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Physical Strength Fetish - Looking for a Super Strong Female!

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Gym Rat

Lifting things up. Putting them down.
Jan 3, 2016
US west coast
Bumping this back up to the top!

I've done and continue to do some fun related scenes. However, I'm always on the lookout for more!

Nothing gets this guy's blood pumping more than a scene with a girl who can boggle his mind (and tent his pants, hahaha) by performing jaw-dropping feats of strength, while still being girly and feminine!

A few examples:
fitness model photoshoot
need help changing a tire?
battle of the sexes

How can something like this not lead to some delicious romance and smut? :p

So.....what do you say? Wanna lift some heavy shit? :D


Bumping this up with just a little more detail.

Possible characters for you:
*Transforming superheroine (can be canon or OC)
*Fitness model
*HS or university athlete (love gymnasts, and open to other ideas)
*Celebrity (I could be open to this, as long as the story and theme are in keeping with the contents of this request thread.)
*Your ideas?

Possible characters for me:
*Superhero to be paired with your superheroine
*Professor or teacher to be paired with your HS or university athlete
*"Normal" guy to be paired with any of the above
*Your ideas?

Forgot to add in the original post that my preference is PMs. I love them on this site, since we can create subfolders within our PM box.


Original Post

I'll keep this utterly simple. Maybe too simple (though I promise that I'm capable of posts that are reasonably long and detailed once engaged in a roleplay scene).

I have a major kink for physically strong women. It could be a female athlete who's much stronger than expected, a superheroine, or anything in between. Quite a wide range, really. :p

Yes, I do have some ideas of pairings and/or setups, but let's start with the basics first: this rather specific fetish.

If it happens to catch your eye and make you think to yourself, "Oh hell yeah, that's pretty hot!" then please drop a PM into my inbox. Let's discuss and see where it goes!
Now that the Summer Olympics are here, those powerful little gymnasts are all over the airwaves.

Here's a cute tv commercial: small but powerful. Yes, it's silly.....but I do love the idea of a gymnast who's trained so hard that her strength is practically....."super."

Don't you? :p
I sent you a PM a while ago, but never got an answer. I would love to do something on this theme, though, so if you're still searching, PM me.
Being shown up by a girl is SOOOO embarrassing!


I think I can handle it. Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with protein powder on top?


Check out the F-List! Craving anything remotely related to this. Bring me your ideas--let's chat and put something together!!! :D
I recently watched that awful 80's jungle girl movie, Sheena. And yes, it was awful! But it got me craving a hot, super strong jungle babe!

As always, PM me if this or anything else intrigues you!
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