A New Start (Galaxie/DreamsandFantasies)


Feb 4, 2016
Max and Chloe had been living together in California for a few months now, living off of money that they both had stashed away, a little help from Max's parents, and, of course, work. She had managed to get a few freelance photographer jobs, and was working as a cashier to make sure there was something steady if photography had a gap between earnings.

Exhausted from a long day at work, Max was relieved to come home to her girlfriend. Her stomach filled with butterflies every time she thought of that word. It seemed so foreign to her, a thing she had never thought would happen, and yet here she was, living with the love of her life. She wouldn't have it any other way.

Tossing aside her shoes, Max practically collapsed on the couch beside the blue-haired woman she had fallen for. "Hope you had a better day than I did. Customers suck." She smiled slightly. She had felt a lot more irritated about the rude customers she had gotten today before she had gotten home, but now that she was here, so close to Chloe, it didn't matter to her as much. Everything was right in the world.
Life had been... well, strange since Chloe had left Arcadia Bay in her wake, with nothing but her beat up truck and her best friend at her side. Which was ironic, because she imagined that it was even stranger for Max after the horrific experiences she had gone through in an attempt solely to keep her alive. She'd never been so grateful to a single person - Max came back. She swore that her best friend had left her behind, but she came back, found the closure she needed after Rachel vanished, and despite the fact that Max should have given up on her, here they were.

California was better than she thought it would be, and she had thought it would be amazing. They had a little apartment of their own and minimum wage jobs to keep them above the water, and honestly Chloe didn't need much else in her life at this point. (Though she could honestly say there were moments where she ached to have her mother back around, despite how volatile their relationship had been towards the end.) Today she had the day off, and she'd spent it lounging on the couch after she went to pick up and grab some groceries.

Chloe was finishing off a joint when she heard the door click open, and she dropped it in to an ashtray and shifted her position so she was less strewn out across the length of it and more sitting up. A grin grew on her lips as Max entered the apartment, and as Max collapsed on to the couch Chloe moved in to wrap her arms around the smaller woman's waist. A few months ago she would have never pictured this - Max back in her life, let alone as her girlfriend. She tried to act like she was tough most of the time, but Max made her weak in all the best ways and she wouldn't want it any other way. "Oh? What happened in today's adventure in retail hell?"
A thin smile adorning her freckled face, Max shifted a little closer to Chloe, leaning into her. Words could not quite capture how Chloe's arm around her waist made her feel. It was such a small gesture, but it instantly made her feel safe. Like the world could end and yet she'd be safe here in Chloe's arms. In a way, the world really did come crashing down around them once already, and here they were. Still standing, and despite remorse and some sadness over what happened, feeling better than they had in their entire lives. Feeling happy.

"First guy started shouting over a sale having ended days ago, one girl thought it'd be easy to steal some money from behind the counter when no one was looking, and I swear everyone had a screaming baby with them today." Max's head rested against Chloe's shoulder. Her eyes wandered over to the nearby kitchen counter for a moment, spotting the bags. "Oh did you go grocery shopping today? Awwww, thank you."
She was warm and small and everything about Max made Chloe melt, especially when Max tucked herself closer in to Chloe's body. Her hold subtlely tightened just a smidge, and she pressed a soft, caring kiss to Max's temple.

"Ouch, that does sound like hell." The job she had was no better, and honestly Chloe wasn't sure how she managed to tolerate it on some days. She'd never been a menial work kind of person, but right now her priority was trying to keep the life that they were making together afloat. For example - by getting groceries. She'd known that Max would appreciate the gesture, and it wasn't like she'd had anything better to do - it had only made sense. (Plus she liked seeing Max smile, and any reason behind that smile was a good one.)

"Yeah, we were getting short. Was going to text you to see if you wanted anything specific, but I left my phone in the truck last night so..." Chloe's voice trailed off, implying that the battery was dead. One of her hands released the brunette and moved to run through her hair, fingertips coming in feather light contact with Max's shoulder and neck on the way up.
A slight, pleased shudder spread through Max's body as Chloe's lips kissed her head. The smile on her face grew wider into a somewhat goofy grin. "Well, you know what I like. I really, really appreciate it." It wasn't anything huge, but it wasn't the big things that made Max swoon. Just the little things that made her feel secure and looked after. The small, sweet things in life.

Max's breathing slowed a little, feeling Chloe's hands caressing her hair gently. "I ever mention how much great you are?" Max muttered softly, feeling a bit sappy after her long day. She scooched her head a little further in, right up against Chloe's neck. The adorable smile was still etched on her face. This was her happy place. She could stay here forever and be perfectly content.
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