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To Hold the World on Your Shoulders

Mar 2, 2016
This is the first chapter of my superhero epic, I'd like for it to be done as an RP though. If this sort of thing interests you please either PM me or post in my interest thread and I'll get it started right away. Thanks and enjoy!

They started arriving at just around the end of World War II, supermen and women that is. The first wave of them were icons of their time and to all humanity. They came out of nowhere and pulled humanity up from the trenches of a war that was sure to end it all. No one even bothered asking the question of why they’d all just popped up at relatively the same time, everyone was just so happy to finally have someone to finally look up to.

The Samaritan was the most powerful. He appeared just around the end of WWII and did so in a manner that blew people's’ minds with his powers. He was not only invulnerable, super-strong, fast and could heal from any damage he might actually sustain, but also had energy related powers that gave him plasma beams and x-ray vision. Self-powered flight at just around the speed of sound was just another of his amazing gifts. He was the absolute in moral fortitude and handsome as a blonde haired movie star to boot. Women swooned and men wanted to be like him.

The Samaritan was the first of the truly superpowered beings to arrive on the scene, but he wasn’t the first superheroic figure. The First was a WW I biplane pilot that went by the name, The Crimson Mist. Supposedly he’d crash landed his plane somewhere in the orient and found some ancient temple where he came upon a magical tapestry. It was made of a crimson silk and gave its wearer the ability to slip in and out of a shadow realm. It was said her could teleport long distances by walking into the shadows and then emerging out of some shadow in a distant place. After the first world war he became a detective and used his magic scarf and a set of automatic pistols to fight crime. News reporters were the first to notice that as the years passed by he didn’t seem to age though, by the time the Samaritan came onto the scene at the end of WW II to fight against the tyranny of the Nazis in Europe; the Crimson Mist was already an established hero fighting on the side of the Allied powers on the Pacific front. Shortly after the war they’d met for the first time, although many initial reports said that they didn’t seem to get on very well. The Samaritan was a notorious ‘boyscout’ with firm moral guidelines that didn’t allow him to kill any villains, while the Crimson Mist, a hardened war hero from the trenches of the first world war didn’t have the same qualms. Regardless, they soon found themselves working together on several occasions.

Next came the Princess of Power, Baroness Ultima Maximus. She was supposedly an ancient Germanic mythical goddess come to life after the decimation of the German peoples after the war, her spirit was sent to our world in order to reestablish their national pride.At first people of the world began to worry that she was some Nazi supersoldier come to strike revenge on the world for the damages done to her native country but they soon found out otherwise. She wasn’t promoting the National-Socialist movement that had gotten Germany into that horrible situation in the first place, but an older more regal order that had been forgotten. Truth, Justice and White Pride were her mantra, although the last virtue seem to not last long as time moved forward, she soon even redacted that. Baroness Ultima’s power level matched that of the Samaritans with the exception of flight which she didn’t possess. Her own powers came from a hundred or so ancient golden coins called the Ultima Coins. They imbued her scantily clad body armor, tiara, and weaponry; a sword and shield of the Valkyrie handmaidens.
Throughout the years Villians have come and gone, First it was the Axis’ own ‘heroes’. Truly they were villains and nothing more. In Germany it was White Poweress and Master Race, and in the Pacific it was the diabolical Harakiri, and Tsunami No Okoto. In later years came others but the individual heroes had always seemed to take them out without much of a problem. It wasn’t until the villains started grouping together and amplifying their villainous plans that the heroes of the time felt the need to truly group together themselves. Much like the villains they themselves found that the sum of the parts was indeed greater than the whole. And so the League of Legends was founded.

It was in this same timotius time that a being named Osiris Prime came into existence. No one really knew where this omnipotent being came from, but most blamed the dawn of the atomic age. Although he chose a name from Egyptian origins he never claimed any affiliation with the mythos. His powers were impossible to quantify and most of humanity were more afraid of him more than anything else. He was a being that could see everything, past, present, and all probable futures and truth be told, most humans simply couldn’t comprehend the applications. His persona was cold and robotic in nature, although he obviously was no machine. It wasn’t until the formation of the League of Legends that he actually found a home. As the world continued to progress, as did the plethora of problems that presented themselves. Soon the greatest heroes of the time had to come together and form a team, to conquer these singularly unsurmountable odds together. Here and only here did this otherworldly being find his home.

Finally came a talented mechanical engineer from Chicago, named Jonathan Deereborn. Although this genius level intellectual had been crippled from the waist down in the Veitnam war and relegated to a wheelchair, he hadn’t let it keep his brilliant mind down. Deereborn created the world’s first functioning mechanized exoskeleton. He took a bulldozer and transformed it into a giant armored mech that he was able to control from his wheelchair from within. Although the initial design was quite antiquated by today’s standards, it was a force to be reckoned with in its time. He created the metal behemoth to combat the extreme problem with organized crime his city experienced after the war. While more power heroes dealt with world breaking problems they tended to ignore ‘smaller’ more mundane problems like street crime. Deereborn became a hero for the everyday man, he named himself The Human BullDozer.

The lineup of the League of Legends has changed over the years, in the 1980’s a second generation of heroes arose to take up the slack that the aging first generation of heroes started to show, but no one ever really replaced those amazing icons. And so here we are today and no closer to world peace than when they first arrived, in fact we are most likely closer now to the end of days then we were back when all we had to worry about was the atomic bomb

********Modern Day**********

The Samaritan hung in the sky like a chrome god, his royal blue cloak swaying heroically in the mild breeze as he peered down at the Teen Brigade’s HQ. He arrived just an instant before in his usual blur and watched as the group of young heroes exited the front door to greet their idol. The look of unbelieving amazement plastered across their faces as they stared up in awe at his flawless silhouette. For most of them it’s the first time they’ve actually met him. A lucky few others might have caught a glimpse of his silver form flashing by overhead to take care of some catastrophe far beyond anything any of them could possibly handle. Unstoppable alien invasion, Hemispherical tsunami created by extinction level tectonic shift, Galaxy engulfing wormhole; this was the sort of thing a real super-being like the Samaritan took care of. He’d always left the smaller stuff for the rest of them, but now here he was taking an unannounced ‘meet & greet’ with a bunch of adolescent ‘greenhorns’ for some reason that none of them really cared to question. They were all just too caught up in fandom to actually make any sense of it.

There was Hawkewind, the Teen Brigade’s leader and illustrious former sidekick of another original superhero, The Crimson Mist. He is actually the third sidekick of the great and ageless detective, with the first long retired and the second now an established hero in his own right. One might question how an unpowered human could lead a group of young powered beings, but then they wouldn’t know the tactical training someone would have to endure to become one of the Crimson Mist’s sidekicks in the first place. Needless to say Hawkewind fits the bill and as he strides out from their government funded headquarters into the view of their idol, the puff of confidence in his chest should quell any further questions. He is dressed in a modified version of his mentors garb, one that fits function over form and his appearance is one more of a military trained mercenary than that of the flamboyant super-beings in his charge. He wears a dark tan duster and red baklava with military fatigues underneath.

After Hawkewind but only a pace behind, is the young heroine Superiorette. She is one of the few whom should have actually met the Samaritan before, because in a way she is his distant cousin/ sister/ or clone/ or something. Like him she is from another dimension but not of ours,his instead. Like him, she is also the last of her kind. The difference being that the Samaritan arrived instantly via his super-genius parent’s portal back in 1931 from his parallel dimension; one where superpowered beings far outnumbered normal humans and most of their power levels were absolutely staggering compared to our world. But his dimension collapsed upon itself while he was just a baby, due the incomprehensibly destructive battles these superbeings would engage in. His parents sent him here to save him and since that point he’s been the most powerful being on the planet, not to mention one of the first. Superiorette shares a similar backstory, with the exception of that she wasn’t born a male and her transport to our dimension wasn’t instantaneous. Instead her female form was lost in time for decades and so when she finally arrived here in the 1990’s she had to view her much older male counterpart as an unapproachable elder instead of a consoleable peer. Regardless of their generational gap, she knows that she is destined to be his equal and her body language exemplifies just that. She stands smiling up at her much older genetic twin, completely proud of the imitation costume she adorns in his honor. The form fitting platinum, blue and black uniform are both of their family colors and she can’t be happier to finally meet him.

Next come the goth dynamic duo holding hands as usual. These two are actual siblings instead of some dimensional oddity like Superierette and their honored guest; they are Blackbane and Ebony. They are telepathic siamese twins instead of physically bonded, there minds share the direct connection instead. Anything one feels, the other feels in sync. They are the offspring of one of the worst enemies this world has ever seen. An Archdemon named Bai-Ali has threatened our world since the 1980’s after a flubbed summoning by a mediocre sect of Anton Levay. They are the offspring of this ceremony and instead of using their natural gifts as tools for evil they’ve chosen to fight for the plight of humanity instead. They both wear a combination of black and purple flowing robes and although they are internally amazed by the appearance of the Samaritan, both retain their sullen vissages, cringing in the bright day’s sunlight.

Finally the rest of the team brings up the rear. It’s not that they are any less important than the others but they know their place and it shows on their faces. Kid Mercury ,human speeding bullet and child of one the original speedster from the 60’s. Master Malleable, also former sidekick of Mr. Malleable and resident shapechanger. And bringing up the back of the pack is the Insatiable Lioness. A relative newcomer in the way of super-heritage; she’s the wildcard and she knows it. Her parents are normal South-African Dutch descendants with no known superpowers but she has the ability to adopt any physical attribute of the mammal kingdom she desires. Her eyes and her eyes only don’t meet the gaze of the floating god above them, Instead she only peers ahead like a great cat on the prowl for some wounded gazelle.

The Samaritan peers down, his expression unchanging, still solemn and without the joy of invitation. “Hail Samaritan, are you here for inspection? or do you bless us with your presence for another reason?” Hawkewind calls out and Superiorette embarrassingly gives him a smack in the arm in retort.

“Inspection…..yes….Inspection of your…”team”…..Will you have me?” He asks almost laughingly.

Hawkewind turns his head only slightly revealing his distaste in Superiorette’s boon. He turns back meeting this supreme being’s gaze without even a hint of apprehension as his master has surely taught him. “Well then…..Welcome and let us know if there is absolutely anything you need while you’re here.” He steps aside and motions with his arm toward the highly secured building’s front doors as the Samaritan begins to descend to ground level.
In truth it has been years since the Samaritan’s boots have felt the ground as he only ever floats or flies at supersonic speeds, but he does so without hesitation and strides forth like the most comfortable of walkers. He walks past them with impunity of mutual respect, not bothering to meet any one of their gazes or even bothering to raise a hand to shake to any of those who’d bothered to offer one to be shook.

He strides into their innermost sanctum like he’d built the place himself and there he is confronted by the buildings supervisor and butler to the Teen Brigade, Geevs. Usually and designed for, he is an autonomous robot and AI that serves as the Teen Brigade’s ‘hand and foot’ servant, but as an inside joke Kid Mercury likes to reconfigure the automaton’s appearance into something out of a french maid fantasy. “How may I assist you Samaritan?” The kinky looking robot asks in a seductive tone.

“Sorry about that Samaritan, Kid Merc has got a wicked sense of humor and we’ve all just kind of gotten used to it…….Geeves! Default appearance!” Hawkewind calls out from behind his amused idol.

“My apologies Samaritan, How may I be of assistance?” The robotic butler begins to transform, its body switching from that of a kinky french maid into that of an uptight english butler.

“No need for formality Young heroes, I am no prude after all…...Geeves return to modified appearance…..I think I might enjoy that a bit more.” The Samaritan says authoritatively and the the preprogrammed robot does as it is told without proper authorization from Hawkewind. Seconds later it is again a sexy metallic french maid whom curtsies to his whim. “Yessir”

Hawkewind turns, his gaze meeting Superiorette’s with confusion and expectable suspicion, and after all he is the third apprentice of the famously paranoid Crimson Mist. She only shrugs and gives him the same fangirl smile all of the rest have given him since the Samaritan has arrived.

“Yes Geeves, I’ll be staying a week if it pleases these younglings, My mission is to decided on a new protege . Yes I know I’ve never taken one in the past but I am starting to get a bit ‘long-in-the-tooth’ now and I think it is time to finally pass on the torch. I plan on observing them and decide after the week is through, if that is acceptable? “ The Samaritan asks, again without looking back at his hopeful applicants but the implication doesn’t miss a one of them.
Each of their minds simultaneously hope for the call up to the ‘big leagues’ and at the same time frown at the thought of his legitimate teenage female clone being in the same race as themselves. Surely she is his pick, why the exposition?

“Right this way ‘stud’ “ The female version of Geeves states with a seductive smile, the ‘sir’ being replaced with ‘stud’ as Kid Mercury’s defaults. It is only his smile that follows, all the rest of the members shake their heads in shared shame, with the sole exception of Superiorette.

“Have the team assembled for dinner this evening, I’ll put forth my proposition then. Until then I don’t want to be disturbed…..YES???” He states, still unemotionally.

Not only does Geeves respond but most of the team agree behind him. “Yessir”. And like that he is gone into the depths of the building following Geeves toward his temporary quarters. This leaves the Teen Brigade to talk amongst themselves.

It is Kid Merc who finally breaks the tense silence. “Well shit….It was nice hanging with you Superiorette….” He says with a smile and a small quick playful jab to her shoulder.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She says back, completely oblivious to his insinuation.

“Don’t be coy Sup, We all know there really isn’t any competition to be had, He’s gonna pick you and we all know it. I just have to wonder why he’s bothering with the facade. I’m sure he wants us all to feel as though we’ve got a shot at sidekicking for him, but if sparing our feelings is his agenda, I just don’t see the point.” Hawkewind steps in and levels his usual logical thinking into the mix.

“Hey, It’s not crap, you all have just as much experience as me and I am sure he knows full well of the whole team’s exploits . You guys need to stop selling yourselves short, Who stopped the Supervillian The Blastard from blowing up the UN? Hawkewind and all while I was drugged and held hostage by that sadistic bastard. What about you two? Huh? Bane and Ebony just stopped their satanic father’s incursion into our world almost single handedly. My point is that we are all valuable assets and I am sure the Samaritan would be proud to have any of us.” The Superiorette tries her best to be uplifting to her teammates and they can all see in her big innocent eyes that it isn’t just lip service, she actually means it. But that doesn’t stop the Goth twins and the Lioness from huffing sarcastically and walking off in a mope.

“Yeah, we’re a regular young League of Legends in the making….Shit Sup...I am fast and i know it, Hell I’ve saved the day countless times but your almost as fast as I am already and your still growing in power. The man isn’t gonna pick any of us and we know it, all I was saying is that it’s a little cruel to even give us hope, is all. “ Kid Merc says and then gives her a knowing smile. “Good luck in your new endeavors is all I’m saying babe….We’ll miss you!” And just like that Kid Merc turns on his superspeed, sneaks in for a single kiss on Superiorette’s beautiful cheek and then zooms off into the building leaving only Hawkewind and his former love interest staring into each other’s eyes.

“You really think he’s right? Cause I am not that sure….I mean my powers are still growing but nothing in comparison to where the Samaritan was when he was my age. I’m 18 and can barely fly as fast as a small airplane, when he was my age he could break the sound barrier. All I am saying is if it was up to me I would probably pick you….Hawke you’re amazing and one of the best tactical minds in the game right now, powers or not you are awesome.” She says, letting their former feelings for one another flow to the surface and show in her big blue eyes. Her hand coming up to caress his masked cheek. He catches it though and holds it.

“Your powers are amazing Joy and they will come into fruition soon enough, now add his years of experience coupled with the 1 on 1 tutelage he could offer you and you’ll be a force to be reckoned with. You’re telling us not to sell ourselves short but it’s you doing that to yourself beautiful… and now is the the time to stop doing that. You’re getting called up to the big leagues and you’re gonna shine baby.” Hawkewind says, his own feelings still boiling for her, but they both know that was why they broke off their relationship in the first place. Hawkewind knew that he wasn’t in her league and sooner or later she’d figure that out as well. “Come on, let’s get back inside, I wanna have a talk with the others before dinner tonight, make sure everyone’s on their best behavior.” He says, still unable to release her hand, they walk back into the HQ like the high school crushes that they were just a year or two before.


Meanwhile, the Samaritan surveys the guest quarters Geevs has shone him to. He marvels at the humble decor, nothing at all like the lavish interiors his own island fortress holds, but it will do for now. He steps to the window and peers out over Atlantic City reminiscing about past adventures. Only a decade before he and the League of Legends had saved this city from certain disaster when a supervillain by the name of Nightmaric had entranced the entire populace into a mindless raging mob. The city burned, tearing itself apart until they’d intervened, Nightmaric was finally brought down when the Crimson Mist was able to teleport Baroness Ultima into his secret base. She was able to distract him long enough for the team to battle their way through the throng of insane masses and finally bring him down. Of course the trauma Baroness had endured while in his clutches was something the Amazon Princess was never really able to let go of. It had scarred her in ways that weren’t obvious from the outside and it wasn’t until years later that they really got an idea of how badly she’d been damaged during her time with him.

The Samaritan shook the disturbing memory from his mind when Geev’s spoke, “Is everything to your liking sir?” She asked in her synthetic female voice.

“Yes thank you, this will do fine.” He said.

“Well I will be leaving now sir, dinner will be served at 8pm and if there is anything you need at all please feel free to ask. My AI is directly connected with the intercom system of the building so simply speak aloud any request you may have prefaced with ‘Geeves’ and I will attend to your every need.” She said and then turned to leave.

“Thank you Geevs, I might just take you up on that.” The Samaritan said with a smirk on his face. He watched as the faux black skirt of her french maid uniform bounced up and down exposing just the bottom of her shiny metal butt cheeks and marveled at the amount of programming Kid Merc must have put into to achieve such a realistic effect. But now it was time to get down to business, he had a lot of heavy contemplation and observation to attend to. These adolescent heroes each had their own qualities and detractions and that was something he was going to have to view first hand. He set off into the hallways using his X-ray eyes to scan through the walls as he walked.


The Goth Twins, Blackbane and Ebony had also returned to their quarters, the day’s events had worn heavily on their already manically depressive physiologies. Neither of them had any notions of being picked by the Samaritan, it was as simple as the rules of public relations which all major players in the superhuman community had to adhere to. The Samaritan was a shining example of moral perfection and that simply wouldn’t mix well with their own dark personas. None of this of course was anything they’d actually discussed, nor did they have to as their minds were linked in a way that allowed constant communication without uttering a word.

Ebony drew back the purple hood of her cloak revealing her pale, yet delicate face. She was wearing the dark black lipstick Blackbane had gotten her for their last birthday and she smiled a little when she felt him thinking of how beautiful she looked. She could also feel something more primal stirring in him and although any other sibling might feel embarrassment by a family member thinking lustfully of them, it was something she was used to by now. She casually walked over to her brother and wrapped her arms around him, pulled his taller form into her. She could feel the growing bulge underneath his cloak pressing up against her abdomen and pulled him tighter.

Blackbane groaned softly, and he knows how much the audible reaction turns his sister on. They rarely speak aloud to one another due to their perfect psychic bond.

“We have to behave Bane, Hawkewind said we must be on our best behavior while the Samaritan is here, but don’t worry we can be intimate once he’s gone.” She telepathically says to him, her pretty voice echoing inside his head. But she knows it’s not only his lust for her that is making his midsection urn, it’s the thought of losing Superiorette. She knows her brother has a crush on that perfect little princess and has since they joined the team. Growing up together, Ebony had always thought that she was her brother’s only true soulmate, but once they’d joined the Teen Brigade and Bane had got his first glimpse of ‘ the Super-Cheerleader’ ; which is was an unspoken inside joke between the two siblings, there was no denying his passions for her. In truth Ebony would’ve shared Bane with Superiorette without any real jealousy, Hell she’d actually wouldn’t mind tasting ‘little miss perfect’ herself, but they’d all been underage when they’d joined the Brigade and so the Goth twins had vowed to at least wait until everyone was above-board before making any sort of move on her. But here they were now and it looked like they were gonna miss their chance to share in each of their deepest fantasies. They both knew that soon she’d be gone, off with ‘Mr. Perfect Samaritan’ forever.

Blackbane was privy to all of his sister’s angst ridden inner monologue on the subject which didn’t help the growing bulge under his cloak, in fact it was making it worse. “ Fuck Ebony, quit thinking about it, you’re making me as hard a rock.” He telepathically shot back at her.

Ebony giggled and reached inside his cloak grabbing his cock from out of his spandex pants and making him gasp. “ I suppose a hand job is mostly behaving. Just don’t make a mess of my costume.” She psychically whispered back to him and started slowly working his shaft.

The Samaritan stood outside their door, watching intently through their solid door with his xray vision. “Interesting” He said to himself.


Master Malleable and Kid Mercury were now hanging out in the Rec room drinking beers. Kid had run to the store in a flash and grabbed a case of beer, he still wasn’t 21 yet but the store's security cameras weren’t good enough to actually see him when he was at top speed and so he never got caught for the infractions.

“Shit man….this sucks….I figured I’d finally get my shot at some of the sweet Superiorette stash now that she was broke up with Hawke, but the world’s fastest teenager missed his chance again….ain’t that a Bitch!” Kid Merc said, swilling down his beer.

“You? What about me? You remember when she first joined the team? We friggin’ dated! I know we were just kids and nothing ever really happened but man, I always kind of secretly hoped that I still had a chance with her. I mean come on….You’re quick and girls don’t want quick….I can take the shape of almost anything….Bitches should be lining up to get with me!” Master Malleable said with a laugh, his arm stretching across the room and slugging his buddy in the arm.

“Fuck you…..hahahah…...Hell atleast I still got Geeves….You’re stuck with your hand sucka!” Kid Merc jokes back.

“I can turn my hand into an almost perfect replica of Joy, so that ain’t so bad! hahahhaha” He jokes back, using his power to do just that. In an instant Master Malleable’s right hand which was holding his own beer stretches, grows and contorts into a doppleganger of Superiorette. He puppets the thing toward himself and has the marionette pour some of his beer into his mouth.

“Real cute, and I gotta admit a striking resemblance, but masturbation is still masturbation! I programmed Geeves to fulfill all my needs she can pretty much think for herself, you’re still just blowing loads into your own hand no matter how you dress it up.” Kid Merc shoots back, cracking another beer.

“Yeah but you didn’t bother changing her name, I’ve walked by your door and heard you calling out, ‘oooooh GEEVES!’ It’s a little more than homoerotic, man!” Malleable says with a final jab and they both break into laughter.

“Ok, you got me there….Shit man it sounds like we’re both pretty hard up. What about Lioness, she’s got a banging body and that fucking accent, You ever go knocking on her door?” Merc asks, his eyebrow raising in interest.

“I ain’t gonna lie bro, Shortly after Joy broke it off with me I got wicked drunk one night and snuck into her room. She sleeps buck naked, I am sure ya know by now, after being privy to her stalking out into the kitchen in the morning for coffee sans clothes. Well anyway, that ain’t even the weird part, she sleeps with her ass straight up in the air, that tail of hers wagging the whole time. Fucking crazy right? So there I am, like I said, drunk as fuck and I am staring straight at her snatch…..It’s like it was fucking calling my name man.” Malleable stops long enough to reconfigure his hand into the image he’s explaining and before Merc’s eyes Superioette disappears and now his friend's hand becomes a dummy of Lioness’ downward-facing-dog impression.

“Shit what did you do?” Merc asks.

“Don’t get me wrong bro, I am not the type to go raping some sleeping chick, but you know, I was drunk and depressed after Joy dumped me, and I kind of…..well….I kind of let my arm stretch across the room and rub her a bit….NO PENETRATION, but I did do a little diddling.

“No shit...So did she wake up?” Merc asked, shifting uncomfortably but not wanting to interrupt his buddy’s story.

“That’s the fucking weird shit man….I’m not entirely sure she was even actually sleeping. She reached back between her legs and grabbed my hand before I could pull away….reflexes like a cat indeed. So there I was, I figure that’s it….I am caught….I gonna get fucking tossed off the team for this shit…..But then she starts rubbing my hand and pushing my fingers right into her snatch, growling and snarling and shit, but she don’t open her eyes. It was like she was sleep walking but instead she was sleep-fingerbanging herself with my hand. I was so freaked out I tried to pull away but her fucking claws came out and locked my hand in place, I was fucking trapped. “ He said, his eyes growing large, showing actually fear over remembering the incident. Meanwhile his dummy version of Lioness is writhing way next to him.

“Man, Put that thing away, I’m starting to catch a fucking hard on over here.” Merc says and Malleable shrinks his puppet away turning it back into a normal hand and finishing off his beer. “Don’t fucking clam up now….tell me what happened, did you bang her?” Merc says and adjusts his junk so he can stand up straight again.

“No asshole, I was terrified, she was making all kinds of weird guttural sounds. I just went limp and let her finish. I woke up the next morning in my room with my hand smelling like a cat litter box. “ Malle finishes and they both again break into laughter.

“What about you? Weren’t you crushin’ on Ebony when she first joined the team?” Malle asked when they finished laughing.

“Yeah, I’ve always had a thing for goth and punk girls, but that idea was short lived. As soon as I found out about her and her effeminate brother’s weird psychic link, I couldn’t get that shit out of my head. I fooled around with her briefly but afterward Bane would always give me these weird fucking looks, like he knew what we were up to. Not to mention, I kind of got the feeling that she was more into him than me. CREEPY!” He answered, swallowing the gulp of beer hard, trying to wash the weird incestual thought out of his head.

“Well they are the offspring of some sort of evil hellspawn….Keepin’ it in the family don’t seem so strange when your daddy is one of the Lords of Hell.” Malle says and then holds up his bottle of beer for a cheers. “Here’s to missed opportunities, the ones we regret and the ones that we were happy to forget!”

“CHEERS!” They both call out and clink the bottles necks together.


Lioness stood silently watching Samaritan as he voyeuristically watched through the door of the Rec room. “I know why you’re here…..I can smell it on you.” She purred aloud, startling him. He suddenly stood straight up and turn slowly around to see her there watching him.

“Well, that is certainly impressive, I can’t say I’ve been snuck up on in decades, I can hear a pin drop from miles away.” He said combing his blond short cropped hair back. “What do you mean you can smell what on me?”

“ It’s easy to sneak up on someone so distracted, and I mean I can smell your pheromones, I can smell them permeating off of you, You wish to mate.” She answers without even a hint of a smile on her face. She begins slowly walking toward him, and he can see she’s one of the few people in this building not completely intimidated by him.
“Interesting, I don’t doubt your uncanny sense of smell, but how would you know my intentions? Afterall I’m not even from this dimension you realize. I think you might be overstepping your bounds here young lady.” He answers with a knowing grin.

“Some things are universal, ppprrrrrrr” She says, closing the final few feet between them. Her body rubs up against his while the rumble of her purring emanates deep from inside her. Her tail slinks around his thigh, grazing his bulging crotch as it passes.

“You’re certainly forward for a yound lady, How old are you?” He asks.

“17 but in cat years I’m much older than I look. Would you like to go back to my room? That way you won’t have to peer through my door.” She purrs at him again, now her claws emerge from the tips of her golden brown fingers and lightly scratching down the Samaritan’s chest, barely snagging on the chrome costume.

“Although that does sound like a superb way to spend the few hours before dinner, I don’t think your petite frame could handle the vigors of what I’d like doing to you.” He retorts, his own large muscular hand reaching up and giving her a brief slap on the bottom. His strength enough to actually lift her frame off the ground. “If you catch my drift.” He finishes.

“I can make my hyde as strong as a rhino’s. Why don’t we give it a whirl and see what I can handle.” She purrs again and grabs the big hero’s cape as she starts off toward her room. The enamored man of steel following behind her, more intrigued than ever.


Superiorette walked the halls of the HQ looking for her idol, nay not just her idol but the father-figure she’d never known. Sure she’d been raised by nice people, her adopted parents once she’d come to this world were extremely good and caring toward her, but the truth is she’d never really felt like she’d belonged to them. They had named her Joy and given her their last name, Jacobs and up until almost 13 she’d felt like they were her actual parents. But then the change came and the onset of her powers. She knew right then and there that they didn’t know how to answer the questions she had to ask and so the onset of alienation came. It wasn’t long after they finally told her that she’d come from a parallel dimension, well not exactly that because they really didn’t know where she came from. The news was both a shock and a relief to her at the time. It wasn’t until she was almost 15 and had manifested many of the same powers that the Samaritan was now long famous for that she’d put the pieces together herself. Once she’d got a good idea she turned herself over to the FBSBI (Federal Bureau of Super Being Investigation).

Until then she’d been under the impression that she was just another being from Samaritan’s dimension, but after exhaustive research and countless probes they’d found out that she shared not just similar but the exact same DNA strand as the Samaritan with the sole exception of a single extra Y chromosome. They weren’t just from the same dimension, they were from directly related dimensions; in his he’d been born male and in hers she’d been born female. Same parents, same genealogy, same people with that one small difference as far as science was concerned. At first she’d raised protest because of their age differences and times of arrival in this dimension, but as usual the scientist had some smartassed answer for that as well. Her chrono-markers had traces of suspended animation on them, which suggested that she might have been lost in time for a while and for whatever reason.

Regardless, she’d always kind of hoped that the Samaritan might sweep in and take her off to his volcanic island fortress to raise her up as his own and teach her the ways of their people, but that never quite happened. He was always busy and even though she’d reached out to him periodically, he’d never replied. By the time she was 16 she had left government guardianship and started up with the Teen Brigade.

But now everything was finally aligning, yes she’d told her friends that they’d had as much of a chance as she herself had at becoming the Samaritan’s protege but the secret truth was that she knew in her heart of hearts that he was here for her. No more waiting, no more hoping, now was her time to finally take her place along his side. Joy Jacobs, aka the Superiorette strode up to the HQ’s guest room and pushed the intercom button. “aaah Samaritan, It’s Joy Jacobs, can I speak to for a moment.” She asked, trying to push the shaky nerves from her voice. She waited, and when no response came she hit the button again. “Samaritan Sir? Are you in there?” She asked again, and still no answer came. Before she could stop herself she squinted her eyes and forced her vision into the x ray spectrum. She knew it was wrong to use her powers to spy but she couldn’t help herself. After a quick scan of the room she had her answer, He wasn’t in his room.

Joy began to walk the halls, looking for her mentor, she kept her vision in x ray mode and scanned the rooms as she passed. When she finally arrived at the Lioness’ quarters she got the shock of her life. The binocular view which opened the solid wall in front of her revealed the dynamic form of the Samaritan in the most embarrassing of poses. The Superiorette’s cheeks burned hot red when she saw Lioness bent over in front of the Samaritan’s naked lower half. She was using her tail, which was wrapped around his massive cock and was jerking him off just inches from her spread snatch.

Joy’s mouth dropped agape and her hand came up to cover it, her innocent mind could barely comprehend the sight before her eyes. “OH...MY…..GOD!” She stuttered to say in barely more than a whisper. But that was all it took, because as soon as the hushed whisper escaped her mouth, The Samaritan’s stare went from the Lioness’s rearend, shifting toward the door. His incredible hearing alerted him to her watching through the door and he stared back through it with his own enhanced vision. To Joy’s horror, he smiled at her. Joy gasp and bolted down the hallway, she didn’t know where she was running, all she knew is that she wanted to be away from there.

Back inside Lioness’ room the Samaritan watched as Superiorette bolted away in horror which made his grin even larger, The Lioness arched her head around and saw the growing smile on his visage. “Yeah stud, you like a good tail fuckinng, don’tcha?” She purred. Her tail tighten around his massive cock and she pulled the big swollen red head of it in toward her dripping pussy. She rubbed it up and down, lubricating it with her juice.

“Be careful bitch! I already told you I’ve got supersemen, one drop of it, even precum is enough to knock you up and I don’t want any little fucking beast bastards running around calling me daddy!” He scolded her.

“Relax stud, I’m just wetting the tip, an assfucking don’t usually produce offspring anyhow!” She cooed before making her tail pull his cock up from her pussy and pressing into her asshole. His cock was immense, but Lioness knew that she could take it and her healing factor would take care of any incidental ripping. She began pushing her large muscular backside downward, forcing his oversized cockhead into her asshole and once inserted she let out a long low groan. “Go for it stud, fuck my ass hard!” She called out, and he answered with several long strokes in and out of her pulsating ass.

Although the Lioness’ ass was tight and she showed amazing muscle control, it wasn’t her that was bringing him toward climax. It was the thought of Superiorette catching an eyeful that was doing the trick. He closed his eyes and thought about her tight young body tensing when she’d seen the scene and it was enough to make the head of his cock swell even more.

The Lioness purred and groaned feeling the thing grow inside her and she knew he was getting close to cumming. Her tail released the base of his cock and snuck between his spread legs, up toward the hero’s taint. A few quick flicks of its tip was all it took, He began to groan and she could feel it start to spasm inside her ass. With lightning fast reflexes she pulled off his cock, the engorged head made a popping sound as her asshole released it. She spun around and grabbed the spasming shaft with her clawed hands and jammed the shit covered thing into her mouth. The Lioness’ tactile tongue swirled around his cock and she sucked as hard as she could trying to milk him for every drop, but she wasn’t expecting what came next.

The Samaritan had warned her, but apparently she’d hadn’t heeded his warning as she dared putting his big dick in her mouth. “Fuck it you stupid bitch….I fucking warned you!” He growled and reached down, snatching the mane of hair on her head. He felt her jam her tongue down the tip of his cock and that was all it took, his head arched backward and he let his load go. She had no time to react and with him holding her head she barely got it out of her mouth before the explosive blast hit her square in the face. The impact of the sticky hot liquid had the force of heavyweight fighters hardest punch. It broke her nose and knocked her out with the first shot so luckily she didn’t have to feel what happened after.

The Samaritan felt her go limp in his grasp when he started to cum. He reached down with his free hand and pulled her mouth back up onto his exploding cock. “Yeah you stupid cunt…..YEAH!” He called out as he pumped gallons of his cum down her unconscious throat. He filled her stomach with jizz and soon as he felt it backing up her throat. A few more shots and soon it was starting to pour out of her bleeding nose. She gagged and her eyes fluttered as her healing factor started bring her back from being knocked out.

The Samaritan slowly groaned, releasing his grasp on her hair and letting her bloody cum dripping face slide off his cock. Her body dropped to the floor and he reached down and groped his balls, shooting the last bit of goo out him and on to her collapsed form. “ That’s a good kitty” He said with a chuckle. The Samaritan reached down and grabbed his spandex pants, pulling them back up and tucking his still swollen cock back inside while the Lioness slowly began to come back to. She woke up, at first not being able to breath as her throat was blocked with jizz. Her stomach clenched and she began to wretch it up like a cat choking on a hairball.

“Cough…..gag…..Cough …..Holy shit stud!” She half laughed and half cried.

The Samaritan reached back and grabbed the sheet off of her bed, he balled it up and tossed it down on to her prone form. “Here, clean yourself up and and do yourself a favor, keep this to yourself, My PR people don’t need anymore headaches. The press would have a field day if they got wind I occasionally indulged a beastiality fetish.” He said as he stalked off toward her door.

“Gee thanks…..Wow I’d guessed you were a selfish lover but I didn’t take you for a sadist. Asshole!” She snarled, the fur on her back and neck standing up like an animal about to fight.

“I’m not selfish, I’m honest. Tell me, where does Superiorette go when she’s upset?” He said, not looking back.

“She pouts on the roof, but she usually welds the door shut with her laser vision so we don’t bother her.” She calls back, blowing the remnants of cum and bloody clots from her already healing nose.

“Thanks” He simply says and then leaves.

As the Samaritan walks through the halls looking for the roof exit, the intercom sounds off. “Excuse me sir, This is Geeves. My security system has alerted me that the Lioness’ vital signs had an unexpected spike in the last few minutes. Is everything alright or should I contact EMS?” The synthetic female voice inquires.

“Everything is fine, Tell me Geeves, where is the Rooftop exit located?” He replies calmly.

“Two hallways after your next right, sir. Do you need any other assistance?” She finishes.

“No…..Wait a second….I was wondering what sort of surveillance you keep? Does it include private rooms?” He asks.

“No sir, Private quarters are just that, I am forbidden to record anything inside our residents private quarters. Is there anything else?” She asks. “Nope thank you” he answers with a smile and then continued on toward the roof’s exit.


The rooftop door wasn’t welded, but it did show signs of being welded in the past, just like Lioness had told him. The Samaritan reached up and expected for at least a lock to be thrown, but the door squeaked open with ease. The Superiorette heard the sound and immediately turned, wiping the tears from her eyes and snot from her nose.

“Oh shoot, sorry…”.She says with the burn of embarrassment in her cheeks. “ I feel really stupid right now, I hope you don’t hold it against me, but I’ll understand if you do.”

He smiles softly and allows his own embarrassment show through. He can immediately see the change in her expression at that. He knows the effect well; people grow to only expect that stoic expression but when he flashed a smile or a look of sympathy and you could blow fans’ minds. The Superiorette was just that, just a fan-girl when it came right down to it, cross-dimensional clone or not. “Hey don’t freak out…..I am sorry you had to see that.” He said humbly and approached her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

“Oooh so you saw me snooping? I am really really sorry! I don’t usually use my x-ray vision inside HQ, I guess I just wasn’t really thinking and I was so excited to finally meet you and ….you know…..I am really sorry Sir…..” She realized she was starting to ramble and shut up. She knew saying anything at this point was just making things worse.

“It’s alright Miss Jacobs. I just don’t want you to think any less of me. I’m fallible after all and I suppose my more baser instincts got the best of me. For that I apologize, you see it’s been a number of years since I’ve enjoyed physical contact in that sort way and I guess that really isn’t much of an excuse either. How about if we both just chalk it up to a bad day and call it a bust? Start fresh tomorrow?, what do you say?” He says with a warm smile and an outstretched hand to her.

It’s just as she is about to reach out and take his hand, thankful her idol is just as embarrassed as she is that the alarm goes off. Four loud siren calls from the intercom sound and the flashing lights commence. Superiorette’s eyes go wide and face turns from humility to stressful concentration. “Holy cow, that’s a four ringer….I should get down to the War Room”.

“Perfect chance to see you all in action!” He says,ignoring the snub of his outstretched hand.

“Oh, no it’s a ‘four ringer’ that’s the big boys, we stand in as back-up only. Four alarms is a heavier situation that we usually get involved in….But it is something your team might respond to….are you sure?” She doesn’t know exactly what to say. Usually it’s the current lineup of the LOL that responds to an event warranting four alarms, but the Samaritan doesn’t seem engaged at all.

“Well you never know, maybe the big leaguers are sick today! What say we use our super speed to race down to the War Room to see what can be done...Ready…..SET……….GO!” He calls out and poses as if to take off.

Superiorette doesn’t honestly think she could beat him but she isn’t about to look like a fool twice in one day in front of her idol, she bolts off at her top speed and is gone in a flash. The Samaritan pretends enough to make it look like he’s racing, but in truth he’s let her get a good headstart before even starting to move so he can watch her gorgeous young ass flex with exertion . He lets her win too, which doesn’t slip her perception, but it’s a nice gesture after today’s events.

Down in the war room the Teen Brigade has assembled. The Supperiorette comes zooming into the room with The Samaritan rushing in just behind her. She is greeted by her colleagues and can barely stand to look Lioness in the eyes even though her and the Samaritan had just discussed it. It’s not only that either, The Lioness didn’t bother changing her costume and it’s purple and white vinyl is still stained with blood and something more sticky. She smiles when the two enter, licking her furry finger and cleaning some of the mess off her clothes with her spit.

Up on the massive teleprompter is live footage of absolute chaos from downtown. Smoke and debris hang in the air as civilians go screaming by the camera. A local newscaster, Suki VanDamne comes into screen and begins to report on what is happening, ignoring the life threatening disaster unfolding behind her.

“THIS JUST IN, WE ARE COMING TO YOU LIVE FROM DOWNTOWN TITIAN CITY AND IT APPEARS THAT DOCTOR GEARHEAD IS UP TO HIS USUAL PSYCHOTIC BEHAVIOR AGAIN. Behind me you can see through the smoke is a MASSIVE ROBOT, Gearhead’s now famous for using to try to extort money from our city. He was stopped by the LOL over six years ago and everyone thought that the mad genius had been locked away but as I regret to inform you one of his creations has run a muck. It has been over ten minutes since the mechanical monster surfaced from the bay but we still have seen no sign of the League of Legends. Hopefully some supergroup with heed our calls of distress soon because the city can’t take much more of this.” Suki pleaded into the camera.

The whole Teen Brigade turned in unison to look back at the Samaritan who was only standing passively with his big arms folded over his chest. “I don’t know what you’re staring at me for, It’s time the Teen Brigade steps up and shows the world they are capable of taking on proper Supervillians like this….Now get out there and show me what you’ve got!”


The Teen Brigade didn’t hesitate, they all immediately sprung into action bolting for the express-tubes that would deliver them instantly into the hanger which held the Brigade’s Supersonic Jet. The tubes pneumatically ejected them into their respective jumpseats on the plane; with Hawkewind in the pilot’s chair. The jet was a cross between a Blackbird SR-71 and a Harrier Jump jet; the V/STOL allowing for controlled hovering through vector-thrust. All the fancy talk was just short for a personnel carrier that could reach supersonic speeds and also have the ability to deploy Brigaders without having to set down in close urban environments.

The rear courtyard opens revealing the plane as it powers up and takes straight off within seconds the team is off like a bullet. In under a minute and a half they’ve traveled the distance and are circling around the devastated area. Thick clouds of debris and smoke fill a six block radius making it impossible to see the threat. Two different skyscrapers lean ominously with innocent civilians trapped inside, screaming for help.

“Running scans now, I don’t know what tech he’s running in the giant robot of his but he’s blocking our sensors, I can’t get a GPS layout or even a position on him!” Kid Merc calls from his seat at the computer hub in the plane.

“What about you Superiorette? You got anything with your X-ray vision?” Hawkewind calls out over the comms.

“No, we’re too far away, if my X-ray was stronger or we could get closer….maybe,” She answered him, knowing that the Samaritan was watching from the HQ.

“Goth twins, you got any magic tricks might give us eye’s on the inside?” Hawkewind asked running out of options. Instead of answering verbally they both simply shook their heads in unison and Malleable had to verbalize it. “They ain’t got nothing either Hawke!”

“OK guys, you know what that means! We gotta go in blind! Superiorette and the Goth Twins; you’re our first line of attack, I need you to get in there and make contact with Gearhead get me a location and try to keep him busy! Kid Merc and Lioness I want you clearing the those skyscrapers and start clearing civilians before they go down! Malleuable I want you on the ground using your elastic abilities to catch falling people! I’ll be up here with the Jet until we get a GPS on Gearhead and then I can rain down the pain on him! LETS GO TEAM, MOVE IT OUT!” Hawkewind yelled out orders and his team broke into action.

The rear access drop down door slid open and the Superiorette grabbed Kid Merc took off toward the disaster area, thanks to his speed she could come in hot and drop him without even slowing down. The Kid’s legs caught purchase on a busted out ledge in about the thirtieth floor. He was off like lightning grabbing people and running them to the bottom floor. The Superiorette then flew down into the devastation and began her search for Gearhead.

Blackbane & Ebony reached out placing a hand on the lioness’ shoulders and with a blink of purple aura glowing in a magic poof they appeared down near the second falling building so that she could start on saving people over there. They then faded from visibility and descended into the dense fog of smoke in cloaked form.

Master Mallebelle went last, turning his body first into something like a high speed glider to descend quickly and then into a parachute to land softly. As soon as he hit the ground he waded bravely in through the wreckage and bodies trying catch anymore falling victims.

Back up in the Jet Hawkwind took sole command and accessed Geev’s AI through the plane’s dashboard. “Alright Geevs give me a refresher on this Gearhead guy! He’s some kind of illegitimate son of the Human Dozer right?” Hawkewind asked and pulled the plane into a closer holding pattern.

“Yessir…..He was born Doung Tr’an, his mother was apparently a prostitute during the Vietnam police action the US was involved in during the 1960’s. She claimed Mr. Deereborn had fathered Doung and then abandoned them when the US forces pulled out. Tr’an eventually made his way to the states and actually tried out for a precursor to the Teen Brigade during the 1980’s but flunked out do to an inappropriate fixation with Anime tentacle porn.” Geeves answered.

“Great, that would have been nice to know before I sent the girls in as first-string! How about his tech? I didn’t know he had the gear to block our sensors!?” Hawkewind asked as he pulled into a steep bank and attempted to use the Jet’s engine backwash to blow some of the smoke out of the disaster area.

“He didn’t the last our files show, But you know those little Chink’s love to upgrade!” Geevs answered.

“Geevs what the hell was that? This is not the time for racist jokes!” Hawkewind scolded the AI.

“Sorry sir, Kid Merc has recently been adding to my vocabulary files in order to fulfill some unresolved issues he has during copulation with me. The parameter’s he installed suggest that that sort of language is only offensive while a person of Asian descent is present. Shall I reformat the programing?” Geevs asked.

“Not right now I need you at full power here. But don’t try and use ANYTHING Kid Merc teaches you while we are on mission…...Geevs? GEEVS? DO YOU READ ME?” Hawkewind starts to worry when he sees that the Jet has lost Geevs’ signal.

Meanwhile down in the wreckage of the city block the Superiorette flies around searching for Gearhead’s location. She scans through the destroyed buildings with her x-ray vision looking for what should be an easy target but with no success. Her gloved hand reaches up and touches the comm-link attached to her ear trying to reach out to her teamates. “Hawkewind, do you read me? I’m not getting any sign of this maniac down here, maybe he already hightailed it out of here…..Hawkewind are you reading me?” She asks but only gets static in the comm.

“Great, perfect timing for our comms to go down!” She curses and resumes scanning the falling building’s structural integrity to see how much longer the team has to rescue survivors before it all comes tumbling down. It was then that she saw movement down near street level and shot down to investigate. On the ground the smoke and debris was so thick it was starting to choke her. The eerie scene was like something out of dante’s inferno with the flames in the background refracting through the thick smoke,it was as close to a vision of hell as she’d ever seen.

Suddenly the cracked pavement below her shifted and buckled. She tried to take flight again, assuming that a gas main was about to blow but a giant metallic tentacle breached through and grabbed her by the leg with powerful pinchers. Superiorette’s powerful hands reached down to rip the thing off of her but found that the material was strong enough to withstand her considerable strength. A split second later another tentacle was wrapping around her waist and starting to pull her down through the pavement into the sewers below. “Help…” She tried calling out as she was pulled down but it was too fast and her calls went unheard.

Underneath the street Superiorette got her first look at Gearhead’s giant machine. It was a large spherical chrome globe with a series of massive tentacles coming out from every direction, all of which seemed to be coming right for her. She began to struggle with all her might, Her left arm was trapped against her by the second tentacle but her right arm was still free and she began smashing at the big metal tube that was holding her midsection. Her adrenaline kicked in, increasing her already super-strength. Her fists came crashing down leaving large dents in the rope-like metal arm but still not enough to break the thing off of her. A third tenacle attacked and this one focused on her still free right arm, it’s powerful pinchers grabbed her by the forearm and stopped her struggling.

The metal arms contracted pulling the Superiorette in close to the sphere’s main body. “Let me go right now, Gearhead! My friends are right behind me and if you surrender now we’ll go easy on you!” She called out out of desperation and was answered with only a synthesized, menacing laugh that sounded oddly familiar in some way but that she couldn’t place.

A fourth and fifth tentacle emerged, one grabbing her other leg and pulling her thighs apart while the other one reeled back from underneath her like a snake getting ready to strike. “NO!” She screamed but it was too late the pincers on the coiled thing retracted and folded inside itself, turning the arm into a massive metal phallus which Gearhead slammed into her crotch. Her costume ripped and she could feel the pressure building against her clenched vagina. The head of it excreted some form of lubrication and started to slowly rotate.

“You evil rapist cocksucker! I will fucking kill you!” She screamed out, trying her hardest not to let the machine inside her most private of places but again the thing’s strength was more than she could handle. She screamed in agony as her virginity was forcefully taken from her. The mechanical laughter that emanated from it echoing in her ears.

Above ground the team did their best to get as many survivors down and out of danger as they could. The Goth twins, still intangible floated in the smoke together, but the fact that their comms were down didn’t stop them from communicating . Their psychic link spoke inside each other’s heads as they searched for their missing teamate.

“You see her Ebony? I don’t and I can’t reach out to her psychically either!” Blackbane asked, the worry in his mental voice evident to his sister.

“No too much smoke, I have an idea though , we could create a portal into space, the vacuum would suck out much of this smoke and get us a better view of things.” She answered him.

“That sort of pressure difference might also further destabilize these damaged structures, we might end up bringing the whole thing down and killing any of the survivors still trapped inside Sister!” Blackbane retorted.

“Since when did you start caring more about the plight of mortals than your darling Superiorette’s safety, Bane? Besides I can sense Lioness, Kid Merc, and Mallabelle’s positions and they’ve cleared out as many as we can realistically save. I am gonna tell them to pull back, I want you to que up a distant portal spell!” Ebony shot back, the frustration in her mental voice evident to her brother and so he did as she asked.

Seconds later the remainder of the team came running out of the destruction just as a massive hole in the atmosphere started to open and a massive vacuum started to pull away much of the smoke and fire. Hawkewind put the jet into evasive maneuvers, swinging out wide so that his aircraft didn’t lose lift.

Bane was right though and even though the smoke was sucked away, the crumbling buildings could take no more as they began to fall. “Open the portal wider before they collapse and cover any traces of where Superiorette may have gone!” Bane called out and he and Ebony focused their powers together. The portal to space opened wider and instead of falling down the buildings started ripping apart and being sucked upward. The scene was horrendous as the people that was still alive and trapped were now sucked up screaming with the rest of the debris and into the dark cold void of space.

“Close it! Close it NOW!” Hawkewind cried out over the dead comms system to no avail. He swept the jet around to a safe distance and pulled up for an emergency landing a safe distance away. He exited the craft and went running as fast as he could back toward the disaster area. By the time he arrived though the portal was starting to shrink in size and eventually disappear altogether. What was left was a barren lot that looked like a professional demo crew had taken down abandoned buildings and cleaned up after themselves. “What the hell were they thinking?” Hawkewind called out as he ran up beside the group of teammates on the ground. Kid Merc, Lioness and Malleable stood staring in awe at the utter oblivion they’d just witnessed.

“Holy hell!” Kid Merc said in disbelief.

“‘Holy’ don’t got much to do with it…..’Hell’ might though!” Malleable responded, on joking a little bit.

Hawkewind ignored his teamate’s banter, he knew the comms were still down so he simply raised his hands up to his mouth and shouted. “Ebony! Blackbane! Front and center RIGHT NOW!”

Ebony appeared floating just above the flattened lot but her brother was not with her. “Where’s your brother?” Hawkewind cal
Ebony appeared floating just above the flattened lot but her brother was not with her. “Where’s your brother?” Hawkewind called out to her as she descended toward her teammates.

“Looking for Superiorette, if you hadn’t noticed, she’s missing.” Ebony answered in a flat tone.

“You probably sucked her into outerspace for god’s sake!” Hawkewind yelled back at her.

“Doubtful she was missing before we opened the portal and even if she were, Superiorette has proven her physiological makeup is more than capable of handling the stresses of space, so she’d be fine…..oh and you’re welcome by the way.” Ebony answered him, the sarcasm in her voice ever evident.

“Alright there is no time to discuss your behavior right now! I want everyone to spread out and look for Superiorette, MOVE NOW!” Hawkwind yelled and the team started scouring the baron area for any sign of their missing teammates.

Blackbane had left his sister’s side and floated his intangible form down through the street level when he saw the crater near one of the spots where a building had once stood. As he floated down through the cracked concrete and metal he came into the cavern Gearhead had carved out underneath the street. It was here he found his teammate and secret crush, Superiorette. His first instinct was to rush forward and save her from the robot’s clutches but the gravity of the situation before him stopped him in his tracks.

He’d always seen Superiorette as a virginal appex of innocence which was what drew him to her in the first place. She was almost his exact moral opposite and for some reason that made him like her even more. Now the visceral scene that had unfolded before his eyes somehow keyed into the darker side of his persona and he was absolutely mesmerized by the sight of Superiorette being brutally penetrated by countless metal tentacles pounding her every hole.

Each one of the extendable serpentine shiny metal tentacles was easily as big around as a softball and Superiorette was being pinned down on all fours by them. Her costume’s torso section had been shredded into tattered streamers and hung about her writhing naked body. With four of the phallic tubes holding each of her limbs and another constricting in a pulsing nature around her neck she was spread out with her ass pushed up in the air. Her mouth was pried open by one’s pincers while it rhythmically deepthroat pounded its piston tongue down her throat causing her to gag up and vomit saliva up with every downstroke. Another set of them had wound around each of her once perfectly formed breasts, squeezing them like pythons until they were swollen with blood. The heads of each of these were shooting electric shocks onto the tips of her engorged nipples, each jolt causing her body so spasm and jerk. But it was what the last four tentacles derived form the spherical robot that really were doing the lion’s share of the damage. A pair of each were double penetrating both her ass and her pussy. Each of her hairless holes were stretched to the maximum like something out of an extreme fisting hardcore porn. They were pounding and slamming into her impossibly stretched orifices; and surely without Superiorette’s incredible invulnerability powers she would have been torn in two. Cum and piss streamed down her thighs as her pussy and asshole erupted in hot juice and her body shivered with unwanted ecstasy.

Seeing a girl that he’d always fantasized about as such a virginal archetype used in this way stirred something dark and burning down deep in him. It wasn’t just that either ;forced or not; Bane’s psychic powers could sense that she was actually enjoying this brutal pounding despite the fact is was extreme rape. He could hear moans not just of pain but of pleasure escaping her in between the gags of her being deep throated.

Instead of jumping into action and coming to his teammate’s rescue , or even calling for his other teammates to come help , he found himself reaching into his cloak and start stroking his immensely hard cock as he just floated there and watched the hottest thing he’d ever seen. Unfortunately him touching himself was enough to temporarily losing concentration and fading back into tangible form. He audibly groaned as he neared climax and the sound made Superiorette eyes shoot in his direction.

She looked up wide eyed and expecting help, Hoping to see her teammates finally coming to her rescue but got an blast full of Blackbane’s glowing purple semen directly in her eyes instead. He was there, with no sign of the others, and instead of helping her break free from this horrible raping machine he was just floating there jerking his measurable dick. The other thing she noticed was that the machine wasn’t attacking him. It’s attacks were solely focused on raping her every hole and squeezing her breasts until they felt like popping. She could only pray that she’d wake up soon and realize that this was some horrible nightmare, but knew in the back of her mind that wasn’t the case and she began to cry.

It was then that the sounds of the teammates could be heard starting to descend down into the crater. “Down here! I found her I need help!” Blackbane yelled as he snapped out of it and came back to his his senses.

Kid Merc shot in like a bolt of lightning first, he almost stumbled and fell moving at mach speed when his eyes saw the scene before him. “GET DOWN HERE NOW!” He yelled and then bolted down and ran around punching and slamming into the metal monster at full speed.

Lioness and Hawkewind were next, they didn’t hesitate, simply jumping past Blackbane and grasping tentacles trying to wrench her free. Lioness’s claws scratched it but not much more, meanwhile Hawkewind used a tactical torch to start cutting through the one holding Superiorette by the throat.

Finally Malleable and Ebony came last. Ebony only hesitated a second , long enough to see through her brother’s cloak and see his fading hard on, before flying into battle. She formed psychic scimitars and set to work slashing at the robot’s body exterior. Blackbane, though embarrassed pulled himself together and joined her. While Master Malleable jumped up and wrapped himself around the thing’s sensor head.

Hawkewind was the first to actually make headway, his Magnesium based torch managed to cut through the the dense allow of the thing’s tentacle and once free he unwrapped it from her neck and pulled the giant metal cock free from his childhood loves’ throat. “It’s gonna be ok Supe’ You hear me? We’re gonna get you out of this, just hold on.” In the back of his mind though he was wondering why the thing hadn’t tried stopping him. With the whole team attacking Gearhead now not even one of the tentacles released its hold on Superiorette and tried to engage one of them.

Once the Goth twins were make some progress but it wasn’t until they combined their efforts and forged each of their energy swords into one. Ebony tucked herself into Bane’s larger form and their energy weapons joined into something quite formidable. As soon as her small ass pressed against his still swollen cock she couldn’t help but send him a psychic giggle. “Focus!” he growled back and they brought the glowing purple energy sword down and slashed through it’s thick exterior husk. Three more big hits and they’d opened it up enough for the damage to shut it down. The tentacles fell limp and Superiorette collapsed onto the ground gasping for air.
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