- Joined
- Feb 22, 2016
Welcome to my Thread
Hello one and all who have taken time to peek in at this thread. My name is Malz, and I am... A weird little shit. I am a fairly easygoing roleplayer and I tend to focus very heavilly in fun and plot over huge post lengths or trying to make things happen just to make them happen. I love ensuring the fun of my partner(s) and ensuring that we are all happy with how things are proceeding. I have been roleplaying for 15 years, and though I am still improving? I am open to many things and will often listen to ideas even if in the end I don't want to do them.
I do not have a "Standard" Character type, as I tend to roll different characters depending on how I feel with the thread/topic at hand. I've played almost everything you can imagine, even a Ship's onbound AI. I have very few hard NOs and other Nos come from my mood, but I will always work as much as I can with my partner(s) around this if its necessary.
My Interests
I don't have any specific interests in what, when, or how. In general I enjoy all types of roleplays, so I suppose I'll be specific about the content I like. First, I want to stress this: Sex is not mandatory for roleplaying with me!!! Infact I am just fine with a normal roleplay. I like Romance, combat, normal life, magic, all of it. Fantasy, Science fiction, and Modern Roleplay are all fine by my take.
As for my Individual fandoms:
Harry Potter
Various Video Game Fandoms
Name an Anime.. Literally
Most Tabletop Roleplaying Worlds (DnD, WoD, etc.)
The Hard NOS
First I want to stress, I prefer playing Male characters. Mainly because of comfort. I can attempt another gender (or you can use magic to make me one for fun) but I will almost always prefer male.
Otherwise: My main nos are basically no Scat/watersports period, and if it could cause damage (Outside normal combat, drama plot) either physically or emotionally that would break or kill a character, I ask that it be discussed OOC beforehand. Such as Rape, death, Maiming, Cheating, etc. Just to ensure that all Players involved are alright with it. In terms of more powerful characters, if they wish to do something major (Like turn mine into a plant) then I request equally we discuss things beforehand.
Current Desires
*Plot based around two characters surviving in a harsh land, both rather strong and stubborn. Getting into fights a lot, possibly fricking a lot.
*Something Science Fiction related. Unsure what.
*A plot based on Magical Beings and Monsters in Modern Society.
Hello one and all who have taken time to peek in at this thread. My name is Malz, and I am... A weird little shit. I am a fairly easygoing roleplayer and I tend to focus very heavilly in fun and plot over huge post lengths or trying to make things happen just to make them happen. I love ensuring the fun of my partner(s) and ensuring that we are all happy with how things are proceeding. I have been roleplaying for 15 years, and though I am still improving? I am open to many things and will often listen to ideas even if in the end I don't want to do them.
I do not have a "Standard" Character type, as I tend to roll different characters depending on how I feel with the thread/topic at hand. I've played almost everything you can imagine, even a Ship's onbound AI. I have very few hard NOs and other Nos come from my mood, but I will always work as much as I can with my partner(s) around this if its necessary.
My Interests
I don't have any specific interests in what, when, or how. In general I enjoy all types of roleplays, so I suppose I'll be specific about the content I like. First, I want to stress this: Sex is not mandatory for roleplaying with me!!! Infact I am just fine with a normal roleplay. I like Romance, combat, normal life, magic, all of it. Fantasy, Science fiction, and Modern Roleplay are all fine by my take.
As for my Individual fandoms:
Harry Potter
Various Video Game Fandoms
Name an Anime.. Literally
Most Tabletop Roleplaying Worlds (DnD, WoD, etc.)
The Hard NOS
First I want to stress, I prefer playing Male characters. Mainly because of comfort. I can attempt another gender (or you can use magic to make me one for fun) but I will almost always prefer male.
Otherwise: My main nos are basically no Scat/watersports period, and if it could cause damage (Outside normal combat, drama plot) either physically or emotionally that would break or kill a character, I ask that it be discussed OOC beforehand. Such as Rape, death, Maiming, Cheating, etc. Just to ensure that all Players involved are alright with it. In terms of more powerful characters, if they wish to do something major (Like turn mine into a plant) then I request equally we discuss things beforehand.
Current Desires
*Plot based around two characters surviving in a harsh land, both rather strong and stubborn. Getting into fights a lot, possibly fricking a lot.
*Something Science Fiction related. Unsure what.
*A plot based on Magical Beings and Monsters in Modern Society.