RP: Pokemon: My Way [ Horror_Show & Relentless Dreams]


Feb 15, 2010
Anna Ketchum was in her bedroom tidying up and packing boxes with her belongings when there was a knock. Delia poked her head in looking around her teenage daughter’s room and smiled. She pushed the door opened and walked in holding a tray of snacks and tea.


“I thought you could use an evening snack. You’ve been really busy cleaning, organizing and packing. I never realized how much you collected over the years.” Her mother said teasing and sat the tray down on the floor.

Anna crawled over grabbing a muffin while rolling her eyes and nodding. She took a big bite and sat cross legged while letting her shoulders slouch and her long kept black hair fall over her shoulders, she was dressed in short black sweat shorts and a white t-shirt with a red trim. It use to be her older brother’s sports shirts from when he was younger and she claimed it before her mother took it to the second hand shop in town.


“So your all ready to be a big girl? Travel to Virdian City to work at the Pokemon Center…so exciting, can I call you a nurse joy?” Her mother winked and Anna swallowed a mouthful of her food.

“Not every center has a joy, just a lot of the family works in a lot of them around the country. I will not be a joy.” She said sarcastically eyeing her mother. Her mother ruffled her daughter’s hair.

“You got so much of Ash in you its ridiculous. If he had been a girl….your be it.” She said and Anna stopped chewing making an annoyed face. Secretly she kind of blushed inside and took it as a cool compliment. Her brother was a really famous pokemon trainer. He had over sixty badges and had traveled all over the world and seen both legendary and mythical pokemon. He had done all of this and was only twenty-nine. Anna had side dreams of becoming a pokemon trainer but quickly through those dreams aside at a young age knowing she couldn’t compare to him. She decided to go with her next best gift of loving and caring for pokemon and while in high school enrolled in a program to be trained to be a nurse. She had spent several weeks now and then traveling to volunteer at different and local pokemon centers.

Now that her eighteenth birthday was only a week away and she was graduating, she was offered a job in Viridian City to work at the pokemon center. Her mother was going to throw a party for her next week with family and friends.

“Well Ash should be here soon, he called a few hours ago and said he would be arriving sometime tonight.” She said and Anna’s face lit up as she swallowed another bite. She hadn’t seen him since Christmas over half a year ago.

“I’m sure Pikachu will be thrilled to see you….” her mother teased.


“Yeah, if only I could kidnap it and keep it.” Anna said almost half seriously and frowned because she loved it so much, Ash had even let Pikachu stay with her a few time and Pikachu bonded with her very easily. He almost at times refused to leave.

As Anna and their mother were joking about the young girl’s future job at Veridian City, Ash was walking on the road that linked the two cities. He was all smile, all it was know the parts of the road that he knew by heart, and that made him realised he was about to be, once again, back home. And you may have explored half the world’s surface... Home always would be a special, heartwarming feeling. Ash would be able to see people he longed to see for a long time. His sister had been born after he left to see the world, and so if he still managed to see her and their parents sometimes, it was nowhere near enough.

And so when he got a mail telling him than his young sister was about to leave the nest and become a nurse, he realised he had to be there for her. The two siblings had to do this trip together, walk on the first road, the one that went to Veridian City. Yes, it was not as symbolic as he would have liked, because she was an adult now, and she already left home to see several cities but... Ash still wanted to share the moment when Anna would leave home for good. And her eighteenth birthday too, that was something !

Of course, Ash did not come alone. He had pikachu with him, always happy to be around, making him laugh once every five minutes, on average. But there were not the two of them, because Ash also decided to bring his girlfriend, Monica. After all, this was the dreamed occasion for her to meet his family, before they would start scattering and all be in different places. And Pallet Town was something she had to see, because that was his town.

The sun was about to get under the horizon, when they saw the first rooftops, sign that were were finally home. His house was one of the first ones. At this point Pikachu just stopped caring about walking with them, and he ran inside the house, entering it by a window and disappearing from his sight. Ash just laughed more, knowing how much his friend loved his family and just couldn’t wait to see them again. The little one was clever and knew he now had a nurse he could find to get some treat.

Ash himself was a bit afraid. After all, last Christmas he agreed with Anna that they must see each other more often but... it’s been more than seven months now. He hoped she wouldn’t be hurt. And now, they would have their time together, he wished.

As the night was falling was, now was not the time for a theatrical entrance, so he decided to go it the old fashioned way, and just knocked on the door.«See ? They’re getting calm too.» She smiled, having noticed that the babies stopped being angry. «If you manage to get at peace, they’ll be calm too. And you’ll feel good.»
The sun had set and night had fallen over Pallet town. The small town was quiet with most of the country farm houses shedding light from their windows and omitting smoke. Anna had finished her all of her packing. While she was traveling with her brother by foot to Viridian City to be symbolic, a mover was coming next week to deliver her belongings to her new apartment in the city. She had traveled to other cities that were local to do volunteer work and intern but that was mostly traveling by plane.

Anna decided to take a quick shower and get cleaned up. Anna was really quick to shower and get changed into more comfortable lounge clothing for the night. Anna was super excited to see Ash and went downstairs pulling her hair into a messy bun to help her mother finish cooking in the kitchen. She had been busy cooking a late dinner, baking and making snacks.

They were listening to music; Anna was cutting up fresh fruit when Anna heard a very specific noise. It was the sound that a certain cute electrical rodent made when it was jumping or running. Anna had slightly stood up with one hand on the kitchen chair and saw a yellow blur jump through the window.

The yellow rodent didn’t stop and kept running and within seconds the yellow rodent had jumped into Anna’s arms. “Pika!” It happily yelled. Anna hugged it tight laughing. One of the rare things is Anna was one of the few people who could handle Ash’s Pikachu and he never electrocuted her no matter what. Delia was smiling and knew her son was near. Anna nuzzled her head against its furry head and while still holding it let one hand pick up a fresh honey crisp apple in gesture for Pikachu. Its eyes lit up. It licked Anna cheek and politely took the apple and started munching down, with a mouth full of food it said. “Pika-pee”


Anna walked into the living room and smiled wide seeing her mother greeting Ash. She hurried in but stopped dead in her tracks. She noticed another woman very close to Ash, her arm was hooked in his arm and she was leaning on his shoulder. Ash’s mom was filled with joy of seeing her son and him having a significant other and was talking to them both. Pikachu was still in Anna’s arms and was munching down on the fruit.


Anna didn’t know how to react but one emotion was definitely not any sort of happiness. She had known in the past when Ash had girlfriends, the longest relationship he had only lasted six months but he hadn’t ever mentioned anything about this one. His girlfriend was older, closer to his age but looked gorgeous, perfect with long blonde hair and fair skin. Pikachu had finished its fruit and was happy but he sensed his owner’s sister was having an issue but kept happy not wanting to make it obvious anymore. Pikachu instead decided to fall back into her arms being silly to distract her. Anna caught him and smiled down at the rodent.

Ash was glad to be finally be home. Pikachu had just vanished but himself was waiting for his mother to come greet him. And she was quick to do so, mother and son fell in each other’s arms as they too did not see each other for months. Talking using mails is not the same thing. They exchanged some banalities, about the trip. And then Dalia noticed Monica, whom Ash promptly introduced to his mother. That was the first time he brought one home, but at 29 he was way over the age he needed to do so. They had been together since around the time Ash last saw his family and he thought that was long enough for her to be introduced to the family. And if he waiting much longer, he knew Dalia would get worried a one point.

Ash was all smile, glad to see his mom again, but soon Anna’s absence started to be noticed. Where was she ? Usually, she would be the first one to come greet him. If she was doing something important, surely Pikachu would just yell at her until she would stop and come greet Ash. Maybe there was something wrong...

That’s what Ash thought until he finally saw a thin silhouette moving around in one corner. That could only be her. He left his mother and girlfriend in the living room and went to look for his sister. «Anna, are you here ?» He heard no human voice, but quickly the opportunity for Anna to answer was cut short by a loud «Pika pika !» who betrayed that she just was in the next room.

«Anna !» Ash said as he ran to hug his sister. «I missed you so much ! Congratulations for your job !» He did not care whether Anna was doing something important or not, he just wanted to see and hug her. Pikachu, more aware that his owner, as he sometimes was, kept eating his apple, wondering how that would end.
Anna was holding the electrical mouse when Ash had finally discovered where his younger half was and he darted into the room. Anna’s eyes went wide as he didn’t waste time closing distance and had both her and Pikachu in a tight hug Anna tried to keep her composure but between having Pikachu pressed against her with chubby cheeks and smelling Ash’s distinct scent which was a mixture of laundry detergent and nature.

“Ch-i-aaiii” Pikachu cooed and swallowed his bite-full of food, his cheeks let off a few sparks but nothing more.

“Ash….hey, so-so-g-g-great to see you.” She stammered. For some reason she closed her arms tighter around the Pikachu so her arms were occupied, so she didn’t have to hug her older back.

“Thanks, yeah its really awesome. I’m ready for the change.” She said trying to sound confident. Both their mother and Monica came in, their mother already her her smart phone out and was taking a picture of her children. Pikachu wiggled out of her arms and jumped on on her shoulders and pressed its warm cheek against her’s and made a smile. The mother took another photo of them before everyone was laughing. Anna couldn’t help laughing.


“Let’s all eat, the food is still fresh and warm.” Delia said and Anna nodded to go help her mother set the dining room table. Pikachu happily stayed on her shoulder as she went into the kitchen, trying to put space between her and Ash. She friendly smiled at Monica, how could you not? She was so nice.
Ash was.. a bit disappointed and her. Being the naive man he was, he could not believe than bringing home a girlfriend would make Anna upset. And if he was very happy to see his mother again, he had longed to see his sister as much, if not more because they used to be very close and have much more things to share together. But when their mother came to take a picture of them, and realized his sister was heartily laughing, he joined the group, and he too enjoyed this moment.

The next moments were a bit weird too as he saw Anna avoid him but at this point he just thought his sister was being moody, and even if he couldn’t wait to finally talk to her, truly tell her how happy he was he see her, he pragmatically agreed to give her some space. Still, he was worried she could have been hurt because he did not see her sooner, and wanted to punish him for that. That was a pity, because he would have love to introduce Monica to her. After all, any girlfriend he had would have to be Anna-approved, else that relationship wouldn’t be able to last forever. Monica too was confused, as Anna and Ash were not truly acting as Ash always said they were when together, but after all, in front of a young girl, she thought it was normal that she was unpredictable.

Ash was too confused to help his mother too, and soon the table was ready. He went to sit at his usual spot, with Monica sitting at his left. Usually Pikachu would sit next to him too, but while at home Ash just let him do whatever he wanted.
Anna helped her mother serve dinner. Her mother had baked herbed chicken with roasted vegetables and potato’s. Anna had tossed a fresh salad with lots of greens and made home made ranch dressing. Then together Anna and her mother had baked an apple pie, peanut butter pie and different sorts of cookies. Delia always went crazy with cooking wanting to make sure there was plenty of left overs for her grown boy. They often did packages of goods that she would have sent to various Pokemon Centers when Ash knew ahead of time where he was traveling and as he got older that got easier.

Anna sat down across from her mother and Pikachu sat beside Anna boosted with an actual child seat booster she had gotten just for Pikachu. He didn’t see to mind. Anna had gone out of her way to cook something special for Pikachu. He was tolerant of human food and even preferred it over more nutritional foods designed for his biology, but Ash kept him on a good diet over periods of time for training and strength. But he was obsessed with Ketchup, so Anna made him his own meatloaf with nutrients that he would barely taste and smothered it in ketchup, she even left the bottle near his plate and could see his mouth watering.

They all began filling their plates and Delia was very good about creating conversation and getting both Ash and Monica involved. Delia was thrilled to see Ash had finally brought a girl home and that must have meant it was serious. Delia could already picture the wedding and little babies with black or blonde hair. She was getting ahead of herself in maternal joy.

Anna on the other hand, tuned everyone out and focused on Pikachu, who seemed to be stuffing his face with the meatloaf, he even grabbed the ketchup bottle shaking more out onto the meat.


“Try to eat some of those greens on the side and fruit, kay?” Anna whispered as the rodent looked up at her, ketchup on his mouth.
Ash’s heart was filled by pleasure as he saw his mother’s cooking again. Yes, he had missed that too. Dalia had been an awesome cook for all his childhood, but now that Anna was there to help her, it had gotten even better ! True, she sent him package very regularly, but there was nothing comparable with the fresh, real thing. He was beamed with joy as she brought out the food to the dining room.

The only thing that left him bittersweet was Anna. She cared a lot about Pikachu, as usual, and Ash let her mess with his diet. But he was started to feel hurt from her apparent coldness. She never, ever did that to him and that was cause enough to worry. His old friend knew Anna very well too, but at that point he truly did not care at all, he had ketchup, it was as good as heaven, and did not care about his owner much. So Ash was alone on that one.

His mother did not let him worry for long, as she was so eager to meet his girlfriend. Ash, if he was not as impatient as she was to see himself settling down, still was glad to see she was interested in Monica, and happily talked with both of them. Monica was a trainer he had met on the road while leaving Kanto the next time he visited his family, and they had traveled together since then, growing closer at each stop.

Dalia, however, being in her usual cheery mood, soon started to try to include Anna into the conversation. After had, she too had to try to get to know Monica, and learn what her brother did when he was away. At this point, Ash just looking at Anna too, with his shy and confused look, as his to ask her why she acted like that today.
Anna wasn’t rude or anything but she was just more content with paying attention to Pikachu rather than listening to her mother converse with both Ash and Monica. Anna would now and then look up when they mentioned something until Delia had to naturally involve and brag about Anna. How she was an excellent in her academics and had got her nursing license and was even being offered the job at Viridian City Pokémon Center. Anna was forced to engage in the conversation. She tried to sound interested but everyone including her mother could tell something was wrong.

“Anna, are you alright?” Delia asked and Anna looked a little shocked her mother would so bluntly ask, was it that obvious. Pikachu eye’s were big, as if it could also sense something was wrong.

“Yeah mum….just,” she looked at her brother and his significant other and felt sick to her stomach, “just tired, my head hurts…..I think I’m going to turn in. I’m sorry.” Anna said getting up from the chair. She started getting her plate but her mother patted her on the back.

“You go on upstairs and get some rest, I can clean up. I will bring you and Pikachu dessert.” Delia said. Pikachu’s ears moved when it heard about dessert. Anna got up and would have naturally mauled her brother in a hug and kiss, she was normally very affectionate. They even use to be rough with each other goofing around, but somehow him being with another girl. She felt like he was off limits for any kind of contact.

“Night Ash, glad your home.” She said faking a smile and left her mom with her older brother and Monica.

Anna went upstairs and Pikachu followed, it was pretty much glued to her when it was home. Anna pulled off a few of her layers only being in a t-shirt and short shorts. She made her bed and even fluffed her pillows. Pikchu was nestling on her bed.


^^^ her shorts are just a little longer lol

Anna flopped on her bed groaning and the bed made both of them, including Pikachu in his comfortable position fly in the air and back down.

“PikaAaaa” It mumbled.

“Guess I’ll be forced to be a bridesmaid soon won’t I? Have to be in pictures and crap.” She said rolling on her stomach. The electrical mouse raised its head looking sympathetic and shrugged. It shook its head oddly which made Anna sit up.


“Pika-pika-pee.” It said while shaking its head.

“What is it? Why shaking your head? I’m being sarcastic because----,” she got quiet as Pikachu looked at her with big serious eyes, “anyway whats wrong? Don’t you like her?”


“Pika-Pika.” He said shrugging closing his eyes and if he was insinuating Monica was alright, but nothing special which blew Anna away.
Ash was glad to see his sister’s studies were as brilliant as ever. That at least did not change. However, that she suddenly got so cold was... disheartening. Ash was feeling so bad, at this point he wished for everyone except the two of them to just disappear so maybe she would finally tell him what was happening. He still felt close to her, even if they had been separated for most of her life, he felt linked to her.

«Good night...» He answered back, not naive enough to believe this was a true smile. At least she finally talked to him, maybe that’s what he needed to think. Mom too seemed surprised about her attitude, maybe she was just moody tonight.. No, even moody she would have been happy to see him. And she’s still happy to see Pikachu... Yes, at least he trusted his old friend to take care of her...

«Mom ?» He finally asked Dalia that had been worried too. «Is there something wrong with Anna ? I mean...» It was obvious what he meant. They had been very close each time he was home, and this was the first time she acted like that. Ash was glad to be here and go with her to Viridian city but.. if she was that despaired to see him maybe that was a bad idea in the end.

«I’m surprised. I thought she would be happy to see me.. Did she change that much in those months I’ve been away from home ?» Now it was too late, but at this point he wished that he would have traveled just slightly less, and enjoyed his family a lot more. He tried his best to enjoy his mother’s meal, and it truly was delicious but.. without the happy family atmosphere, it just wasn’t the same.
Delia got up to start cleaning up and to prepare some different desserts for everybody. She made both Monica and Ash plates with a piece of each pie and some ice cream and sat it down. His question didn’t take her by surprised and she smiled and frowned at the same time. She saw Monica eating, she didn’t seem to know what to think either. It must have been hard to be the girlfriend of the famous Ash Ketchum and come home but she had no idea this was a small laid back family.

“I don’t know what’s wrong honestly, maybe she is just having a hard time with adjusting to all the changes coming up, she’s leaving home and starting a career job. I don’t think it has anything to do with you.” She said not seeming so sure but continued to clean up.

“She did seem fine though hours before you arrived.” Delia then realized as she stood by the sink that it could be Monica, she didn’t automatically assume it was anything major but Ash hadn’t mentioned like with his other girlfriends, maybe that had hurt her and she was jealous but Delia had no idea it was deeper.

“After your done, why don’t you go up and take this tray of snacks and dessert up to Anna and Pikachu, talk to her. While you do that I will make sure the guest room is all ready for you two tonight to sleep.” Delia said setting a tray down.

Back upstairs Anna was laying in her bed listening to music while just scrolling through her smart phone seeming bored. Pikachu was lying beside her and seemed content watching her scroll through her social media. He used one of his little hands to lift one of her earphones and put his head against hers and Anna looked at him smiling. It was late but they lived out in the country from other houses so she could listen to some music. She pulled out her headphones and grabbed a remote making her ipod play on her sound system.

“What do you want to listen too?” She said handing the yellow rodent her iPod, he used his little fingers to scroll through, he was actually very intelligent enough to use the technology. His eyes lit up as it smiled “Pikaa!” As she guessed a pokemon dance remix started playing through out the room. Pikachu jumped on its two legs and started moving from side to side with its ears down. Anna laughed and turned up the bass and on cue started dancing and jumping around the room. She started singing the lyrics.


God forbid if anyone walked in on her dancing in her t-shirt and shorts with Pikachu in the room singing her heart out, showing her youth and energy.

Ash held his head down as Dalia told him what she thought about this situation. Yes, from the way she talked, he could see she too was a bit surprised by this situation, struggling to find answers herself. Even if he spent months away from home, Ash shill wanted to be protective towards Anna, and felt he was letting her down right now.

«Yes, that must be that» He answered, himself not very convinced by this argument. He could not guess it was about Monica, but he felt that was about something he did, maybe being away for too long. Or she was just bored of having this famous brother coming here once a year and asking for her affection. Maybe she just wanted to live her own life. At this point, Ash realize he may be overthinking this. Anna could very well be more relaxed than her brother that worried too much.

«Thanks!» He answered as his mother gave him sweet. No matter if the situation turned sour or not right now, he’ll have some nice to eat afterward. He felt weird to have all this drama in front of Monica but, after all, his sister’s well being was much more important than looking good in front of his girlfriend. Once the three of them had finished talking, Ash suggested to Monica that she could go in his old room, see the stuff he got from all around the world, when himself would go to see Anna with the tray.

The younger girl had forgot to fully close her door, and so Ash got curious, and peeked to see what was happening inside, why there was music. When he saw that she was inside, dancing and jumping, he realize that, maybe, she did not change at all. Glad to see she was still enjoying life, he just stayed there, looking at her for maybe a minute.

«Hey, Anna» He said as he finally entered. «I’m bringing you something to eat if you’re tired after dancing that much», he added, laughing. Pikachu was quick to jump on the tray and take whatever he thought was appetizing.
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