A Mockingjay Fettered (randomname98766789 x Izzy325)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Moved from PMs to threads

randomname98766789 said:
Izzy325 said:
randomname98766789 said:
Izzy325 said:
randomname98766789 said:
Izzy325 said:
randomname98766789 said:
Tomorrow was a "special" day for the entire country of Panem. Why was it a special day? Tomorrow would be the day of the Reaping for the Seventy-Fourth annual Hunger Games. Children from each of the Twelve districts would have their names placed into a glass bowl and one boy and one girl would be chosen to be sent into an arena for a fight to the death. The only districts that actually looked forward to this event happened to be District One and Two, known as the Career districts. Here, the children train their entire lives for the Games, wanting to bring honor and pride to their respective District. The Capitol and its citizens also looked forward to the event because it was a chance to make money on bets and it was a form of entertainment, a sport, and a fun event to watch. As sick and twisted as it sounded, it was true. The entire country was under oppression with the Games being a prime example of that hardship faced by the people throughout the Districts.

The day before the Reaping meant that all children of the appropriate ages would not have to work or go to school. It was almost like a grace period to prepare for what could be the end of life for you or a friend or a family member. It was quite the disappointing and depressing time for everyone in the country. For two unlucky souls from each district and their families, the odds would not be in their favors. For that reason, it was understandable that not many people were in a good mood, especially in District Twelve. This district happened to be the poorest district of them all. They were known for coal mining and working in those dangerous conditions with little pay was about all there was. Only a few lucky people from the Town section of the district would not work in the mines and would work safely in shops and in safer conditions. Regardless, everyone in this district was dirt poor, starving, and struggling to survive. However, there were two people that were in higher spirits.

Kolton Smith and Katniss Everdeen happened to be these two people. Tomorrow was their two-year anniversary together but since the Reaping was a day long event even if you were not chosen to be shoved into that dreadful arena. Because of this, they were celebrating one day early on the day where they had no obligations to see through. The meditated plan developed a few days ago allowed for both to make sure their families were okay and fed before heading out into the woods outside of District Twelve to meet at noon. In the woods, it was illegal to actually be there but this rule never impeded them. Katniss' father always took her out hunting in the woods and after his death, Katniss shared the location with her best friend and soon to be boyfriend. A beautiful lake, beautiful woods, and a small little cabin was their own piece of heaven on Earth. The "electrical" fence was never actually switched on so it was no problem getting out of the district. If they were to be caught, then they would be in deep trouble but no Peacekeepers ever bother to check. They figure no one actually tries to get out because of the myth of the fence being electric.

Ever since Kolton saved Katniss' life one day a long time ago, they have been absolutely inseparable. The younger Katniss was trudging through a bad part of the Seam after killing some game out in the woods so she could feed her family but an older boy from the Seam attempted to jump her, steal her food, hurt her, and do God knows what else to her. Thankfully, Kolton happened to be passing by the scene and fought off the boy and saved Katniss. She was not in any shape to walk home so he carried her back and from that moment, their love started to grow and grow without ever faltering for even a second. Kolton was one year older than Katniss and was also from the Seam. He was tall and strong even though he did not get near the proper nutrition he needed, just as everyone else. While he was quite skinny, all those years from helping his parents in their butcher's shop, carrying large slabs of meat around all day allowed him to gain quite a good bit of muscle mass to build his strength. To be honest, he was probably the strongest boy at school and no one dared to mess with him or any of his friends.

Not only was the celebration of their anniversary tomorrow, but it was also the date of Kolton's birthday. It made this time of year extra sweet and special but also extra depressing. As Kolton trudged through the woods towards the cabin, he thought about their promise to try and just enjoy this day together because while the Reaping was tomorrow, this day was all about them and their love and happiness. No Hunger Games today. No reaping today... Just them. That was something that he was more than happy to go through with and hoped Katniss did too. He wasn't sure what all they would do today but he was sure they would have fun nonetheless. He was in his normal attire of a t-shirt and dark jeans along with combat boots. He saw the door already open to the cabin and that Katniss must already be inside. Smiling, he walked up to the door and entered inside, setting a basket of turkey sandwiches and cheese buns on the dresser beside of him. "Katniss?" He called out, now closing the door behind of him.

Katniss Everdeen felt both excited and incredibly nervous for several reason's. Tomorrow was the "Reaping". One of the most feared days in all of the districts. Tomorrow 12 of her peers would be given a death sentence. Rarely did anyone from her own district make it. They would be lucky enough to make it past the first day in the Hunger Games. She shook her head getting the thought out. Katniss would't allow herself to think like that today. Today was going to be a day filled with love, kisses, romance, and perhaps a bit more. Katniss couldn't help herself and blushed as thoughts of Kolton naked flooded her mind. Hopefully the things playing out in her mind would come true for her by the end of the night. She finished up her work for the day and checked the time. It was almost time to leave.

Katniss quietly sneaked out of her house in order to see Kolton. Not that her mother wouldn't have allowed her but since it was the night before the reaping her mother would want to spend as much time with her as she could. It was also the first reaping in which Prim Katniss's younger sister would be participating in. But the likelihood of Prim being sent to the hunger games was slim. It was her first time participating in the reaping and her name was only in once. Unlike Katniss whose name was in several times. Too many times to count. But she had been this lucky so far and hopefully her sister had inherited the same amount of luck. Katniss walked through back trails and in darkly lit areas. She didn't want to be followed and she didn't want anyone to find out about her cabin with Kolton. It was their special place.

Finally the dark haired beauty reached the cabin. It looked as if she had been the first to arrive so she calmly waited for Kolton. She thought back to the first time they had met when he saved her. Despite having terrified of those boys he never let her get hurt. He always protected her. She finally heard Kolton walk in and her heart started to race. This was it. "Kolton" she asked as she left the bedroom and saw him standing in the living room. "You're finally here!" She walked over and pulled the stuff out of his hands and placed them on the table.

Katniss pulled Kolton into a kiss her soft lips pressing against him. "I'm glad we are doing this today...I know that tomorrow things can change for the worse but we still have tonight." She tried not to get sad about the thought of either of them having to leave tomorrow. She smiled sadly at Kolton as she leaned her forehead against his. "Let's not be sad tonight. I want to celebrate us and how far we have come." She gave him one more kiss before pulling away. "You must be starving what did you bring?" She didn't want him to look at her face anymore because she knew he would see the sadness there. She was still happy but clearly the thoughts of tomorrow were eating away at her.

Was there any better way to be greeted by Katniss than with a kiss? Kolton did not think so. What really blew his mind was how no one else seemed to notice her beauty. Just because she was from the Seam and that she was quiet hardly anyone batted an eye at her. On the other hand he was glad because she was all his and belonged to him solely. The kiss was already full of fire and passion as the tall boy smiled down into her gray eyes. Their love had definitely traveled a long way over the past few years and he would honestly never trade it for anything. What she said next made him frown slightly because he knew how she truly felt.

Anytime she felt sad, it made Kolton sad too. He did not have to see her face to read her emotions. Their connection ran so deep that by just being around her and hearing her sweet voice, he could know what she was feeling. “Oh, you know. Just some of my famous sliced turkey sandwiches and a few cheese buns.” He said with a chuckle, suddenly grabbing both of her hands, spinning her to face him and having her right against his chest. Their height difference always made him grin. She was not short by any means but Kolton was freakishly tall for his age and for their district.

Leaning down, Kolton did the only thing he knew how to do and that was kiss Katniss and shower her in his love. She might be loaded down with the thoughts of tomorrow but he would make sure that ended immediately. His hands cupped her face and his tongue slithered into her mouth, sliding back and forth against her cheeks and pinning her tongue down as well in this process. His head tilted to make the kiss even deeper than before and almost every single inch of both bodies were touching each other.

When this kiss was over, Kolton pulled back slowly from the dark-haired beauty and was panting quietly. Their lips would both be kiss swollen but that was more than okay. He had a feeling that they might both be sore at the end of the night. Plus, he also had a kinky little surprise for Katniss when it arrived to that point. They had been talking about it for a while now with adding some spice to their sex life. Kolton briefly mentioned his readings and fantasies on bondage. He could not wait to try it.

That was going to be later though. He grabbed the girl by her hand before leading her over to the couch and sitting down with her. She was quickly pulled across his lap and he took out a sandwich and held it to her lips. This boy would literally do anything for Katniss and he probably made that clear already when they first met. Not only did he save her from those boys, but he helped her home in the awful weather conditions and made sure she was alright. Dozens and dozens of people passed the ongoing scene and Kolton was the only person to step up and help. “So… how does it taste? Is it a good start to our anniversary?” He asked with a growing grin on his face.

Katniss sighed in relief as Kolton held her. Not matter how she was feeling how stressed out the girl was Kolton knew exactly how to calm her down and make her feel better instantly. "What would I do without you?" She smiled into another kiss before he lead her away. She wobbled a bit after the kiss Kolton planted on her lips. The kiss excited her and calmed her in ways she couldn't explain. As she sat on his lap she allowed him to feed her as her mind wandered. "No one's sandwiches could compare to the ones you make for me. Thank you....I love you so much." She reached her hand up and cupped his face softly before pecking his swollen lips once.

"I needed tonight so badly. The upcoming reaping has been lurking." Latinos shook her head and laughed. "Look at me you planned this romantic evening for us and all I can think about is tomorrow." Colton continued to feed Katniss and she continued to eat it. As she stared into his eyes all the beautiful girl could do was smile. The boy had shown her time and time again how far he would go to protect her and keep her happy. She couldn't have asked for a better man in her life. She reached down and squeezed his hand hoping she would never have to live her life without him. The sandwich helped to distract her from what was on her mind. Although now Katniss wished they could get down to the other reason they were there.

The pair had discussed furthering their limits when it came to their sex life. Colton and Katniss wanted to push the boundaries and step into the world of bondage. Hopefully it was everything that he had wanted. Katniss leaned forward and started to gently kiss Kolton's neck leading up to his mouth as she moved her leg over so that she was straddling him. She carefully and playfully bit at Kolton's lip pulling it slightly.

"Kolton...I can't wait any longer. Want to try this with you. The man who I will share many firsts with." Katniss stood up and gently pulled Kolton along until they reached the bedroom door. "Are you ready?" She asked sudden;y getting nervous but still very excited for what was to come.

It might have been simple but Kolton still enjoyed feeding Katniss. At any time when she became uneasy or worried about tomorrow, he was quick to kiss her and touch her until she forgot about it. The reaping was tomorrow, not tonight. There was still time left before they needed to worry about that and he intended to take full advantage of it. Within minutes, all the food had been eaten and all the water had been consumed. What she did next made Kolton smile as he walked through the cabin with her.

“Yes, I have been ready for such a long time. I am happy you want to try this as I promise you it’ll be worth it.” He assured the brunette before stepping into the bedroom with her. Once inside, he took both hands in hers and squeezed them, giving her a reassuring her smile. He would not hurt her of course and the fact that she trusted him enough to do this spoke volumes about their love.

He turned only to close the door and then turn back to Katniss. As he had told her, he found some rope and duct tape that he now kept in the cabin for when they were ready. If they had money and lived in a better District then maybe he could buy some real bondage restraints and toys. For now though just some cloths, ropes, and tape would have to do. That was more than enough for Kolton though.

“Let’s not waste any more time…” The young male cooed into her ear, suddenly placing both hands on the bottom of her thighs and effortlessly lifting the girl up into the air and dropping her onto the mattress. Kolton was definitely quite a strong young man and he loved showing off for Katniss.

To get things off to a fun start, he quickly shed his t-shirt and then pounced onto the bed. One large hand trailed under the shirt of Katniss and he started to slowly massage her abdomen while his mouth reached down and quickly latched onto hers. His free hand was working to help Katniss get rid of the jacket she was wearing and once the deed was finished, he placed both of her hands on his hard chest.

Sure he wasn’t built like a Career District male might be but Kolton was definitely more defined than other boys here in District Twelve. From working at his parents’ shop to doing his own little exercise routine, he maintained a decent body considering the lack of options they had. It was all for Katniss, wanting to give her everything she ever dreamed of.

One hand went to the back of her head and he deepened the kiss even more, tilting his head and allowing his tongue to slither inside of her mouth. Quietly, he moaned right against her lips and smiled even wider, his teeth lightly taking her lower lip in between them as he tugged on it. He was lost in a moment of pure bliss and love, something that he never thought would be possible until he experienced it with Katniss.

No matter how worried Katniss ever became Kolton knew how to calm her down. Not many people got to know Katniss on a deeper level but Kolton pushed past that and just loved her for who she was. He knew her perfectly and it was all because of how much the pair cared for each other. Soon the reaping was out of her mind. She was now preoccupied with dirty thoughts of what would occur throughout the night.

Katniss had to admit she was slightly nervous about what they were going to try. They were taking steps to further their sexual experiences. For the most part Kolton was Katniss's first in everything. Since meeting there was never a day the two hadn't spent together. There was so much Kolton did for her. The dark haired girl owed him her life. He was the most important person in her life and that's the way it would remain.

She allowed him to lead her to the bedroom as they readied themselves to have sex. She giggled softly as he dropped her on the bed. She couldn't help but admire his body. She loved every inch of him. He was perfect in every way possible. She gasped softly once he joined her on the bed. She moaned as his strong firm had roamed up her shirt. The passion she felt in his kiss showed her how ready he was to begin their voyage into bondage. They were both eager to try and she wanted to please him in everyday possible.

Slowly Katniss kissed Kolton back. Their tongues swirling and twisting around each other. Her hands gripped his firm chest as she held onto him. She opened her legs to him as she wrapped them around his muscular torso. "Kolton...." She moaned as his skilled hands traced her body.

"I love you so much Kolton." She whispered as she pulled away from her man. She removed her shirt leaving her in her bra and pants. "How do we approach this? I know this is new to both of us." Clearly she was speaking about the bondage. "I want to do this right. I want us both to enjoy this."She leaned forward kissing him again. The passion and love she felt for him driving it. She hoped he knew how much she trusted him. Katniss knew in his arms no harm would ever come to her.

When Katniss wrapped her slender legs around Kolton’s hard torso, a smirk went back to his lips. It perfectly placed their groins right against one another and he was already getting hard. He could already see the rope digging into her skin, the tape on her mouth, and the rough fucking he would give her. They weren’t afforded luxurious things that the Capitol citizens get but it could work. Kolton had gotten hold of some books and magazines that he shouldn’t have seen. It was crazy what someone found in the Hob. But he knew there were big communities that did this in the Capitol and he was intrigued immediately. To him before that, he’d never seen someone tied up unless it meant they were being punished by the peacekeepers but to think that two people can derive pleasure from it was intriguing and his fantasies about Katniss ran wild immediately and continue to do. He was more than excited to start.

“I love you too, Katniss. So much.” Kolton answered immediately and watched her remove her shirt before he tugged off his jeans and only left him clad in his boxers. When she asked him about this, he smiled at her. “I know it is new to us but don’t’ worry. Like I told you, I’ve read about this a lot and I’ve practiced my knots before. I think this will be amazing for us. Just let me take the lead.” Kolton spoke with a very gentle, calm, and confident voice. He returned the kiss, his mouth latched onto hers and his head tilted to one side to deepen the kiss.

While the kiss was going on, he unclasped her bra and threw it onto the ground and also removed her panties in the process. Finally, he pulled back with a smirk and rolled the girl onto her stomach. “Okay, put your hands behind of your back and cross your wrists.” He ordered, scooting off the bed and pulling down his boxers, leaving him bare.

He reached into a drawer and pulled out some rope and some duct tape. He took the rope first and started to wrap the length rope around both of her wrists, tying the knot tightly. She wouldn’t be able to loosen it up at all. “How does that feel baby?” Kolton asked, kissing both of her palms and then letting his cock rub against her hands so she could feel that he was becoming hard immediately upon seeing this. God, she looked so hot being tied up like this… she looked like a true damsel in distress. He couldn’t wait to see where they going to take this.
The dark haired girl felt her pink nipples harden in the cool air. Soon the district 12 girl was completely naked along with her lover. Katniss followed Kolton's orders and turned around placing her hands behind her back. The excitement increased this was the moment. She would be under his control until he decided to release her from her bonds. As she waited for him to tie her up she laid her head against the short sheets of the bed. Katniss heard the rumbling of Kolton looking in the drawer before he found what he was looking for.

She felt the slightly rough as it connected her wrists behind her back forcing her to keep her current position. Again her heartbeat fluttered as she felt her man's hard cock as it rubbed and thrusted against her smooth bare ass. "It feels good baby" She responded turning her head slightly.

Katniss was truly in Kolton's control. She was his to do as he pleased. She pulled against the ropes but to no gain. She could not move. "Kolton please I can't wait any longer..." She begged as he teased her a bit more.

In that moment Katniss could feel her arousal grow between her legs. A gentle wetness as her body prepared her to be fucked by the man she loved. She completely trusted him in her current position because he had all of the power. "I'm ready.." She bit her lip as she gently pushed back against him in hopes of having him fuck her raw into the bed.
“I bet you are ready… but I’m not quite there yet.” Kolton answered with a simple smirk. One thing was missing here and Kolton couldn’t go without it. His right hand grabbed the roll of duct tape and his left hand rolled off a piece and then ripped it off the roll.

“Close your mouth, Katniss.” Kolton ordered in a soft but deep voice. When her lips were shut, he pressed the piece of tape over her mouth, smoothing the corners against her cheeks and then placing his entire hand over her mouth, pressing down on it some more.

“My favorite thing about all of this is using a gag. I want you to still try and talk to me and kiss me while you’re gagged. I don’t do this to keep you quiet. I do this because I want to hear how helpless and sexy you sound so don’t you dare hold anything back. Be as loud as you possibly can.” Kolton explained having found out that most people only used gags as a means to silence someone. The silence wasn’t arousing, it was the strained, helpless moans and whimpers that really got him going.

“Now, I am ready.” Kolton whispered, leaning his head down to press a soft kiss right over the imprint of her lips against the gag. His large hands started kneading the flesh of her large breasts and he smiled contently. Without any further teasing, Kolton slowly slid his thick, large, hard cock inside of Katniss. He was convinced that he’d never been so big or so aroused before. This was better than any fantasy he imagined.

Slowly, he started a gentle pace where his hips just rubbed against hers and he thrust back and forth, feeling the rough skin of his member forcing her walls open further and further each time. It might have been a kinky setting but for now he was making sweet love to Katniss, his fingers and hands still occupied with her breasts.
Once again Katniss obeyed Kolton's orders. She pressed her pink lips against each other as he placed a single piece of duct tape over her mouth. The girl was now completely under his control. She could barely make any nosies since the tape held her mouth shut tight.

Katniss listened to Koltin's instructions for what he wanted because nothing mattered more to her than pleasing him in any way possible. Katniss moaned into the tape as Kolton leaned down to kiss her. She wanted to feel his lips against hers as the made love.

She moaned as she felt his calloused fingers massaging her breasts. "Oh god Kolton..." She moaned into there tape muffling her words. IT was unclear what the girl had said but it was clear she was experiencing pleasure. As she felt the head of her man's thick cock start to slip inside of her all she could do was moan into the tape. "Mrmph mmmrpph" Were the only sounds that could be heard from her as she felt Kolton's large balls press against her.

She gently matched his rhythm as best she could given that her hands were behind her back. The sensation of his hands on her breasts and his cock fucking her at a gentle pace made her sigh in pleasure. "Mhhhmmmmm......Ahhhhhh." She could feel as his fat cock stretched her open as he made sweet love to her.

Her walls stretching as far as they could wrapped tightly around his. Pulling him back in as he tried to pull out. More groans could be heard from Katniss as she struggled to speak. "Mmmmmhhhhh" She quivered under him as his skilled hips and cock fucked her.
Sure, it wasn’t the first time that the couple had sex. In Kolton’s opinion though, it was the best time. Katniss was so tightly bound and gagged that it blew his fantasies away. Above everything else, her muffled moans and noises put him in heaven. This had to be a dream, right? Was it even possible for a girl to sound so hot? If he tried, Kolton was nearly one hundred percent sure he could masturbate to only the sounds of Katniss making these noises. Since he wasn’t masturbating and was actually inside of Katniss and able to feel his skin on his lover’s skin, those feelings were accelerated a thousand times more.

His large hands were kneading and pulling on her breasts, hanging free on her body. Sweat was glistening on his body now because Kolton was working very hard. His hips pumped faster than ever before and his tip was pressing further inside of Katniss than ever before too. He wasn’t too informed on sex since that wasn’t something citizens of Panem outside of the Capitol knew much about but he figured he just had to be much bigger than usual. It was like some kind of drug to him. His love for her and the actual sensations were putting him into a wonderfully euphoric state.

Along with two passionate sets of moaning, the sounds of Katniss’ juices being sloshed around by Kolton’s cock was sounding. His precum was leaking and he could hear his sharp hip bones smacking against hers. The smell of nature was in the cabin and making love to Katniss like this. “Oh fuck yes Katniss. You can struggle harder for me though. Make it believable.” He growled into her ear, pinching her nipples hard.
Katniss struggled in her bondage as Kolton fucked her into the bed. She knew there was no way she could free herself but she wanted to touch his body and feel him over her as his skilled cock fucked her into submission. Katniss was always horny for Kolton but her passion was always renewed when Kolton was clearly enjoying himself. There was nothing she wouldn't try for him. Colton was her soulmate and to see him happy made her happy.

Katniss continued to pull against the as she moaned into her tape. "Mhhhmmmmm" The look in her eyes was clear. She was enjoying this new found way to have sex with him. She felt his thick long cock slide in and out of her pulling and tugging against her tight pussy lips. More moans could be heard as his hands pinched and pulled her pink nipples. As his speed picked up Katniss could feel his large orbs slap against her perky ass. She pushed back as best she could in her restraints.

Katniss turned her head to the side as she received the fucking of her life. She could feel Kolton's large masculine body as he plowed into her over and over. She quivered in pleasure as he brought her to the brink of an orgasm. Never had she been so turned on in her life. Giving him completely control over her. She tightened herself around him hoping to give him more pleasure. "MMHHHMMM!" She struggled harder as her legs started to shake from the pleasure his cock was giving her.
Somehow, Kolton was even more aroused than before. When Katniss really got into the struggling and squirming, it made Kolton release his animalistic desires in pounding her even harder. The bed was shaking violently and the bed was creaking, nearly giving way to the rough fucking on top. Her lips were pressed so firmly against the tape that Kolton could see the imprint of her pretty, helpless lips as she moaned. Because of that, he teased her by kissing her on the lips and even using his tongue but poor Katniss couldnt kiss him back properly.

He knew a lot of people liked to use blindfolds along with binding and gagging but not him. Seeing that sexy look in her gorgeous gray orbs was necessary. They looked so aroused and his own blue eyes showed his arousal too. His hands kept busy by playing and squeezing her breasts, giving her nipples their fair share of pinches and yanks. They were already hard and erect, this just added to the effect.

Again, he kissed her lips and felt her juices sloshing and splashing around his cock. He knew she was close as he was too. "Come on Katniss. I know you want to cum for me baby. Cum all over your Master's cock... I give you my permission."
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