High School of the Dead (Frogger and Sugo)


Jun 10, 2012
Out Of This World
Heart racing faster than she liked, Ami cleared her throat and flashed a shaky grin in his direction. “Nah, it’s fine,” Ami was quick to tell him, brushing it off as if nothing happened. Of course it DID happen… but he doesn’t need to know that it… caused her knees to feel weak or anything. “Your mind was miles away, right? No harm, no foul… no… blood?” Letting that die, Ami played with a few pieces of bright red, several strands falling against her cheeks despite her best efforts to keep it restrained and… out of the way. “Anyway… I don’t know what these things are, either. There is no way of predicting anything that will happen next. I wish I could, but… I don’t think anyone thought that zombies will…. burst out of a horror film and try to eat our brains.” Giving a helpless shrug, Ami hopped off the desk, brushing her hands off as she tried to think of something -anything- she can say next. Yes, it may be a good idea to stay in the school… it might not be, too. Dark blue eyes glancing at him, Ami came to stand before him, and gently, playfully flicked him on the forehead. “What, did you seriously expect me to be offended over… that? Nah, I’m perfectly fine. It’s not as though it meant anything.”

A cheeky grin pulling at her lips, Ami stuck her tongue out at him, only to laugh shortly after the fact. “Alright, moving on. Ah…” Trailing off, the young woman decided to take a seat near him, while… well, doing anything BUT think about what just went on. “Okay. You think… that it’s best if we stay here, right?” Ami asked, crossing one long, slender leg over the other… even if it did cause her skirt to ride up just a teensy bit. “I believe… it may be a good idea to… move out of the city, but have a reliable way to come back in, to gather supplies and all that. The cities are crowded, which means that… this will spread a hell of a lot faster than in the country. We can… find guns, make a base of sorts… you know, that sort of thing…” Ami rubbed the back of her neck, scrunching her nose rather cutely and glancing over at him. “Okay, it sounded better in my head, alright? I think you get the point…” she grumbled next, pouting. “Anyway… what are your thoughts?” It did seem like Khun had a better handle on the situation than she did… though… all things considering, does anyone?
He raised an eyebrow at her playful, cheerful actions and looked up at her as she plopped down into the comfortable sofa next to him, crossing ivory skin over ivory skin as her skirt rode up to show a slight bit more, and then she continued to speak. There was only one reason that someone would be so cheerful in a time like this, so outwardly happy in such a dire situation.. It must be her way of dealing with the stress, dealing with the fear she must be feeling, he looked over to her as she spoke not really listening to her talk just pondering over this confusing girl. She'd been ever so confrontational, ever so fierce but now that they where alone she seemed to be showing her fear, showing it in her own way - or so Khun thought. There was no way someone could be so cheerful, it just didn't add up in his mind. 'What are your thoughts?' she asked him, and his hands then extended reaching over for the girl who shared the sofa with him one hand finding the back of her head, placing it's self in the thick red hair, the other hand finding the back of the ivory thigh furthest from him, pulling her over, closer, into a soft snuggle on the sofa they shared, his fingers musing through her thick hair as he held her close with a bite on his lip. "I think..." he said softly while still holding her some what tight, but not too tight that she couldn't move away if she would choose to. "That you're as terrified as I am, just better at hiding it." he said with a softer tone on his voice now, his fingers moving through the thick red hair as his other hand held onto the ivory thigh that poked out of her skirt.

Regardless of her reaction he would just continue to talk, be it holding her or being scolded by her he didn't really mind. "We wait, see if it blows over quickly, if we need clean clothing, more supplies, more anything that's when we move, until then we stay put. We are in a target building for some people, people will know that schools have a large supply of useful resources, maybe someone will come our way? For now we stay put... Ami.." he said softly looking at her eyes gently as he closed his, laying his head back softly into the sofa that he sat in, he was set on what he wanted to do, with or without Ami, however he didn't know enough, enough to make a concise and smart decision about what he really wanted to do. He had to stick to the main human instinct, survive, he couldn't do anything fancy, couldn't get a car and load it with supplies and drive around that was just too risky especially while he doesn't know what he's up against, he just feels like he needs to play time... To learn and advance in this new hell hole of a world, just 5~ hours in and already a lot of things had gone to shit.
A hand tangled into her thick red hair… the other finding the back of her thigh, pulling her closer to the young man who could very well be… well, her last connection to the world that she used to live in. From now on, Ami will have to pick up a knife, a gun, something… and protect herself from people she thought of as friends, family. It is a fight for survival. Ami was brought into a hug, soft, intimate, and with no expectations whatsoever. “I think…” he spoke up, his words… just as soft, if not even more so, “that you’re as terrified as I am, just better at hiding it.” His fingers started going through the thick red waves, and… the big shocker was… she didn’t want to pull away. “We wait, see if it blows over quickly, if we need clean clothing, more supplies, more anything… that’s when we move, until then we stay put. We are in a target building for some people. People will know that schools have a large supply of useful resources, maybe someone will come our way? For now, we stay put… Ami.” How is it that, in less than twelve hours… everything has gone to hell? Is that even possible? Ami has no idea, but the world has definitely took an one-eighty. Dark blue disappearing under long, thick lashes, Ami let herself relax against him… because, under ANY other circumstances, she’d shove him away in an instant. “You’re right…” she confessed in a low whisper. “I’m scared out of my mind. I’ve got no idea what to do, and… I usually can just… use my fists, get out of any situation… but I can’t here… I just… I’m scared, I’m terrified… I….” Shaking her head, Ami buried her face into his shirt… not wanting him to see just how truly freaked out she is. Come on, zombies?! What is it, a bad horror movie?

Both hands resting on his chest, Ami let her ear lay next to one, her gaze sweeping over the office. To think that she’d be forced to stay where she considers to be her personal hell, and all for the sake of survival… yikes. “I stay… we stay up, at least for now,” she spoke up again. “We have food, water, clothes… though I really think we need to go out and find better weapons. A few knives just… isn’t going to cut it. What if one breaks? What if we lose one? I can probably hike out to the nearest hardware store, steal a few things…” No guns, though she’d love to get her hands on one or two. The noise will get their attention, which is the last thing they need. Hammers, most definitely a necessity… other small, potentially dangerous weapons. Ami lifted her head, threads of red slipping from between his fingers in order to tickle her cheeks, her jawline… his face. “What do you think?” Ami asked, though more to be polite than anything else. In her mind, they need weapons, plain and simple. Against zombies, they can’t go running around without a way of fighting back. Her dark blue eyes found his, and she waited for his answer.
It was, surreal, to say the least. Here was this feisty red headed girl, one of the foreigners in the mostly Asian school. He'd taken a risk, he could sense her discomfort and could strangely sense her fear. So he'd done it, he'd brought her into the hug he thought she needed and she'd melted into his arms. Almost as if he'd been her lover, a lover she'd not seen for months she'd melted. He watched as her eyes closed and she begun to speak, then her head buried itself into his shirt, her makeup slightly dirtying the white fabric as she did but he did not mind. "Ami.." he whispered quietly before he could feel her soft hands rubbing against his chest through his shirt, the side of her head now leaning against his chest as if she was listening to his heartbeat. She began to talk about what she felt they needed, she felt they needed weapons and while Khun wasn't ever going to use a weapon if she needed that to stay safe then he would likely have to oblige. When she said she could hike out to the nearest hardware store the warmth of his hand overwhelmed the side of her face pulling her chin up so she was looking up at him. Before she could even ask for his opinion it was being given to her.

"You aren't going anywhere on your own." he said softly looking down at her and then oddly, he blushed. He looked slightly away from her and bit down on his bottom lip as he processed in his mind how to word this... Ami was... a pretty girl, to say the least, and Khun shared a few classes with her. When he'd seen her running in the direction of danger he'd not even questioned putting himself in danger to save her. He turned back to face her, his hand hadn't left her cheek during his moment of digression to think. He looked down into her eyes with a soft expression on his face. "Normally I'd.. Think twice about running into danger." he said gently "but when I saw you going in the direction I knew wasn't safe I ignored everything and came to help you." he said taken a deep breath. "I've always thought you beautiful Ami.." he said before biting his tongue and looking away again, there was still a slight bit of red on his cheeks but it had subsided slightly. It felt odd, to be doing something like this in a time like this, but, he knew she was scared. With god as his witness there was no chance he was going to let a girl go into a situation where she could possibly die without knowing at least one person in the world thought her beautiful. One of his hands reached down and grabbed her ivory thigh, pulling her up, sitting her in his lap, her legs stretched out on the sofa her skirt riding up as he sorted that. He wasn't going to let something flash if she didn't choose it to. As he smoothed out her skirt and looked at her in the moment of silence he then finally said. "I guess what I'm saying is.. I like you, a lot. Enough to make me go out of my own line of reasoning to save you earlier. I don't think we need any weapons, we have a few tools in there if you want to arm yourself with something to protect yourself if I'm not there." he said gesturing towards the woodshop. "But I'll protect you, Ami." he said in a loving, caring tone.
The softest whisper of her name caught Ami’s attention, but it didn’t seem important enough that she needed to lift her head and see what’s the matter, so she left it alone. It wasn’t until the warmth of his hand engulfed the side of her face, pulling her head up so that she was looking at him, that she bothered opening her eyes. Dark blue blinked up at him, disgruntled confusion swirling in their depths. “You aren’t going anywhere on your own,” Khun said softly, and then, oddly, blushing. Ami sat up a little bit, watching while he thought over his next words… or at least, that’s what she assumes he’s going over in that head of his. Big question is, though… what does he mean? It isn’t as if she answers to him, or anything like that… ooh no, not anywhere close. Ami answers to no one but herself, plain and simple. So why…? Their eyes met again, his hand never leaving her cheek for some odd reason. “Normally I’d… think twice about running into danger,” he murmured, in a tone of voice that seems… gentle, “but when I saw you going in the direction I knew wasn’t safe, I ignored everything and came to help you.” A deep breath interrupted that particular thought… which makes her wonder what else is there to say.

“I’ve always thought you beautiful, Ami…” Again Khun looked away, a hint of red on his cheeks still.. But not nearly as much as earlier. In an instant, and without any warning, one hand reached down and curled around her thigh, pulling… making her sit in his lap, both legs on either side of his hips. Taken by surprise, all Ami could manage was a small gasp, both hands having ended up on his chest at some point. While her mind tried to make sense of everything, he went on to fix her skirt, that way everything is hidden… which is surprising, even that he’s a guy and all. Their eyes met one more time, silence stretching on… and on… and on still. “I guess what I’m saying is… I like you, a lot. Enough to make me go out of my own line of reasoning to save you earlier. I don’t think we need any weapons, we have a few tools in there if you want to arm yourself with something to protect yourself if I’m not there,” Khun gestured towards the woodshop, “but I’ll protect you, Ami.” What? Is this supposed to be a grand confession or something? Ami blinked, not really sure how to take this. On one hand, it’s really sweet and all… but on the other hand, essentially, the world just went to hell. It could just be that he’s hoping to get laid before a zombie starts munching on his brain like a burger. Who knows? Ami hardly knows him as it is. Light pink dusted over her features, and she averted her gaze with a rather cute pout. “Uh… thanks?” she finally spoke up. “Um… I mean… Thanks, for calling me beautiful… I just… I really doubt you like me… you know, that way. We’re totally different. A-Anyway… I’d much rather go out and get those supplies, cause… well, I doubt much here can qualify as a weapon. It’s all electric and crap. We need stuff that we can tote around ourselves.”
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