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(F) Seeking (A!) [Long-term, Literate, Fandom Based + More!]

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Feb 23, 2016
Hello! I am seeking roleplay partners (M or F) for a potential roleplay through PM's or e-mail based on some of the following fandoms! I would much prefer 18+, please. I am not seeking smut-only, however, many of the fandoms below would include mature content to keep true to the series! Here are some musts/dos/don'ts/etc below!

Some Requests:
  • Quality/Quantity (minimum one paragraph!)
  • OCS + CANONS welcome / doubling is welcome (we will discuss)
  • 18+ for my partner, please!
  • Third person, please!

Potential Fandoms!:
  • Game of Thrones
  • Crimson Peak
  • The Originals
  • Black Sails
  • Marvel: (Jessica Jones) or (Thor)
  • Interview with the Vampire
  • Beauty & the Beast (based on/inspired by)

*Also seeking "original" smut-based roleplays. I'm always seeking a good dom.*

Feel free to ask but those are what I am really in the mood to play.


RE: (F) Seeking Roleplay [Long-term, Literate, Fandom Based!] threads?
RE: (F) Seeking Roleplay [Long-term, Literate, Fandom Based!]

Venomous Carnage said:
Would you be interested in a Spiderman/Rogue rp?

I'm not into Spiderman nor do I know much about Rogue outside Anna Paquin - thanks for writing in!

zero5906 said: threads?

I can be persuaded if its right!
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