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Poetry by angeliquefyreheart

Feb 26, 2016
United States

My spirit is soaring. I'm flying through the clouds. The wind is roaring. I'm laughing out loud. Joy has replaced misery. Finally, there is contentment. Sanity has overshadowed calamity and I'm filled with an amazing feeling, that's the exact opposite of resentment. I'm finally able to see. All the wonderful things in life...who knew? Now all that I aspire to because I have you.

Mistakes and Identity

No longer am I defined by who I was back then.

Those choices I made can't touch me now.

This time I'm determined not to lose, just to win, for that too much to ask?

I know this path I'm walking sweet day, I'll get there somehow.

My mistakes have altered my identity, but it's not who I am anymore.

Now with every breath within me, I strive to find my purpose in God, and discover exactly what I'm living for.

I want to know and out.

My heart is receptive to love.

My praise I want to SHOUT!

This meaning of life I want to understand the concept of.

Dear God, (A Personal Prayer)

I promise to never forget that You are my God.

I promise never to forget that Jesus died for all the world's sin, and that He is my personal Savior.

I promise to keep faith and hope alive in my heart.

I never want to be without You. I never want to face another minute of this life without remembering that You are in control of every aspect of my life.

God, You've always been in my life. From the moment I was conceived, to the moment I was born and took my first breath, as I grew up, as I learned and made mistakes, to the moment I continue to grow, until the moment I take my last breath, to the time I return to the earth from where I came, and even forever after that, You will always be a part of me and my life.

I can't do anything, unless it's by Your Grace. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I need to remember this always.
New Desires palpable. racing.

Is this a dream? Probably. But it's what I'm currently facing.

Should I...engage in this? My mind is telling me yes. Body is in agreement with that decision.

There's a new fire arisen, and I'm lost in the sensations moving through my soul.

This won't ever get out of control. I'll keep it to myself, and know my limits. My spirit is free to be...simply free.

I've waited a lifetime to feel this. The ache in my heart has finally ebbed. I'm able to continue on in my journey, aided by a new presence.
Valentine's Day Post

Today is that big, special day.

Valentine's Day.

Love is in all books we read, in the games we play, on the movies and tv shows we watch. It's in music, photography and various other mediums. There's always characters that connect with each other. They lose each other sometimes, but that connection is still special. Today is for all forms of love. Not just between couples. You have love for God and Jesus, love for yourself and your family, love for friends and extended family. If you're single, great. You're free to explore the world and find your Soul Mate. If you're in a relationship, that's great too. Be grateful for your family and friends, but never forget God. He gave you life and He loves you very much. And regardless of your relationship status, never forget that you can only love others when you start by loving yourself first.

The Other Woman

I refuse to be your side playmate.

So don't ask me to play that role.

You took vows, so live by them.

Don't say you have no control.

I don't want to ruin your relationship.

So I'll bow out now.

I'm leaving this up to fate.

Go away and be a better man.

You can do it.

I no longer want to be your friend.

I'm being set free from my place in your life.

You will move on and forget me, as I will forget you.

This is for the best.


I've got your number, and baby, you've got mine. Honey, I need tonight.

Don't stop, until you're home again. Come on back to me...never leave me alone...please.

I'm crying out, curled in a ball, lost and all...I tears. It's been this way, for too long.

You left...and I died inside. You never help me be better.

How can I cease thinking...about you? No matter what I do, I'm reaching out for what's not even there.

You don't care anymore. That much is clear. You are fine. I'm nowhere near close to being alright.
I've Woken Up

Dreaming...I standing in front of me. be...careless and free.

I call out to you, but you don't reply. Why? I know not.

Can't you tell I'm hurting? Do you even care anymore?

Patience...has fled...I'm tossing and turning in bed. your very stare.

Now you know why I'm here.

I need you. I love you. I can't let go. But I must.

Choices...were made. Voices...have stayed...within my memory.

Gracefully, I concede...this battle is over. I'm barely gripping that thing they call sanity.

Can I tell you one last time, how much I wish you were here? I doubt it would matter. That is my greatest fear. You have left for good. So should I. I wake up, feeling lost and alone.

Seeking Wisdom

I've got these dreams, down deep inside. If only I could let go of all my selfish pride. Why, oh, why?

My heart is vigilant, remaining aware. I keep those I hate distant, while holding true to the ones who care. This I choose to share.

My body is determined, to keep me alive. I'm on board with that, wanting my mind to also thrive. So why do I deprive...myself?

My words convey a message, known only to the author. Why can't I reveal the truth? Why take this torment further?

Passionate decree...I can't admit. Hurting only me, by my omission. I should just quit.

Can I burden the truth with a lie? I doubt it. I've always been too shy.

So I'll remain aloof and unsure. My wisdom is inside, as I always reach for just a little more.


As the water cascades down, and falls to the river below, it can be silent, then stop, or it can be loud and echo.

The water droplets from above, reflect the sunlight, as gentle as the flapping wings of a dove, in it's first ever flight.

The water starts from the top, it goes on in ever rushing blades of ice, it will never stop, but what is this beauty's price?

It costs not a dime, it's simply just and free, unaware of how else to pass the time, it streams down mercilessly.

A neverending path preordained, to rush there evermore, and when one night it constantly rained, trying to make the waterfall cease to flow, the rain is in vain to stop it's roar.

Don't Give Up-A Poem

Dreamweaver, calling out to a heart. Some images you sew-in doth tear this soul apart.

The things she sees upset her, and worry her to no end.

Please weave something peaceful on this eve...for a humble request from a friend. Don't let this be the end.

His heart has been shattered in two. By the girl he loved once, but tragedy would make it so she never knew. What took her from her this Earth? It was her body that was lost to the wind-wrought surf.

He hates living without her; it's been two years since he grinned. Quick, before he picks up a knife, God, please send him a friend. Don't let this be the end.

Her eyes see the worst in herself, because of the mean words that they say. Why do some people spew nothing but hate?

She sees the celebrities with the game and wealth, thinking that's what she wants...but at the end of the day, she's still friendless, and as lonely as one can be.

One after another hateful message do they send...they know not, nor do they care, that they've crushed her hope. She thinks there's no way to cope...only one way out. Before she jumps from that ten-story building, dear God, please send her a friend.

Hearts are broken daily, but Jesus can mend. If you seek Him, He will be your friend. Let Him in...and all those tears you've cried, won't be in vain.

With Him, you'll be whole. He can repair, what they've destroyed. No matter what've gone through, nothing is worth ending...and taking your life.

So before you cut, jump, or give up living, stop, think, seek out God, and with Jesus in your heart, look forward to the tomorrows that will continue to come into being.

-If you see bullying, tell an adult. Don't let another teen be a statistic of suicide because of it. #NoMoreBullying
#NoMoreBullying Lyrics

You've got the strength to fight, but not with your fists. Where are you headed tonight? To the principal's office, or are you climbing to the top of the Dean's list?

Don't let anyone hold you down. You are great no matter what. Let your words resound. Let the bullying doors shut.

Keep your mind open, and be positive in all things. Don't ever let the enemy win. Be a great person, and embrace the message that kindness to others brings.

All you have to do is use your voice. Don't ever stop believing in your dreams. Be amazing, make the right choice. No one is ever who they seem.

Everyone has a background. All have a story to tell. You can't be heard if you make no sound. Let your words be heard, even if you have to yell.

Scream to the rafters, call out loud and sing, we won't give up, until there's #NoMoreBullying!
Confusion of the Heart

I see two--one my age, one younger--it makes me so confused.

What should I do? I don't want either of them to feel used.

My heart aches terribly and I miss them both so much.

I have a hard time deciding who I really want to touch.

One casual, a simple, undeniable attraction.

The other intense, some really serious feelings involved.

Both give so much satisfaction, but that's not right either.

Having two.

This problem still isn't solved.

Dad...I Miss You, I Love You

Tears stain the inner depths of my spirit...a misery so quiet, only I can hear it.

It's getting easier, I could say, but that's not entirely true.

Sometimes, I think I'll never go on, or that I'll leave those I love too soon.

I miss you, you're gone. And my whole soul is out of tune.

The days get longer, then shorter when I can't take them, hearing about you does make me stronger, but my heart still plays a daily requiem.

Time has changed who I am, but I feel like I still have some of your qualities.

It's difficult to without you. For just a chance to get to know you, would've meant the world to me.

All I can do is listen about you, where you live in my mother's memory.

She speaks of you often, and that comforts me, makes it better on those days that I can't seem to make it through...when I'm feeling sad and blue...when the pain seeps slowly, going through my every vein, not missing a spot, when there's not a ray of sun around me...nothing but cloud after dark cloud, hovering over my head with thunder so loud.

The thunder is the anger of not knowing you for myself, I feel like it represents.

A streak of lightning even begins to make a deafening sound.

And it's that noise that's acceptance that you're not here anymore.

I can wish it as much as I want, but you're never going to walk through that door.

More tears fall, so I can finally find peace deep inside.

All of this I hide, so no one can see, just how much I'm in agony.

Once more, I'll say it now, and a dozen times, plus infinite times later: I am missing you bad. Just wanted to let you know: I love you, Dad.

Vampire (A Poem)

A stain of blood across her lips, as into their flesh her fangs repeatedly slip, a type of vampiric pleasure only the immortal can feel, you don't have to live forever to know that they are real.

Crossing over to immortality, leaving behind a sense of of morality, now a dark need consumes her to the core, everytime he feeds, his thirst for blood grows a little more.

Darkness, and a force of strength, plus of all her talents, when she runs, she gets a burst of speed, she desires to create a master race, the Psychic-Vampire, an entirely new breed.

Authentically she can, fulfill the desire of any man, if she doesn't drain him dry, then perhaps she'll give him a more painful way to die. She doesn't give out mercy on those which she feeds, she exposes their flesh and dares them not to bleed, all of their cries, she ceases to hear, and collects a portion of their fear.

To change a human into a vampire, would cause her to have consequences most dire.

The undead are eventually drawn into their darkest hour, when she realizes her teeth are not the greatest power, so she seeks to find a new way to live, a sanctuary, so she can find a new way to be free.

Devoid of sunlight, and a holy rain, jumping to a great height, then causing more pain. Doomed to eternal misery, in a night that shall never end, no one to have as a mate willingly, no one to call a friend.

Fated to be alone, without a soul to share, watching her kids grieve for their own, while still alive to bury all her family, a burden even an immortal shouldn't have to bear.

Is it worth it to live forevermore, if she burns in hell for her sins, she thinks not, what would she be living for, just to make sure the devil wins?

She doesn't want to be on the losing side, so she will give up her fangs and surrender, so when everyone she loved and even herself have died, she might repent and see all of the Lord's glorious splendor.
Untitled Christian Poem

Praying...for God's guidance. a better circumstance. heart in Jesus' embrace.

Leaping...toward the greatest Grace.

Holding...onto friends and family.

Shouldering...decisions that have affected me.

Understanding...more and more every day.

Not demanding...but continuing to pray. here.

Faith has replaced fear.
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