Smash Resort - (Maj.Mario x LillytheLez)

Apr 26, 2014
There were plenty of tournaments over the years to see who was the best, the strongest, the most agile fighter in all the universe, but very rarely did the grand mastermind behind it all, Master Hand, put together a sort of reprieve from it all. After so many fights, disturbances and overall incidents caused by too much stress and whatnot, it was a welcome relief to finally have a whole month for one's self. Those who wanted to could return to their universes and mingle with friends and family, prowl the nearby town or, if they had the option, they could fly far away and relax in solitude. For nearly all of the female fighters, they all joined together, pooled their money and reserved a private island off the coast of the Smash Peninsula to rest, relax and enjoy themselves. The male fighters were quite bemused to know that their potential love interests would be heading off all by themselves... doing all sorts of things in the water or in the sunlight... but their hands were tied. As such they busied themselves with hobbies like gambling, sports and training... And plenty of drinking, but that's not the story for today.

No sir! There was a Smash Resort on that private island that the female fighters rented out, but it wasn't an upscale hotel or resort per se. The beaches were wonderful and filled with soft, fine sand while the waters were bright and clear, and absolutely refreshing until one got a good mouthful of salt. Scattered along the beach were a few tropical huts for lodging and a few commercial stands that were unmanned- they were there only for the female fighters, and they were filled with all sorts of consumables. Food, drinks, alcohol and everything else could be found there, and the females took advantage of that. Further in, there was a massive tropical rainforest on the island that housed plenty of quaint, comfortable ruins, hot springs and natural groves for anyone who wanted to kick back and relax in solitude.

But the best thing about the Smash Resort at that time? The women. There was Lucina, Robin, Zelda, Rosalina, Princess Peach and so many other shapely forms. This was paradise for whoever enjoyed their buxom, varied figures covered up by nothing more than thin swimsuits and other loungewear. There were already quite a few sultry vixens playing in the water while a few others lounged in their lawnchairs and soaked up the sun. Some fighters, like Samus Aran and the Wii Fit Trainer, sat up to the beachside bar and drank and gossipped. The rest who weren't accounted for, like Princess Zelda and Rosalina, were probably within the rainforest pawing through old ruins or taking a nap under the shade trees.
Lilly the Mii stepped off the boat after having arrived, just a tad later then the rest. The young woman had long black hair, a pleasantly supple figure and she was wearing a small black bikini with shorts over top the bottoms. The front of her suit bulged a little, but for what it was worth, the young Mii girl paid it almost no attention. Looking around taking in the wonders of the sights. "Its so good that Master Hand decided to be Merciful this year and let us have some fun at this awesome resort!"

She looked around and found herself grinning brightly her green eyes were alight with glee at the wondrous place. She moved along the beach seeing shacks, and huts filled with merchandise and food. The thought of food made Lilly's stomach growl loudly, and she hobbled over to get a huge plate full of food, the massive stack of hot dogs, hamburgers, and funnel cakes. It was quite clear with the amount that Lilly was a gluttonous if not beautiful Mii girl. She moved down towards the beach with her plate where she could see everyone, she settled to the side off the shore line and found a place next to a blond haired woman with a Parasol... Her hands wrapped around her heavy stacked plate so her face was hidden behind the mountain of burgers. "Excuse me, Miss is the spot next to you taken?" She asked
Upon seeing the Mii Fighter, or whoever it was who was behind that comically oversized portion of food, Princess Peach giggled and brushed the question off with a wave of her hand.

"Oh, oh no, of course not. Please, take a seat," the Princess offered with a cheery smile.

Anyone who was anyone knew all about Princess Peach and her potent emotional demeanor. She was the direct opposite of Zelda, the so-called Ice Queen, in that she wasn't afraid to let others know just how she was feeling. Bubbly and extroverted, Peach represented the very best, the ace of hard-hitting Nintendo girls. She loved to party, loved to engage in sports and showed no distaste towards the more risqué activities. Thus, she sat up to the local tropical bar in her skimpy bikini, showing off all the curves that would make any man quiver with lust and glee.

"Hmm... I don't quite recognize you," Peach mused as she lifted some iced tea up to her lips. "Nevermind. Are you having a good time?"
Lilly settled herself down with Peach. She would finally peek out from behind the food tower and blushes. She knew this woman, all the Mii's did. "Oh... my gosh Princess Peach!" The rather excited sounding Mii girl wasn't paying attention to her own hand motions causing her surprised hands to bump the tower of burgers. In a shocked reflex she moved her hands to hold the tower in place, unfortunately the top most burger tumbled down. Thus with a nice meaty smack the burger landed perfectly on Peach's breasts, the burger upon hitting the princesses breasts broke apart condiments and other bits making a fine hot mess of their first meeting. "I....I am so sorry." She readily reached for a napkin "I...I'll clean it up...." She was a bundle of nerves now.
At first Princess Peach didn't seem to notice the falling tower of burgers, and if she had, she would have been too dumbfounded to bother getting out of the way. Never in her life had this sort of thing happened to her; she had dodged falling concrete pillars, roaring balls of fire, an angry King Koopa and so much more, but nothing like this. As such, once the burger hit her breasts and broke apart Peach couldn't help but yelp and recoil in astonishment, which only made her situation worse. She still had her tea in her hand and managed to spill that over her chest as well- It was as if someone or something with no table manners had eaten off of her breasts as if they were two pink plates and neglected to clean them off. Ketchup and/or mustard was splattered about her breasts like wayward drops of moisture while bits of crumbs and lettuce stuck to those plump, puffy things as if they were taped there.

Blushing from the embarrassment and sheer idiocy of the whole situation, Peach could only hold a hand over her face and whimper. Though she had gone on several adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom and beyond, Princess Peach hated being dirty. She didn't even want to be seen by any of her friends, and especially this Mii Fighter, whoever she was. But Peach would be damned if she lashed out at her for this injustice. After all, it was an accident, and here this woman was trying to rectify the situation.

"It... It's f-fine, it's fine," Peach muttered. She opened one eye and looked down at her breasts with great chagrin. "Y-yes yes, please. If you could... please clean that up...?"
Lilly hopped right to it. Picking the food off her breasts, and wiping at the ketchup and mustard spots dotting the puffy plush breasts. They were nice and squish, thus making the napkin do less then nothing. It was clear all she could manage was to clear the meat, bread and toppings out of the way. The tea did make it a little easier to wipe. But at this point the mess was mostly gone, however the ketchup and mustard still persisted, she had made this mess and she was going to clean it. "I'm going to have to lick the rest off, please hold still..." Lilly leaned in allowing Peach a view of her own cleavage. Slowly parting her lips Lilly leaned in cute pink tongue stuck out, she slowly licks the ketchup, mustard, and tea mess off Peach's pillow soft breasts, cupping them at this point she licks every spot she could.
Thank goodness Princess Peach was the kind of woman who trusted easily and was willing to listen to reason. Had Lilly done this sort of thing to Princess Zelda or Samus, they would have up and slapped her across the face for being so clumsy. But Peachie was kind (and somewhat gullible), so she allowed Lilly to clean up the mess she made upon her breasts and didn't think much of it at first. Her soft, plush breasts- perfectly elastic and with just the right amount of sag- were still covered somewhat by that pink bra of hers, yet as time passed she realized that a few specks of meat, bread and condiments had seeped into her bra and beneath it, staining it a fair ways. Now that couldn't stand, but neither could Peach stand disposing of the bra in public, especially in front of this Mii Fighter. She glanced off to the side and did what she could to not interfere with Lilly's cleaning... At least until she said that she needed to lick the rest of the debris off.

"W-wha? Lick the rest off? You can't be seri- Ooh!~"

A delightful shiver ran up Peach's spine when she noticed Lilly's cleavage, and even more came when that little tongue slithered out from the fighter's mouth and fell upon her breasts. This shouldn't have gone so well for Lilly, yet she had the element of surprise. Peach was too flabbergasted to tell the woman to stop, and even once she got her senses back, she soon felt good- too good to warrant telling Lilly to stop anyway! Blushing a little harder, Peach arched her back and turned her body closer to Lilly's own as her breasts, so soft and plush, were cupped by the opposite woman. With the shade of the bar and nearby foliage covering up the actions of these two from any prying eyes, Lilly was free to go even further if she so wanted.

Plus, it seemed that Peach couldn't make up her mind- She didn't know if she wanted to stop Lilly from licking her breasts clean. Perhaps all that Princess Toadstool needed... was a little push in the right direction?
Lilly very much continued as she had been. Licking Peach's breasts till they were nice and clean. Peach's fragrance was starting to get to Lilly who was finding the sweet scent mixed with the taste of the Princess was causing a reaction in the Mii's groin. A good side tent was visibly pitching against the black bikini bottoms within her shorts. The stain on the bikini top had Lilly licking at the stains upon the cloth, to her dismay the top was ruined. "We have to remove this...." She said and with the arching of Princess Toadstool's back she pressed her face betwixt Peach's breasts, reached right under and pulled the tie undone. Then she pulled the pink top away from Peach's breasts with her teeth.
Indeed, Peach did have a scent about her. And as anyone would guess, it was of fresh peaches growing on trees, swinging in the breeze. What a peaceful scent... But now it was somewhat of a musk, a cocktail of potent pheromones that mixed with whatever sweat and scents were upon Lilly and created something very strong. In due time Peach's blush was as red as cherries, and her arousal was picking up as well! She had no idea of the delightful surprise waiting for her within that tent poking up from Lilly's shorts- Oh, the fun to be had when she was worked up properly! Peach shivered at the little tongue lashes Lilly gave her upon her puffy breasts and tried her hardest to resist, for she knew deep down in her heart that this was a public place and that it was wrong to do this sort of thing with another woman, yet she couldn't help but feel good about it all. If Mario or Luigi saw her now, oh, they'd never let her live it down!

But Mario and Luigi weren't here, and neither was Daisy, and that only made things more arousing... Enjoying such a lewd thing right under their noses!

"W-what... Wait, wait, d-don't do-"

Peach didn't have time to fully articulate her sentence before Lilly removed her bra and let it fall to the ground. With a startled, husky gasp Peach looked down at her breasts and blinked twice when she noticed Lilly's face was between those puffy mounds. Instead of pushing her away, the princess pulled her closer and bit her lip as arousal slowly clouded her judgement.

"Haa... Th-that's really naughty... Can you d-do anything more?~"
Lilly spat the top out of her mouth and gazed intently at Princess Peach. The moment those big palmable breasts were bare, the woman wrapped her hands around Peach's breasts. Upon the princess ask her if she could do more. She grins, it was a go ahead if Lilly had ever heard. So she reached for some chocolate sauce on the counter and squeezed out a trail from the center of Peach's breasts and down to her royal pussy. Then began to lick down the chocolate trail till she was squat down between Peach's legs. She reached for the bikini bottoms and with a tug the thin material wedged right between Peach's puffy pink sex, the material left her pussy lips exposed, so with this she thought to tease. "For a Princess of Mushrooms I am happy to see you do not have any fungus." Upon finishing what she said, she began licking Peach's wedged slit.
If there was one thing Princess Peach loved, it was someone paying special attention to her breasts. She blushed harder and moaned, breaking her regal demeanor in favor of pleasure at that moment. Her back arched and forced her chest forward, thus thrusting her plump bosom further into Lilly's hands. Loaded with sensitive nerves, those soft, pillowy breasts sent all sorts of reactions up the princess' spine and made her quiver in excitement. Hell, even her lips, which were normally so straight whenever she smiled or frowned, were twisted in a lusty grin just from Lilly's mere touch! But that wasn't the half of it. When that lukewarm, foreign substance fell upon her breasts and dribbled down to her pussy, Peach had half a mind to think that someone had just ejaculated upon her... But when she looked, it noticed it was chocolate sauce- It struck her as odd that this woman who was essentially violating or taking advantage of her had what seemed to be a food fetish, but Peach wasn't going to ask, and she didn't want to, frankly.

"Haa! H-hey, don't w-wedge it like that!" Peach begged. She squirmed in her seat and gritted her teeth as some moisture began to form where Lilly wedged her bikini bottoms. "Take it off... Take it off and- Ooooh!"

The blonde-haired princess moaned and bucked her hips against Lilly's advances- threatening to fall off her seat- when the woman began to lick her exposed slit. She didn't like having her bikini bottoms get in the way, but at least she was being licked and lapped at. Also, with the chocolate sauce coating her body and supple tits, Peach sincerely hoped that Lilly would lick all that up and send her reeling with her first orgasm for the day.
Lilly would continue lapping at Peach's juicy folds. It was strange, the juices bubbled out of the Princess who by the Mii verse was viewed as a Saint among women, was now wantonly allowing Lilly to taste her pussy necter so. The woman smirks, and stopped licking and lapping the folds, this time she settling to a squatted position she smiles up at the princess, she was at this state likely to obey. "We better make sure we don't ruin your bottoms as well... roll over, I wanna watch you peel them off, if you do I have a treat for you." The tent in her pants was now quite obvious.
"Oh... O-oh okay," Princess Peach mumbled, a little bemused at being ordered around but too aroused to challenge it.

The sweet nectar trailing from her lower lips was pungent like fresh peaches while the fragrance she wore only helped to further enhance the 'flavor'. Already Lilly would have gotten plenty of licks to arouse her so much, to make that 'secret weapon' of hers hard, thick and ready for action. In the haze of pleasure and fellatio, Peach hardly noticed when the two of them settled for a squatting position beside the bar. The fine sand of the beach hardly made a difference when all Peach could feel was that cute, slick tongue lapping at her wet pussy... And now, she had a chance to allow Lilly to really lick her, to eat her out or do so much more to her! This was too big of an opportunity to pass up!

As such, Peach obediently lowered herself down to the ground and rolled over to her stomach. From there, with her sweaty breasts pressing into the sand and her supple ass poking up into the air, Peach lounged about for a few moments before getting to business. She figured that she had some power over this Mii Fighter so, in an effort to test it, she wiggled her hips and slowly reached for the bikini bottom strings cutting into her skin. With soft, languish motions her fingers dug under the straps and pulled until they came undone... And with that, Princess Peach was completely naked before Lilly.

"C-come on... What's my treat?" Peach cooed as she looked over her shoulder, ass raised high and inviting-like.
Lilly watched as Peach got down low. Then in the sexiest way ever, she watched the sultry princess remove her bikini bottoms. Exposing her very peach shaped butt. It was a supple butt and a very pretty one at that, a slow look to Peach, and Lilly spoke, "Alright your reward is here, but do close your eyes first." When she moved around behind Peach she carefully took Peach's crown off and then slowly pulled her bikini bottoms and shorts off. Lilly's long hard girl cock was a full package long thick shaft, and nice heavy orange sized balls. Slowly she pressed the tip of her cock head to Peach's pussy, and when she was certain Peach had her eyes closed, a sudden thrust forward, and her hands sunk into Peach's hips, her cock slides right on in.
"Why... Why do I have to close my eyes? It's a treat, not a surprise," Peach grumbled. She expressed some distaste at having her crown taken away, but in due time she did as she was told and closed her eyes. "Hmm... F-fine. They're closed.~"

If Peach could see that strange, futa cock sported by Lilly, she might have scuttled away in fright. But that would have been before the girl put the moves on Peach and rubbed, suckled and pleasured her breasts. After just a little bit of stimulation and arousal that arose from having her breasts pleasured and her pussy licked, the princess was hot, horny and rearing for action. She wiggled her hips invitingly and pressed her palms into the warm sand beneath her before she moaned and arched her back- that long, thick shaft of Lilly's had just thrust forward into her with no problems whatsoever! The princess opened her eyes at once and looked dead ahead in shock and amazement before trying to glance over her shoulder.

"W-what the... Is that a d-dick?" she asked, her words slurred from the rapture that shot into her system from that first plunge.

Her pussy was nice and tight; it hadn't been used in quite some time and thus was very comfortable around Lilly's fat cock. The silken folds around the cock pulsated and gripped the base in a futile attempt to keep it still and steady, but this wouldn't do at all. Peach wanted this woman, whoever she was and whatever was inside her, to pick up on her movements and plow her bean field as if she was a cat in heat.
Lilly smirks and seized the princesses hands and used her crown to act as a shackle sticking the crown over her hands and wrists locking them in place with it. She then rears the princess back as she buries her fingers in the golden locks of her hair. She grins, "Now lets see if you fuck like a Princess my dear Peach." The wanton and horny princess seemed to be of very few bothers at this very moment, so the Mii Fighter took the inititive.

Her hips undulate and press deep up against that peach shaped butt of the princess's and she gives the princesses sitting muscles a nice firm slap. Watching a pink hand print fade in and out as her cheek muscles rippled like jello. She licks her lips and found herself moving into a flow her hips started out slow pushing in and out in a nice comfortable pace. "Yes it is a dick, and she is very eager to meet you my dear princess."

The Mii Fighter said, and grips firmly into Peach's hair and smirks pulling back so her body arched off the ground, the fighter took to speeding up her thrusts going for a piston motion as her hips continuously meet Peach's hips with a sickeningly wet slapping sound, pussy juices flying and splashing onto the hot sands, it was a good thing the hut was an automated system other wise the worker may have been greeted with the greatest of sights.

However, they might not wish to dally long for surely other beach goers would be coming this way at some point. After all as much as they wished it, they simply weren't the only ones at the resort.
Peach expressed no shortage of disgust at having her hands and wrists locked up, and with her own crown no less. It was deeply humiliating, but even more humiliating was the fact that she was being fucked by this futa female that hadn't even bothered to give her a damn name. She didn't know what to call her, but she supposed that didn't matter in the long run. Just call her something degrading, or 'that girl', Peach thought to herself through the haze of pleasure. With her breasts nearly submerged in the warm sand and her overall figure somewhat marred by her being flipped over, the good princess was apt to whine, complain and partition for Lilly to turn her over so the 'best parts' could be seen more clearly. But she wasn't in control, so she had nothing else to do but grin, bear it and enjoy it.

Yes, yes, what a whore Princess Peach was... She jolted up a little bit and squealed when her ass was slapped before moaning in rapture when Lilly began to move inside her. That thick, bulbous-headed cock of hers was unlike anything she had ever had before; it seemed to pulsate with sin and sensuality, which only made things all the more better. Plus, given that the cock belonged to a female- Peach didn't get a good look at it- the princess figured that this girl knew how to please her properly. She closed her eyes and hummed as her hips moved back upon the cock as if they had a mind of their own. If the circumstances were different, Peach might have looked breathtaking, yet here she was in the sand with her ass in her air, her hair held in a hard grasp and a cock shoved deep and tight inside her sopping wet cunt.

What a whore indeed!

"Haaa! F-fuck me... This f-feels so goood!~"

(( I'm not feeling it tonight. I'll do better tomorrow when I feel better.))
Lilly, continued the motion thrusting in a nice plunging manner. She was all to happy about this situation, a pretty air-headed princess, with what seemed to be absolutely no actual standards at all. The woman didn't even know Lilly's name and seemed all to happy too shove her slick maidenhood down on the fat cock of hers. "Your a dirty, dirty princess arn't you.... I wonder if being so easy to fuck is why Bowser keeps pestering you...."

She teases and begins rocking her hips forward, the motion had the pendulous testicles of Lilly's swinging openly betwixt her legs, if Peach looked down between her legs it might just look like they were her balls for a moment. The heavy fleshy sack of seed filled balls, were about the size of billiard balls, and the cock was about as long as Peach's hand with all fingers pressed close together, and as thick as her whole arm.

Lilly continued her war path down inside Peach's princesshood, and groans "My my this does feel good, maybe I will have to be the big bad one to steal you away some time, oh... -groans- before I forget, the names Lilly." She said as she now begins to pick up her pace her hips now meeting Peach's with much more vigor then before. The impact of her hips meeting Peach's causing Peachs butt to bounce and wobble.
"L-Lilly, huh? Mhmm... Sounds n-nice!~" Peach cooed.

From her position, Peach could indeed see Lilly's cock and balls as the former slid deep within her slick pussy, scattering fluids and unmentionables about. The balls were something of a wild card as to see them on a female's body was... questionable, but Peach had the strange desire to sit Lilly up against something and please her shaft with her glorious breasts, even suckle and tease those big balls from time to time. Oh how Lilly might moan and beg for more! But that could always wait for later, perhaps when Lilly had gotten a few more girls into her harem- if it was to be called that. So Peach propped herself up on all fours and glanced over her shoulder at the futanari woman with a happy, coy smile on her face, egging her on for so much more!

"If y-you can make me feel this good all the time... I wouldn't mind you stealing me away!" Peach mewled.

The princess arched her back and dug her hips against Lilly's own, forcing her slick pussy deeper upon that fat cock with all the gusto of a skilled whore. She was getting so hot, so wet, and oh-so horny just thinking about where else Lilly could stick that cock. And her ass... Her ass jiggled and bounced with each heavy thrust! With the sun and the heat, Peach figured that she didn't really need any biniki clothes to cover up. After this session was over, she would be content relaxing in the sun, not even bothering to clean up the sweat and spunk after!

"Is there anyone h- Oh!" A voice called out only to be cut short. Lucina, the Princess of Ylisse, had arrived at the wrong time and wrong place to see Princess Peach getting drilled from behind by some strange woman. "I uh... M-maybe I should go..."

There she was, standing under the awning in full view of both Lilly and Princess Peach. Blushing like mad, Lucina didn't look like she wanted to join in any time soon... Unless Lilly had some kind of ace up her sleeve or was really charismatic!
"Tell, you what..." Suddenly, the sound of a voice caught Lilly's attention and while Peach was lost in her back thrusting against Lilly's cock she smiles at the blushing young woman. "Oh my, looks like we've been spotted Peach... whatever shall we do? Hello there I'm Lilly and this is Peach... do say hello Peach." She said dropping all need to refer to who she was fucking as princess, cause at this rate if Peach had a father he would have surely disowned her if he saw this.

Grunting, she continued to hammer way into Peach's cunt, the powerful blows were from a well trained pelvic control. Her cock head bouncing off the inner walls of the woman's insides, the tight hug of Peach's insides was clearly getting slicker and she was sliding in smoother with each thrust, as her cock widened out the space some. "It is going to be a fun vacation this year don't you two agree?" She said casually holding a conversation, she was none to ashamed at this point, she was already doing the deed, and they already had been spotted doing so quite obviously, so instead of hiding it at this point, she acted quite naturally on it. "Your Lucina correct? have you been enjoying your vacation so far?"
(( Apologies. There was some family activity and I recently gave blood. ))

Even as Peach moaned and writhed about on the throes of passion and lust, she couldn't help but try her hardest to keep up appearances. At the sudden appearance of Lucina, Princess of Ylisse and daughter to Chrom, the Mushroom Kingdom Exalt gave her a little wave and a happy smile. The way Lilly's cock pierced her pussy and scraped against her inner, silken walls was getting the best of her. Suffice to say, Peach wasn't in the best condition to be... personable.

And Lucina? Well, she was tempted to hightail it outta there. With a deep blush and quivering legs, the blue-haired princess did not look like she belonged there, watching Peach get fucked over by some raven-haired beauty with a cock and balls. But, well, for the sake of RP, it wouldn't do for her to run away now, would it? As such Lucina stayed put and did what she could to answer Lilly's question.

"W-well, uh... I guess so, I mean... Could you- could you stop fornicating with Peach, please?" Lucina pleaded in a meek tone. "It's... r-really hard to speak with you when you're doing that."
((its all good))

Slowly and surely her hips stopped moving, and she looks to Peach, she didn't really have to do much at this point. Peach was happily grinding on her very own, she smiles. "Well, you can turn around till we finish if you really must speak with us, however.... Young Princess Lucina perhaps you should come closer... I assure you, we are almost done here, and perhaps if you are in need, Peach here can tell you just how good this feels."

Lilly grins down at Peach and pops her crown free of her arms and tosses it onto the counter top. Before slowly pulling out, letting Lucina watch as the long thick shaft was pulled soaking in Peach's juices and looks over at Peach, and made a motion for her to roll over, after all had she not been so eager to get a good view like this. "We are all girls here, and yes, I am one... this just grew on me as I got older." She points to her beautiful hairless shaft which was glistening as if it were a glazed piece of ham. "Two princesses I must say my day is quite lucky, Peach would you like me to continue, or do you wish to converse among each other as princesses, for I fear someone is going to have to relieve me of this hard on..." She looks Lucina over, "What do you think, wanna have her join in?" She asked her new buddy Peach.
"I suppose... It wouldn't hurt to join in," Lucina said with a wavy smile and a deep blush. She steadily approached Lilly as Peach looked up at her. "I mean... W-we are here to relax, aren't we?"

"Mhmm, quite right," Peach cooed.

In a shocking turn of events in which Lucina wouldn't be caught dead with a woman's cock, of all things, stuck inside her mouth... The Ylissian princess instead got closer, closer and closer still- Eager to partake in the afternoon festivities of sin and skin! Why, just looking at the two it was quite clear that Lucina and Peach were mystified by the sight of that big, slick cock shimmering in the dim light that flittered through the holes in the thatched roof. Such healthy, big balls filled with so much semen, and a giant member fit to please anyone regardless of where they wanted it! It was almost as if Lilly's body, or rather, her cock was blessed by the fertility gods! As such, it would be such a crying shame for Lucina to just turn and walk away!

Casually stripping clean of her bra and panties, Lucina got on her knees before Lilly as Peach did the same- Shoulder to shoulder, breast to breast... Lilly would have a hard time choosing who she wanted to tend to first! Ah, but the two princesses were crafty. Instead of wanting to take turns they simply went at it together. They leaned in and licked at the shaft without the slightest tinge of disgust or shame. No, they were just eager to have a good time.
Lilly, was sat up and sandwiched between the two princesses. Lucina and Peach wrapped their breasts around her shaft, her thick heavy balls hung between her legs. The friction of the soft breasts upon her hard hot shaft, was amazing. "Wow... this is... amazing..." Peach was definitely larger then Lucina in this instant, but it didn't matter as both of their breasts felt great against her shaft.

"I am so glad to finally have this much of vacation." The lick was nice feeling and it caused her large shaft to twitch with glee, and a spatter of pre-cum was drooling out from the tip, bubbling out like soap suds. "Come on then, make sure to work hard, you have to prove to me which of you has the better skill, think of it as a challenge between Princesses, and who so ever gets me to orgasm first, may just have me brought to their room for the evening." She smiles, stroking her fingers through their hair and firmly locks her strong fingers about the blond and blue tresses, and smiles. "Oh a Princess Sandwich how grand..."
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