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More like: TACO HELL! (Legion Gadarenes & TBA)


Dec 11, 2014
[15:50]Legion Gadarenes: Alright, let's say a ways in...Been pushing you a while now, started off slow, working without panties, shortening the skirt, then no skirt at all while doing drive-way serving...Jerked off on your face and made you smear it all over...Now, before our shared shift starts, you get another message, with a picture of you looking up all smeared...Saying to practice smiling and teambuilding. Good kick off?

[15:57]TBA: Walking in to start my shift, I check my phone. It's another message from Jim, who I am scheduled to work with today. He was nice enough to include the picture of me with him cum all over my face and a cryptic message. I cringe and put my phone away, dreading the next 9 hours we have to spend working together. The worst part is without the money I'd taken I've had to start giving myself more hours in this place. That coupled with his demands to share shifts have just made the last two weeks even worse.

[15:58]TBA: I set down in my office, waiting for him to parade in in with his demands for the day. It's going to be a long shift.

[16:00]Legion Gadarenes: I walk in, clearly pleased as punch, a smirk on my face as I look you up and down slowly, measuring you almost. You know that look well, it's a look that owns and delights in it..."Still following my first demand?" I ask, looking pointedly at the skirt of your uniform.

[16:02]TBA: Hating myself, I nod, admitting I'm not wearing anything under the skirt. I'm almost glad to be, at this point, as the last time I wore underwear at work it vibrated at the command of a remote he carried all day. But as that day had gone along, the orgasms were easier and easier to hide from behind the check-stand.

[16:06]Legion Gadarenes: Looking at you for a long moment, he smirks that wide, wicked grin of his as he looks at you. "Show it off...You know you'd best get used to that." I say, walking closer as I do so. "Now, I've got a special kind of offer for you today...You can choose between two things to do..." I smile. "Isn't that nice? Either, you do this shift on your knees...Or you stay around after closing, and play poker with me and the rest of the crew."

[16:10]TBA: Knowing what he wants me to do, I stand up, turn around and lift my skirt, showing him my bare ass. As I hear the "click" of his phone taking a picture, I try to reason out which one of these is going to be worse for me. I figure even if I have to stay after at his request, the day would still be filled with harassment from him. "Uh... knees." at least this way I get to go home tonight. I silently hope he just means I have to clean the floors and stick my ass out at the customers or something as I hear another "click".

[16:13]Legion Gadarenes: I smile and look at that fine ass, thinking of how good it'll look crawling around tonight. It's a late shift, so not too much traffic, but more than enough for him to get her looked at a few times. And he'll just have to tell the boys the poker game for tonight is off, but they're still welcome to swing by after the shift. "Hmmm, alright...Shame, maybe you'd have gotten lucky." I grin and pull something out of my pocket, something metal and shiny. "I'm not a cruel man, so you get something to wear underneath your skirt today." Smirking, I show you the plug, a little shining stone at the end...Perfect to catch the glinting lights.

[16:17]TBA: In horror, I look up at him holding some new "gift" for me. "Is that... a butt plug?" I cringe, hoping I'm wrong. It's starts to add up I'm going to get to spend all day showing it off to the clientele. I'm almost glad, though, because after what he said, I was worried he'd installed a glory hole for me to occupy.

[16:20]Legion Gadarenes: I nod, smiling as I do. "Oh yes...A butt plug." I grin at you as I take your hand pulling it close and laying it in there, closing your hand around it to let you feel the heft, the weight and the cold sensation of the metal, my eyes on yours. "I remember thinking you had a stick up your ass before, so it's only fitting I give you something to remind you now..." I step back, pointing to the desk. "I know you keep some lube in there, for...Emergencies with your ex...Stick it in. Shift starts in a few."

[16:24]TBA: Wondering how I could have let things come to this in just a few weeks, I reach into my desk and take out the lube. Never having really done anything like this before, I smear it onto the plug, feeling the cold metal cool of the liquid. I cringe a bit and take the thing, bending over slightly, and push it into myself. It's not painful, but an extremely odd and uncomfortable sensation as I feel it slide into me. I grimace and keep pressuring it until I can tell it's in all the way. As my hands reach up to fix my skirt back in its proper place I can now distinctly feel the cold sensation inside me. Once the skirt is in place I take a step toward my desk and learn I won't be able to ignore this at all today. I timidly look up at Jim, "So what do I have to do today?"

[16:32]Legion Gadarenes: Another snap, another click of the camera going, documenting the process of the metal object sliding home, of it being pushed between those cheeks and catching the light of the lamps, before being hidden once more. Not that it mattered much, you knew just as I that a day on your knees meant a lot of flashing, a lot of glinting...A lot of your body being aware of the plug inside of you. "Oh, nothing too strenuous..." I smile at you as I look into your face, enjoying the moment before. "Just waiting the tables...You won't even get to make your hands dirty..." I smirk, crooking my finger. "But you'll have to keep a straight back..." I lead you out towards the restaurant, where the late shift has begun, there's not a lot of people here, for now. "On your knees."

[16:38]TBA: With my new addition shifting inside me as I walk out to the front, I try to imagine how this day is going to go. Oddly, more than anything, I'm worried about how scuffed-up my knees are going to get if I'm seriously going to be doing this for 8 hours. Once I'm out in the front, I have to accept I don't really have any alternatives and get down on to my knees, trying to avoid actually bending over as much as I can. It's 8:00, so at least the restaurant is mostly empty, but there are a few people sitting around waiting to have their orders taken.

[16:41]TBA: As my shift starts, I shuffle around on the floor taking orders from tables of confused people and coming up with explanations as to my behavior. The plug is mercifully starting to warm up and become less of a distraction, and the "straight back" rule has kept it from becoming a real problem.

[16:42]Legion Gadarenes: The tables look up, look strangely at your behavior, but they don't give any real response, only mocking you slightly as you move to and from, but for the first fifteen minutes, things proceed strangely easily, strangely calm. Though you can't help but notice that mocking grin on my face, the smirk on my lips as each minute passes. Then the doors open, a group of youngsters, about my age, coming in. You might recognize them, friends of mine, deadbeats. They pass by most of my shifts here...They spot me, waving and I wave them to a table, the grins passed between us clearly a kind of hidden joke. As you shuffle up, they smirk at you. "Hey there, Erica...Just drinks, alright? Can you manage that?"

[16:46]TBA: I can tell things are going to get worse for me, and sore knees are going to be the least of my worries. Nervously, I shuffle over to the drinking fountains and fill enough glasses for the table, and bring them back over on a tray. "Here."

[16:50]Legion Gadarenes: They take them, one by one, until the last one, the small guy. He's an utter prick and he knows it, grinning as he pushes the glass and then...Clack. The cup falls on the floor with a wet splash, spilling all over your knees and the tiles, earning you a chuckle from him and a faked "Oops, sorry..." Though he is clearly anything but. You can hear me chuckling behind the counter. "Could you clean that up, Erica? The mop's in the corner."

[16:52]TBA: Rolling my eyes, I think I already know where this is going, but I really hope Jim will be satisfied in just showing me off. I shuffle over to the mop and drag it with a few rags back to where the spill is.

[16:54]Legion Gadarenes: They snicker and chuckle, watching you go to and from, as you shuffle closer. The spill has grown wide quickly, going all across the floor and the sticky coke will be a bitch to clean, while all the way they watch you. From behind the bar, you see me pulling out my cellphone and sending them a text, the phone of the small guy buzzing softly.

[16:58]TBA: I drag the mop, rags, and other cleaning supplied back to the spill and try to clean it up. Being on my knees, it's pretty difficult to use the mop, but I don't want to suffer the humiliation of bending over and using the rags in front of Jim's friends. I just stay with the mop and very slowly and awkwardly start to get the spill cleaned.

[17:02]Legion Gadarenes: It's a slow going, and they all watch you for a while, before one of them frowns. There aren't many people in the restaurant now, aside from the group perhaps two or three, in their own booths, trying very hard to ignore the bunch of food-court gangsters that are belittling you. As you slowly take your time, one of them gets up and gives you a shove. "Come on girl, put your back into it. You're not getting paid by the hour to clean swill."

[17:06]TBA: When he shoves me, I fall over a bit, having to spread my legs as I land. I feel a tiny jolt of panic shoot through me and my hands fly down to make sure my skirt hasn't ridden up too high. I pull it back down as best I can and get back up onto my knees. Trying my best to ignore that some kid thinks he can just shove my like that, it becomes pretty clear I'm not getting out of this with just the mop. I set it aside, and grab one of the rags, wishing I didn't have to do this. I make sure to position myself so my ass isn't going to be pointed at anyone, and bend over to clean the spill. I feel the tight skirt slide up and over my ass, and the plug awkwardly shift as I bend down. Cleaning as fast as I can, I manage to get the spill taken care of in 10 seconds or so and am soon back up on my knees with my skirt pulled back down again.

[17:10]Legion Gadarenes: Those ten seconds are more than long enough for them to get a peek, or at least a flash of what exactly is and isn't underneath that skirt, causing laughter and derision from the table, grins and highfives, with a few hooting noises when you retreat. They don't know why you're doing it and you have no idea what they've been told, but seeing you this way clearly makes them more bold. The small guy, the little prick, whistles at you as you retreat, bringing his hand up and spreading his fingers, wriggling his tongue between them in a lewd gesture as you return to the counter. I smirk at you as you approach. "Hmmm, been making the customers happy I see? That's good...But you still seem a little stuck up tonight...And with dirty hands like that, I can't let you near the food..." There's a wicked smirk on my face. The guys ordered in the meantime, their order almost ready.

[17:13]TBA: Despite my best efforts apparently my skirt rode up high enough to show tho top of my ass to them. It must have practically been bunched up around my waist. I try to ignore the cat-calls and hollering as best I can, as I go to get rid of the dirty rag, until I'm stopped by Jim. "Dirty hands?" I hope he just wants to watch me shuffle over to the sink.

[17:15]Legion Gadarenes: I smile and nod, pointing to your hands and grinning. "Oh, but don't worry, I figured out a way for you to get it over there..." Smirking, I push your shoulders forwards, until your back is almost straight. "Keep it level, good girl..." Almost as if you're a packmule, or some beast, easily put to carrying loads...And then the platter is laid on top of your back. You can't move too fast, for fear of dropping it and having to clean up the sticky stuff off the floor again. "Now, don't drop it...Or I'll have to think of a fitting punishment..."

[17:19]TBA: Wishing I was dead, with my ass clearly on display once again, I'm forced to make my way back over to the table foll of Jim's friends on my hands and knees. For fear of spilling I'm even forced to go at a dead crawl, and there's almost no question that everyone in the restaurant has now seen everything they could have wanted to. Almost to the table, I start to shake with a combination of rage, embarrassment, and nervousness. All this makes he have to move even more slowly to keep from spilling anything.

[17:21]Legion Gadarenes: There's laughter from me and from the table, blushing looks from another youth in a booth not too far and a show of disapproval from an older woman, who seems in a rush to finish her food and get out. Not enough of a rush to go out, but a huff to say the least. Still, it doesn't diminish the shame and the joy they all take from it, waiting for you to near their table...And then they just wait. One of them looking at me, then down at you. "Hmmm, back it up, Erica...Like a little Tonka truck...Turn around and bring it closer."

[17:22]TBA: I nervously scoot myself closer to the table, being as careful as I can.

[17:24]Legion Gadarenes: They laugh and reach for the food, but leave the platter on your back, beginning to eat and chat excitedly, not having forgotten you, but hoping to shame you further by ignoring you, until the little prick that's been bothering you all the way through this grins and decides to be brave, giving you a slap on that exposed rear, giving it a good squeeze. "Thanks, toots." He laughs. "You can go back now."

[17:25]TBA: Trying to ignore his hand, I lean back up and take the tray off my back. I pull my skirt back down to where it belongs and shuffle over to where I left the supplies and start to put them away. I just hope Jim had is fun for the night and I can be left alone for a bit.

[17:27]Legion Gadarenes: As you come back, I grin, motioning you to come over, my cellphone in hand as I do. "Come take a look...Found a video you might like." I tease, showing you the image of your ass, swaying and wriggling, as you crawl over to the table of my friends. No distinguishing features, just a swaying ass and a shining plug, in a skirt that's a dirty green color...But you know I have the full view just on that phone...And I already uploaded this...Teaser...To a porn website.

[17:29]TBA: I shudder at the very thought of it. I'm immediately forced to realize this is never going to get taken down, and will probably only be posted to more and more sites just like it. My ass is going to be available on the internet for the rest of my life. I look away from the phone and up at Jim, hoping he's had his fun "Am I done now?"

[17:32]Legion Gadarenes: There is a smile on my face as I look at you, enjoying the powerlessness, frustration and fear that spills all over your face. "Of course not...But you get to take a break. Go into the back office and have a seat." I look at you without mercy though. "There's a lot more fun to be had though...Unless of course you want the full video on the company facebook."

[17:36]TBA: Getting up off my knees, and making sure my skirt is down, I storm off to my office. This is completely horrible, he's never made me do anything this severe before and I'm only an hour into my shift. Then when I reach my office I realize he told me to sit down... with the butt-plug in. I can't figure out if he's actually going to check or not. Obviously I can't take it out... but do I actually have to sit down? I nervously stand there, not wanting to have to be reminded of the piece of metal he's commanded I wear in my ass any more than I have to. I pace about in my own office, unwilling to sit, but glad I don't have to parade my ass around to his friends anymore.

[17:39]Legion Gadarenes: I leave you to wait for maybe fifteen minutes, twenty at most, before walking into the office without so much as a knock, just opening the door and looking at you, savouring the state of utter horror and helplessness you're in. You're getting overwhelmed and I love it, I love how you slip easily deeper into the shame because I don't give you time to recover...And I decide it's time to kick it up another notch. "Now...There's no customers anymore, except your favorites...So I think it's time we move this party in here..." I smirk. "Come on in, boys..."
RE: More like: TACO HELL!

[15:55]TBA: I start to say something... until he welcomes the boys into the room. I hadn't expected this. I didn't think he'd bring them back here. What do the other employees think? After already seeing me on my knees earlier, how could this possibly look to them? "Jim... I..." What can I say? What is there to say? He knows he has control over me. Clearly this is going to be bad. I swallow nervously and hope they only want pictures or something.

[15:58]Legion Gadarenes: I smirk as I look into your face, enjoying the utter resignation mixing with fear. You know you have to do what I say, when I say it...And you know I will push you to the brink. I smile, walking over. "The boys really liked your ass today...So they asked me to see it..." I grin and nod to you. "But I figured, why just your ass? It's not like you're ashamed of your body, is it...With all the pictures you let me take..."

[16:00]TBA: I cringe as he mentions the other pictures out loud to the boys. I can't imagine what they already thing of me, and it's pretty obvious now it's only going to get worse. It's obvious Jim expects me to get naked in front of his friends. I can only dread what he'll expect after that. "So... I..." I'm still not sure what to say.

[16:02]Legion Gadarenes: The small one, the little prick that's been pushing you all this time grins and looks at you, pulling out his cellphone and putting on a song, some kind of stripping song. You think it's pretty shit, but his voice is scathing as he looks at you. "Come on girl, you heard it...Show us that ass again...And those big tits..." He grinned. "You love showing off anyway, so what's keeping you..." I smile, wickedly. "That's right...don't be shy...Just listen to the beat and dance..."

[16:07]TBA: It immediately becomes obvious I'm now expected to strip for these boys. As much as I have it, there's clearly no alternative for me. I step back from my desk and do the best I can to give a half-heated dance to the music. I sway my hips slowly and unbutton the side of my skirt before slowly pushing it down in front of a bunch of high school boys. I can't believe how I'm being made to do this. It's truly humiliating. I try to swallow my pride and silently continue.

[16:12]Legion Gadarenes: They snicker, they laugh as you move with that half-assed excuse for a dance, but they don't mind at all. The sight of your ass, those big tits, the little flare of the light catching the butt of the plug, they all add to the scene before them. Of a girl that they clearly think is just a massive slut, an utter whore, who loves showing off...Even if she tries not to show it. I know better...But that only makes it more delicious. Grinning, I grab a chair, placing it before you and sitting down on it, smirking. "Hmmm, a lapdance, girl...Show these boys how you like to treat a man..."

[16:20]TBA: Now naked from the waist down, I walk around my desk and position myself over you. I've never had to do anything like this before, and I honestly don't really know how. For lack of a better idea, I sit on your lap, feeling the plug pushed into me even more. I try to ignore the sensation, but it becomes impossible as I gyrate myself on you, feeling it move around inside me. Meanwhile I reach up and sheepishly undo the buttons on my polo uniform top before slowly reaching down and starting to slide it off.

[16:22]Legion Gadarenes: I don't really mind the fact you don't do anything more than grind that ass on my lap, you can feel the effect it has on me. Rock hard and pressing through the uniform slacks, the bulge pressing between your legs as I grin. "Hmmm, that's a good slut...Keep dancing..." I let my hands run over you, roughly stroking, squeezing, groping. Your ass gets the most attention, but as you bare your breasts, you feel my greedy hands grab and squeeze them tightly. The others crowd around then, their hands also beginning to explore, laughter and comment on your tits, your ass, keeping you from getting up easily.

[16:26]TBA: I try to hold back a grimace as I feel you harden against me. Unable to stop or get up, I feel both your and the hands of your fiends start to explore my body, and before I even realize it, my bra has been unhooked and pulled from my chest, leaving me completely naked in front of my audience of younger kids. I see the bra tossed across the room and I can almost hear you informing me that's the last time I'll have one on at work without your permission. hoping this will be over quickly, I just keep grinding on your lap.

[16:29]Legion Gadarenes: There's a slow, building groan from me, my excited body quivering under your warm weight as I push back hard, before gritting my teeth. "Let her off boys...Come on!" I push you back as I smirk at you, pushing you off my lap and standing up, the tent in my trousers evident, a slight wet spot already forming. "Hmmm, that was a nice little dance...Let me give you a tip, Erica..." I grin, pulling down my trousers, showing off my hard on, starting to stroke it, starting to masturbate straight in front of you. I've done it before, a few times just making you watch. Another few times having you sit there naked, or even rub yourself as well...The last time, I came all over your face after...But this time, my eyes are even more wicked..."Show off for me..." You hear laughter of the others, then the sound of a zipper as the little prick joins in on the masturbation.

[16:35]TBA: I awkwardly stumble forward, my feet naked feet patting on the ground as regain my balance, my breasts bouncing freely on the air. Hearing you talk and then unzip, I turn around, expecting to see you getting ready to cum on my face again, or something similar. A chill runs down my spine as I hear your friends also getting themselves out, and get extremely worried about what's coming next. "Show off... how?" I'm almost afraid to ask.

[16:38]Legion Gadarenes: There's a chuckle in my voice as I look at you. "Oh yeah...I want you to turn around...Show off that ass to all of us...Spread your cheeks and show off what a little ass-slut you are, you filthy bitch..." I stroke faster, grinning as I do so. The others are joining in, some more enthusiastically than others, but peer pressure quickly convinces all of them. Stroking, pumping, the air filling with the shlicking sounds of young men masturbating to your obedience. Something strikes you though...That purple taco bell cup that the little prick is carrying...

[16:42]TBA: Wishing I was someone else, somewhere else, I turn back around and bend over my own desk, sticking my ass out in front of the boys. Leaning forward until my chest and head are actually resting on the desk, I reach back and spread myself for them all, letting the end of the butt plug obviously stand out. I can hear them all stroking and grunting. It's almost enough to make me sick.

[16:43]Legion Gadarenes: There is laughter, the sound of chuckling and panting, then the groan of someone cumming. You'd probably expected me covering your ass with my seed, but you don't feel any of the warm, sticky feeling that you'd recognize as a stream of cum. No, nothing. Nothing at all, as other voices join the groaning, one by one, then chuckling and laughing from me. "Eyes front...Pull the plug out, slowly..."

[16:46]TBA: Assuming they're hosing down my work uniform or something, I feel my stomach turn as I can hear all of them unload somewhere or another. Further humiliated, I obediently reach back and take out the plug, desperately hoping I'm not about to get fucked in the ass.

[16:49]Legion Gadarenes: Smiling, you feel me taking the plug from your ass, before you feel a glob of spit, hitting between those cheeks, on the little hole. "Spread it wider..." I grin at you. "Nice and wide, just like I know you like it...Make it a nice big bullseye of us..."

[16:52]TBA: Too nervous about what may be coming next to care about what's happening now, I force myself to spread my ass-cheeks as much as I can. I've never done anything like this before and almost start to shake with anxiety that I'm about to be penetrated.

[16:54]Legion Gadarenes: For now, there's no penetration, just the feeling of each of the boys, spitting into that spread little asshole in turn, the wet, sticky feeling of their spit in between your cheeks, before you feel my fingers, teasingly sliding in there. "Hmmm, shaking with need already? You know the rules, no getting fucked on the job..." I mock you, as if this is something you love, as if you're some kind of slut. "But, since you're being so good..." I press my fingers in slowly, up to the first knuckle. "We made you a treat..." I whisper into your ear, my other hand holding the cup in front of your face. It's got about 27 oz. of thick, heavy fluid in the bottom, swirling around...You know what it is. "Or would you rather get a good assfuck?"

[17:11]TBA: Still bend over, the cup is placed in front of me. All my anxiety stops as something concrete develops. I'm expected... to drink this cup of their mixed cum. I let go of my ass and brace myself up on the desk again, looking down at the cup. It's almost three quarters full. I know I don't have any options but to down it. I pick it up, feeling the warmth in my hand. As I lift it to my mouth, I can feel the weight of it. It has to be over a pound... and I'm going to have to drink it all. I bring the cup to my lips and nervously take a deep breath, preparing myself for what I have to do.

[17:14]Legion Gadarenes: There's the sound of a cellphone, taking a picture, then moving to taping a video. I walk around you, letting you see me tape you, letting you see me capture your shameful drink with gusto. "Say thank you before you gulp it all down, Erica..." I say your name, clearly on the video, so that there's more to blackmail you with. "And don't worry about getting it all down...Cum's good for a slut's skin, don't you know?"

[17:22]TBA: "Th- thank you, boys." I have every syllable as they're forced out of my mouth. With the glass held here the smell is becoming almost too much for anyone to deal with. And yet, I can tell this is probably not going to be the last time something like this is going to happen to me. With the last of my dignity dying inside me, I lift the cup to my lips and tilt it back. Fifteen times, my mouth is filled with their warm, salty seed, and fifteen times I swallow. I can feel the thickness of it roll down my throat. It seems to never end. I simply drink more and more. I can feel my stomach getting full and maybe even sticking out a bit as it's filled with nearly a quart of semen. I manage to drink it all without spilling, mostly for fear of a "no cleaning up before going to to work" rule. When I'm finished I finally set the cup back down, half a minute after picking it up. I can now only stand there, naked, on camera, waiting for my next command.

[17:26]Legion Gadarenes: There's a moment of stunned silence from the boys, then grins, then a slow, wicked laughter that fills the room. "Damn, you're one hell of a slut!" The little prick says, laughing as he strokes his cock, nodding to you and walking over, prodding that slightly plump stomach with his sneaker. "Looks like someone has a cumbaby!" He chuckles and slowly lays his cock on your face, smearing your face with the few last drops of dickslime that cover it. "Give the tip a kiss...Say thank you for the treat..." I smile, looking to the others, who are already crowding closer. "That's a good idea...Why don't you kiss every dick that gave you your treat, Erica...Then you can go back to working the counter for a while."

[17:30]TBA: On my knees, with their cocks shoved into my face, I go down the line one-by-one and kiss each of the six eager boys on the tips of their cocks and say "Thank you for the treat." all for the eyes of the camera. I do everything I can to keep them from getting on my face, but the inevitable drop or two makes it there. Once the ordeal is finished, I start to get up, hoping I've done enough and can at least dress.

[17:32]Legion Gadarenes: I smirk and look at you as you begin to leave. "Oh, it's only an hour more of shift...I think topless is the best way to drum up some more customers." I mention offhandedly, before digging through your desk to find a deck of cards. "Just serve everyone nice, politely and you'll get through this shift just fine..."

[17:36]TBA: As the rest of your friends file out and I hear what my next task is going to be, I panic. "Topless!?" I take a few, nervous steps forward, holding my breasts in place. "You can't be serious, I'll be arrested!" I start to gather my clothes, "I can't be out there topless, it would ruin me! Can't- can't I just... What if I work the drive-thru window... like that." I start to get desperate. "Please, the other employees will never take me seriously if I'm out front topless. Let me at least have a shred of privacy in the drive-thru."

[17:42]Legion Gadarenes: There's a pause from me, then a smile on my face as I walk over to you, grabbing your chin. "Hmmmm..." I seem to consider it for a moment, looking into your eyes for a long time, staring at you, then grinning. "Hmmm, sure...You can do the drive in topless..." I bend closer to your ear. "BUT, you're going to get me and the boys a beer...From the freezer...And you'll drive me home tonight." You see there's already wheels working in my mind. "Now, off you go...Serve the drive through."

[17:47]TBA: Not sure what the rest of his threats amount to, but at least glad I get to save a little face. I wait for him to leave before getting all my clothes together on the desk. I'm at least a little glad I'm not wearing the plug anymore and put my skirt on, followed by my bra and shirt. I assume I'm at least allowed to wear them until I'm actually at the window, and I'm mostly worried they will have disappeared during the last bit of my shift. Trying to maintain my dignity, I walk out of my office and back to the drive-thru window where the cash is collected. I look around and make sure none of the employees can see me before I take off my shirt and bra, now sitting there in just my skirt. At least it's nearing midnight, and we shouldn't get much traffic.

[17:49]Legion Gadarenes: It's pretty calm, though about after fifteen minutes, you hear footsteps behind you. By now, you know my footsteps. The heavy thudding of my boots as I walk up. "Don't turn around." I say, softly, a little pissed off, annoyed. "I'm glad to see you got your tits out, slut...But you forgot the second bit..." I smirk as you feel the neck of a very, very cold empty beer bottle, clearly just from the freezer, pushing between your shoulder blades. "I told you to do three things, didn't I dumb cunt? Beer, boobs and a lift, but you forgot something..." I smirk. "I guess I'll just have to punish you for that..."

[17:53]TBA: I immediately start to panic, shuddering from the cold. "No... no, no, no. I thought you meant I had to after our shift was over!" It's true, I thought he meant I had to get them beer after the shift was over. It turns out I was a little too nervous to listen very closely earlier. I start to realize he probably won't listen to me or care, even it it's true. I try to stop my shivering, "Please, you have to believe me."

[17:55]Legion Gadarenes: "Oh, I do believe you, little cunt..." I whisper into your ear. "I just don't care." I smirk and slowly pull up your skirt, leaving your ass bare. I put the beer bottle on the counter next to you, pulling my hand back and giving your ass a rough smack, then another, then another, leaving red hand prints over your ass as I do so. "You listen, you obey...Or I'll upload the entire archive online with your name and address."

[17:58]TBA: My whole body shakes, and my breasts bounce as Jim starts to spank me. I grip the bottom of the window from for support, happy at least that nobody else is hear to witness this. I bite my bottom lip to keep from yelping out as each stinging slap connects. My face starts to turn red and I close my eyes and try to ignore it, hoping it won't last much longer. "P- please don't."

[18:00]Legion Gadarenes: I stop after about half a dozen of slaps, giving your ass a grope, a squeeze, taking the bottle of beer and pushing you further forwards over the counter, my groping fingers of my other hand sliding between your legs, groping the slit between them, testing the waters with my fingers to see what exactly tonight's been doing to you. "Hmmm, is it because you're getting too excited, Erica, that you're making all these dumb mistakes? Or just because you're tired...It has been an active shift..."

[18:03]TBA: I ignore his hands on me. I'm already standing here in the open wearing nothing but a skirt bunched up at my waist, I won't let myself admit he's touching me wherever he pleases now, too. I bend forward is he presses the bottle on me, my breasts now resting on the bottom ledge of the drive-thru window. "I'm not excited!" I angrily whisper through clenched teeth. It's true, tonight has been nothing but terrible for me, and I worry it's only getting worse. "I don't think anyone could keep a level head after what I'd had to go through."

[18:11]Legion Gadarenes: "You'd better learn..." I whisper into your ear, a wicked whisper, a playful tone. "Because you're mine now...And I intend to use you until I'm bored..." I smirk and take the bottle in my hands, looking at you for a moment. There's still frost on the neck. "But since you're so...Hot around the collar after tonight...I think you should cool down." I smirk, putting the head of the bottle between your lips, your up until now unused cunt...And slowly begin to push in, letting the frosty bottle push in slowly. "This'll perk you right up."

[18:21]TBA: I shiver in extreme discomfort as Jim pushes the neck of the bottle into me. Even bent over, I shake against the window frame like I've just taken a cold shower. I can feel the cold glass in place, clear as day, and I can already tell it's probably not going to warm up until after my shift is over. Being bent over, I start to realize this mean I won't actually be able to sit down on the stool for the last part of my shift, and I'm going to have to crouch over it, as it awkwardly presses this bottle into me. I'm not sure, but I think I see familiar lights in the parking lot, meaning someone has pulled up to the outdoor menu to order. I try to look back at Jim, waiting for the speaker to come on with someone's order.

[18:24]Legion Gadarenes: Smirking, I grope your tits some more, as you sit there shivering on your little stool, or squatted over it like a little bitch. My rough hands grope as the speaker comes alive. "Ehm...Hello...I'd like to order a number 14...And a number 12, with a large coke, please..." The voice is that of a man, clearly, slightly slurred, either by sleep or drink. Either would mean he shouldn't be driving, but it happens all the time. I smirk, but make no move to stop my assault on your firm breasts. "Serve the customer, Erica...Like you serve me."

[18:27]TBA: "Uh... uh, sure." I manage to stammer out, not exactly sure how he wants me to serve the customer. I punch in what he ordered and read his total to him over the PA system before telling him to pull around. "Jim... I don't... there are so many distracting sensations, I have a hard time keeping things straight. "I think I'm less likely to get fired if I'm just topless instead of..." I stammer out, humiliated "having you here groping me the whole time."

[18:31]Legion Gadarenes: I pull my hands away, grinning at you as I do. "Hmmm, sure...But if he asks...And he will, you let him have a squeeze too." I slap your ass, softer than before. "Guys are probably waiting for me anyway...Don't you dare leave without permission though..." I smirk and walk away, leaving you to the man as the headlights pull up...And he stares straight into yours. "Ehm..." It's a kind of stunned noise.

[18:34]TBA: I look down at him and awkwardly smile. I try to give him a regular look, like i didn't just drink a quart of high school students' cum, and was then blackmailed into working here topless with a freezing bottle inside me. "Hi... there." I read him his total again and hold out my hand expecting the money, still trying to just ignore the actual situation I'm in.

[18:35]Legion Gadarenes: He hands you the money, still a little stunned, before looking up to your face, your smile, then down to your tits again, before a broad smile spreads over his face. "Oh, you want a tip? Come a little closer then..." He waves you over, grinning sleepily and drunkenly..."Come here..."

[18:39]TBA: I already know I have to do this, and walk a little closer to the window, dragging the stool with me so the bottle doesn't fall out. I now stand there, completely available to him, just as Jim wanted. "Yes?" I try to just act like everything is normal, but it's obvious things could get very bad.

[18:41]Legion Gadarenes: He drunkenly gropes your tits, one hand covering the right, then going to the left, squeezing them hard. His calloused hands just squeeze them, like stressballs, before rolling a thumb around the nipple, pinching and pulling. "Hmmm, you got some fine tits girl...Shouldn't be working here...But down the street!"

[18:43]TBA: I hate the feel of his hands on me and hold back a shudder as he squeezes me. Still trying to act like nothing is going on, "Pull ahead to get your food... sir." I close my eyes and just hope he's going to be done soon and I get to wait out the rest of my shift without any more attention. "Your food should be ready."
RE: More like: TACO HELL!

[12:00]Legion Gadarenes The guy grins, looking at your tits, not at your eyes, just squeezing your nipples tightly, for a moment. "Hmmm, fuck..." He chuckles wickedly, looking at you with drunken, leering eyes. "When your shift ends, I wouldn't mind some dessert, cunt..." He laughed, letting go, giving those puppies a slap, before driving off again.

[12:04]TBA: I cringe deeply as I feel him continue to touch be before finally leaving. When he's finally gone, I look up at the clock, checking to see how mung longer I have to endure this before my shift is over.

[12:05]Legion Gadarenes You're in the last fifteen minutes of your shift, the night is almost over, but you know you'll have to drive me home after...And who knows when I'll decide to leave. From the room with the cardgame going on, you can hear hoots and shouts of vile humor resounding.

[12:07]TBA: I roll my eyes after overhearing the yelling and cross my arms over my chest, trying to ignore the cold bottle. I try and hunch down a bit, hoping I don't get any more customers.

[12:09]*Legion Gadarenes You hear my voice, raised over the others, wickedness in the tone as I call out. "Erica! Get that bottle-butt in here!"

[12:15]TBA: I can't believe what I'm hearing. I'd been told I could say in the window where employees couldn't see me. Assuming I still only have to be topless back here, and that Jim is aware a bottle isn't going to simply 'stay in' if I walk around, I take the cold uncomfortable glass out of myself and put my bra and shirt back on before going to my office where he's playing cards, "Yes?"

[12:17]Legion Gadarenes I look around at you, my eyes on you as I frown. "Who told you to put the shirt back on? Take it off again... now." I say, as I look around. The others at the table grin and you notice that the table has been cleared. All cards are gone. All drinks put aside. Just a bare, round table...Something is going to happen.

[12:26]TBA: Frustrated, I start to take off the top again and am soon standing there with my arms behind my back unhooking my bra. "You only said I had to be topless for the drive-thru."

[12:28]Legion Gadarenes: Smirking, I look at you. "Yeah...And now I say something differently..." I pat the table. "Sit on the edge. Lie down." I watch you, hungrily. You look around at the others, noticing the same, wicked smirk of last time. They look more confident now, more wicked, more hungry. "On your back."

[12:31]TBA: Again in just my skirt, standing there in front of a group of boys who less that an hour ago watched my drink the better part of a liter of their mixed cum, I'm instructed to lie on the table. In front of everyone. "Uh..." I stammer, having thought I was just going to be topless serving them drinks or something. I nervously walk over to the table, dreading whatever is about to happen. I sit on the table where instructed and lie back.

[12:32]Legion Gadarenes: You feel the hands of one of the boys on you, one of the bigger guys, putting them on your shoulders and simply pinning you down. Then there's other hands, going for your skirt and beginning to unbutton it, quickly. There's a chuckle running through the boys, a wicked grin. "Stay down, Erica...Pale skin like yours needs good care, especially after getting these tits slapped."

[12:34]TBA: Humiliated, I'm powerless to do anything as I'm stripped naked and pinned to the table, completely at the mercy of a group of high school students. I barely manage to force out "Okay." as i prepare myself for the worst.

[12:39]Legion Gadarenes: There's chuckling and grinning from the guys, their hands sliding over your hips, your thighs, your chest, as I look down on your face, smirking. "Hmmm, oh, don't get too excited dear...You're not going to get fucked unless you ask us to." I smirk, teasing you, as you feel them all crowding around the table. "Just gonna give you some...Skincare." Grinning, you watch as they all begin to stroke, slowly. Surprisingly, none of them are hovering over your face.

[12:41]TBA: Quickly realizing what's going to happen, I just nod and accept it. It'll be better to just get this out of the way. I look away and don't say anything, trying to ignore the adolescent hands running up and down my body.

[12:48]Legion Gadarenes: They don't pay attention to you, not at your face, your intentions, just on your body. Naked, bared, the adolescent just enjoy your body the way it is presented. Comments, lewd ones, about the size of your tits, about your cunt and legs, about what they 'know' you want them to do to you. The sound of hands stroking fill the air. "Hmmm, good girl..." I whisper to you. "Spread your legs. Show us all of you."

[12:50]TBA: Obediently I spread my legs, wanting them to be done soon. I try and stare at the wall and imagine I'm somewhere else.

[12:51]Legion Gadarenes: The boy closest to your head pushes you over the edge, grunting as he tries to ignore your face, just looking at those tits as you hear the groans of the first one, the heated splatter of his load striking the left side of your stomach, all the way up to your lower breast, then another, the heat spreading over your neck and breasts, the one holding your face over the edge shuddering as he cums.

[12:55]TBA: Laying there, I grimace a bit as I feel the boys start to cum onto my body. I feel their hot fluids splash over me skin and the familiar smell comes wafting back. I close my eyes and wait for it all to be over as I hear and feel another of them unload onto my naked skin.

[12:58]Legion Gadarenes: They push each other away, jostling for position, pushing and grunting as they stroke, pump, shuddering as each orgasm seems to push the others to go harder, to want to be more wicked. You watch James moving between your legs, stroking and pumping, shuddering...A wicked glint in my eyes. The others cover your chest, your stomach, your legs...But the area between your legs seems to remain clean, spared...Though you hear a loud groan from James' throat

[13:01]TBA: It almost seems like I'm being completely coated in their seed. I stop myself from cringing and allow it to happen. I get the feeling that only Jim is left and my ordeal is almost over. I silently wait for him to finish, eager to almost be done.

[13:18]Legion Gadarenes: There's a groan, then you feel something being thrown on your stomach. Your black underwear, coated in white, slick and filthy with seed. "Hmmm, good girl...Put your clothes on." They smirk, grinning. "Try not to spill a drop."

[13:21]TBA: I look up, seeing a pair of my panties completely soaked in cum. I struggle to come with something to say in response, "Uh... don't I... get to clean up... first?" I timidly lie there, my body covered in their cum with more splattered on the desk.

[13:22]Legion Gadarenes: "No." We all smirk, chuckling. "We're just making sure you've got skin-care, love...Put your clothes on, rub it into the skin." I chuckle and look you up and down slowly. "I think this might be your new uniform, from now on...Nice and sticky all day."

[13:24]TBA: I get up and stand in front of my desk, obediently rubbing their warm, sticky cum into my skin, hoping it will dry. After a few seconds it becomes clear I'm just smearing it and it's not really going to dry for quite a bit. I stifle a grimace and continue to rub every inch of my body, hoping to be able to let it dry before actually having to dress.

[13:32]Legion Gadarenes: All you have been given back is your uniform, the skirt and your underwear. Your bra hasn't been returned and you can swear seeing it sticking in the pocket of the little dick, the secondary tormentor of the night. It's clear you're not going to get it back soon. "Don't keep me waiting, Erica...I want to go home..." I snap my fingers. "Quickly now."

[13:38]TBA: Hating myself, I pull on the cum-soaked panties, feeling them slowly slide up my legs, clinging to every inch of me until they're firmly stuck in place over my ass and pussy. After that I awkwardly shimmy into my skirt, doing what I can to avoid getting cum on it with some success. Finally I'm faced with my uniform shirt. Being bright yellow, the instant it becomes wet it'll be obvious to anyone I'm not wearing a bra. I do what I can to stall putting the shirt on, but soon there's nothing else I can do. I awkwardly slip my arms into the garment and can already feel it sticking to my back and sides as I start to button it up. I try and hold the fabric away from my sticky chest, but almost immediately the whole shirt is completely stuck to me, and may as well be transparent. Before long I'm just standing there, 'ready' to go.

[13:45]Legion Gadarenes: As you try to keep your clothes from getting wet, you feel the hands of the boys pushing in places, making sure the fabric gets stained and sticky. They laugh and chuckle as they watch how it fixes itself to your skin, the sticky liquid you're covered in. "Oh, looks just fine, slut." The small dick teases you, grinning. "We'll do your hair next time..." He mocks, clearly aroused by the thought of forcing you to walk around, white dripping from that raven hair. Having the stains drop on your shirt, your chest, your legs, as you're forced to walk through the restaurant. James grins at you. "Oh, no need to drop me off at my place, Erica...Just take us to your house. I'm staying the night."

[13:51]TBA: I give a quick "Follow me, then." before heading out to my car. As I'm forced to walk through the restaurant, I try to keep my eyes down, not wanting to see the stares I'm getting. I avoid all eye-contact on the way out to my car, realizing -exactly- how obvious the smell is, and unlock the doors before getting in.

[13:53]Legion Gadarenes: I smirk, enjoying the sight of your shame, as a few people seem to notice, steering away from you. There's a drunk guy in the parking lot, honking his horn as you walk towards the car, seeming to enjoy the walk you're forced to make. I chuckle, as I slide into the passenger seat. "Hmmm, this night isn't over, Erica..." I warn you. "And I think you have the day off tomorrow, so this will be fun."

[13:55]TBA: I nod slightly, the only confirmation I can force myself to give. Once my car is filled with teenagers, I start the engine and drive to my house.
[13:56]Legion Gadarenes: "Oh, you can drop the boys off at the station." I smirk, looking behind us, at the backseat. "They have curfews, poor sods...What's your address though? I'm sure you want guests tomorrow;"

[13:57]TBA: "I, um..." I make a turn to drop them off at the station, "... here." I give out my address, knowing that is going to be a huge problem for a long time. Once it's just Jim and me, I continue back to my house.

[14:00]Legion Gadarenes: "Thanks, Luv..." The small dick grins at you, reading the note before passing it around. "I'll be around tomorrow..." He looks at me. "Should I bring the camera?" I grin, but I don't answer. You know the answer before I even open my mouth. You know it'll be there, you know it'll all be taped...As we drive away from the station, I look to you. "Hmmm, I hope you're not tired yet, Erica...Because now, just the two of us, I see no reason why I should hold back in any way."

[14:02]TBA: I nod, not wanting to acknowledge the implication.
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