League of Legends ; The mmo (Zomb and Myn)


Nov 1, 2015

This had not been exactly what Jacob was expecting, after months of waiting he was happy to actually beta test the new league of Legends... However, the closer and closer he got to that chair.... The more he had this looming feeling of dread. After all, it was a strange devise that seemed to neurally connect with it's users upon activation. Now, Jacob knew he was no neural scientist, but he understood this can potentially be dangerous.

When he finally sat in the chair, he gripped the arms tightly. Gripping them even tighter as he heard the swirling of fans and the buzzing of electronics. In a near instant, he can hear a loud ringing. Perplexed on it's origin, Jacob couldnt tell if it was in his head, if he was hearing it or both. But it didnt matter any way, since all he can focus on was the pain. It seemed instant however, it felt like it lasted forever. Was that a part of the process? If so, he was certain he would use this machine far less then he anticipated. As Jacob regained focus, the pain became more and more of a distant memory. As he gazed upon an all encompassing blackness, a foreboding emptiness which was only broken by the sudden flicker of life. A rather awe inspiring screen lay before him, with 3d textures and a extensive list of champions. He didn't even need the machine to tell him, as it's function seemed obvious. Never the less, he was just so giddy to continue forward, he can understand some people may be to stricken to realize or take quick action. After all, every second Jacob spent here looking at this screen more and more Champions became taken. As there cant be duplicates of the same Champion out in the virtual world, the creators took it in place that all players have one champion. However, more were permitted as the game went on.

First off was the customization of his Summoner. Surprised, he can see that there were races! Which, was an added effort he wouldn't expect in a MOBA. Even a project like this... However, there was only a few options. Jacob settling for a race he was not to sure about. As each one was fairly limited in description, human was obvious, so was the other option, as it had to be Neko's and Kitsune. However the third, was labeled Beast Men. Out of curiosity it was what Jacob picked, and boy was he pleasantly surprised by it. At first, he was confused as he made was making a human. Using the system in place, he made something he felt looked cool and was a spitting Image of himself. However, it didnt end there. Instead of moving foreword, he was brought to a seperate Customization, a bubble of text informing him that his chosen race has the in game ability to use a bestial form the likes of Cho'Gath or Rengar. With a devilish grin, he knew that it may make him more of a threat on the battlefield, the man wanting to applaud Riot for hiding this so well. He toyed with this for some time, hoping most took as much time as he did to make their in game avatar's. And when it was all good and done, he had this albeit, well hung, monster of a form.

Taking a deep breath, he was now onto his Champion. With his heart heavy with anxiety, his pulse beating with a uncontrollable excitement. He picked the first champion that came to mind.... Sona.

Game Start

Almost instantly, the emptiness had opened up below him. From pure black darkness, to the world of Runetera! And... He was falling! What was this a development bug? Shouldn't he have spawned somewhere? With a great fright, Hiro plummeted down with great haste. Unbeknownst to him, this was scripted to make you feel bad ass, no matter what the gravity in this world all players were to have a short period of invincibility, allowing them to land and well... Feel cool! After all, thats the point of a virtual game, to make you feel in the action. However, Hiro couldn't realize this until he hit the ground, practically passing out in the shock of what he thought was death.... But opening his eye's, he can see he was in a great big field, tall grass all around him. Sitting slightly up, he looked around to see forest in the distance around him. And looking up he can see the other players as they began to fall from the sky just like him. Distracted by the sight, especially with how prepared they all seemed to be, dropping down and some visibly landing like bad asses.... Which slightly hurt his ego, as he chickened at the fall, not seeing it was meant to be a grand entrance.

He hardly heard, as a presence came before him. Looking towards the sound, he couldn't believe his eyes as he had now seen her... In person. Sona!

The Maven of Strings silently glided her way through the woods, her expression calm but someone shadowed by an insatiable yearning to play her beautifully crafted etwahl. The instrument had been at her fingertips for as long as she could remember, and the past few weeks had been no different… and yet she hadn’t managed to play more than a few disjointed chords at a time. It wasn’t the first time her inspirational muse had abandoned her, but lately she hadn’t even been able to focus enough to play the most basic of tunes. And no matter how hard she tried, her music would dull and empty, without heart. That thought alone was enough to bring a glistening tear to her eye. A powerful sense of isolation and loneliness much akin to the sensation she’d experienced as a child when her beloved instrument had been taken from her.

The Maven of strings silently glided her way through the woods, and although she body swayed with melodic grace, her expression was troubled. Careful observation would reveal a shadowed look of loneliness in the songstress’s cerulean blue eyes. For weeks now she’d been ailed by an insatiable yearning to play her beautifully crafted etwahl, and although the instrument had rested at her fingertips an innumerable number of times, she’d barely managed to play anything more than a few disjointed chords.

It wasn’t the first time her inspirational muse had been uncooperative, but lately she couldn’t even bring herself to play the simplest of tunes. While those around her complimented and applauded her music, to Sona it had felt awfully mechanical; an empty dull string of chords which lacked the powerful emotions she prided her music on. It was almost as if all the colors in the world had faded into a dreary monochrome, and no matter how hard she tried to focus… her childhood friend just wouldn’t work with her.

She knew the reason why.
Her bountiful breasts fell a bit as she exhaled deeply, trying to rid herself of the anxiety that continued to claw at her mind and heart mercilessly. Her former Summoner and adoptive mother had passed away during an unfortunate accident not too long ago, and Sona was to be assigned a new Maestro to instruct and collaborate in her development. While her mother’s passing had been tragic, the old crone had lived to a ripe old age, and Sona had gotten over her grief relatively quickly. No, what bothered her was the possibility that her new Maestro would shun her music, warp her tunes, and force Sona to become something she knew she wasn’t.

Arriving in the clearing where she’d been told she’d meet her new conductor, she had barely settled down when someone fell ungracefully a few feet away from her. Scrambling to her feet and making her way over towards the dark haired figure, she parted her lips briefly before closing them slowly. She didn’t know if the man was the one she’d been destined to meet, but for the time she wanted to focus her attention on offering any assistance she possibly could to the potentially hurt man. Her bright blue eyes filled with concern and hint of confusion as she approached the man cautiously.
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