Marvel: Crisis in New York (Zomb-PressHeart)


Nov 1, 2015

The night was cold, but nothing a man like Wade couldn't handle. Looking up, he can see the full moon, an ominous sign, and looking down, he can see her... In the window. His target, his ticket to a new pay check. A snicker escapes his lip's, as he lays back on the cold wet rooftop. His voices louder then ever. He could barely make out much, but soon clarity became possible enough for a conversation. ' She is sooo fucking fine.' A voice said in his head, understatement of the century one might say. She was.... Gorgeous! With long leg's, fair skin, brown hair A tight frame that rivals most models... And those eyes! A beautiful gaze that melts your heart in a micro instant! Much can be said, for the list goes on and on. And, it may just be endearing, if not for the creepy fact that Deadpool was simultaneously thinking of performing a- "Wo! Narrator. Think of the children. I think my perverse thoughts should stay my own don't you?" .... Ya I.... I can hardly argue.... "Well, then move on. But without describing my... Oh ho ho, uh, vivid.... Imagination."

Yes... Yes... Any way! As he began to put his sniper rifle together, his voices continued their little conversation. It's progression resulting in an almost predictable but, honestly non arguable way.  'But she is our target. She is worth 3 million dollars simply dead, double if alive... No one worth that much is any good, or worth the effort... Right...?' 'Well, fuck that. We don't know? So why snipe her? Make it personal. Maybe, if we get some context... We can help her!' "Help her? The fuck?! Why help her?" 'Think about it. If she is actually in need of help. We can use that, get some of that sweet tail.' 'Well, other then that... It's always nice to be on the right side of the moral line.' 'See, even smart voice thinks I got something here.' 'It's half a thought, you hardly have anything. However, I think that's good enough for us to at least try.'

"Fine!" He said, as he flipped back and landed on his feet. "We are going right in there!" 'Ya!' Deadpool spoke as he began to pace back and forth along the roof top. "We are going to size her up, see whats what and possibly.... Hopefully! No absolutely! Get in that butt." 'Right on! Liking the plan.' 'I must say that I am excited myself.' As wade walked a fair distance from the roof's edge, he spoke once more. However, it's stupidity was so profound. That even one voice in his head was able to know it was really dumb. "And im going right through that window!" 'Ya!- No! no! no! Don't do-' And before his thought bubble can truly object, he had a running start. Jumping from the side of the roof, and flying into the window in the lower floor of the building across from him. Glass shatter's, and sparkles in the dim light of the moon, as the ominous figure roll's into the living room. Landing in a crouched position.

Standing up, he was well within plain view of the women. Watching him from her bedroom. He faced her, seeing that certainly she must be in shock. With an intense look in his eye he stared her down in the darkness of the apartment. Observing her in a manner that seemed methodical, calculated. When in reality he was starring at her amaaaazing figure. He fought just to not have stone cutting hard wood right then and there! Especially as he seemed to have caught her in a, well, compromising attire. Promiscuous, to say the least.

  But, soon his tense stature, and intense stare wavered, his ADD taking full effect. "Oh! What a nice apartment! I mean. Mines just plain out crap. But this is pretty Charming. Not as big but lots of personality. Though, needs more unicorns dont you think? Or, huh! Maybe a uni-lion? How about that. How are you by the way?" .......... Crickets can practically chirp in that very moment, and would do nothing for the awkward silence. 'Wow, quite the charmer I see.' 'Ya, nice work Smooth mcgroove, I bet she's all wet for the man breaking in to give her decoration praise. Maybe if she starts getting fashion advice from the scarred creep in a black and red leotard she will have nipples hard as a snow storm.' "Shut up.... I swear im better at this, I just got a bit nervouse in the moment." He whispered towards the voices in his head. He was embarrassed enough and didn't need the ridicule to boot! But all that served was looking more crazy, as he called out to the silence to shut up. "Ok I went about this all wrong..." 'Ya think.' "Allow me to start this aaaal over, kay'babe? Hi, I am Deadpool. And I am an assassin that came for your head." 'Oh ya that's what she wants to hear. Now you have her swooning in your arms over a loss of her own HEAD!' ' T_T We were totes going to get laid, now were creeps.' "B-But I don't want to! Because your really hot. And I want to do ya... I mean, because I want to make sure I aint killing an innocent. Ya that's it... Because you dont seem like some supervillian. Your not a supervillian right? No ray guns or anything?"



"It is unfortunate that Doctor Garret had to be disposed of. His expertise would have been invaluable for my project." A distorted voice spoke out to. Wilson Fisk leaned back in his desk chair, hands promptly placed on his desk. "You mean, our project. Need I remind you of my funding?" The Kingpin spoke in a clear, concise, business like fashion. However, it was still in a threatening manner. One that demanded authority, attention, respect.... Fear. "Yes, ... Uhem... Yes Mr.Fisk." The distorted voice said sheepishly, his fear evident even through a conference call.  Smiling, Wilson continued with their conversation. "Now, it was an unfortunate fate, Dr Garret simply refused to see reason. And paid the price for insulting the integrity of my personal character. However this is not a set back." Wilson said in a matter of fact way. Standing from his chair, he turned to peer out his window. The city of new york, beautiful from the heights of his office. "Yes, and of this girl...Will she be-" "Yes, she is being disposed of as we speak. I hired suitable assassin... Ive paid witness to the insufferable merc before. A lot of it proving his unreliability... However, I have also seen much of his skill, further he is quite natural at playing the stoog. I ensure you, with him nothing will come back on us. In any event, he will get the job done. And, in the highly unlikely event that whoever she works for kills my assassin, I have the price on her head currently going carefully through the grape vine. It will be a honest shock if any mercenary in the country doesn't hear of it." The sinister voice from the call hums slightly to himself. Thinking carefully before he questioned his business partner. "Why is it so unlikely?" the voice asked. "Well, he can heal from any wound." A gasped croak came from the other end, perhaps choking on his drink? "Ack... Ack...What the hell! Dont tell me you hired Deadpool?" Almost worried, Wilson turned from his spot to face the phone on his desk.  "Yes, he is not the most qualified. But as I stated he lacks any knowledge of us or our plans. All he knows is a target, a phone, and a drop off point. Further he is a ignoramus, a perfect stooge... Why, have you heard of him?" The voice on the other end sounded almost to be in undeniable rage. "H-Heard of him! He is the biggest oaf in the entire worl- no universe! A laughing stock. He has thwarted me with the X men numerous times! A mercenary he may be, but he is a failure as one. Playing hero in the flip of a coin..... We must take care of this soon. Perhaps Deadpool will do his job, then again perhaps he wont. This makes him a Liability. He will turn on you, for nothing more then the assumption that she will repay him sexually."

With a sigh, Fisk walks back over to his desk. "I will try and trust your judgement. My own man will personally see to it that she dies. I would rather this have been done quietly, but it would seem im left with little choice. Just know, never speak of me with such irreverence again." Before the voice can respond, Fisk's fist slam's against the phone. Crushing it under his own outrage. Speaking in anger, Fisk called out to the man who lurked in the shadows of his office. "The fool will soon outlast his usefulness Bull's Eye... And when he does, see to it he is dead." Walking from the shadows, Bull's Eye juggled a dart between his fingers. "Id enjoy that... How about this situation with Deadpool? To be honest, he wont die but id be happy pinning him to a wall. Maybe make him watch me gut her. Guys a prick, be fun to watch'em squirm." The kingpin rubbed his hand along his bald head. "Yes, go, but dont play any games. Just get around Deadpool and kill her...."


Miles away at the X Mansion~


Meanwhile, while events slowly played into motion. The X mansion remained quiet... It was a quiet night. Most students were gone to see familly, friends, or be relatively on vacation. Becouse the X men were off saving the world. And becouse of that they just about had no professors to teach them. Few reamined, and Jacob was one of those few.

"Waaaaait! Hold on. Time out, narrator... This... This is shameful self promotion." Wade, your not here, go away. "Not till I know why this dweeb is named after you." Uh... He get's laid with rogue later... "Oh... Well! Cant really argue. Ha ha, carry on then."

Any way, where was I- Oh yes! Jacob was not to excited about his current situation. He liked being in the action! Sure, he was a green horn, but he wanted to fight to. The only thing that made staying put worth it, was her... He could hardly believe his luck! Practically alone, with Rogue, for at least a few weeks? It was like a dream. Or some bad fan fiction. ("Pfft, narrator, your not even trying to hide this are you?" ... Nope. No go away.)

As the night settled in, Jacob had found his way to the pool. A slight sigh escaping his lips as he made shuffled about. He did not really have any plans to enter the pool. His attire evident to that, jeans, hoodie and hat. He simply needed a place to relax. Take in some fresh air! Sitting around the edge of the pool, Jacob began to look up at the stars. Raising his hand high above his head, to see it in plain view with them. With a flicker, his hand was engulfed in an odd form of matter. It pulsed in his hand, seeming to have the consistency of liquid but almost as if it were to just arch like an electrical current. However, it stayed in place, despite it's almost fluid appearance. Plasma, the fourth state of matter. There was a time where Jacob could have just stayed 'what?' to the very mention of a fourth state of matter. But now days, he has grown to be a bit more intelligent. After all, he lives in a school. And while Science was not always his strong suit. He had come to appreciate the knowledge of the science around his power. And the things he can do by controlling it... Looking up, and comparing his hand to the night sky. His minds eye can see almost no difference. In that sky there were millions of stars, each explosive ball's of pure plasma. It humored him every time he thought of it. The idea that, in a way. What he carried in his hand, was his own little star. But even with that thought humoring him well... His mood was still slightly drab.

Happy? Yes, he was happy to be here with Rogue. But nervous as well... He has not exactly made his feelings a secret. In fact, he has tried for quite some time to make things closer between them. However, nothing's come of it. She just takes things at face value. As jokes, teasing, and playful flirting. Is it possible she just thinks he is being playful like he is with every one else? Or is she simply playing dumb? Maybe she just doesn't like him in that way... It would hurt, but it wouldn't be to surprising. Loving a girl like her well... He aint ignorant to the dangers involved. Actually it kind of turned him on! "Great Jacob your just an ignoramus..."He said to himself jokingly. After it takes a special kind of fool to look at a girl that can break you with super strength and absorb your powers till your in a coma or worse as a 'sexy kind of dangerous.' But really, you had to know her to understand that it was not so foolish. Any man would feel that. In fact, many men have! And Jacob would surely not be the last.

"Oh! What a nice apartment! I mean. Mines just plain out crap. But this is pretty Charming. Not as big but lots of personality. Though, needs more unicorns dont you think? Or, huh! Maybe a uni-lion? How about that. How are you by the way?"

Truthfully she should have been expecting something, especially after what had happened the night before. Adeline had been planning to move, get out of town, and get back to SHIELD...but apparently she had been too slow. There was no question as to who had just burst through her window, she knew the man well, by reputation only. Smart mouth, kinda nuts...assassin... shit! The blonde went to move, quickly scooting from where she had been lounging on the bed towards the edge. It wasn't helping the situation, or her awkwardness that she wasn't dressed appropriately for visitors.

Having been getting ready for beds she was in her pajamas, or at least what she considered to be comfortable sleep wear. Long blonde hair was pulled up into a ponytail, which was loose and starting to fall to the side of her head. The edge of the bed caught her a bit off guard with her hurried movement, the young girl actually falling off the mattress and hitting the wooden floor with a thud.

Green eyes peered up over the bed, watching as the masked man continued his conversation, seemingly with himself? Unless he was telling her to shut up, which didn't seem likely since she hadn't said anything. Keeping her eyes locked on her impromptu visitor her hands started fiddling with the nightstand, hoping that she had something, anything that might help her defend herself. The pistol she usually carried was on the kitchen table, right next to her phone and SHIELD badge. None of it too helpful being so far away.

"B-But I don't want to! Because your really hot. And I want to do ya... I mean, because I want to make sure I aint killing an innocent. Ya that's it... Because you dont seem like some supervillian. Your not a supervillian right? No ray guns or anything?"

The words came out just as she went to throw...a romance novel at him? Ugh...brilliant. A long slender arm reeled back with a paperback gripped in her fingers. It wasn't going to do anything, she knew she looked stupid...but she had already fallen off the bed, the bar was already set pretty low. "Wait...did you just say do me? Are you twelve?"

The paperback hit the ground, Adeline dropping it as her eyes narrowed in on the supposed assassin. The second part of his statement intrigued her though, as she certainly wouldn't turn down help. Especially from someone with more successes than failure under his belt. At least from what she had gathered from his file at SHIELD.

"I'm not a super villain, I'm not even a kind of sub-par average villain."Adeline made it to her feet, moving slowly, not sure what was going to happen as this whole situation was a bit...odd. "And if I had a ray gun I wouldn't have threatened you with a book...paper cuts can be brutal though..."

Now that she was standing she was reminded of her clothing...or lack there of. Clearing her throat she crossed one arm over her chest and let the other one dangle down to try and cover her crotch. It was quickly decided that it wasn't enough cover and she reached for the sheet on the bed, tugging at it and wrapping around her petite frame. "If you really want to help, I wouldn't say no...but if you're looking to score the girl in apartment 203 has an excellent rack..and I heard she's easy..."

If he wasn't going to help her, she might as well distract him. Of course she was leaving out the all important detail that the girl in 203 wasn't 100% female...but that would be something he could learn all on his own.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rogue had been bored all day, to the point where she actually cleaned her room. It wasn't often she stayed behind, and she was starting to remember why that was. Everyone off having a good time, and she was stuck at home doing chores. Of course a good time usually came with a few bumps and bruises in her line of work, and those she didn't miss so much. At least she wasn't alone, although she hadn't seen Jacob all day. It was odd that he would stay behind, especially with everything so unbelievably boring. With a groan she pulled herself up from her bed and made her way downstairs.

The lights were on, automatically sensing the setting sun and coming to life. After peeking in a few of the common areas with no sign of life she assumed that he had maybe gone to bed, or wanted to be alone somewhere. Of course as soon as she made it to the kitchen she was able to make out his silhouette out by the pool. For a moment she just watched him, curious as to what he was doing. Seemed to be a personal moment though, and she almost felt a bit strange, spying on him. Pulling a beer from the fridge she popped off the lid, careful to not actually break the neck of the bottle in the process. Super strength had it's downside sometimes. Flicking the cap into the trash she took a deep pull from the amber brew and made her way to the large sliding glass door.

"Hey shug...enjoying the sunset?" The soft southern drawl lifted it's way through the air. It wasn't nearly as thick as it used to be, on account of now being in yankee territory, but it was still there. The sun was no longer visible, just a thin ribbon of pink painting the horizon, the stars already visible. "Or are you planning on taking a dip and want some...privacy..."

Of course she was referring to his attire, if he was going to get into the pool, there would probably be some undressing. With a soft chuckle she made her way outside, the buckles on her boots jingling a bit with every step. It was nice to be in normal clothes, although she still wore her faded leather it was almost like a security blanket at this point.

"Is it wrong that I am itching for some kind of disaster. Nothing big...but I'm getting restless. Makes me wonder why you're here though. I volunteered to be on house watch, you could easily be somewhere else..."

Wade fought the urge not to luagh, seriously she threatened him with a book! 'Lady do you have a license to carry that novel?' 'Oh dear, we dont want to get hit by that. I mean, look at that impossibly figured man drawn on the cover. ha ha.' Trying to show the voices in his head their irreverance towards the fact's of the situation, Deadpool smacked his head. ' Oh ya, she is hot... Let's not laugh at her.' With a smile under his mask, Deadpool eyed her objectively for some time. Even as she wrapped herself in the sheet, he continued to stare, after all he had already seen all he needed to fuel that imagination of his further. "Well Sub par villian with no ray gun, if I didnt know any better id say you wanted a Toga party. Ha ha." 'Are we sure she doesnt want a toga party?' With his joking aside, she was right. If he really wanted to help he needed to act a bit more serious, after all, any moment now Fisk can have any one from that Bull's guy, to Silver Waffer coming their way. Of coarse these werent their names but, when has Wade ever payed attention to them? They dont have tit's so why bother?

"As tempting as ms 203 sounds, I think I got a good new obsession standing right in front of me! He he, but that asside I think you should get dressed. Unless you want to fight in that, I mean... I aint complaining. Feel free." It was a good idea on the part of Wade. However, did they really have the time? Soon Wade heard an all to familiar sound buz through the air and without hesitation he reached foreword. Grabbing the beauty and forcing her close to him. Wrapping her in his arm's and turning her to face his own back against the window he shattered. The sound of a light thud filled the room, Wades head slightly pushing foreword. And as the pain from his sudden head made him close his eyes, the thud of his head hitting her's woke him up and knocked them both down.... Falling to the ground, he looked over to see she was ok... Well, Wade was happy to see he managed to save her with little more then a flesh wound. 'And did you see that! May have been a second but... That hold was sooo intimate...' 'Im feeling the butterfly's!' 'Ya, she's tote's a soul mate, I can feel it!' "Oh thank god." He said ignoring his voices, despite the fact he completely agreed with them. "your ok!" As he proclaimed her safety with overzealous joy, he reached back behind his head, pulling out a throwing dart.

Without wasting very much time, Wade sprung up, grabbing her by the hand and forcing her up off the ground. "Looks like no clothing change for you doll, or so say's the role player writing me right now at least." DeadPool proclaimed as he dragged her across the apartment, kicking down her door from the inside. "Look at it this way, fan service equals profit!"

Now running down the Hall way, Wade looked over to her, closing his eye's in a subtle way that seemed as though he was smiling under that mask of his. "You will be the damsel in distress and as for me! I, will be your knight in shining armor. Hows that sound?" Words which may have sounded slightly sweet, if not on the precipice of death. Bull'sEye however was on the chase. "Oh I aint going to let you spoil my fun Dead guy." He said as he jumped down to the apartment below. Running out the door, he can barely catch a glimpse of the two as they flew around the Corner. A quick dart Narrowly missing her shoulder and nailing the wall. A low growl escaping his lip's, as he began to sprint after them.


At rogues words, Jacob had flinched. The southern Beaut catching the rookie off guard. "Oh!... Hey Rogue..." He said slightly nervous, "Ya, kind of enjoying it. But your welcome to join." He said with a gentle smile, looking up at her in admiration, but also in obvious attraction. Looking back down at his attire, a slight luagh escaped his lip's. Having to explain himself slightly embarrassed. "Oh, ha ha, I had no plans of dipping in. But if I did, I hope you would enjoy the show as I strip out of this. I happen to think I am quite the catch." He said in a joking manner, of coarse he didnt think himself that special. But beyond his slight lack of confidence he was very handsome. Not built in the league of Logan, but he was athletic. More comparable to Scot... To be honest, he was more of a book worm. But one that kept in good enough shape to be an X man.

"Oh! No nothing wrong with that." He said to Rogue, using his fist to give her a friendly tap on the thigh. "I think I would enjoy a bit of action myself. After all, I am just newly made a honorary X men. Which means, I am itching to prove myself. Ha ha. Not much is going on though, which is strange... Especially with how few heroe's are out there at the moment. You'd think every bad guy in the world would come out their little hole's to try something. Hell, at least a plot from Magneto..." With a sly grin, Jacob stood up next to her, slightly tugging at her Jacket, in a way to motion that she should probably take it off. "You know, if your bored. We can always just both go for a dip." He said playfully. Of coarse, odd's were that she would find it to be nothing more then a playful tease on his part. And even though he was just teasing, there was a nuance. A hidden factor... The fact he really did want her. Taking the joke a bit further, he pulled against her Jacket's collar, taking it off for her and setting it on the Patio table. "Or instead of stripping..." With a quick push, Jacob reached foreward and pressed both hand's against her abdomen as hard as he could. However, the result's were not as he had hoped... Instead of pushing her into the pool, he was standing there like an idiot. His hand's lingering against her... It was like pushing a wall! With his hand now firmly pushing against her taut abdomen, getting a nice feel of her firm and fit frame even through her shirt. And with the pool behind the Southern Bell. It wouldn't take much to know he was attempting to push her in. "Uh..." With a slight loss for words Jacobpulled his hands back. "A slight over sight!" he said as he began rubbing the back of his head.

As they tumbled forward onto the ground she panicked for a moment, whatever had just hit him was more than likely after her. There wasn't much time to focus on that though, as Deadpool was quickly at her side asking if she was alright. All Adeline could manage was a nod. This was getting too crazy for her to even try to articulate a thought. Usually her life was pretty boring, even at SHIELD she was typically just a paper pusher. When she was given the opportunity to go undercover she jumped at the chance, and now she kind of wished she had just put her nose down and kept filing away.

"Looks like no clothing change for you doll, or so say's the role player writing me right now at least."

Yea, he was nuts. Still she allowed him to drag her, reaching out for her gun and badge left on small table by the front door as he smashed down her entryway from the inside. Wouldn't it just have been easier to open the door? No, she wasn't going to question it. Instead she just pulled her badge over head as they started to run again, the ID bouncing around her chest and neck as she ran. It must have looked a little strange, considering she was in her underwear, and also had a M1911 pistol in her hand.

"You will be the damsel in distress and as for me! I, will be your knight in shining armor. Hows that sound?"

"I agree to the distress part..."Just as she said it she heard something hit the corner wall she had just turned around. It was a thud, something sharp judging from the fact that she hadn't been coated in drywall dust from the impact. "Jesus!"

The blonde picked up her pace a little, refusing to turn and look down the hallway at what might be coming after them. With the rising levels of fear her grip on Deadpool's hand tightened a bit, afraid that at some point he might realize this probably wasn't worth the trouble and leave her in the dust. Luckily she was in shape though, and was keeping up with his pace fairly well. Of course with him being taller, he easily covered more ground with his stride.

Part of her wanted to look the gift horse in the mouth. Question why she couldn't have a superhero who could fly, or lift tanks come to save her. Granted the ability fly would be far more useful in this situation. Instead of that she was just thankful to still be breathing. After all, the man who was now saving her had initially come to kill her.

Against her better judgement she looked behind her, swallowing hard as she saw the man who was after the pair. Adeline was terrified, but still had a bit of determination left. Lifting her gun she fired off a shot. Of course shooting backwards, while running and terrified was not good for one's accuracy. The petite blonde missed their pursuer, but her odd luck kicked in. The bullet burying itself into one of the fire extinguishers along the hallway wall. In an instant it erupted, coating the hallway and the path of the other assassin in a thick white foam. If it hadn't been for the shock on her face, she might have been able to pull off that it was skill, and not a complete stroke of luck.


Rogue furrowed her brow a little bit at the mention of Magneto. As tough as she was, getting large metal objects flung at her generally left her a little sore the next day. Still...even that would be better than cooling her heels and babysitting the house.

"Or instead of stripping..."

That comment pulled her attention, and before she had any time to question it the young man came at her in a somewhat playful manner. It didn't take long to figure out what he was doing, but as soon as he pressed up against her he would be met with kink in his plan. The brunette beauty just watched as he tried a few times to shove her, with no avail. It was cute, in an odd sort of way. Although the hand on her abdomen tickled a little bit.

As he stepped away all she could do was chuckle. Sure, she looked small and fairly helpless...but looks could be terribly deceiving. Feeling a bit restless she took a step forward, grabbing one of Jacobs arms with her gloved hand and pushing herself off the ground.

The southern belle wouldn't go to high, just enough to dangle the young man just above the deep end of the pool. Maybe about a four foot fall to the water. Maybe he couldn't push her into the pool, but she could certainly turn the tables. Pushing him would be dangerous though, seeing as how sometimes she didn't know her own strength, the last thing she wanted to do was send him flying off into the fence opposite the pool.

"It's not nice to push ladies into the pool, ya know?" It was easy to hold him, as if he weight absolutely nothing she hovered above him, dangling him like a toy from one arm above the crystal clear pool water. "Besides, as an honorary're due for some much needed hazing."

With a mischievous smile she loosened her grip, dropping poor Jacob into the pool below.
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