Slave To A Hutt (Sheehan/Malfrost)


Feb 16, 2016
Leia's eyes were wide with terror as Han and Luke were thrust forward into the pit of Carkoon. Fighting the urge to scream, tears ran down her face as the sarlacc devoured her friends along with any hope of escaping.

"You monster! You beast!" Her voice was ragged and full of pain. Jabba let out a grunting laugh, not at all bothered by the scenes before him. If anything, he seemed to find pleasure in Leia's misery. Punishment for her betrayal.

Her plan to escape had failed. Instead of a rotting corpse, Jabba sat with a mere scratch from her attempted assassination. The chain Leia was adorned with was now much thinker, to heavy to try again. Not that she'd ever have another chance like that. Her only salvations were now being digested by his favorite pet.
RE: Slave To A Hutt

Jabba's laugh caused his fat rolls to jiggle, which Leia could feel on her back. He licked his lips as his feline eyes peered at his new prize. "You will now come to appreciate me, princess....I'm your only chance at a good life now." He laughed loudly as he motioned for a guard. The guard held a large syringe with a pink liquid in it. He pressed the syringe into Leia's neck and injected her with the very powerful and potent aphrodisiac. Jabba had wanted Leia's mind to be complete when she witnessed the death of her friends. Now that it was over, he intended to turn her into little more then his slut and cum dumpster.
RE: Slave To A Hutt

"I'll never -" Leia gasped at the sudden pain in her neck. She had been unaware in her sorrows to notice the guard. Her eyes darted to the side as he injected her with a pink serum. She bit her lip as the burning liquid was forced into her blood stream.

"What is this?!" Her shocked outcry fell in deaf ears. Leia collapsed to her hands and knees as her body became numb. Her vision began to blur and her pulse started to race. She turned her head to Jabba.

"What did you do to me?" Her breathing was heavy and her words were shaking.
RE: Slave To A Hutt

Jabba laughed louder as he watched Leia fall to the drug. It would do more then just make her horny, it would alter her taste buds so that his drool and slime tasted sweet and addicting to her. It would also cause her to become horny whenever she consumed his drool or slime now. He tugged on her chain to force her against his fatty body, her soft and silky body absorbed into his fat rolls slightly as he looked down at her. "You are mine now, princess." He mocked her as his long and snake like tongue emerged from his gaping mouth as he licked her neck and cheek before pushing his tongue against her lips.
RE: Slave To A Hutt

Leia squirmed and tried to push herself away from Jabba. Her hands slipped on his slime and only landed her closer to him. Unable to turn her head away, she clenched her jaw tight as his tongue slithered against her lips. Disgust filled her thoughts he pressed it between her lips and against her teeth. It was slick with his drool. It was long, even grazing her wisdom teeth. It was sweet, as if honey had been poured over it.

Leia's jaw loosed in her confusion. Without hesitation, Jabba thrust his tongue into her mouth. The sickly sweetness filled her mouth and coated her own tongue.
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