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Seeking a The 100 roleplayer for a Clexa game!

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Jan 21, 2016
I have a very specific need for a roleplay based on The 100, more specifically the most recent episode. If the title lured you in and you haven't seen 3x07 turn away now because there are major spoilers starting in the next paragraph. (And if you're here and haven't seen the episode yet, you're going to wish you didn't see this.)

BASICALLY: One of us plays Clarke, the other plays Lexa. I am not picky in the least about who plays who. We start just before Lexa gets shot, and simple enough we make it so she doesn't. Or that Clarke can save her. Come up with some other way to bring the AI to fruition later on or something. I just need to recover from what happened. Lexa lives. Clarke stays in Polis with her. Titus gets the shit he deserves. Our main ladies deal with trouble in their lives given you know the war going on and all but their relationship is good. I want plot - I want to advance the storyline and come up with our own direction to take things but I also want moments where they're alone together and happy and drawing each other and shit. I want them cuddled up in her bed, content and flustered but overall ok because Lexa Lives and they will figure things out. Fuck, have Clarke go to Arkadia and stay there for months while they take down Pike and then have them reunite.

Anything but what we were given. Just give me a Clarke/Lexa roleplay where everyone is alive and functioning and happy at least together while the world's trying to fight them. Fuck, have her dethroned because the clans don't trust her leadership any more and have them run away together I don't even care. Have Ontari become the next commander and sentence death upon all of Skaikru. (Though if that appeals to you can we please save Raven and Octavia?)

I'll also do other storylines. Modern AU? Sure. They get together at some other point? Sure. I really am open to whatever. Beggers can't be choosers, just give me a Clarke/Lexa game with a semi-reasonable storyline that doesn't involve either of their deaths and has a lot of sweet moments and sexy moments and everything in between.

I'm not picky about kinkiness. My F-list is here but I'd literally let you shit in my character's mouth if that's what you need to play this with me (but I'd really rather not go there) (I actually imagine them pretty vanilla but I won't hesitate to change that). I will make myself write novel length posts to match what you'd like to receive if you'd play this with me.
Not interested in roleplaying it unfortunately but am a huge fan of the show. I was destroyed after that happened.
I sent you a PM, I have a few ideas as to what we can do with Clexa. I still have my ship even though it got lite on fire.
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