Shadows and Monsters [Epi + Malfrost]


Feb 19, 2016
They deserved a break - they really, truly did. It wouldn't be long, just a night in a village that they had wandered upon, but Kagome Higurashi and her troupe of friends had spent the entirety of the day on the road. They'd sworn that today would be the day they would catch and finally end Naraku, but despite their best efforts the evil demon had managed to escape once more. They were useless when tired, and elected to end their pursuit when they arrived here.

Kagome was frustrated - both with herself and with everyone around her. She didn't mean to be, but the longer she stayed with this band of people, the worse it got. She was doing the best that she could to be obvious about her less than platonic intentions towards the local dog demon but to hell with her - he wouldn't know romance if it stepped on his face. She needed to get away from him for a little while and, since returning to her time wasn't currently a viable option, she instead found herself at a small hot spring at the edge of the village.

"Ah," she let out a sigh as she stepped in to the warmth of the spring. Slowly she immersed her body in to the water and eventually she settled with her back against the edge. Allowing herself to relax, she closed her deep brown eyes and let the water take her away. That is, until she head the familiar crunch of footsteps heading her way.
Miroku let out a sigh as he wandered through the forest to the nearby hot spring. It had been another day, another frustrating and awful day. They nearly had Naraku beat, but he slipped through their fingers once again. He had tried to convince Sango to go on a small date with him, but he had once again been turned down roughly. He was beginning to wonder if staying with the group was even worth it. Still, it was Kagome's smile and determination kept him going strong. Still, he needed a break and he made his way towards the hot spring to relax.

He had a small towel wrapped around his waist, his well toned chest exposed for all to see. He made his way through the tree near the spring and looked into the spring. He realized it was Kagome and he quickly looked away. "Ah, Kagome...I apologize. I didn't realize you were here!" He exclaimed, hoping she would take any anger out on him. He had already dealt with one angry and violent woman today, he didn't want to deal with another.
Normally Kagome would have responded negatively - screamed that she was being perved on, hit him, told Inuyasha. Today, surprisingly, was not one of those days, and instead she just out a light sigh and turned her head to face Miroku.

"It's fine... You can come in." She crossed her arms loosely over the swell of her breasts as she said that, but more to cover herself than in anger. At any other point in time, she wouldn't have even considered saying that, but right now she was at the point where she didn't care any more. Everything about today had been rough, from Naraku to Inuyasha to just... everything. It was frustrating in multiple ways. Even if Inuyasha would never get it, Miroku at least knew how to respond when someone displayed interest.
Miroku noticed how Kagome was acting and got worried slightly. He slid into the spring, letting out a blissful sigh as the hot water engulfed his body and let his pain and stress leave him. He kept a safe distance away from Kagome though, figuring she didn't want him to close.

"Is everything okay, Kagome? You seem stressed. I know we've had a rough day, but is there anything to want to talk about?" He questioned her, concern clearly evident in his voice as he did his best to not stare at her beautiful body, but it was clear he was interested in her as a blush was evident on his cheeks.
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