit them quite right, however they had presented their invitations to the men at the door. Barnaby S Jones and his merry band had entered the party. They had bound up some guests outside that had been a little late and stolen their invitations, and readily stripped them and left the guests in some back alley.

The curly red hair of Barnaby sticking out amongst the group, his average build was accompanied by his rounded cheeks and smooth face. He looked kinda spindly and thin yet his eyes had a sort of greenish hue to them that were like emeralds. He was the brains and leader of the group, his freckled young face showed that he was clearly the youngest among the band he lead, a fellow by the name of John Stoolie a stout and round man with a big brown beard, and the rest behind him followed.

Barnaby looked among the crowd and would shoo his men to go mingle. "You all go mingle, I will look for the white haired princess... you guys be sure I am not looking suspicious." He said whispering out his orders to his goons to start going around and being less suspicious looking. The young bandit leader moved to a lone corner of the room to perhaps get a clear view, he didn't see anyone who looked like the kings white haired daughter, till, moving through the crowd and getting herself isolated from said crowd, he saw her. The long white hair, the beautiful figure, "Elsa..." He muttered under his breath, there she was, if he abducted her he might just be able to sell her back to the king for quite a price, and well she was pretty cute the young bandit thought, he mosied up close to the princess soon to be corinated. "Evening your majesty." The curly haired young man bowed to the white haired woman, "You look like yer lost." He said in a false friendly tone.
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