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The Pirate's defeat


Feb 1, 2016
This was my first attempt at writing erotica in english. I'm not a native speaker, but somehow english is so erotic in contrast to german and with me roleplaying in english, reading in english, watching movies in english back then, I wanted to try my hand at my own english erotica. Unfortunately I really loved first person perspective for stories back then, and since my preference shifted to third person perspective soon after, this story was never really ended. Anyways... here are the first two parts and I thought I'd share.

Part 1: Mary

My name is Mary O'Malley. My friends call me "Bloody Mary" and i am the Captain of the "Revenge", an airship that i love more than my life. We are pirates. And my ship in particular is feared by many. I have won many coups... I have spent my money on booze and vain things. But mostly for the ship. Always the ship. The steam engines constantly need care. The sails need to be replaced regulary... the crew needs hire.... so... most of my income goes back into the Revenge. She is my one and only true love. Or so i thought.

Anyways. The story about my downfall starts in a dark night, when the "Revenge" was docked in London. Disguised as a freight ship from the netherlands, quite a common view those days. We had had bad luck for a while now. And this time we were in deep trouble. One of our engines was broken and our mechanic had been killed during our last raid. That had gone horribly wrong too, for it had turned out to be a trap for the infamous "Bloody Mary". Me. Now I was trying to afford a new engine and hire a new mechanic also. In times of glory it had not been a problem to recruit new and willing members... but nowadays? Nowadays, with having hit the top of the government's "wanted" lists my fame was unbroken.... but the willingness to help me had withered away. They were afraid. Rightly so, as that last trap had shown. Still the cowardice around made me angry. I had contacted every damn single person i knew in London and nobody seemed willing to help. Half of my crew would have deserted by the time i was back on the revenge and my mood was spiralling downwards increasingly fast when i entered my last resort. "Listen Dan.. I really need yo.... " And that was when a piece of cloth was pressed against my face and the world turned black.

I woke disoriented. I couldnt remember what had happened immediately. My head ached and my muscles felt stiff. When i stretched my motions were hindered and i could hear a metallic clank. It immediately brught me to full consciusness. I was chained! I jerked back.. against a wall. Which was the moment i realized that i was naked too. My eyes had adjusted to the dim light in my prison by now and i let out a dirty, heartfelt curse.
I heard a chuckle and out of a dark corner of the room stepped a figure. I couldnt recognize any details at first, but when he stepped closer i paled. tried to cover up my nakedness, but the chains holding my wrists to the wall were too short. "Miss O'Malley" I could practically breathe his arrogance. "Such bad, bad words out of the mouth of a Lady!" I could feel my insides start to burn with fear and hatred. "Wallister" I replied, trying to sound cool. Oh I remembered him well. A young detective. He had thought me trapped last year. Had boasted at the department how he'd take me down. Well. He had not. In fact it had been him being "taken down". I remembered the expression on his face well, when i had left him for his colleagues to find. Bound. Naked. Gagged with his own knickers, the word "braggart" written onto his chest with lipstick. I shuddered. And suddenly realized that this wasnt an ordinary cell at an ordinary police department. I think this was the moment when I truly felt fear for the first time this night.

He moved to and fro right in front of me. Like a cat stalking its prey. "You arent stupid, Miss O'Malley..." he said with a smile. A slow, arrogant smile that made me feel sick inside the pit of my stomach. "very well. You are afraid, Miss O'Malley" He said it matter of factly. Instead of a reply i spat out. The gob of my spit hitting him right into the face. He was moving very fast suddenly. Backhanding me across the face in a fluent motion, and almost the same instant he stood still again. A handkerchief had apeared in his hand and he wiped his face. Casually. He didnt utter any threats or curses. He just stood there and smiled at me, watching me like an explorer would look at an interesting insect.
"Did you know that.. the incident cost me my rank and post, Miss O'Malley?" He asked, casually. I didnt reply. His smile widened some. "I see you are starting to truly understand your situation, Miss"

Part II: The inspector

I watched her. Studied her more. Oh she was beautiful, there was no doubt. "Bloody" Mary, the pirate. Even naked and chained to a wall she had something haughty. Something dangerous. And even though i was able to literally smell her fear I knew that she far from being defeated. Her face bore the flaming red mark of my hand. Her eyes were sparkling with hot anger and cold fear. She had cost me that which i had loved most. My career. In turn I was going to take what she loved most. And i wasnt contended with taking away her freedom. No... I wanted her free spirit. I wanted to break that woman. So that if one day i opened the door to her cage she wouldnt be able to go.
It would be an interesting study. Oh it would take time, no doubt. But I had time. All the time in the world.
I enjoyed the way gooseflesh rose upon her skin whenever I smiled at her.

She stayed calm on the outside. Oh I could see her pulse quicken. I could smell the odour of fear. It was cool here, in my cellar, and yet there was a bead of sweat on her brow. I reached out for it. Wiped it away with my finger, and tasted it. She looked disgusted. I knew she hated the intimacy of the act. Oh she would learn, soon enough, that there was worse for her in store than a bead of her sweat on my lips. I leaned in to her. Closely. Forced her against the wall with my entire body. I was taller than her. Physically stronger, even though i knew that this woman was capable to fight. I could feel her breath. Hectic. Could see her pulse quicken even more, and I stared into her eyes. Hers were of a stormy grey. Mine are an anomaly of nature. My left eye is green. My right however is of a bright blue. I have been told that suspects get crazy when i stare at them like that, because they have the feeling of not being able to focus on my eyes, while I seem to be able to stare right into their souls.
I could see the same effect with Miss O'Malley. And then i saw her eyes narrow.
"Do not even try to lift that knee of yours, Miss O'Malley" I said casually. "It would be unwise to try to emasculate me." I saw her eyes widen. Confusion. More anger. Even hatred. She was clinging to them to not give into her fear. Very well. I licked her cheek. Saw the disgust in her eyes. Her body shuddered, and I almost casually reached for her breasts. She was suddenly trying to back into the wall, but there was no escape. I practically bathed in her aversion against me, against my hands on her body, and i revelled in it. There was a faint smile curling my lips when i started to methodically caress her breasts. Gooseflesh had risen all over her body. I held my face so, that in order to breathe she had to inhale my own breath. She had no choice but to smell me. To see me. To breathe me. I would fill every single pore of her entire body with my essence, until she would think shed die of the disgust. We would move on to another emotion then. Shame. But first things first.

I couldnt deny that she aroused me. Her eyes, unable to look away. Her fast, shallow breathing, because she didnt want to breathe my breathes. The gooseflesh. It was delicious. I pinched the tips of her breasts cruelly. I knew she would rather die than scream or show another sign of weakness within my presence, and she did not disappoint me. She didnt so much as flinch, allthough i could see the black of her eyes dilate. Her pulse rose again. Another bead of sweat and another appeared on her skin and when i let go her chest heaved in a deep deep breath. I almost tenderly brushed against the abused flesh and was rewarded. The pain had caused hre skin to be oh so much more sensitive and the gentle touch was enough to cause her nipples to harden against my palms. This elicited a sharp intake of breath. Almost a gasp. It caused me to grin. I lowered my head. Broke our eye contact for the first time and licked her neck before i took her right bud between my lips. sucked at the velvety hardness, played over it with my tongue. And was rewarded with a shudder. And then another when i focussed my attention on the other. She was starting to squirm. To struggle against me. I withdrew enough to look into her face... she was really grossed out by now and I laughed at her. "You thought you were braced against torture, were you not... Mary?" I used her name like a caress. Tasting it on my lips using it as another means of creating an intimacy she hated.

Instead of replying to me she spat into my face again. I backhanded her across the other cheek. Caused her to let out a scream. And finally I seemed to have gotten to her. "you.... vile bastard! You make me SICK!" she yelled it at me. I could see her gather spit in her mouth again and before she could soil me again I clamped my hand over her mouth. Pressing her lips together. I could feel moisture on my palm, but she had to swallow most of her own spit when i adjusted my hand so that it lay over her nostrils as well. She was a smart girl. She didnt struggle. She saved her breath, but soon enough raw instinct wuld kick in. And it did. She started to shudder. And then started to frantically fight me. She was strong for a woman. I inhaled her panic for a few more moments, and then i let go. Held her jaw tight between my fingers and watched her suck in air greedily. It was my turn. I spat into her face. Right into her open mouth. Saw the feeling of sickness in her eyes and before she could spit it all out i clamped her mouth and nose shut again. Until she had swallowed. Until she was struggling for her life again. I let her panic some longer this time before i let her breathe again. "It's time, Mary, for you to learn some humility!" I breathed the words into her ear. unfastened her cuffs and before she could react i had her forced to the ground. On all fours. Ankles and lower arms fastened in shackles i had designed to hold a person down like this. I straightened. Undid my slacks and finally closed my hand around the throbbing flesh of my engorged erection. Started to bring myself to orgasm with rapid motions of my hand. She turned her head away. Stared elsewhere. I had to chuckle. I am quite well endowed. And I knew she would look at my sex for a moment. I had precisly expected this reaction from her and now closed the distance between us. Gripped her hair and forced her head back. So that I could look into her eyes again, while i rubbed my cock all over her face with my hips and my other hand. Oh I took care to stay out of reach of her mouth. She struggled against me again. Her eyes were filled with disgust, her lips a pained, thin line when my precum leaked onto her perfect face.

The look was perfect. I pinched her nose shut with my fingers. And when her eyes widened in confusion and her mouth opened to breathe I shot my cum all over her face. On her eyes. Her nose, her lips. Some of it doubtlessly landing inside her mouth. She shuddered. Desperately spat out to clean her mouth from the taste. My taste. I just smiled. I knew that she couldnt clean her face from my smell. "Have a comfortable night, Miss O'Malley." and with that i left her.
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