Re-populate the species (MellowYellow x Um)


Jan 9, 2015
When Planet Vegeta had been destroyed, Kail had been off the planet, though it hadn't entirely been by choice. Whilst as a Saiyan he had been exceptionally strong, he lacked some of the killer instinct that Saiyan's prided themselves on. For that reason he had been placed into suspended animation and banished from the planet to wander space in an eternal sleep. Now though, that eternal sleep was coming to an end, his ship had finally begun to run out of fuel and just so happened to be near a small blue planet known as Earth. The computer had brought him down to land, then as Kail awoke the computer had begun to give him the information it had received or intercepted during his long slumber, of how the planet and Saiyan race had been destroyed, of how Freiza had been defeated, and of rumours of Saiyan survivors on this very planet, though there were barely any left. Whilst Kail hadn't been a 'traditional' Saiyan, the news had still left him rather distraught, his home, his people all gone. But yet, not all hope was lost. Using information and parts from the ship he had managed to modify a scouter, not to search for power, but to seek out Saiyan DNA. More specifically, female Saiyan DNA.

That had been 2 months ago, and Kail had been scouring the planet following the one signal he had been able to pick up. Unfortunately the signal was rather weak and kept dropping in and out. The only reason Kail could think of for this was that the person he was detecting wasn't a full blooded Saiyan, but rather a hybrid with the native species. Still, it was better than nothing that was for sure. Saiyan blood was strong, so long as there was something of it, then their race would survive.
Finally though, Kail had gotten a strong lock on the signal, it had brought him to a large city and towards a lot of commotion going on, it seemed like some kind of incident was going on. By the time Kail arrived it was reaching it's peak, and a young girl seemed to have taken it upon herself to put an end to things, being rather swift in handling a group of people who seemed to be wielding some kind of weapons. The way she moved, the way she took them down, it didn't take the scouter to tell Kail that this was the one he was looking for.

When everything was done, Kail approached the girl directly, pushing his way through some of the crowds, simply walking up to her, his tail uncurling behind him, no attempt to hide it. "You. You're the one, the one with Saiyan blood" He looked her up and down rather openly, she was attractive at least, that was going to make things much easier. "Excellent. We must mate immediately in order to re-populate our species. It would be easier if you remove all of your clothes but if you'd prefer to keep them on then that's fine" Kail was already reaching for his pants, clearly intending for them to have sex right there and then.
Even though grandpa had been gone for years now, some aspects of Pan's life remained a little hectic. These days she was a high school student and tried to go through that day to day grind as best she could, and yet every once in a while she'd come across something that offended her and drove the short figure into action. Thieves, once again. Fortunately, given their puny power levels, it had hardly been something that challenged her.

She had just finished up when she felt another power approach her, and in turning she warily eyed a figure that was several inches taller than her. "Uh... who the heck are- W-whoa WHOA! What are you doing?! Don't just try to... flash me in public, you sicko!" she exclaimed, shielding her eyes with one slender arm.

She was a short and trimly built young woman for all her power, dressed in the white blouse, grey blazer and dark skirt of her uniform, something that hid the teens modest bosom and other... parts from view. Flushing a deep red shade, she grabbed the stranger by the wrist and dragged him away from the open street, into a nearby back alley. "Geez... I'll be late now," she muttered. But Pan supposed this was something that warranted investigation. "Just who the heck are you anyway?" he was a Saiyan, evidently... but dad and her grandpa had told her many times that Saiyans were nearly extinct.
Kail raised an eyebrow as the girl suddenly seemed to panic, then even blocked off her eyes. Why was she doing that? Such a strange reaction, he had never seen a Saiyan react this way before. "Hm? Is something wrong?" He glanced her up and down again to take in her form, quite openly checking her out, until she suddenly grabbed his wrist, dragging him away from the native species and into a darker, narrower alleyway. So, she wanted to know who he was? Understandable, he could give her an explanation, he just hoped it wouldn't get in the way.

"Ah, my name is Kail. I was...absent from Planet Vegeta when it was destroyed" There was no reason to go into the reasons he was away from the planet, the knowledge that he was a Saiyan reject would hamper his efforts. "I have been in suspended animation for quite some time, my ship wandering space, until I ended up here. Rather fortunate indeed. Now since I have answered your questions, we should commence breeding immediately in order to begin rebuilding the Saiyan race" He looked her up and down again. "Hm, your breasts are somewhat small for a Saiyan, it must be the native blood, but I'm certain that together we can produce exceptional offspring. I'm certain you agree, our race does not deserve to simply die out"
"Hey!" Pan barked in annoyance, flushing curiously and glancing to her bosom. "They're still growing," she muttered. Granted her mother hadn't been too big either at her age, but she'd been assured she'd get at least another cup size in time. The nerve of this guy. "I don't know what kind of rules people had on Planet Vegeta, but on earth you can't just... randomly ask someone to mate with you. Or mate in public. Besides I'm not a whole um... not exactly..."

She grew a little more embarrassed, flicking long raven strands back as she thought of how to say it. Eventually she realised she was too tongue tied to manage it. So, sighing, and still deeply embarrassed, she lifted her skirt to show off the front of her panties... distended by a shapely lump that surpassed Kail's own cock in size. At the current angle, a shadow was cast over her meaty balls. "I've kind of got... 'both parts' so I doubt I can even carry kids."
"Still growing? Well yes, though normally Saiyan women are somewhat larger by this stage. Still, perhaps that kind of growth will come in time" Kail nodded lightly, though was still confused by her reactions. "Hm? You can't? Such a strange does their population thrive so much? Surely simply being direct is much more expedient" He sighed, tail swaying behind him, though then she started acting even more strangely. Not a whole what? Not exactly what?

"Hm?" Kail blinked, raising an eyebrow as she lifted her skirt. First she seemed shocked at the prospect of him exposing himself, and then suddenly she does it with little real hesitation. Though what she showed him, well, that was most....curious. "Oh my" Kail leaned down to examine her bulging panties more closely, reaching out to poke her flesh through the fabric of her panties. "Well it appears here at least you've grown to rather Saiyan proportions, though I've never seen this on a female before. Perhaps it's due to your non-Saiyan blood. Still, even with this, are you equipped as a female?" He stood back up. "If so then it's very likely you are still capable of carrying my children, Saiyan reproductive systems are exceptionally resilient and adaptable after all"
The slender figure frowned as he poked her member, sending a little rush of musk passing through the silken material of her undergarments. She was none too pleased about it, but she had just learned to tolerate having a futa dick. Though it was admittedly growing increasingly difficult to keep her organs in check given how well the cocktail of hormones seemed to infinitely churn within the attractive saiyan.

"Uh... dude, I'm flattered... I guess... but I don't have any plans on carrying kids." she said firmly, dropping her skirt. Her power rose a bit, a titanic ocean of ki even though she had yet to unlock a transformation. "So you're barking up the wrong tree. I don't have any issue with you staying on earth if you don't cause trouble, but don't think I'm the sort to just put out for a total stranger," Pan said.
That smell....well, Kail recognised that, seemed this thing was real after all. It had to be the influence of the native DNA. Kail had to wonder, if he had a daughter with this girl, would she too be like this? Their child would be three quarter Saiyan, but still have some native DNA after all, but then again that was unavoidable now. There seemed to be no full blooded Saiyan females left, so this quarter Saiyan was the only option left for giving their species the strongest chance of survival. Sure, Kail could go and find some native women and produce Half Saiyan offspring, but three quarter was far more preferable.

"Hm?" Kail looked up as his Scouter started beeping, registering Pan's increase in power. Fortunately when he had modified it he had installed a safety cut off to stop it overloading in the presence of overwhelming power....Pan seemed to have pushed the Scouter to its limits, but then again this was a rather old model. "But I'm not a total stranger, I'm a fellow Saiyan" Kail stood upright again. He had no intentions of causing trouble, he had reason to believe there were other, male, Saiyan's here far more powerful than himself that seemed to have made this place their home. Besides, Kail had never quite had that trouble causing streak most Saiyan's seemed to inherit, it was part of the reason he had been banished away after all. "But we are the only ones who can save what little remains of our race, to give them a chance to live again, to live better than they did before. Please!" Kail stepped in closer to Pan once again, seemingly having little to no concept of personal space.
Pan flushed. This guy didn't have a notion on the idea of 'maths' it seemed. How'n the heck were two people supposed to repopulate a whole race? Might have worked for Adam and Eve, but somehow they managed to stop everyone becoming inbred as fuck. Still, this guy didn't seem to want to take no for an answer, and it was starting to grate her nerves. ordinarily she tried to be as lax as her old man, but she was her mothers daughter at heart, and had her temper to match.

"Look bud, do I have to get firm with you?" she asked. She spun him around and pinned Kail against the wall, inadvertantly pressing her crotch into his surprisingly soft rear. She flushed at the realisation, and doubtless he would be able to feel the teen getting hard against him- a sizable lump that was all but set to tear her panties asunder. "Ah jeez... not now of all times," she groaned, rolling her eyes in a rapidly growing anger.

Today was just not her day...
"I know our race may have done some bad things but we can make sure the same mistakes don't happen ag-" Kail cut off as she suddenly grabbed him, spinning him around and pinning him to the wall. He squirmed a little, but she was definitely stronger than him. Another, perhaps more selfish, reason to mate with her....when a Saiyan mated with one stronger than them, there could sometimes be a transfer of power, making the weaker one stronger in almost an instant.

However, his squirming also caused both his surprisingly soft, for both a Saiyan and a human, rear and his soft tail to rub up against her, against that bulge, that growing bulge. "Well that's....certainly getting big....uh..." Kail glanced back over his shoulder at her, it occurred to him that he didn't even know her name. "Please, we must at least try, our species deserves a second chance, even if I have to do something in return for you, all I want is to give them the best chance possible"
Pan could ordinarily keep things under wraps, just as easily as she could keep her ki from overloading , but when someone managed to get her riled up it was hard to actually keep a lid on those feelings. Once a volcano went off, it wasn't like you could just put a lid on it. And try as she might to reign herself in, Pan knew all too well that she could hardly go to school in her current sate. If she did, well... some unlucky lady was going to be taking responsibility.

Naturally that'd be a PR nightmare. And likely a legal one too. So, eventually she sighed and settled for the only option she had on hand. "Well... lets say... you help me deal with this boner. If you do, then will... consider your offer." She wouldn't, of course, but her grandpa hadn't been above lying if it were to be put to a good use. She had no intentions of helping the saiyans come back to life, but she needed to do something about all this.
Kail listened to her offer, it was an interesting one, at least it seemed like there might be some chance. He couldn't be sure if he could believe her or not, but then again he didn't exactly have much choice did he? He just had to take that chance, it was the best chance that the Saiyan race had left. Besides, even if she was bluffing for now then perhaps he could keep working at her. If nothing else, well, perhaps he could seduce some of the native women....half Saiyans would be better than no Saiyans.

"Very well, I accept your proposal....Though you'll need to let me go if you want me to do anything about that for you...." He glanced over his shoulder again, the girl's skirt was raised up and her panties were clearly on the verge of ripping themselves apart. Kail had to admit, the thought of seeing that was rather exciting...
The young woman sighed with some relief. She wasn't exactly.... thrilled about her current situation, but it would be better than just flying off and spending the better part of an hour jerking off with little to no results. So, nodding, she released her grip on him. "Okay... I'll be keeping an eye on you though. No funny business though," she warned. Already she knew she was marginally stronger than this guy, but their species could be a crafty bunch, to put it mildly.

Stepping back would let Kail get a glimpse of what she was working with. Despite being short, the high school saiyan was sporting quite the member, currently at just over sixteen inches long and about as thick as her wrist, her meaty cock and balls getting set to tear her panties asunder. She gulped briefly and adjusted her flowing silky hair. "S-so... what exactly are you going to do?" the pretty quart-saiyan asked.
Kail stood upright as Pan released him, then slowly turned around, raising an eyebrow at just how large she had grown....those garments certainly weren't going to last much longer. Suddenly though, her confidence seemed to vanish, she seemed almost...timid? That was certainly unusual for a Saiyan female, they were normally so aggressive. "Hm? What am I going to do? Don't tell me this is the first time you've ever done such a thing with someone else?" Kail looked at her sceptically, not quite able to believe that a Saiyan of her age hadn't engaged in sexual activity with another already.

"Well, I'll use my hands of course. What else do you think I'm going to do?" He held up his hands, clenching and unclenching fists powerful enough to turn rocks to dust, then looked back to her panties. "Hm..." He grinned slightly, then reached out, but rather than tugging her panties aside, he instead grasped her cock through the strained material, squeezing her shaft near the tip. He could feel the power within it, radiating from it enough to even overpower the heat. He squeezed once more, then started to rub his hands a little further down the shaft, but again was careful not to remove her panties....he wanted to see them burst.
"Uh, no? I know people from your planet are pervs, but not here." Still, Pan didn't let her annoyance become too obvious, now when she had things to do and ultimately didn't want much of her day spent on filthy things. She grunted as he steadily jerked her futa dick off, the tightness of her taut underwear adding an extra layer of sensations that had her grunting a little bit louder with each successive motion of his hand.

The slender young woman moaned, eyes closed while a heat continued to build inside her impressive cock. From his position, no doubt Kail would be unable to ignore the strong musk of her hefty cock. "Hmmnn... oh man..." Pan groaned, her heavy cock tensing in rhythm with the beats of her heart.
"Pervs? Hmph, we simply don't deny our instincts..though I must admit I do wish we had when it came to killing..." Kail paused his rubbing of her cock for a moment, seemingly thinking back to the Saiyan race he remembered. It was so long ago, decades, but to him it had been mere months. Still, there were other things to focus on right now, and the scent coming from Pan's cock, along with the sound of her grunts...oh god the sound of her grunts....Kail shivered and groaned, his own pants becoming very tight as his own erection grew. Whilst he didn't have the length or girth that Pan had, he was still certainly impressive for a Saiyan, and outright obscene for a human.

"Enjoying it hm? See, sometimes giving in to instinct can be fun can't it?" He looked up at Pan's face and smirked, giving her cock a particularly powerful squeeze, more than any normal human could give, pulling his hands down a little more, stretching her panties to their very limit, the fabric on the verge of tearing at the tip of her cock and releasing her from that tight confine.....before he suddenly released his grip, returning to stroking through the fabric instead, leaving her cock and balls firmly and snugly trapped for the time being. Kail had plenty of experience playing with pleasing her in this particular way wasn't entirely foreign to him.
"Don't think I'm gonna go full monkey for you," she said, glancing down to the hand pumping her cock extensively. Guy knew his stuff. She groaned, eyes closed while the pressure reached a peak in her balls. A long moan slid out of Pan's mouth, and soon hot globs of her seed were rushing out of the flared head of her cock, hot blobs that built against her and tore her underwear asunder under the thick bombardment of the seed.

Pan tensed and shuddered, before sighing in relief and feeling her cock going a little more... jelly-ish. "Whoof... well uh... thanks for that..." Pan said, brushing her hair out of her face. "Gotta admit, that was better than my own hand."
Well, maybe she wouldn't....not yet anyway, but the way she was grunting, there was definitely a bit more Saiyan in her than she perhaps cared to admit. Kail pumped his hands a little faster, feeling the cock throbbing beneath the stretched material, the heat growing, the power surging...he couldn't dodge out of the way in time, as Pan's cum surged and tore through her panties, it sprayed across Kail's face, the jet hard enough to knock him away from her, even cumming was something Saiyan's did with immense power when uncontrolled, leaving him to take almost the full force of her cumming all across him, practically marking him with her incredible musky scent.

"Well..." Kail wiped some cum from his face as she finished. "I'm certainly glad I could live up to my end of our arrangement" Now that he was backed off from her though, Pan would be able to see the rather sizeable erection between Kail's legs, though his clothing seemed a little more stretchy in order to accommodate it, his own musk emanating, mixing with Pan's. "I just hope you're also willing to consider your side as well"
Pan panted slowly, feeling a little on edge as she worked to fix her skirt back into place. At last her monster cock was softening, and with any luck she could conceal it for the rest of the day. She sighed in some relief and nodded to him "Sorry for that. You should've uh... well, tried to dodge I guess. I'll consider you're offer, but for now..." With that she leaped into the air and took off at a tremendous speed, making a beeline for her school.

And left Kail some time to ponder the addictive and enticing scent and taste of the quart-saiyans cum.
"I'll be looking forward to your decision..." Kail grinned, watching as she lifted up into the air then flew off quickly, though he got a good look up her skirt at everything beneath now that her panties were mere shreds on the alley floor. He still didn't know her name...but he had something far more unique, her scent. He looked down at the cum that covered him. It had such a strong scent...and yet it was so alluring. He reached a hand up, licking the cum from it, shivering as the taste washed over his tongue. " many ways" He chuckled, carefully wiping himself down, before turning to leave the alleyway. He would give his, hopeful, mate some time before seeking her out again, perhaps a day. Tracking her down now would be easier, his Scouter could lock onto her, he could find her at a moments notice so long as he had that.
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